Wednesday 11 December 2019

Cruising the Boardwalk Minus False Self-Image - (5269)

Interacting with others is a really good way to discover and dissolve the false aspects of our self-image.

Just walking through the city facing others is good enough to start.

We walk around projecting our self-image. We live out our self-image with body language, facial expression, words, manners, personality and above all tension.

There is always tension in what is not quite true...

It is difficult to keep up what is not naturally true...and there is always fear that the 'inadequate real' comes out.

We defend our self-image, almost tooth and nail.

We bring out our self-image in defense and in challenge.

Many times it is just enough to see another person of a similar self-image to bring ours strongly to the fore front. Then envy, jealousy, rivalry, ill-will appear.

To let it go from moment to moment until it is very weak is a really good exercise to do. You will see that relaxation and ease arises in you more and more.

It is good to walk around that aware that you use to project your self-image, but this time knowing that it is false and begin to not project it and be totally as you are, projecting nothing, upholding nothing - and by the way enjoy the relaxation, the 'new' and the free.

End (5269).

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