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Thursday 31 August 2017

The Values That Defeat Death - (1925)


Psychological death and transmutation!


This is no where near my current state. This is really for those at the top of the second mountain and going into the third.

However, it is very good for us to know this because we can work hard with these two things so to accumulate merits and values so to be able to reckon more equally with our own physical death whenever that comes to be.

What does that mean? Besides being a good picture it means: "bloody well
practice what you preach". 


This is because these values are the real and true nature of death.

It is like by having developed, cultivated and most importantly lived these values we have mastered death.

When we are well worked, practiced and lived in psychological death and transmutation it is like we have embodied the spirit of death and so we are like an equal to her. It is like we are a worthy opponent.

It is like in our own microcosmos we are as strong as her in the values of death. So then we face her, fight with her and with the help of our inner Being defeat her so that we can die a death determined by our inner Being and not determined by our own karma giving the orders to Death to take us.

End (1925).

Why Death is Seen as Feminine? - (1924)

A Mother Gives Life and Also Takes It

Because the mother, who is feminine is the one who gives and brings life.

Master Samael says that no essence is ever dis-incarnated without the approval of the Cosmic Mother. A She is the one who gives life she is also the one who has the full right to take life.

As life and death are twins, death has to be and must be feminine also! That is why the Divine mother has Hecate or Mother-Death as one of her aspects.

End (1924).

When Yelled at, Don't Create More Fear! - (1923)


Be determined that when you get yelled at fairly or unfairly you are not going to create fear and become scared about doing that or saying that again!

This is how we create many different small fears. That we sooner or later have to eliminate. It is wiser to not create them on the spot.

Rebel Psychologically

Even bring up the same subject again, do the same thing again just not to create that fear. But in balance, if it was a small thing do it again softly. But don't be silly and repeat a very stupid mistake.

Fear Makes us into Liars

It is always better to avoid creating fear. Because fear turns us into liars. Fear is not good for relationships because due to fear we start to hide and keep quiet.

Doing this harms the fearful one more than anything because it limits one's expression and creates a strong inferiority complex in the person because he or she begins after a while to believe that he or she is not good enough for that relationship. Then pride, self-love, self-pity, self-compassion come to join the party and it all spirals downwards from there.

Better to Rebel Psychologically

It is better to rebel psychologically and not create fear! A good lesson learned!

It is much better to be up front and do something wrong in front of everyone and repent than do it in hiding because when it comes out it is always worse.

End (1923).

What You Imagine is What You Accept - (1921)

Imagining is Accepting

When we imagine something it is becasue we have already accepted it. What we can't imagine is what we can't accept. When you don't accept something you don't follow through imagining it.


The skeptical person can not imagine what he or she does not accept. If we are skeptical we can start to counteract it by using our imagination. Imagine what we are skeptical about and then see how that helps to open your mind.

End (1921).

Why Does Death Have a Scythe? - (1920)

Because Death Reaps the Esoteric Values of the Life Lived

People may understand that death as a cosmic force reaps the lives of human beings as like a kind of harvest. But on a personal level, which is what matters most us, is that death carries a scythe because with our death is only really seen the fruit of the efforts made in our life.

If we have worked hard psychologically and esoterically in life we will be given by death the rewards. The scythe is the symbolic representation for the reaping of those rewards.

Those rewards are a favourable new life with less ego, a strong and healthy new body, vacation time in the higher worlds and a conscious death, that is being aware that one is dead and aware that one is in the internal worlds outside of one’s body!

End (1920).

Wednesday 30 August 2017

Worried About What to do With An Ego? - (1919)

Why Worried? Because of a Lack of Imagination, Will and Trust

Oh really? Yes! Read on to see how these three things can help.

Imagination is Knowledge and Direction

When we get worried about how we are going to be able to deal with the pain, discomfort, drives, impulses, reactions, consequences etc. when one of our strong egos comes out, it is because first: we can’t or don’t see ourselves counteracting it (sometimes not even trying to counteract it), and two: we don’t know how, and three we don’t have a plan of how to counteract it.

