Monday 6 March 2023

Transcendental Sexuality Part Two Notes - (4678)


• Explain what Supra-sexuality is. Sexuality with love at the service of the spirit.

• Types of Sexual Energy. Raw mercury, mercury and mercury plus sulfur. We need mercury.

• Colours of the Waters. How the waters are purified. Black, to white to yellow to red. 

• Sublimation. Spiritualising the sexual act.

• Alchemy. The art of alchemy. Acronym definition and a brief description of the symbols and stages.

We should as Gnostics at least be in the learning zone!


The following links are to posts in this blog which are related to the study of the talk topic: "Transcendental Sexology Part Two".

Types of Sexual Energy

Mercury - (479)

Mercury and Sulphur - (510)

4 of 7 - Transmutation and the Nervous System - (2851)


The Intelligence in Sexual Transmutation (122)

Transmutation – Why & How

Transmutation is Multi-Dimensional - (3339)

Colours of the Waters

Colours of the Waters - (827)

The Four Colours of Alchemy – (483)

Alchemical Waters in Depth - (825)

The Waters in General and the Black Waters – (1869)


Sublimation of the Sexual Energy

Black Waters Need to Become White Waters - (792)

Alchemy Definition and Symbols

What Is Alchemy? - (475)

The Secret of Alchemy - (477)

Esoteric Attitude Towards Alchemy - (4331)

Alchemical Gold – (485)

Philosopher’s Stone – (488)

End (4678).

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