Wednesday 26 June 2024

Seven Types of Man and the Four Kingdom Notes - (5189)


This post is about some properties of the four kingdoms and the transition that takes place between the kingdoms, taken from a video which can be found on YouTube.


Each Monad begins life in creation, starting at the mineral kingdom. The consciousness of the Monad begins being asleep and begins its learning or development there in the mineral kingdom.

Life in the mineral kingdom is called the imetalisation of the Monad.

A lesson among many for the consciousness that is learnt in the mineral kingdom is one that has to do with forming geometrical and symmetrical organisations, as we can see within the atomic structure of metals and crystals. Even in the symmetry and geometry of many physical crystal formations. 

This lesson prepares the essence to later be human, as much of the human body and life, is based upon symmetry and geometry. 

There are several hierarchies amongst the minerals. They start with the earth minerals then the metals then the gems. Each of these these classes has several sub-classes within them. For example, the metals begin with lead and rise to gold as the most noblest.

Citrine Crystal Cluster

Diamonds are the most evolved mineral. They can be said to be the initiates or masters of the mineral kingdom.   

The crystals have life as they grow. In nature anything that grows has life. Science has verified on an atomic level that minerals have life. When minerals and metals are subject to fatigue science has observed that certain reactions take place in the molecular structure of the atoms of the mineral.

Before minerals make their transition to the plant kingdom they become radioactive. Which is a evolutive state of giving up the mineral form to enter into a higher kingdom. 

The plant, animal and human being must become radioactive before being able to move into the next kingdom.

Minerals move up the scale of evolution due to the pressures and heat within the earth. Diamonds and all the precious gems are created by the heat and pressure of the Earth's inner core. Human beings also develop through friction (heat) and pressure both external and internal (the path and the school).

A transition species between the mineral and the plant kingdoms is said by many to be coral. Because it is really a living semi mineral semi plant creature.


Some of the lessons learnt in the plant kingdom are magnetism, harmony and upward yearning.

It is also a preparation for the human kingdom as the life and internal structure of the human being is like that of a tree.

The unfolding of the human consciousness is similar to the way a plant develops.

We see how the plants offer healing properties as well as poisoning properties.

Plants start their evolution from the world of the algae, moving to fungi and later to the shrubs, bushes, trees and flowers.

The flowers and the great trees stand out as the initiates of the plant kingdom. Especially the roses.

The Venus fly trap is an example of a transition species between the plant and animal kingdoms.

Flowers where they emanate a beautiful aroma represent the fluorescence of the plant essence that is already liberating it self ready to transition to the net kingdom.


In the animal kingdom the consciousness develops the mind of instinct as well as the ability to look after greater life. That is being a parent and having offspring. 

Animals also have the capacity for great mobility and the lesson of how to relate well to it.

Animals lack self-reflection. Human beings have this quality. This is a prerequisite for the human kingdom.

Animals develop a devotion to greater life outside of them and this is a preparation for the human kingdom when a devotion to God is developed.

Domesticated animals are transitional forms on their way to individualisation and self-awareness.

Before animals can enter the human kingdom they must come to serve human beings. There are many examples where animals can serve. It is also our role as human beings to educate animals so as to be able to serve. 


The human being has a certain individualisation or self-awareness that the animals, plants and minerals don;t have. 

Human beings have the capacity of independent consciousness and decision. Human beings also have the capacity to become aware of awareness and have the capacity for introspection.

Animals can't introspect and reflect because they don't have the intellectual centre.

The human being must become radioactive to enter into the kingdom of the soul that is the 4 to 7 types of men. 

Heat (friction - psychological gymnasium) and pressure is needed for the human being to become radioactive so as to enter the next kingdom of the soul.

The power of the Alchemy is the one that helps us to move up to the higher kingdoms that sit above the kingdom of the human being which is the kingdom of the soul or in other words that of man number 4, 5, 6 and seven.

Kingdom of the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th Men

See the post: Seven Types of Men Notes - (4656)

There are the kingdoms of mineral, plant, animal, human, soul, spirit and the Gods. After Human kingdom comes the kingdom of the soul, of which man 4, 5, 6 and 7 belong to. Angels, archangels and so on belong to the kingdom of Spirit.

The force that helps a human being become radioactive to make the transition into the kingdom of the soul is the work and the discipline and commitment of the school.

The force that helps man number 4 lift to man number 5, 6 and 7, that is climb within the hierarchy of the kingdom of the soul is the alchemy or the transmutation of the sexual energies as a married person. The Alchemy along with the work and the commitment and discipline of the school lifts one upwards within the kingdom of the soul.

The force that helps lift a soul towards the spirit is the Alchemy combined with the force and work of the Intimate Christ. The work of the second mountain is this work of the Intimate Christ moving the soul into the kingdom of the Spirit.

End (5189).

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