Tuesday 3 September 2024

More Anger Processes - (1808)

Here are some egos that in combination with anger. Remember that anger is an effect ego and behind it, there is always a greater cause ego. 

There is also an egoic state that links the 'cause ego' to anger. Working or separating from the link ego or state avoids anger.

The diagram below shows some of these cause and effect (anger) relationships.

There will always be one more relevant for us to work on at any given time...


pride 🠊 impatience 🠊 anger 

anxiety 🠊 impatience 🠊 anger 

frustration 🠊 exasperation 🠊 anger 

self-importance 🠊 humiliation 🠊 anger 

self-love 🠊 frustration 🠊 anger 

self-importance 🠊 lack of respect 🠊 anger 

self-importance 🠊 aggressiveness 🠊 anger 

self-importance 🠊 intolerance 🠊 anger 

frustration 🠊 aggressiveness 🠊 anger 

envy 🠊 intolerance 🠊 anger 

gluttony 🠊 impatience 🠊 anger 

laziness 🠊 annoyance 🠊 anger 

vanity 🠊 embarrassment 🠊 anger 

impatience 🠊 intolerance 🠊 anger 

End (1808).

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