Monday 5 March 2018

Alchemy for the Beginner - (2262)


A little while ago while talking to my fellow Gnostic friends a couple of suggestions were made and this post takes up one of those suggestions.

The Practice

The sincere Gnostic who really wants to practice the Alchemy well, may at first be a little worried whether he (mainly he) will do well or not. 

A beginner maybe scared of losing the sexual energy or he maybe a bit unsure of how to transmute.

If one knows how to transmute with the mantra HAM-SAH together with the breath one is able to transmute in the Alchemy, given that he is able to attain a certain degree of control. See below.

Here below is the main key that one can trust in that it will serve one well in the practice of Alchemy.

Key: Divert the Attention and Transmute

The key to solve both of these concerns is this: divert one’s attention to one’s inner Being or to the mantra of transmutation or to the prayer to one’s Being.

Alchemy is most successfully practiced with the mind quiet and concentrated.

If one has his or her attention on his or her sexual centre then one could (most likely) get into trouble. Why?

Because, by placing one’s attention on the sexual centre one causes the mind to intervene. When the mind intervenes the mind has already become active. Typically in the beginner, when the mind is active in the practice of Alchemy, a mixture of contradictory thoughts is experienced. There are the lustful thoughts and fearful thoughts. But the thing is, we don’t often see that both lust and fear drive the sexual the energy in the same direction – out! 

Why? Because fear is the thought that the sexual energy can be lost, it accepts the possibility and the sexual energy being very subtle and volatile obeys that thought. With fear we make happen what we fear!

The Shepard's Staff - a symbol of transmutation! Up to brain, through brain and down to heart.

Sexual Energy Follows the Mind

The sexual energy just like the body follows the mind. The sexual energy flows in the direction the mind sets out for it. So with all this mental activity the worry amplifies, the interpretations increase and the sexual energy begins to rise to a level that is becoming difficult to control. 

The best thing then, is to not place our attention on the sexual centre. Everyone does that because that is the way to amplify ‘pleasurable sensation’ but in the practice of Alchemy that is not the purpose, there is a much higher purpose to work towards.

The attention then should be placed off the sexual centre and onto the love for the Being or the Divine Mother, in prayer, on the mantras of transmutation such as: IAO, DIONISIO, INRI, O AO KAKOF NAKONSA etc.

You will see that with your attention successfully taken off the sexual centre and placed onto something else, in this case the sound and most logical advice is the yearning for the Being, the mantra, the Divine Mother, a prayer etc. you will have the control and peace that you need to transmute.

Practice Like it Was the First Time!

Another very practical key is to practice each time with the same vigilance, care, respect and internal veneration that one began practicing with from the very first time.


We just need to apply it once ideally the first time. Get our experience, and keep applying increasing our experience and using that experience and knowledge to get closer and closer to the goal. To Apply and keep applying is the most important thing!

End (2262).

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