Tuesday 16 July 2024

Being an Invisible Passerby - (5215)

Contemplating that possibility of being an invisible passerby - we find a direct encounter with our own psychological death.

To find something that can help along our psychological death today, is something worthy of bringing to our attention.

What would it mean for me to an invisible passerby in my workplace, at home, in the Gnostic group, walking and driving on the streets etc.?

Something wriggles in discomfort inside of us, and from within our mind comes the protest of "that's wrong, that's not very useful - to be invisible!".

Self-importance, vanity and competitive pride wriggle in discomfort within us...

We are not going to be invisible, as in no one can see and find us anymore, and so they will go and report us to the police as missing. No, not like that - but egoically invisible.

In the sense of not leaving a mark and stain behind us. To pass through events and circumstances with creating a disturbance, a wash and a wake for others and ourselves to deal with.

Not an argument, not a fight, not a disagreement, not a problem to solve, no strong impressions to transform, no mental complications to have to unravel, no incoherent words, sounds and gestures that make people wonder what's wrong with us...

No heavy, low and sad moods with a dark atmosphere...

Even if we have the ego alive we can practice this invisibility!

End (5215).

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