Come one see yourself successfully counteracting the and feeling immensely fine in the process. 

Imagination is Also a Plan

We must have imagination (knowledge and direction) when it comes to the work of the dissolution of an “I”. If you don’t know how to counteract it, can’t see yourself successfully counteracting it and you don’t have a plan of how to counteract it, for when it next comes out, you, are finished! Ego wins! Simple as that mate!

There are studies that have proven that people with a plan are more successful in any endeavour. With the work on the ego this is no exception.

I have experienced this many times. The more concrete and clear one is in one’s imagination the more one can successfully deal with the ego. If your imagination is bullet proof (no gap for failure) some very good results roll out.

Be Concrete Write Down Your Plan

If you want to know whether you know something or not, explain it to another person or write it down for yourself.

So, get a pen and paper and write down how, exactly how in very concrete terms you are going to counteract that ego the next time it appears.

It could be any ego, anger, fear, pride, arrogance, lust, laziness etc.

While we are working on an ego our consciousness needs our support (i.e. a plan) until it is fully educated and understands deeply how to fulfil the function, that that ego we are working on, has hijacked/kidnapped from our essence.

To imagine is to start to will. But we must imagine first of all!

Start to See Yourself in Your Imagination Counteracting the Ego

Come on, use your imagination to see yourself going through with your plan, on the spot, when the ego comes out, carrying out all the steps that you’re going to take to counteract it!

The problem is I repeat; we don’t see ourselves counteracting the ego nor do we see ourselves capable of doing it! This must change! As soon as you see yourself doing it in your imagination hope blooms!!! And hope moves you to action!!!

See yourself being quiet, focusing inwards, touching your heart, remembering your inner Being, getting from your inner Being what the ego wants, feeling your essence, observing the thoughts, not assuming an offended person's identity, letting go of the thoughts, knowing that it will pass, it is not the person that offended you, it is your own thoughts that offend you, the free essence is better than the pain of the ego. You are tired of pain, let it go let it go, etc. etc. Is a plan for the work on pride an d self-love.

Will = Do it!

Your will power is the one that fulfils the plan, initiates the inner working of the steps of your plan to counteract the ego.

You feel your will strong, then trust in the work. You apply the work sincerely results will come!

Imagination is a power. It partook in the creation of the worlds. Therefore it can partake in the creation
of new circumstances and actions in our life.

Trust = The Work Works, I can Do it Well Enough and the Being Will Help

Here we have the plan: the imagination, the will and then we need to trust in the latter two, and in our ability to carry them out and in the Divine Mother that she will guide us and help us. And She will.

Surrender to Her in full trust that the work works and the essence works and the Divine Mother works. This brings peace inside and allows you freedom and more energy to do the work which pertains to us.


This is a very effective and strong formula. If it doesn’t work change the plan., Improve your knowledge used at the base of the plan. The plan must evolve and evolve as you learn more and more. Work more with the Divine Mother. Chant more KRIM!

Project happier in the triumph of the superior - the essence over the inferior, rather than happier of the sacrifice of the superior for the acceptance of the inferior.

End (1919).

Death as a Reference Point - (1918)


Death is a reference point like no other. It is the reference point that brings one to reality and keeps one to reality. It is the reference point that brings one to the essential and keeps one to the essential.

Keeping death close to us means that we can be guided in life to live a life that cultivates what is essential.

Death is a powerful force that brings you to the esoteric, to the permanent, to what lasts, to what lies beyond and to what is real.

A real existing force is Death! A cosmic function! Ubiquitous yet encapsulated in a presence for each one to face!

Having death close to us keeps us focused on not giving over too much of our life to what is superficial and vain, as death reduces to dust all that is vain.

Having death close keeps us focused on working to be prepared for it and to defeat it consciously, that is, to not die asleep.

Physical death and psychological death all take us to the real and to the essential which in other words is the Being. Physical death for example reduces us to our essence which is a state that is freer and closer the Being.

