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Sunday 29 September 2019

The Science of your Happiness - (3220)

One of the beautiful benefits of Gnosis and the work on ourselves that Gnosis gives us is learning the science of your own happiness.

The following things could be important points in the science of your own happiness.

1.) Don't compare
2.) Make the mind quiet and divide your attention
3.) With vibrant imagination enter your heart temple often. Be at the feet of your Divine Mother.
4.) Don't fight with reality.
5.) Transmute - cause your energy to flow and connect to deeper part of your own inner self.
6.) Share your light, extend love to someone or something.
7.) Work in mystical death with honest and sincere strong efforts.
8.) Just trust... feel peace...
9.) Be grateful, really see how there is so much to be grateful and feel it, then live it.
10.) Stop counting and live out the science of your own happiness!

End (3220).

Thursday 26 September 2019

Macho Courage is not the Answer to Everything in the Work - Light is the Answer - (3221)

We often feel that to be courageous is the way. Sometimes for sure it is. But most of the time it is not really the right answer. Most of the time light is the answer.

Thinking that being courageous is the right answer, we can create a courageous answering type of ego that mechanically responds to the requirements of the work and life, often getting things quite wrong.

This courageous answering ego is a branch of pride that can really grow to become very strong and can make some monumental misjudgments.

This ego has to be substituted by comprehension, investigation and above all the shedding of light.

When we have a lot of light we don't need courage, any decision is easy to make. When we have no light we need courage. The first thing if possible is to seek the light.

Master Samael says if you want to fight darkness in a room don’t get a chair and swing it around battling the darkness just turn on the light.

End (3221).

Subconscious Links: Ego's Involved - Post 10 - (3217)

Normally with the subconscious links "I's" such as lust, vanity, ambition, jealousy, pride and other I's that are not about keeping to the rules are the ones that easily create subconscious links with other people and are involved in the maintaining and feeding of subconscious communication via that link.

End (3217).

Subconscious Links: Hidden but Fed - Post 9 - (3216)

As mentioned before, the very nature of the subconscious is that it lies below the logically evident. If it comes out it does not make much sense and people don't really understand it.

To continue to be subconscious it must remain hidden. 

To keep it hidden we must resort to a lot of cover ups, lies, excuses etc. Like attracts like. The absurd attracts the absurd.

We have the option to bring it out into the light of our consciousness before ourselves or to not feed it anymore.

When we hide it from ourselves we are feeding it and protecting it.

We may know that it is there but until we don't look deeply into it we are hiding from ourselves.

End (3216).

Subconscious Links: Long Term - Post 8 - (3215)

Subconscious links can last for a long time. They can be there for years. Just like an "I". Once it is created it stays there. It can weaken of course if it is not fed. But it does not definitely go unless it is is worked upon intentionally.

When we work certain egos, precisely the ones that created the links we end up dissolving those subconscious links.

End (3215).

Subconscious Links: Functioning of - Post 7 - (3214)

How do the subconscious links function? Obviously they do not come out to the surface, they remain out of sight in the subconscious or if noticed by others the person always usually denies it.

They remain hidden and are maintained hidden and are maintained alive by a kind of disconnection with reality. If we are to connect with reality and cancel the 'out of place hope', we will stop them from being maintained. In other words a kind of fantasy maintains these subconscious links.

Sometimes the subconscious links are not of a very subversive nature but of a sentimental one. Often when it is this type, the sentimentalism is a bit out of place, because we may not be amongst the family of that person to extend the person such a degree of care of sentimentalism.

Also the subconscious links are maintained for a reason in our psyche, where this reason is that we have some interest in what the subconscious projects.    

Quite often teh subconscious links only function in parts. Some egos can use them to establish a link and cause the other person to drop down psychologically to a lower value. Then the ego usually like vainity notices this and runs replaced by indifference or fear.

These are all things that we first of all come to notice and then eliminate becasue we know that they are of no useful and beneficial consequence and they represent an out of place psychological and disordered level of psychological processes.

End (3214).

Tuesday 24 September 2019

Subconscious Links: How they Begin - Post 6 - (3213)

They begin with a look. With a look where there is a kind of silent communication. Where there is a kind of perception and recognition. What is perceived and recognized goes into the subconscious unless one makes an effort to become aware of it and see what interpretations, extrapolations and projections the subconscious begins to make of what it caught.

They can also begin with a conversation. 

Well ok, they begin, that is not so bad, but where I reckon the psychological error resides, is more in not making it conscious and in not dissolving it by bringing it into the light of your consciousness. 

End (3213).

Subconscious Links: Test Direne - Post 5 - (3212)

Test Direne

First of all - you may be asking what is the test Direne. If you are uncertain read the post on the subject: here.

Links from a While Ago

I think that a person can't conceive of the circumstances of the test Direne without taking into account the matter of subconscious links.

Obviously, in the circumstances of the test Direne there is a link among the subconscious of the two parties involved.

This link can be established some years ago, and remains within the psyche of both parties and when the circumstances are right it begins to function in an intensified way - compelling and impulsing etc.

