Monday 5 March 2018

Alchemy Couple - One Going Well and One NOT – (2263)


I think that this example is worth knowing about. This was a real case that my marvelous missionary mentions from time to time.

He does it with the purpose to illustrate how the work in the Alchemy progresses within the couple, as well as to dispel a few wrong concepts, if we have any, that is. 

The Case

There was a real case, that in a meeting several years ago Master Rabalu spoke about. The case was that both man and woman were practicing the Alchemy and by the principles of Alchemy neither one were losing the energy.

The lady was doing well and was progressing, yet the man because he had a very lustful attitude (enjoying the practice with lust), was consequently not progressing at all, in fact he was sliding downwards.

This may seem at first to come across as a little bit of a shock, but with some reflection it makes sense and at the same time opens up our understanding to see how necessary it is to practice Alchemy clear of any ego.

The following paragraphs explain a bit more about this case and what we can learn from it.

What? Here are the Lessons

Lesson 1: Even though the Alchemy is practiced together, each one progresses differently.

One can be progressing while the other can be stagnating or even going downwards. Or both can be doing well but at different degrees. This depends upon the level of Being and the state of consciousness in which each one consistently approaches the practice with.

Lesson 2: You are practicing the Alchemy and you don’t lose the energy that is very good, but that does not mean you are doing well. You need to be focused on the Being or Divine Mother and be able to displace lust from the human machine.

Lesson 3: Alchemy with lust does not take you upwards, it slowly takes you downwards. 

This is because alchemy and lust means stagnation and with the powerful influence of the law of entropy that stagnation begins to slowly turn into grey and later black tantra.

Lesson 4: Alchemy has to be done with lust separated from the human machine for it to bring to the Being of the person what it is meant to bring: dissolution of the ego, awakening of the Kundalini, fabrication of the solar bodies and progress on the path.

End (2263).

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