Wednesday 12 August 2020

¿Cuándo paga un diablo de anhelo? - (5339)

A hell of a yearning for something pays off when what we yearn for is just. 

When it is in our right and in obtaining it we are not contravening any laws or the rights of others. 

When the free will of anyone is compromised our yearnings will not pay off, or if what we yearn for is not just then the yearning powerfully expressed in prayer will not pay off.

When we yearn for the dissolution of an ego the force of yearning in prayer is heard and pays off. Even when it is not just yet that an ego be eliminated, our yearnings are still heard and have effect. The real yearnings which are a kind of will in action engage the law of negotiation and open the way for the possibility a superior law washing away an inferior one, depending on the level of our upright action. This is all because it is within our rights to be able to dissolve our egos. It is justice that we can dissolve them.

It is also within our rights to be able to unfold into our astral body, to pursue the three factors, to open a chakra, to awaken consciousness. 


End (5339).

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