That is the danger of subconscious links, they remain if not intentionally dissolved within the psyche and activate at the right moment to cause some difficulty.

Subconscious links are those where one perceives that there is a common like or a kind of lack that the other can fulfill and and vice versa but because of the circumstances such perceptions must remain in the dark of the subconscious.

The test Direne has the function of forcing that which is in the subconscious to come out with a strange power and convincing guile.

End (3212).

Subconscious Links: Importance of Working On - Post 4 - (3211)

We may think why bother working on them, they are just some thoughts going on in our subconscious that don't get converted into any action.

That is not quite right actually, the thing abut them is that they attract circumstances and bring about what they are about.

They are thoughts ultimately but those thoughts via the link that gets established between people generate action. Subconscious links are very powerful.

Subconscious links work over time and they can in the future prepare some trouble for ourselves.

For example, a person creates a subconscious link with a person on the bus then in a week or so they are sitting next to us and we are talking to them.

For a person who wants to clear up his or her life - working on subconscious links become more and more a necessity.

Subconscious links cause many games to be played. Look not look, move not move, speak don't speak, look normal, look away, smile, analysing and analysing what you said and didn't say etc. etc. 

Subconscious links stay within a person and function for many years creating some background emotions. One such emotion is a kind of hope where our subconscious hopes that the some of what resides in the subconscious can come true.

End (3211).

Monday 23 September 2019

Subconscious Links: Proliferation of - Post 3 - (3210)

Typically within us there are many subconscious links, of all types and of all qualities, and of course in all degrees of strength.

There are links that we don't even suspect that we have. But we have them.

It takes a high degree of self-observation and alertness to notice them. The higher our degree of alertness the louder they be be heard by us - the observer.

They are prolific within a person because we create many of them. In some cases every time a person sees someone that he or she likes they can create one of these links.

We feel sentimental about dissolving them. This I would like to say is the wrong way to feel about them. Because if we feel like this we will never dissolve them!

Dissolving a subconscious link does not hurt the other person nor does it hurt you, and nor does it harm the relationship.

If you have that clear you will feel happy to dissolve them.

End (3210).

Subconscious Links: Esoteric Background - Post 2 - (3209)

Green Flies

Master Samael gave a talk once and his secretary remembering some of the points later gave a talk on what Master Samael spoke about.

Master Samael spoke about the four enemies of the superman. One enemy is a monkey that rests on the shoulder of the superman and the other is the green flies that buzz around bothering the superman.

The green flies are the subconscious connections or links. Always between people.

Master Samael said that the monkey is the defect of lust that must be drowned in the river - that is through transmutation, but the flies - no one remembers how they were to be dissolved, except Master Samael himself.

In general though, anything that is subconscious is dissolved by bringing light to it. Where light can come in the form of reality.

The subconscious links are those that link the person who works on himself to other people or groups of people.

There are many forms of them. Potentially if we have a desire in our subconscious it will look for something that it can link to, to help carry out that desire. 

The subconscious links are those distract the person who works one him or herself. They are the ones that also bring about various adverse circumstances.

End (3209).

Friday 20 September 2019

Subconscious Links: Definition - Post 1 - (3208)

Definition of

As the name suggests it is a communication link. Through which the subconscious of two or perhaps more people communicate. The communication is all subconscious. Meaning no one says a word. The communication is via looks, glints in the eye, glances, blushes, background emotions, body language, tone of voice, pose, gestures, ways of: walking, dressing, smiling, speaking, etc.

A subconscious link is something that we create and strengthen usually. We may create it in the present or it may comes with us from the past.

Further to the above it is a process that functions in our psyche, and it is an activity that we are not fully aware of and it is a process that we certainly would not like to give a public voice to.

Often it's nature is 'sub' or 'below' the normal common level of decency. For example, a man sees a woman and then he thinks 'she would be good for a relationship or good to engage sexually with', even just reading this makes us feel icky, but it is so common and of course no one will admit that and so it stays where it must in the lower levels of our psyche where it actually does not wither away but continues processing itself i.e. projecting, thinking, comparing etc.

Then with this subconscious process working, the subconscious begins to send out signals at a subconscious level and if these signals are caught by a similar process operating in the subconscious of another person then the subconscious link is established.

Ok, that was a terribly detailed explanation, one not to repeat, but at least it was clear so I think you now know what a subconscious link is. What is most important is the work to end it and dissolve it. I will cover that. Wait a few more days for me to get through he points I have promised top cover.

End (3208).

Thursday 19 September 2019

Subconscious Links: Introduction - Post 0 - (3207)


As the previous post title suggested, when it comes to subconscious links we are talking about the psychological processes and communication that takes place on the subconscious level between human beings, mainly between male and female. But it could also be between two men or two women about matters to do with power, ambition, money etc.

List of Points

Here is a list of points I will be covering in upcoming posts.

