Wednesday 17 July 2024

Are We Ever Above Reciprocity? - (5217)

No, but we often think that we are, or that reciprocity doesn't apply in a given situation.

Life is the ever constant flow of give and take.

To not give means to be dead.

Death is a need for the person that does not want to give. Because all of life all the time is about giving and taking. 

By giving we become more conscious. The awakened person gives to creation in the best way like no other being on the planet can give. To be unconscious and not want to give means death.

The Sun the King of Reciprocation

We may think people should always give or always just receive. But that is not according to the law of reciprocity. All people, all creatures must participate in giving and receiving.

We may think that contacts or connections should just give when we ask or just receive when we want to give. This may work for a while but the time will come to reciprocate and either a friendship we will become responsible to will have to be created, where there will be give and take, or each party falls off each other's radar.  

Among friends there is trust and so the give and take evens out over time. If not, this break down of give and take changes the status of the friendship.

End (5217).

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