If we take death as a reference point for our life in a balanced way I think that we can benefit greatly.

Much in our way of thinking will change, how we will come to appreciate the moments that we live, the people in our life, our time, our health, and much of our priorities, preoccupations, goals and our outlook on life will change and mature.

End (1918).  

Tuesday 29 August 2017

Wanting the Dissolution of an “I” - (1917)

Pathway to Will

What we need to end up is having the goal of dissolving the “I” to enter our will. If it enters our will it will enter our heart.

Imagination gives us a pathway to will. Remember will and imagination work together in vibrant harmony. Obviously activating one begins to make the other to activate!

This is how you access will! Using your imagination. Read on…


Use Imagination to Start

See yourself without that ego. Of course you are happier without it! Of course! But what is more useful is to use imagination to see how you are going to successfully counteract it using the work, using your consciousness and by remembering your inner Being. See that your work takes care completely of the ego when it manifests.

Imagine yourself dealing with that issue that he ego usually takes for itself using your essence and the ways of the work, the path and the Being.

Using imagination to see this is more critical at this early stage than imagining living without the ego!
We have to open up our imagination. See ourselves counteracting the ego totally successfully and not feeling any disappointment or lacking.



Such a convincing exercise of imagination allows access into our will. Because it makes us to see that we can do it and then we naturally want to do it and we see that it is better than the ego’s ways.

We have to do this constantly, because the ego lives in darkness and when we don’t see a way out we get stuck.

The key is to do this over and over again. Once won’t do it but repeatedly will. The ego repeats and repeats and so must we. The ego defeats us with repetition and so we must defeat it with repetition.

End (1917).

If you Don’t Want the Dissolution of the Ego you Want to Suffer! Simple! - (1916)

There is NO WAY that an Ego Can Give You More than Your Free and Awakened Essence!

The above is a massively impacting truth!

However, we have to experience it to be very firm in it.

We can be 'Luke warm' for a while but a decision will come: hot or cold? 

If We Are Luke Warm

If we are ‘Luke warm’ it is because we don’t know that we suffer. We think that we can afford the suffering and that the desire of the ego is worth more than the suffering that we can go through.

When we are in this situation we are stuck! We end up being stuck in that ego for as long as we see things that way!

As soon as we say that this suffering is not worth the object of the ego’s desires and wants than we are on our way out!

End (1916).

Being in an ER Reduces to Dust Pride, Arrogance and Makes You Appreciate those Who Love You! - (1915)

So Good to Crack Pride!

When in an ER you see that life and death do not bow down before how much you know, what dreams you have had, how much you earn, your social status, the car you drive, your technology, your sunglasses, your special mobile phone. Your life skills, the people who you know etc.

All of the that is reduced to dust mate! What a reality check!

An Experience to Live By

This learning that comes from being in a ER for a while is powerful and is best brought into the way we are inside of us and to the way we act in life. Pride and arrogance have no base, they are not at all as powerful as we think, they can not save us from tragedy, death, injury and accidents and even the death and illnesses of our loved ones.

Even the Gnostic can become very arrogant in the mystical field thinking that because he or she is working such things as illnesses, injury or death will not touch them! But that is not always reality. It may be but not because of arrogance or pride.

Pride is not true and not worth it because it can not save us or help us in such real and critical situations. Only our honest work and our inner Being and the Law can. Whom (the Law) we get on our side by sincere, heart-felt efforts in the work on ourselves and in the fight to give others the light!

Even that arrogance and pride that we have ignores and disrespects those around us, and those whom we live! However, in the ER they are the only ones whom we have by our side and they are really mostly the ones who help us to heal!

End (1915).

The One Who Holds the Cow is the Same as the one Who Kills It! Says Master Samael - (1914)

In a Recording

Master Samael says this in a recording, which was for me a shock. I always thought that karmically speaking the one who kills the cow is the one who pays the most but he says that they pay equally!

Wow this is a bit of a change to the way of thinking.