1.  Definition of a subconscious link

2.  In Relation to Esotericism 

3.  Proliferation of

4.  Importance of Working On

5.  In Relation to Test Direne

6.  How they Begin

7.  Functioning of 

8.  Long Term Nature

9.  Remain Hidden but Fed

10. Egos Involved in Creating them

11. Discovering their True Nature

12. How to Work and Dissolve them

Important Posts

The most important posts to pay attention to will be posts that cover points 7, 10, 11 and 12.

End (3207).

Male-Female or Female-Male Subconscious Links Post Series - (3206)

Here is a series of posts essentially about the work to do with subconscious links.

I thought that it would be better to present this area of work over several posts rather than one loooonnngg post.

End (3206).

Wednesday 18 September 2019

What Went On with Cain and Abel - (3205)


Master Samael explains why Cain killed Abel. Without his explanation that of Cain killing Abel is one of the things for many people having read the bible that does not really make sense.

Background - Bible Reference

Cain and Abel were the two sons of Adam and Eve. Cain was the oldest son and became a farmer. Abel the younger brother became a shepherd. It seems that God did prefer Abel over Cain. Seeing this, and after an occasion where both brothers presented their sacrifices to God, and God ignored the sacrifice of Cain, Cain decided to kill Abel.

Cain Is and Abel Is

Master Samael says Cain is the sexual energy which becomes the fire and Abel is the human soul. He says that the two are brothers and get along very well, as they should. That certainly makes senses as the fire helps the soul and the work of the soul causes the fire to rise and intensify. 

However, Cain killed Abel. The bible doesn't really explain why.

The Fall

Cain killed Abel in the fall. The fire out of control disconnected the soul from the physical sending upwards to the internal worlds. When Abel the soul was disconnected we - the essence lost the human soul.

Furthermore Cain killed Abel with the jawbone of an ass, which Master Samael says, an ass  is the mercury. A bone is totally dry - meaning Abel was killed with the dry mercury - meaning the loss of the sexual energy.

The fore out of control can produce the fall and the fall disconnects the human soul from our physical experience.

End (3205).

Force Yourself to the One Etching Line - (3204)

There is value and results in following a continuous line. Especially when it comes to the work on ourselves.

I'll tell you why it is better to follow a line:

What normally happens is that we follow a line of work. Then we stop work along that line and forget about that work. Soon we slip backwards and a little later on we realise we have forgotten and we push forward and we get back to where we left off. If we stop following the line we are only going to come back again so why should we really stop in the first place - just keep going.

Ah but we need to learn something we tell ourselves by stopping and going backwards. Of course we need to learn something to produce an octave. How we learn is the question. Do we learn by water or by fire. Water spreads out and seeps into the earth finding subterranean ducts which it travels through to only much later unite with a larger body of water where once again it comes to see the light of day. But fire reaches upwards and learns through the upward struggle and conquers quickly owing to its energy and strength. 


Following a line saves us time. Why deviate when we are going to come back to it. This is how we waste time. 

We can vary how fast we follow a line of course.

As long as we continue working in the same direction of the line we are following we are going to reap very well grown fruit.

End (3204).

Honesty Mini Value within Sexuality - (3203)

Connects to Many Areas of Our Life

There are so many values within sexuality. So if a person really works deeply psychologically and ontologically within their sexuality that work will pay off handsomely affecting for the good, many areas of that person's life. The opposite of this is also very true, the more a person degenerates within their sexuality the more the seemingly unrelated areas of their life will be adversely affected. 


One value within sexuality is honesty. How can that be? Easy! 

A lustful person starts off a conversation decently giving others the impression that he or she has no hidden interests. A few minutes pass and he or she carefully begins to bring out their lust - using words of double meaning etc. 

So this is not really honest is it? The real intentions are hidden, and remain hidden behind words said with double meaning, invitations that are decent etc. but have a plan behind them etc. 

Sexuality as a value (absence of lust) has honesty within it. It does not hide intentions, it sticks to the neutral matter that it presents and it does stray or take off on a lustful tangent. It does not try to seduce. Seduction is something dishonest. The one who seduces never says I am going to try and seduce you to do this and that.

'Cheating' as they say is an example of the opposite of honesty within real sexuality. If one is practicing sexuality as a value, that is the sexuality of the Being, then one has nothing to hide. It is a decent thing that is proper and dignifying and does not go against any decencies. 

If sexuality or chastity (transmutation or Alchemy - not abstinence) has intentions it will always declare them. Because these intentions are of a superior nature and can only be acted upon consciously, with the conscious participation of both. Lust works subconsciously.

Honesty in Sexual Centre

The sexual centre always demands honesty. Its honesty ends up winning. It demands definition of a person: to transmute or not transmute. If you are honest with yourself about transmuting the sexual centre will obey nicely. 

If two people are together and they do not share a spark of attraction within both sexual centres and within their overall system the sexual centre will begin to show this up and make this discrepancy known to the person who is choosing for some reason, not to be honest to themselves by ignoring or overlooking the sexual centre.

End (3203).

Tuesday 17 September 2019

Until when the Ying Yang? - (3202)

Don't Know?

We learn mostly by contrast. By experiencing both sides of duality - the good and the bad.

