Tuesday, 12 May 2015

What is the Kundabuffer or Kundartiguador? - (405)


Gurdjieff and Master Samael spoke much about the Kundabuffer organ and a lot of what Master Samael said is pretty clear. This post is just about going over some of what he said.

In the Quinto Evangelio, Master Samael also revealed many more details which do not appear in his books.

Note, the Qunito Evangelio is a two tome compilation of transcriptions of many recordings of informal talks that Master Samael had with his students.

English and Spanish Terms

There are these two terms Kundartiguador and Kundabuffer which refer to the same thing. Kundartiguador is Spanish and Kundabuffer is English.

I believe it was Gurdjieff who first introduced these terms in his book “Beelzebub’s Tales to his Grandson”. I believe “Beelzebub’s Tales to his Grandson” was not originally written in ether Spanish or English. So these terms Kundartiguador and Kundabuffer are translations where the word “Kunda” could not be translated and the ending "buffer" could be.

These two terms are equivalent, both contain “Kunda” at the beginning and both after the initial “Kunda” contain words which mean buffer. Amortiguador is the Spanish word for buffer. The English term Kundabuffer is more complete, it appears as though the Spanish term has been modified slightly to sound better.

According to Gurdjieff the organ which he called Kundabuffer was originally named that and he does not give any origin to the word “Kunda”. He does however, as does Master Samael explain the origin of the word “Kundalini”. Where the word "Kundalini" is of Atlantean origin and means the end of the Kundabuffer. Master Samael says "lini" means end of.

If you do a bit of searching on the internet you will see that “Kunda” means a cavity or deep pit or “Kundal” being that which is coiled. All of these meanings point to the coccyx.

So What is it?

The kundabuffer in us, the human being was a physical organ in very ancient and remote times but now is only a bony appendage seen at the end of our coccyx. However the effects or consequences of having that organ are still with us, residing in our psyche.

We don’t have it physically but psychically or psychologically yes. Furthermore, it can be developed unfortunately with certain practices, and that is something that we are certainly not interested in doing, as strengthening the kundabuffer never brings anything good, it only deepens the sleep of the consciousness and increases one's sufferings.

What Does it Do?

In the human being it acts upon our psyche hypnotising us, making us to believe the arguments from the ego that are not true, or at best half-true.

It also participates in the creation of psychological “I’s” and it is the element in us that produces fantasy and allows us to continue with fantasy and keep believing in, as if they were real, our unrealistic and untrue imaginings. In other words it hypnotises us lulling us to sleep, causing our consciousness, which is the only element in us that can perceive reality, to sleep and sleep deeply.

To be hypnotised is essentially to believe in what is not true!

Buffers our Psyche from Reality

Gurdjief named it the "kundabuffer" because it acts to buffer our psyche from reality. Buffers in the physical world always soften impacts or collisions between two bodies or objects, and so the kundabuffer does exactly that in our psyche. It softens the shocks that we can receive in our psyche from reality. This is because with these shocks that we get from reality we can awaken consciousness and keep our consciousness awakened. this was the original purpose of the kundabuffer, to make the very ancient human beings to become fascinated with life on Earth and therefore become good citizens.

Master Samael says that when a person tries to awaken and is starting to awaken, nature uses her most powerful weapon to hinder that person's efforts and that weapon is fantasy. Fantasy is nothing other than believing in the untrue, when we believe in the untrue our consciousnesses is lulled to sleep.

Hypnotic Grip

The kundabuffer is also psychologically multiplied in the sense that every ego that we have, has a kundabuffer. The kundabuffer or tail of every ego is the hypnotic grip that that ego has over our consciousness. The hypnotic grip is the force of the ego, where we know that the ego is wrong yet we still want to go through with it. The hypnotic grip makes us to do the things that we don't really want to do.

In oneiric experiences with the egos we can see that they have a tail, and the tail is nothing other than this hypnotic grip or a representation of the power of the kundabuffer that this ego has in it.

How do we Get Rid of It?

We get rid of the consequences of the Kundabuffer in our psyche by awakening and developing the Kundalini, which is, as the word describes: "the end of the Kundabuffer organ", and dissolving the psychological “I”.


Many avatars and great masters have come to help humanity to liberate it from the consequences of the Kundabuffer organ. Master Samael has come again and with the three factors (dissolution of the psychological ‘I’, transmutation of the sexual energy and the sacrifice for humanity) we can definitely remove ourselves from under the grasp and shadow of the hypnotising consequence of the Kundabuffer organ.

End (405).


  1. Kundalini is Sanskrit , thus , decidedly Hindu. What is Atlantean is curiously not known or accepted by anything mainstream.

