Friday 21 August 2020

Why is my Life this Way? - (5359)

Right away I can say that is all about seeing, understanding and accepting. You know the answer to that question is all about a gymnasium that we need, and the gymnasium depends on our defects and karma.

Sometimes our life is not the way we would have expected it to be. Mainly because we don't know ourselves 100% inside out yet, and we are in the process of discovery. We don't fully know our karma yet either, if we did we could know our future very easily. 

In each gymnasium which is really a big feature of our life, there is much for us to work on, but we tend not to want to accept that and we prefer to ficus on more loftier things. We may have parents who are fine now but are getting old and the essence of that gymnasium is really to fix in our interior love , patience and tolerance and to get those qualities in truth physically working. For that we need to die in those "I's" of impatience, annoyance, intolerance (not accepting reality or not being at peace with it).

When we don't accept a gymnasium we don't work on those elements we need to work on and then we get stuck in our life and then we get frustrated, enslaved and upset and start wondering why is my life like this? 

End (5359).

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