We get very unbalanced and from being very unbalanced we know what the balance is and move towards it.

When is it that we can learn from the light only? Learn about balance through balance, learn about love through love, learn about charity through charity, learn about tolerance through tolerance... instead of learning about tolerance through intolerance, love through ill-will, force through weakness, etc.

Maybe it does not matter - as long as we learn and find the light and stay there.

End (3202).

Sunday 15 September 2019

Ronald MacDonald Burger Thief in Each Ego - (3201)


Theft in general is obtaining something unlawfully. That 'something' does not have to be a physical object. It can be authority, power, affection, favours, reputation, work, a position, a friend, a spouse etc.

In general, thieving takes place when we gain something at the expense of others or to the detriment of others.

Thieving is something the ego uses quite subtly and quite often. Especially pride. It uses thieving to gain power, authority, win over the favour of others etc. Politics is rife with many egos stealing all sorts of intangible things. Lust also steals. I think pride and lust are the too big burger thieves that any human being carries within themselves. 

Usually stealing takes place in the dark or behind closed doors or when no one is watching...

Stealing can even take place in broad daylight. Forcing others is a little similar to stealing, but it is done openly - that one characteristic of openness makes forcing others a little different to stealing. When we coerce a person to release something - like money, a possession, love, a complement, a gift, etc. we are acting against their will so it is not really too fair, and if we what we take from them has a negative result for them, we are most certainly stealing.


I wrote this post because if one sees the Ronald MacDonald Burger Thief part of any ego, one receives from their interior an extra push to not give the ego leeway within ourselves.

What is the opposite of theft? Giving! The essence gives does it. One of its main gifts is trust and love. If we give those things we can knock out Ronald MacDonald Burger Thief.

End (3201).

Will and the Rising Seminal Vapour - (3200)

Will is the most important element in causing the vapours of our seminal system to ascend.

Will prepares the waters, and will directs the vapours upwards to the condensing chalice in our brain and then into the distillation flask in our heart.

If will is missing the exercise becomes mechanical and the seminal vapours do not rise. Consequently our brain and heart do not receive nourishment - nor our essence and what is deeper our Inner Being.

Will and transmutation m.m.m says are values that ascend into our inner worlds.

So using will you make your transmutation affect your causal dimension where it can originate new causes for you. Very powerful hey!

End (3200).

Greener Pastures Can be Foggy Swamps - (3199)

When we see something in anti-thesis we don't see the reality of what we are looking at.

So what does that mean? I'll give you an example.

Say we are unhappy with something or someone, then naturally we begin to look for everything that that thing or that person is not. If we are unhappy with a group for example because the leader is too rigid and generally the members are not very sociable then we will look for a group with a flexible leader and friendly welcoming members.

When we look at something in anti-thesis to another thing we stop seeing the reality of the new thing or person we are looking at.

Going back to the group example, when we are looking at this new group because it is the the opposite of the group we are in at the moment and are not enjoying, we easily overlook the fact that it does not have clear goals and its methods and techniques are somewhat lacking. 

Couples do this, friends, employees do this and this is a kind of illusion that often is broken too late after some regretful action has taken place.

A man in a relationship may look at an lady outside of the relationship and because the outside lady does what his wife does not do, seeing the outside lady in this way is a mistake, because he is not seeing the reality of the outside that she may for example, have yellow teeth, be full of financial debt, have weird egos and smoke. 

End (3199).

Friday 13 September 2019

Number 13 for Friday 13th - (3198)

Friday the 13th

Yesterday in Oz was Friday the 13th. There is certainly a lot of wariness surrounding a Friday the 13th and the number 13 in general.

12 - A completed Cycle

The number 12 is about a completed cycle. The twelves signs of the Zodiac are twelve constellations that comprise the Zodiacal belt through which the solar system passes through, one era at a time. The twelve apostles comprised a complete circle with Jesus at the centre. There are also the twelve salts within the human body that complete the suite of minerals needed for the full and healthy functioning of the body.

Here's one for the late Bissou, the thoughtful Bacci, the ambassador Percy and the nutty Nova.
There are also 12 months in the year, and there are 12 hours of day and 12 hours of night. The number 12 makes a completed cycle. 

13 = 12 + 1

The number 13 is the number 12 plus one. Meaning that 13 is the completed cycle with a single addition. This single additon can be seen in a few different ways. Either with the single addition representing a new start after the completed cycle - just like death. Or either the single additon being a disruption. If the new single element is not aligned nicely with the elements in the completed cycle the new element will bring a lot of disruption and even a closure to the functioning of the compelted cycle.

End (3198).

Esoteric Thinking - (3197)

The esoteric way of thinking is a way of thinking that is based upon the esoteric trues, principles and laws. It naturally combines the esoteric teachings with the psychological work.

The esoteric way of thinking is based upon the knowledge and understanding of the existence of the Monad and of there being an esoteric reality. Such an understanding takes into account the esoteric realm or dimension as the first, determining and governing reality. It understands that the laws unfold from above to below.