Makes sense though and explains a few things in my life! And maybe in yours too!

End (1914).

The Longer You Stay Unidentified the More you Rise Out of the Ego! - (1913)

Like Magic

Your essence works in non-identification and it works magic within us!

This works like magic. If you are struggling and worried about comprehension just do your best to not get identified and like magic within a bit of time you will feel how this ego gets weaker and natural comprehension begins to rise gradually bit by bit inside of you!

End (1913).

You Want it or Not? - (1912)

Wanting is Will and Wanting is Definition!

Will is higher up in the human being and cascades down in command to take over mind, emotion and body.

We simply don’t die in an ego because we don’t want it!!!

As soon as you want it! Its death starts!

So the will to die in an ego and in oneself must be conquered first of all for the work of psychological death to begin in earnest!

Don’t think you are going to die if you don’t want to!

If you are dying in an ego it is because you want to!

End (1912).

Fear Does not See Reality – It is Blind - (1911)

Back onto Fear of Medical Procedures, Blood, Organs, Bones etc.

Fear in our subconscious is thinking something, and what it is thinking is not reality!

For example, this fear of medical procedures, people dying and blood etc. has the subconscious thinking behind it that medical procedures are going to be like a huge sharp rigid cold stainless steel thick needle going up through your arteries into your heart or something ridiculously equivalent.

Of course, this is totally unheard of and not true! It does not happen.

Medical procedures are there to help and to be as painless as possible. They are done mostly carefully and are done only to fix things up or get information so to fix things up not ever to harm us or kill us!

Understanding this is important and has to be drummed in over and over again to affect the subconscious. Because in  fear of this type the subconscious is the one ruling the whole drama.

Find the Horror Story Thoughts in Your Subconscious

But the true thing is in our subconscious we are thinking precisely that and we are projecting pain and a terribly uncomfortable feeling.

This is where our will must enter the picture and command our mind to see the reality that this kind of a procedure just does not exist.

Reality is Always Much Kinder than our Bloody Mind!

This is a truth. Isn’t our mind terrible. Doesn’t it always project things that are much worse than the way things turn out.

This has to be understood very deeply. Down to the subconscious level!

Will Must Have No Mercy on Dizziness and Fainting

From now on, having understood this that there is a ridiculous untrue horror story going on in the subconscious the role of pour consciousness and will is to not believe and accept the dizziness and faint nausea feeling that our mind projects. No! NO! NO! Because it is untrue and uncalled for! No mercy!

End (1911).

Monday 28 August 2017

Intellectualising - (1910)

Many, Many Things

We Intellectualise many things! Nearly every activity that we are involved in, we end up intellectualising. We intellectualise people, events, relationships, many human activities and nearly everything that we come across.


This has its certain disadvantages.

Intellectualising things limits us, especially the results of the intellectualising is about seeing the thing, person, activity, event in a negative light.

This intellectualising leads to the creation of concepts, expectations, reasoning, protests, fantasy, thinking, dreaming, and arguments to name only a few things.

How to Not!

To see something with our consciousness, or in a state of alert novelty as Master Samael says is the way to stop it.

If we are alert we can stop it, and just look upon the person, the thing, the event, the activity with a quiet mind, and then our essence will be looking at it and comprehending rather than intellectualising.
Pay some attention to this and when you stop intellectualising things you will notice a difference which is very pleasant.


We should enjoy things freely, that is free from our concepts, intellectualising and the results of intellectualising. When we have intellectualised something we end up trying to enjoy things through our intellectualising and this is sometimes not possible or difficult to do, and if we do end up enjoying something this way it is difficult to repeat and because of that we end up continually disappointed. This is because we are abstracted somewhat from reality. We should be close to reality, accept the reality and love or at least come to learn how to enjoy reality and not our intellectualising of things.

End (1910).

Start Already! - Because Two Months Would Have Passed and you're Still Waiting to Start! - (1909)

The Work is not Tomorrow but Now!

Thank God it is now. Now is our life! Hope starts now when you start! It is never otherwise!

