Saturday 22 June 2024

Sexual Energy is the Origin of Abundance and Love - (5181)

Abundance is in the nature of the sexual energy.

There is an abundance in creation.

The quality of abundance that we find in human life comes directly from ther sexual energy.

In abundance we find love as the foremost quality.

In abundance there is what we need and more - which is love.

We also see that the Divine Mother is love and abundance. It is the feminine power within the sexual energy.

So therefore in the sexual energy is love - no doubt about it. We have to transmute our sexual energy to release that love within us which we go towards our Inner Being and create abundantly within us.

All the abundance that people search for and wish for is their right and it comes to them from their sexual energy. If we cultivate our sexual energy abundance will surely come to us.

With transmutation the abundance works with the great cosmic law of reciprocity where that energy descends to us abundantly and we return it transformed abundantly so that all in creation is nourished. Which is also love.

End (5181).

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