Knowledge and understanding of the Law of Karma is a very significant part of the esoteric mode of thinking. Karma can not be taken out of the esoteric way of thinking. This is because the most important law of the cosmos is the Law of Equilibrium.

The esoteric thinking does not forget about the greater expanses and cycles of time and does not ignore that everyone has a Monad and each Monad has its will.

Point of Reference

Every way of thinking has a point of reference. Without doubt! Every way of thinking centres around certain values or core points. The psychological and esoteric ways of thinking are no different.

The core values upon which the esoteric way of thinking revolves are: WORK, BEING and PATH.

End (3197).

Psychological Thinking - (3196)


Psychological thinking just as the term suggests is a way of thinking. A certain modality of thought, that rest easy - is based on psychological truths.

This way of thinking is a way of seeing things. It takes the impressions from the events of life and processes it in a particular way - in a way that is based on the precepts, truths and principles of the psychological work.

It is a way that will offer us a way out of suffering...

Many other ways of thinking such as the way of thinking of any "I" traps us mechanically in suffering.

Grand Task

To embrace this way of thinking is a major task of any Gnostic aspirant.

To embrace this way of thinking the Gnostic student has to know the basic precept, truths and principles of the psychological work.

Knowing is not enough, we do not think psychologically until we actually apply what we know and understand of the principles of psychological thought. instantly as we are applying we actually thinking psychologically.

I think that it would be rather negligent of me if I was not to list at least some of the principles of psychological thought.

Master Samael's books "Treatise of Revolutionary Psychology" and "The Great Rebellion" are full of the principles of psychological thinking.


We all own a particular psychology that has been formed by none other than ourselves.

What we think, feel and do issues from that particular psychology of which we are totally responsible for.

Pain emerges from our very own psychology.

We are responsible for our pain and sufferings.

We have a choice to work on ourselves and therefore open up to ourselves the possibility of modifying our sufferings.

It is one or another "I" that suffers within us. We have an essence and our essence does not take things with such disequilibrium and pain.

Oops sorry ran out of time again... Will update soon.

End (3196).

Mindset of the Gnostic - Psychological and Esoteric Thinking - (3195)

The mind set of the Gnostic student is really the psychological and esoteric thinking. I'll write more about this soon.

Really every mindset no matter what field it applies to is based upon certain trues, laws and  principles. The psychological and esoteric thinking is exactly the same.

End (3195).

Real Music - (3194)

Real music streams out of the many states of consciousness. Every state of consciousness causes vibrations and vibrations in turn produce sound. 

All the lyrics and music that were written true to an elevated state of consciousness are the ones that all people relate to and are inspired by. The music and lyrics that are written by the mind are are those that very few people can relate to and feel inspired by.

A good writer will be able to write true to the vibrations of his or her own objective internal states.

The many internal states streaming form the essence such as hope, victory, glory, love, courage can all be written into music, if the writer is perceptive enough to sense the vibration of those states of consciousness sounding from his or her causal dimension.

Master Samael said that the causal world is the world of will and music.

If the writer writes from hope obviously by the law of affinity that music will inspire hope into those that listen to it.

End (3194).

Thursday 12 September 2019

Seven Races - (3193)


A talk such as this: "The Seven Races" widens a person's view of life. It has the potency to change a person's view of the world and of life.

Of the many effects that this talk has on a person, the main one in my experience, is that one gets the impression that the current race that we are a part of, is one that is suffering. That is, suffering from a lack of light. It is one that has strayed, or rather fallen away far from the light.

Therefore the history of humanity thus far is the history of man stumbling and falling through the ages.

The central point in man's history, which helps us to understand so greatly why we are in such a situation is the fall. This is the central point.

Such a talk unveils the fall of man. The causes and how man has unfolded himself through the ages into such a condition.

Such a talk also shows the various laws that operate on humanity through time.

It also helps us to understand how and why we have come to be the way we are and why these times are the way they are.  

End (3193).

When the Essence Seeks and Can Not Find - Karma is Being Paid - (3192)

When the essence or something inside of you is seeking something to make itself fixed, sealed, whole, spiritually content by penetrating deep into ourselves, to our very roots, then it is our own Inner Being searching for that which can provide this.

The Inner Being in everyone seeks out the work. That is for sure. 

We pay karma when we sincerely come to understand that our Inner Being needs the work, and for some reason we are not delivering it to Him or we can not deliver what He really requires. In this angst of having become aware of that genuine inner need (which is not desire) because there is the cognition of a certain inner brokenness or incompleteness, then a kind of suffering sets in which is karma for the Monad, and for us, and we both pay it. 

End (3192).

Wednesday 11 September 2019

Laziness, Gluttony and Lust All Energy Transact - (3191)


The lazy person naturally as we all do, accumulates energy, and because the lazy person does not do anything with that energy, their energy does not move or get used - it just piles up. 

Inevitably as the sexual energy accumulates, and owing to its volatile nature, certain impulses are felt by the person to do something with their sexual energy. Which in turn triggers lust, where the role of lust is to use that energy, either through thought, emotions or some kind of action.

