Tuesday 16 July 2024

Radioactivity and Transitioning Between Kingdoms - (5216)

It is said that each being in its nature, within each kingdom must become radioactive before being able to pass onto the next kingdom.

The minerals, plants and animals do it by the force of evolutionary laws, however human beings do not do it.

We can see this the easiest with the minerals. Where an essence will move into radioactive mineral life as a preparation for entry into the transition species between the mineral and plant kingdoms.

Human beings are stuck on the runway. It is not meant in view of the cosmic picture for human beings to become stuck and not progress into the other kingdoms of nature, such as the kingdoms of the soul and the spirit, and beyond that; the kingdom of the Logos and the Absolute.

Human beings do not progress by law because human beings have individual consciousness and so they must take their progress according to their own volition and with their own consciousness.

This though does not mean that human beings don't receive help. They do, they really do!

The Cosmic Christ helps through the Intimate Christ, and the Intimate Christ helps with the path, and the esoteric teachings bring us to the path and all the avatars of past and present have brought and are bringing us the esoteric teachings.

Read the following quote which is very interesting concerning the state of consciousness of beings in the four kingdoms.

"Whether they belong to the mineral, vegetable, animal or human realm, all creatures are conscious but, depending on their degree of evolution, this consciousness is more or less removed from their physical bodies.

The consciousness of minerals is the furthest removed, and this is why they exist in an inert state. The consciousness of plants is at the centre of the earth, so that is where we must try to reach them if we want to speak to them, and get them to understand us and respond. Animals do not have an individual consciousness either: their collective consciousness lies apart from them, within the group soul that directs each different species. Each animal obeys the group soul of its species, which determines the season for mating, for egg laying, for migration, for moulting, and so forth. Humans are the only beings who possess an individual consciousness, and that is why we are thinking beings endowed with free will.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov. 

To become radioactive means to be acted upon by powerful forces so to radiate (light or energy waves) and be transitioning to another state.

The teachings, the work, the path, the masters and the Inner Being are the powerful forces that make, together with our voluntary co-operation and collaboration, our consciousness to awaken and shine. As well as our energies to be transmuted and transformed, so to be able to crystalize into existence and presence in higher planes of consciousness. 

Awaken consciousness, mystical death and transmutation is how we become radioactive to enter the next kingdom above which is the kingdom of the Soul.

End (5216). 

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