The hope we have without having started is hope but a hope that is in suspence!

End (1909).

Sunday 27 August 2017

Points on Fear Applied to the Fear of Blood - (1908)

We are Not Afraid of the Thing but of the Consequences

This is a point that my marvellous missionary has mentioned many times. So then applying this point, we see that one is not scared of blood really, or seeing the organ, or the needle, or the scalpel or the medical procedure but the consequences involved with it.

Such consequences we see are physical pain, discomfort, adverse effects, diseases, infections, being sick, etc. etc.

If the needle didn’t have any consequences, no pain, no side effects we wouldn’t be scared of it.
Knowing this helps actually. Don’t you feel that it does? We are not scared of blood or organs or bones. This teaching or point directs us more accurately to the cause of fear.

Fear is Due to Karma of Pride where Something was Transgressed

Fear is often due to some law having been transgressed and we suffer the consequences and then we feel pain and then we feel rejection and aversion and then fear develops.

So what could the consequences be that are still alive in one’s psyche that make one feel fear of blood, organs and bones?

If one does not have this fear one feels ok or neutral seeing blood, organs and bones. So one must have done something in the past or suffered something in relation to blood, organs and bones where the consequences were grave or very serious.

Accept the Unacceptable

Within fear there is the factor of nonacceptance. As long as one can not accept something fear will be present.

To work on fully accepting the fact that we blood, organs and bones and that these things allow us the life that we have helps. It is difficult actually, to get scared of something that you have fully accepted.
One must also accept that medical procedures are the way they are right now and that they can hurt and that they can go so-so etc. But we can trust though in that the intention is always there for them to go well and for us to be better afterwards.

When we reject we are automatically scared! You reject a person you will also be scared of them! Simple as that!

I am observing, as long as we cringe at such a sight and think these instruments are awful we have this fear alive! KRIM!

Subconscious Thinks Negatively

Even if we don’t want to and we are thinking positively what is stronger in us the subconscious until we have an equal amount of consciousness.

Just as our mind thinks, our subconscious thinks but on more submerged levels of which we may not be able to see. However, the thoughts occurring on those deeper levels of our own mind affect our instinctive centre and consequently our emotional and motor centres.

We have to get access to the negative thought processes occurring in the subconscious, understand them, disprove them and progressively weaken them

There is Distrust

There is distrust in all fears and phobias. The distrust here is in the doctors, in the technology uses, in medical science, in life and in the body and in the Being. One does not trust that the doctors are there to make us feel better and we don’t trust that their knowledge is enough to treat us and we don’t trust that they can helps us. We protest why they use needles, scalpels, and all sorts of intrusive instruments. WE think that they really don’t care or are out to harm us.

There is beautiful humility in trusting! In this case to trust requires that we have humility. To be in a hospital is karma for pride. We need when we are in hospital to develop humility.

We distrust in the body’s ability to heal and get better and we distrust in our Being for exposing us to this and making us suffer. But that is wrong we did it to ourselves and the Being in us is the re supplying its life force and power of being. It is not there to hurt us. It is there to supply us life, consciousness, will and being.

End (1908).

Displace the Egoic Identity and Affirm the Values of the Essence- (1907)

In Any Situation Apply this!

Say you feel uncomfortable in an environment. Say because it seems people don’t like you, or you think people are staring at you, or you feel like a victim or you feel that you are going to get told off or you feel lust, jealousy, angry etc. etc. Give the following steps a shot!

First – Find the Wrong Identity that has Been Adopted

Look inside for the kind of identity you are adopting. A victim identity, a hard done by identity, a non-one likes me identity, love me identity, give me a break identity, smile at me identity, pay me attention identity, look at me identity etc. etc.

Second – Displace it!

Know that it is wrong and that I am not this identity. Prove to yourself that you are none of these identities. You are the breath of life coursing through your body that is aware of itself being that. You are not any of these limited identities. By the way these identities are really immature and stupid aren’t they. I say that because I have adopted many and more of these identities and they make us so immature and mediocre!