Laziness, Gluttony and Lust - All Energy Mates

Laziness is linked to lust because both on a deeper level are about energy. The lazy person does not want to use energy and lust wants to use energy. Gluttony is also related to lust, as gluttony is about eating lots which gets converted into energy. so gluttony feeds lust and laziness protects what gluttony stores up so that it can be used by lust.

Trapped in a Cycle

This actually puts a person into a cycle, of accumulating and siphoning off energy. The role of lust in many cases is to bring a person down, either energetically, psychologically or esoterically.

Many lazy people are not conscious of this process and fall into it, this is due to not having been sufficiently psychologically and esoterically educated.

Psychological Transactions

Many teenagers these days who because of video games and the internet do not get out under the sun and exercise fall into such a demise because of this inner psychological transaction process of  lust and laziness.

This is also an interesting point to consider where it could be lust controlling laziness. Perhaps yes perhaps no?

Key Arises

One effective key to overcome lust in a  person is to be active - i.e. not lazy and be careful with how one eats. As soon as one becomes actively and wholly engaged in activity that which may bother a person to do with lust disappears.

End (3191).

Feeling 'Out of It' - (3190)

It is not really our job in the office that makes us feel 'out of it'. It is really our disconnected internal state, that is often very reflective of where our attention is.

If our attention is in our cough then we feel disconnected, if our attention is in pain or pleasure we disconnect, if our attention is in a problem we disconnect, if our attention is in worries we disconnect...

Something somewhere feeds something in us that is not aligned with the events of and activities of our life and most importantly not aligned with our spiritual reality or essence.

Even there could be something that is feeding in us at the expense of the essence and work in us. Meaning, we are not feeding the work, our essence enough to feel deeply and consciously seated within ourselves.

The remedy is then easy. Spend more time connecting inwardly. Seeking out our heart temple, entering more into the moment, observing ourselves dividing our attention. Searching consciously by listening attentively within ourselves to what is important to us right now!

End (3190).

Mamas and Imagination - (3189)

In a BBC documentary "From the Heart of the World: Elder Brother's Warning" (also see the movie Aluna) the Kogi or Cogui Indians train a Mama (really an awakened person) by taking the predestined newly born child and placing it to live in a cave for many years. all the child's needs are tended to by its mother while in the darkness of the cave.

Of course being in a cave, the child learns firstly to develop its imagination and therefore consciousness.

This tells us how important the development of imagination for the path of awakening. We also know that the Mamas have great esoteric and psychic powers, showing us how important a role developing imagination plays. 

End (3189).

Tuesday 10 September 2019

Find what you Need Through Your Being - (3188)

Going to your inner Being is the best solution.

We just have to remember that.

Going to your Being what does that mean?

Close your eyes, put your attention on your heart and using your imagination be in your heart temple at the very feet of your Divine Mother or Father if your prefer.

Really be there in your heart temple, you are no longer sitting at your computer desk in your office, you are there in your heart temple. Your consciousness which is really you goes to your heart temple directed by your imagination. 

Maintain yourself there and then open your heart. Open your heart (which is totally sincere) about the issue. Reveal to yourself and your Divine Mother what it is that you really  miss. 

The contrast produced by being in the presence of your Divine Mother allows you to receive some light, some new understanding. With contrast, I mean that of explaining what the ego wants and then being in the presence of the Divine Mother.

Look for what you lack in your Divine Mother and when you see that it is there in your divine Mother, all things change...

End (3188).

Monday 9 September 2019

Notes for a Class About the Christ - (3187)


I had to give a class about the Christ, so in a few minutes before the class I thought that I would jot down some notes in the form of a post. In the end I couldn't give it because I was coughing so much. So here is what I would liked to have given.


The aim of such a class is to get across the point to the listeners that the force that we know of as the Christ or be it under any other name is a essential and fundamental part of anyone's spiritual work.

Understanding this well will help us to deeply connect to the force and part of our own inner Being that is called Christ or be it any other name. This will then help you to understand why the sincere Gnostic loves the Christ.

You will see that by working on yourself Gnostically, principally in mystical death and transmutation you are working with this force of the Cosmos some people call the Christ.

Three Christs

There are three Christs: Cosmic, Intimate and Historical.

There are infinitely many Intimate Christs and there have been many historical Christs.

There are as many infinite Christs as there Monads. There are many more Monads than there are human beings. All the Intimate Christ make up the Cosmic Christ. The Cosmic Christ in infinite!

The Cosmic is what we also know as prana. The great force of life, the great vitality of life that animates and gives life to all that is alive. The sublime healing force.

As Christ is a cosmic force and we are a universe in miniature there is also a Christ within us and it is called the Intimate Christ.

Christ and Religion

Christ means the 'anointed one'. Coming from the Greek word Christos meaning anointed.

The Christ is not a religious belief, nor is it an artifact of religion...

It is as Master Samael says a real force of the cosmos. Master Samael says that it is as real as the force of gravity.

It is the intelligent force of life that sustains life in all its forms and expressions in its march.

