Wednesday 1 March 2023

Two Lines of Life Notes - (4699)

Summary of Points

• Presentation of the two lines.

• Two lines form an invisible cross at every moment.

• Description of the Level of Being. 

• Description of both lines. 

• Detailed description covering: properties, characteristics, flavour, interior states of both lines.

• Practical points: need to know this talk to have a choice, with choice we can change and awaken. 

• Practical points: level of Being are circumstances, conquer, assimilate and advance. 

• Change our level of being we change our life's circumstances.


The following links are to posts in this blog that will cover the above points in greater detail.

• Horizontal and Vertical Lines of Life Notes - (4367)

• Flavour of the Vertical – (2544)

• Flavour of the Horizontal Line of Life – (2489)

• Life and the Path don't Understand Each Other - (4169)

• Vertical Line of Life is More Important to Everyone - (3640)

• Two Lines of Life Everywhere - (3639)

Here is a good diagram showing some of the values of the horizontal line of life. Very interesting. It is not only Gnosis that teaches about these things. It is something clearly observable by all who look carefully.

End (4699).

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