Find the Opposite Value

Find in yourself the opposite! If you don’t know what it is your own essence will tell you. It is basically want you want to feel instead of the what the ego is making you feel.

Hold the Value and Affirm it. Generate more of it!

Focus on that value and feel it. Don’t create a new identity out of that value because a new good ego (a kind of pride) will be created and you don’t need that! We need more essence not less.

Repeat what you want from that value and begin to feel how that value in you makes you feel. Feel that value, understand what that value is and echo and echo it inside you! Make it fill you inside of yourself!

End (1907).

Structural and Transactional Analysis - (1906)


Here is an excerpt from Master Samael’s book “The Revolution of the Dialectic”, where he writes about the two kinds of psycho-analysis: structural and transactional.

Both are useful to carry out on our psyche when we need more information about something we are working on. With the information gained from such an analysis we can deepen our comprehension.


“We need inner psychoanalysis, we need intimate self-investigation in order to really know ourselves. Homo Nosce Te Ipsum. Man, know yourself and you will know the Universe and the Gods.

When one knows oneself, one can change. As long as one does not know oneself, any change will result subjective. But before anything else, we need self-analysis. How is the force of countertransference which makes intimate psychoanalysis or self-analysis difficult, overcome? This would only be possible by means of transactional analysis and structural analysis.

When one appeals to structural analysis, one knows those psychological structures that make intimate introspection difficult and impossible; by knowing such structures we comprehend them, and by comprehending them we can then overcome the obstacle.

But we need something else, we also need transactional analysis. Bank, commercial transactions, etc. exist, in the same manner that psychological transactions exist.

The different psychic elements which we carry in our interior are subject to transactions, to exchanges, to struggles, to changes of position, etc. They are not something motionless, they always exist in a state of motion.

When one, by means of transactional analysis, knows the different psychological processes, the different structures, then the difficulty in psychological introspection concludes. Afterwards, the self-exploration of oneself is carried out with full success.”


Master Samael gives us a key here, saying that to overcome obstacles in comprehending an ego, or break through some kind of stagnation or even in finding reasons to persist in the work of elimination carrying out a structural and transactional analysis is very helpful. 

Give it a try! If we don’t try it we will never ever know!

End (1906).

Friday 25 August 2017

Why One Hermetic Vase? Here's Why! - (1905)

Not Because You Would Get a Divorce but Because of Esoteric Values

Loyalty, fidelity and love are most certainly reasons of sufficient gravity to understand why the principle of “One Hermetic Vase”.

This post is an attempt to go behind this principle and see why it is so. Because behind the reasons I have given above, are real esoteric principles that I believe are worth knowing, understanding and expanding upon.

Principles Inherent in Sexuality

The reason is that it follows the principles inherent within the Value of Sexuality. Such as magnetism, energy, honesty, unity, creation and destruction.

This will be a long post, not sure if I can write it all out but will try.

Always a Principle to Fall Back Onto

It is the esoteric and psychological work and their principles that rule the fires of sexuality.

If this were not the case then pure sexuality would take hold and wreak havoc as it is a powerful blind force.

Master Samael said: “The Kundalini ascends slowly according to the merits of the heart. The fires of the heart control the ascension of the Kundalini”.

This tells us that esoteric or spiritual principles or values must rule over the power of sex. Sex combined with these spiritual values is sexuality as a spiritual value or what is known as supra-sexuality.

Therefore, what goes against these esoteric and spiritual principles is not fitting to make the Alchemy work. One can practice Alchemy going against these principles but this kind of Alchemy won’t work!

Energy not Lost, what Difference Does it Make Then?

A lot! The difference between a disaster and not a disaster!

One must consider the following points. The fact that the energy is not lost is fundamental but it is not everything, other principles and conditions must be abided by for Alchemy to work as it should and for it to reach its full potential.