It is a reality that lives beyond any belief, religion or school of thought. No belief or concept can capture it, submit it, nor alter it...


It is a force with an almost infinite multitude of qualities...

We can find it alive in many manifestations. The most immediate expression that we can look upon for inspiration is the sun! Yes the planetary body hung high in the sky that brings life and illumination to us every day.

About its qualities a person could write a lot...

Bridge and Crossing Point - Balance

It is the great balance, it is a child. Any child is the result of the sexual balance, the child of electricity and magnetism, the son of the Cosmic Mother and Father. The Mother is magnetism and the Father is electricity.

He is the legitimate one to be sent into matter - the world of the Cosmic Mother to bring that which is of the Father back to the Father. The son - the Christ partakes of both natures and harmonises intelligently both natures - divine and human, spirit and matter. 

It is the expression of Divinity most important to us! As it is a bridge that unites our human nature to our Divine nature.

The spiritual work of any human being needs such a bridge, such a unifying and balancing point. Without that bridge no human being could succeed in his or her spiritual path. 

This is why the Christ is so important to the Gnostic person and any person yearning for their spirit.

It is the living emblem and principle of transmutation within us! That is why transmutation is totally Christic and it is what draws him to us and prepares our interior for his advent.

Holy Denial

It is the Holy denial, the Holy Negation. Which is linked to transmutation, sacrifice and mystical death. Mystical death is transformation directed upwards and inwards to the inner spirit.

The Christ is the embodiment of sacrifice, it is the spirit of sacrifice. It achieves the miracles of transforming us by means of sacrifice.

Sacrifice is a conscious choice of one option superior to another.

The Christ works to bring us upwards, meaning it chooses what is good and superior. In this the function of the Holy Denial is clear, it denies the ego to embrace the Father. It does not take us downwards. If it were to take us downwards there would not be sacrifice there would be a fall where the inferior is chosen over the superior.

In sacrifice there is transformation. Something changes its nature to become something new.

The Christ causes what is above and Divine to descend and what is below and human to ascend.

It affords us mercy because it has the power of transforming, owing to the power of transformation it redeems. 

Role of Saviour Redeemer

The Cosmic Christ was the one who Master Samael, said entered a temple at the very dawn of creation to sign a pact to redeem, Men, Gods and worlds...

It seems then that the role of the Christic force right from the beginning of time has always been to redeem from karma - the essences and take them liberated back to the Father.

Master Same says that the Intimate Christ of a parson fulfills this role. It assumes the defects of the Master and fights within the person to liberate the person.

This is also why the Intimate Christ incarnates when one chooses the direct way, because the Intimate Christ's work is to redeem essences. Those who chose Nirvana do not work for humanity.

Will - Causal and the Christ

The abode of the Intimate Christ is the causal - the dimension of will.

The preparation for the advent of the Christ is completing the causal initiation. From within the causal world the Christ can modify causes. The work of redemption can be done without taking into account the modification of causes. The cause of our fall, of our suffering and pain is all in the causal world For the Christ to complete His work he must have access to the causal and He must work from within the causal to affect the dimensions that at are below - our mind, our emotions and our actions.

Born, Lives, Dies and Resurrects

The Intimate Christ incarnates. First, a part of the Divine Mother becomes active in us, as Kundalini, then the human soul incarnates, then the Intimate Christ later incarnates. The human soul is the human face of the Intimate Christ.

The Intimate Christ is always born first, then incarnated, then it works, then it later dies and resurrects. Its death is necessary as with its death it conquers our psychological death. as it has assumed all of our "I's" when He dies all of our "I's" also die.

The Christ always resurrects, giving life back to the Being. That is His second last step in doing his work of redemption - returning the essence back to the Father. The last step is ascending.

Master Samael says that the Christ takes three steps. One from the Absolute to Chockmah, from Chockmah to Tiphereth and from Tiphereth to Malcuth.

End (3187).

Origin of Infrasexuality - (3186)

Infrasexuality has an origin. Why does it have an origin?

Because, within a person it ultimately has an end, and whatever has an end has a beginning. It has an end because our ultimate reality and destiny is our Being and infrasexuality is not the sexuality of the Being.

Infrasexuality actually derives from the inversion of suprasexuality. It is in fact the diverse values within suprasexuality that when inverted instantly become infrasexuality.

Before the fall the sexuality of every human being was a whole, a clear harmonious whole. With the fall however that sexuality became fragmented or divided. Because of duality being the main conditioner that division was condition into two qualities, which by duality are the exact polar opposites of each other.

So when the clear and harmonious became divided with one part still clear and harmonious but reduced in size and another part dark and opposing. 

I'll give you some examples a bit later in this same post...

Anyhow this is very important to know because the aspects of infrasexuality that everyone carries within can be worked upon and transformed or turned into clear and crystalline by using the depolarisation of duality.

End (3186).

Those who Suffer Because of No Love - (3185)

If we suffer because we are not loved it is because we have not yet within ourselves realised that is better is to love, and that through loving we actually have love. Wanting love is not to have love, it is actually to create a void of love within us and that can hurt.

