Sunday 14 January 2024

Dream Scene Concentration to Recuperate Lost Memory - (5314)

There are some dreams, especially those where there was an important conversation, that is vital for us to remember but unfortunately are very difficult to remember.

The good news from my experience is that we can remember more and more of that important conversation. We just need a photo or a short video clip like memory of that conversation.

Visualise that scene again and concentrate. Keep that scene present in the mind's eye for as long as possible focusing on it and waiting for feelings and memories to come up.

Concentrate again and again the longer the better. The key is to concentrate and patiently and attentively listen for feelings and new memories to come out of the background of our subconscious.

We can also get help by chanting the very good mantra: RAOM GAOM between durations of concentrating on the dream scene.

We can also pray to the Divine Mother to bring the words and feelings during the conversation back to us. This really works also. 

In practice, this takes a few weeks visualising the dream scene every day to recuperate the important memories of it.

This is not a waste of time as we really strengthen our oneiric memory, our imagination, concentration and connection to our inner worlds all at the same time.

End (5314).

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