Monday 26 August 2024

Fight for your Soul Notes - (5342)


May We Fight for You (Human Soul) so that You May Fight for Us, and Together We will Fight for Ourselves in Our Being - for Triumph - so that Justice may be restored within.

Below are some notes about our fight for our human soul and our human's soul's fight for us.


The Human Soul has the mission to raise the essence out of its animal nature, to leave the animal behind, so to enter the circle of conscious humanity.

The Human soul fights for and with the consciousness. The Human Soul is the knight that fights for its damsel (consciousness).

The Human Soul is Conscious Will, which is a will that benefits ourselves and others along the path.

The Human Soul takes up individual responsibility for and of our psychological processes and actions.

The Human Soul is the first bastion of Sacred Individuality. It processes in our psyche as an individual. It processes Itself from inside out, not from the outside going inwards.

The Human Soul helps and us form the Inner Man. The Human Soul relates to and works through the Inner man, which is the new person that we creates inside of ourselves by doing the work. The inner man obeys the Human Soul and the Human Soul obeys the Father.

The Human Soul is the guru in the Master. Master Samael explains that it is the Human Soul of the Master that is the guru and has disciples. This is because it is the Human Soul that knows both the human and the Divine in the Master.

The Human Soul is the human face of the Intimate Christ.

The Human Soul is a worker - a fighter by nature, purpose and design.

The Human Soul is the balance or synthesis of spirit and matter or of the human and the divine.

The Human Soul holds the keys and code of the real human nature.

The essence derives from the human soul.

The maximum thing for us to do in this life, is to become the soul. That is for us to take the identity of the soul.

Our mission in life is to adopt our true identity which is that of being the soul of our Monad.

We all do what our identity is. So by having our identity as the Human Soul and being the Human Soul we will live a soul's life, which is to bring our Being here to Earth.

Know that we have a soul by first of all getting to feel it. Just as we know we have a brain and a heart by first and foremost feeling and using it. 

We know or feel it through the values present in our psychology.

Meditate on the Human Soul.

Meditate on the Magnetic centre in the centre of the chest, which is through where the Human Soul manifests. Just as where Tiphereth is located on the tree of lIfe right in the heart centre which is mostly in the centre of our chest.

The Human Soul is often always expressed as being the core, the central support column, the heart of something. But yet the spiritual heart of something, not the material heart. It is really the spiritual heart of the human being.

The soul is always said to be the real core of something. That is what holds the reality, strength and true value of  something.

We will all find our reality, value and strength in and through our souls.

The Human Soul works to create soul and more soul through the dissolution of the "I".

The Human Soul becomes the owner of our destiny. The author of our destiny, it is the one which has the authentic power to do so.

The Human Soul forms with the consciousness one of the parts which make up Atman.

The Human Soul's maximum quality is humility. Only with humility can it really do it's work, complete it's mission. Reflect on this and you will appreciate how true it is...

The Human Soul's function is to stand as a great transformer as well as an extractor and giver of light and wisdom from all the impressions from the events of human life. 

The Human Soul's main function is to transform all the energies that come to us from inside and outside, into that which it can be assimilated it's own nature (i.e. light, love, wisdom etc.). It's function is also to excavate or extract all the wisdom from the events of daily life. To then digest them and organise them converting them into wisdom and light.   

The human soul is really a knight of the Monad.

End (5342).

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