With that void of wanting love inside of us we naturally feel sad and disappointed. This is logical, because if one does not have love what is one going to feel but these things.

To love is better than to receive love. When one understands this one creates a certain power within, and that power rides over the voids of love and it being based on conscious understanding knows what that void is due to and undoes it by going out there and loving others.

It does not seem like it is the way but it is the way. You have to try it for a while though for that power to be created in you.

End (3185).

Sunday 8 September 2019

Working and Die - No Abyss - (3184)

Master Samael says that when a person is working in the realisation of their Being and they happen to die physically. He says that this person will not enter the abyss. Even if they are at 108, they will get more lives to finish their work.

Master Samael says that for the fallen bodhisattvas there is not such a thing as 109 lives. They can get even more but up to a certain limit.

So there is mercy and things are not so bad, well as long as one is truly working on him or herself.

End (3184).

Thursday 5 September 2019

Definition Before Comprehension - (3183)

Here's a gem for you!

Something m.m.m said last night. 

Before anyone can really comprehend and dissolve an ego, one has to be defined to dissolve it.

The definition, which is a decision consciously made, to work on an ego so to dissolve it, must be created within oneself to really begin to comprehend an ego.

Once there is comprehension there will naturally be dissolution.

Makes so much sense! 

When we are not defined to dissolve an ego we go back and forth constantly. Working then not working etc. 

When we honestly examine this back and forth situation we see that we really don't as yet want to dissolve this ego. We still feel that we can't give it up - not just yet - "we need more time" we say. The problem is that we think we have more time. 

A defined person is ready at the drop of a hat to give up that ego and have it dissolved.

End (3183).

'For the Few' when not Understood Well - (3181)

'For the few', when not understood well creates some ideas in a person that are not very helpful for the work on themselves.

We can think that the spiritual work is too hard for us, that it is for certain others. That we are too weak, not spiritually cultured enough, not intelligent enough or just not capable. We may think that the work is very elitist.

We then also think that it is not for others as well and that others will not succeed it either. We usually export our believes and impose them on others.

Well it is all relative...

For the few is to be understood relatively and not taken to extremes where we think that we are not capable.

If we think we are not capable we don't really try with enough vigour and heart to break through. Our mind blocks our heart. The heart of everyone is powerful and everyone's heart can move the Law.

It is meant in the sense that it is not for the masses... But for a relative few - that is a small percentage of the large number in the masses.

On other planets everyone works for the self-realization and gets it. So the 'for the few' does not really apply for those planets.

Everyone has an essence and a Being and so really anyone can do the work. It is a natural function of anyone's own essence and consciousness.If someone does not get it today they will get it at some point in the future.

Also what stops us from succeeding in the work has been created by ourselves anyway. All of our karma and all of our egos are our very own creation. And we think that we can not undo what we have created - this does not make sense really - but if someone created something that same someone can un-create it.

End (3181).

Divide Your Attention Lifts Off from Vigil State - (3182)

Vigil State of Consciousness

The vigil state of consciousness is where we are vigil. That is, we are focusing on something and not allowing ourselves to be distracted. It is a state of not daydreaming.

A person can live in this state of always not being distracted but this person will not awaken their consciousness though. They need something else to jump up into a higher state of consciousness.

This is the right state of consciousness that a normal human being should live in - vigil state. Really most people live in the first state of consciousness even when they are not asleep on their bed or chair. Vigil means alert right? So the vigil state is a state of being focused on the task at hand and not being distracted with fantasy or egoistical thought.

Division of Attention

Awakening begins when we divide our attention and we realize that we are watching our thoughts or we are aware that we are observing ourselves. 

End (3182).

Wednesday 4 September 2019

Ego with a Lion's Head - (3180)

To see an ego in a dream or meditation is good, it gives you a shock and its appearance tells us certain things which allows us to gain more insight into its nature, into what it wants, how it thinks and how it was created.

To see an ego with a lion's head is a sign that this ego has karmic power behind it. Meaning it is not going to be easy to eliminate.

Further meaning that once we identify this ego we have to work with the Divine Law by means of negotiation to dissolve it!

End (3180).

Rocks that Groan - (3179)

In the abyss there are these rocks that groan. They are essences that once had human bodies that lived on the face of the Earth but are now in the last stages of involution.

Life for them becomes so painfully static and they can only groan as a protest against to having to co-operate with the inevitable...

Being a rock they are forced into being patient, tolerant, tenacious and meditative. Some of those rocks appear there to be like splayed out unshapely meditating yogis, however yogis who are not entirely well, who are still malign, and who still hold some karmic weight and suffer a lot.

Holy moly we don't want to end up like that! But if we don't die in the ego we will end up being there.

It just goes to show that we are forced even by nature to learn the good qualities of the elements and the essence, such as the good qualities of the minerals and to alleviate our suffering we are forced to find our consciousness. 

Those essences in the abyss who are in the mineral form, the more they meditate the less they suffer...

End (3179).