Within sexuality is magnetism and the power of magnetism reaches its maximum potency between two, not between three. Between two magnetism is the strongest. Between three the magnetic field is dispersed and less intense. This is because the two like poles reel and wreak the magnetic field.

For instance, say a man has one Alchemical vase. Then he comes into contact with another Alchemical vase, the magnetism in his system from the first vase is altered because the remnants of the female magnetism in his system are repelled by the new female magnetic force and so the magnetism in his system is greatly affected and diminished.

Creation and the magnetic induction of the solar and lunar currents requires a strong magnetic field and this can not happen when there are three, i.e. two Alchemical vases.

See look what happens if you bring two like poles together they create a big gap in the magnetic field!

Consecration of Energy

Creation, Alchemy is birth and death, happens in an egg. That is in a closed environment. In a sealed environment. This is so that the energy needed is saved and enclosed and not lost but rather dedicated totally to making creation gestate and take place.

In other words energy can not be spread it has to be focussed and dedicated and sealed. Two Alchemical vases breaks this seal and therefore creation can not at all effectively take place.

See look creation happens in intimacy and in a closed hermetic seal!

Creation and Destruction

In Alchemy there is the principle: “Solve et Coagula”. Meaning dissolve the unnecessary and coagulate or form the vital, the necessary. Dissolve the “I’s” and create the solar bodies.

These two powers are inherent in the value of sexuality, because in sex is the greatest power to build and the greatest power to destroy.

Obviously if sexuality is being used wrongly it becomes destructive and if it is being used in accordance with its own laws and principles it will be constructive, that is create what it should such as the bodies and destroy what it should such as the “I’s”.


Unity among two is achieved between the two opposites. Where the two unite to become one, to create the third. The Holy affirming, the Holy Denying and the Holy Conciliating join as a trinity to become one. But they are all different.

In the situation where there are two Alchemical vases there are two of the same and one opposite to the two that are the same. How then can such a combination unite? They can’t can they? Not in any way, not physically, not esoterically as pure forces.

Intimacy and Honesty Work Together

Well imagine that, would a person that has two Alchemical vases be honest? Such a person could inform all of them about what is going on. But then it is not really intimate is it? So intimacy is lost at the expense of honesty, and intimacy is gained at the expense of honesty (i.e. the situation where the person who has two Alchemical vases keeps the situation in secret). Honesty and Intimacy work together always. To have them in balance one has to have one Alchemical vase only. When these two qualities break down the relationship breaks down.

Creation works intimately in the intimate depths of the womb of the Mother not openly, because other forces would interfere and ruin it all.


I hope that this makes post makes this issue very clear from a few different persepctives.

End (1905).

Thursday 24 August 2017

White Dot Seen Clearest on a Black Background - (1904)


The values of our essence are shown to us to exist or not exist in contrast. That is when subjected to the opposite.

Our serenity is shown and known to us when we are in a hurry, when there is pressure, when there is an urgent deadline and little time etc.

One does not know what one has, or the strength of what one has until one faces the opposite. That is until a contrast is produced. This is in some way the role of the Typhon Baphomet in us. Let’s see what Master Samael says about this is in his book “Yes There Is An Inferno, Yes There Is A Devil, Yes There Is Karma”.

Typhon Baphomet is “every contrast”…

Here are four excerpts about the Typhon being the contrast:


“Only through the struggle, the contrast, temptation and rigorous esoteric discipline can there spring forth in us the flowers of virtue.”


“Remember brothers that the Devil is every contrast: the Devil is the shadow of the Sun, the shadow of each tree in the light of the king star and of the night, etc. Looking at it from another angle, seeing this matter from another point of view, we can say that the Devil is the flipside of every coin;”


“in this manner then, the Devil is a matter of contrasts, of oppositions, etc., etc.”


“That this sacred absolute Sun has its contrasts and oppositions is normal; in any case his shadow in us and within us is Lucifer, the great psychological trainer that we have for our own good.”


The values of our essence are developed with contrast and only are known and seen in contrast. To be afraid of the contrast is to do very little.

End (1904).