Monday 13 March 2023

Flow of Life and Will of the Being - (5361)

We are taught the flow of life descends into creation. It comes from very high up - actually from a region beyond creation: AIN SOPH AUR. 

The flow of life from this very high region is actually manifest in our lives...

It is present in the reality that surrounds us. When we look around us and inside of us living this day we can see it. It is in the things that have happened today and in the things that will happen later because of today.

The flow of life contains also the will of our Being and the will of the Divine Law. 

We always would like to know the will of our Being. We can get a very good indication of it by acknowledging the flow of life today - right now in the circumstances we are living in.

Our Being is our realty and it is in the flow of the day.

The inner urgencies that we all feel to do with the psychological and esoteric work is also the flow of life for us.

To recognise and acknowledge the flow of life is to follow the order of our Inner Being.

The ideas flow into us to be expressed and they often don't match the plans in our mind. The flow of life is more important and more fulfilling to act upon.

The ideas of the flow of life if not given expression and manifestation back up and accumulate and stay but at times wither and fall into that part of ourselves that I call 'forgotten territory'.

I's best to not let that happen and allow the flow of life to manifest because that is our Being flowing. Our mind tends to build a dam to stop the flow of life.

End (5361).

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