  2. But then, kundabuffer is really existed in ancient time, or it's only a symbol?

    1. Reflexión-Serena1 February 2025 at 09:47

      Más allá del origen etimológico del término, se trata de la famosa "cola de Satán" que no es visible más que clarividentemente (o en experiencias internas o del astral consciente). Su mayor o menor desarrollo depende del grado de fuerza que tenga nuestro Ego (el Yo pluralizado o legión de demonios que cargamos dentro). Al despertar los fuegos e ir levantando la serpiente de kundalini es como vamos eliminado la famosa cola hipnótica.
      Fue una cola real en la época de la Lemuria, que se introdujo en esa raza para que esa humanidad "deseara" seguir viviendo y amar profundamente la realidad material (había el riesgo de suicidio colectivo)
      pero la divinidad, los dioses, se equivocaron en un error de cálculo y dejaron ese apéndice demasiado tiempo. Fue eliminado pero quedaron las consecuencias en los cilindros del organismo y en la psiquis. Eso llevó posteriormente a la caída edénica...y el resto es historia.

  3. What do you specifically mean with "transmute" sexual energy? 0.0

    1. Making babies! All the rest is a dream

    2. The life force is compressed in our sexual force. The raw matter and the seed of life exist in our semen (both in male and female) and must be saved and transmuted so it can be used for development of our soul and dissolution of the ego. Chastity is Sexual alchemy - the only way to build the light/solar body which we need to transcend in the higher dimensions, to exit the wheel of Samsara along with Sanctity (eliminating the ego I's) and Charity (sacrificing/love for others). Do not confuse chastity with Celibacy. Celibacy is as wrong as fornication.
      The direct path of the initiate consist in Sanctity/Chastity and Charity and is the only path through which One can incarnate the Christic Force and receive the resurrection.
      There is a Budhic spiral path as well but the choice between these two path is available only after one arrives to Nirvana, where it incarnates the human soul, existing the wheel of Samsara - which is possible only through Sanctity and Chastity.
      What is Chastity?
      1. No orgasm or ejaculation occurs – Hermetic Seal.
      2. Within a relationship based upon Love – Heart.
      3. One partner only to avoid short-circuits.
      3.Purity of Heart and Mind renounce lust – Prayer to divine mother Kundalini.

      How to do you perform the sexual alchemy?
      “Introduce the virile member into the feminine vagina, the withdraw without spilling the semen (without reaching orgasm.” ~ Samael Aun Weor

      “Separate that spirituous earth from the dense or crude by means of a gentle heat, with much attention.”
      ~ Emerald Tablet Hermes
      “Inmisium membrum virilin vaginae femina, sine ejaculatium seminus.” - “Lingum-yoni connection without ever spilling the ens seminus.”
      ~ Dr. Krumm-Heller

    3. Immaculate conception is how true masters are born even in today's world. Sexual act is performed in chastity and only one mature sperm is being released by the will of God and the two partners while maintaining a Hermetic seal during the sexual act and in every day life.

  4. Perhaps Gurdjieff and Master Samael did not realise that little knowledge can be misleading. Kunda and hence Kundalini is from Sanskrit as we all know that it is considered as a dead language like Latin. And Sanskrit is Indian and not Hindu. Hinduism is a religion and not a language. In India, the term KUNDA has a connotation with the genitals and Kundalini has Yogic connotation.

    1. Según el VM Samael, "Kundalini" es un término Indostán que en alta gramática esotérica significaría "fin del órgano kundartiguador" ("kunda" de kundartiguador y "lini" de fin o final). El término kundalini es una transliteración del sánscrito (AITS).
      El kundartiguador hace referencia a la cola de Satán que todos tenemos dentro (en la parte interna). Cuando una persona va despertando y ascendiendo su kundalini (Devi Kundalini Shakty o Dios-Madre) entonces va desapareciendo esa cola, de ahí que se diga que "finaliza" el kundartiguador y sus malas consecuencias en el aparato psíquico o en los cilindros de la máquina humana (terminología del cuarto camino).
      El origen del término kundalini seguramente es más antiguo, perteneciente a otras razas anteriores. En otras culturas recibe otros términos: Virgen María, Coatlicue, Rea, Isoberta, Cibeles, Tonantzin, Isis, Maya, etc. Sería la serpiente de fuego (el fuego de Pentecostés) ascendiendo victoriosa por el canal medular del iniciado.

  5. "Gurdjief named it the "kundabuffer" because it acts to buffer our psyche from reality"

    So that would be the first neural network between our sensor system and awareness that contains the old evolved pattern recognizer, and thus provides us with basic instincts and impulses.

    Hubbard called it the genetic entity. It is the part of us that has the most problem with cultural suppression and taboos. Suppressing this is not a good idea. (look at the world now) Better support and nurture it. To save the planet we need to rewild and join nature again to the fullest.

    Lets not be arrogant, we are mammals and we suck...
