Thursday 5 December 2019

Perhaps a More Intelligent Choice of Partner - (5338)

Sexuality is a way to - if not one of the more powerful ways to come into intimate contact with or into connection with one's inner Being.

Therefore when finding a spouse it would be inline with a good understanding of the teachings that one would seek to find a person whom one has some kind of connection with, and what's more, that connection should really offer the great promise of deepening into love.

Someone whom you have connection with, is someone who already has a way inside of you, like an entrance into your essence.

So it makes sense then that supra-sexuality practiced with that person would then amplify and enhance one's own connection with and movement towards one’s inner Being. 

Whom we have that connection with does not depend so much upon us. It comes down from who knows where. We may try on our own, but it just does not work, that is no fault of ours. The heart speaks its own mysteries...

Obviously, if there is that connection, it can only really in truth deepen if both are walking the same line, that is both are in Gnosis and are working on themselves. Otherwise a gap, a difference forms, and to maintain a connection over a valley is always difficult...  

It is erroneous and this has proven true on so many occasions that to find someone whom you do not have a connection with and think that the psychological work will bridge those gaps - well in reality and in practice does not work! Sooner or later it fails.

End (5338).

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