Wednesday 15 March 2023

Others Realizing the Impact of their Actions - (5307)

We want others especially those who have harmed us in someone way to realise the impact of their actions.

Often this is very slow in coming or just does not happen. They think that they have done nothing wrong or that it wasn't that bad and 'get over it already' is what we need to do. 

The reality is they will realise the impact of their actions, when they do at some point in the future. We don't have much say in the whole piece. Obviously we really try (99% of the time egocially) to make them realise the harmful impact of their actions. Often this is where things get worse. Meanwhile the reality is they will realise the impact of their actions when they do.

Another reality is that we think like that too when we have harmed others in some way...

Another reality is that we believe that the other person realising the impact of what they have done is the solution to the whole situation. But of course it is not. So the whole pain of the situation is in us wanting them to realise the impact, and the longet it takes hem to the more pain we feel...

The jails are full of people who have not realised the impact of what they have done...

The impact belongs to us, we formed it within us and we have to deal with it. that we can do something about and control. We unfortunately can not control the other person realising the impact and then doing something about it.

End (5307).

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