Wednesday 31 July 2024

Process of the Creation of Hatred - (5251)

This is how hatred is created. See the diagram below.

If we hate something or someone, this hatred infallibly developed through the above process. It takes time and hatred never comes out of nowhere. It came about by a process, through a series of stages.

It all starts with our pride being hurt through an event and the impressions received. When our pride is hurt, inevitably our self-love will also feel hurt. When our self-love is hurt we register a psychological debt. When we can not pardon that debt or the other party does not apologise or compensate that debt turns into resentment.

While we carry resentment and interactions between that something or someone continue in some way things inevitably don't go well and we accumulate more negative experiences. Through those negative experiences we collect more data via observations, analysis and reasoning. Soon enough that resentment becomes organised into a full case against that something or someone. 

That resentment via the new focus it has acquired through being organised then turns into hatred. Hatred is a negative creation which is the result of our attention (flow of life) being focussed by the mind onto the organised negative reasoning. This focus inevitably involves our creative energy and this combination creates resentment.

Hatred then brings violence in thought, word and action. This is ill-will. Our abyss and aspects of the abyss of nature appear in our physical life inexplicably staining it.

End (5251).

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