Sunday, 30 April 2017

When there are Wounds – (1681)

Injuries in the Psyche

When there are wounds or injuries in our psyche, which we can also go by the names of emotional scars, emotional wounds, imbalances, untransformed impressions and finally egos or “I’s” we tend to take things that are said or that happen as a repeat of that same injury or as a reopening of that injury.

Example - Rejection

For example, when we have injuries still in our psyche to do with rejection, it is so easy for us to take the harsh words of others in the way of rejection. Even when the other person may not be meaning to reject us, but because we have those untransformed impressions of rejection present in our psyche we take those words or impressions in the painful way of rejection.

If we were to take those words without thinking, without interpreting or allowing our mind to make any movement, we would watch the coming and going of the words and the coming and going of the event and then we would move onto the next event in our life, just as naturally as the way water flows. In other words, there would not be any pain.

However, we have to make the effort to be very alert and to not allow the mind to think. It would be good though to not have to make a super effort and for us just to be able to observe the mind to be as it is. For this we need to have healed up those wounds of our psyche or in other words have transformed those impressions or have at least weakened those painful egos there in our psyche.

Need to Heal

So then we understand that we need to heal those wounds, which are just the same really as dissolving those egos in us. In a more scientific sense those wounds are really imbalances (injustices) inside of ourselves. Before being imbalances (injustices) they were errors in perception and misallocations of reference points.

Healing is Reversing this Errors

The wounds that we have in our psyche are actually a combination of karmic debts (things we still have to pay) and active wrongly directed psychological processes.

Healing is the process of knowing the right flow and establishing the right flow of these psychological processes at the same time diminishing the wrong flow. The more the wrong flow is diminished the more the right flow can be established. The right flow when applied to these wounds heals them. Sometimes slowly and gradually and sometimes remarkably quickly.


Some posts to come will be about some tips to apply in healing such wounds.

End (1681).

A Gnostic Way to Deal with Pain - (1680)

Sometimes Pain Hits

Some times we feel pain, whether it be physical pain or psychological pain. There is a way to deal with it that is better than others. 

This post is a very short description of how we may deal with pain.

Aversion No - Mindfullness Yes

Gnosis would say not to reject the pain nor avoid it. But rather feel it mindfully. This takes away the psychological dimension of pain which is difficult in itself and does not help in making the physical pain any easier to deal with.

Avoiding pain or having an attitude that we shouldn't be feeling it or that we have to be very strong or that our Being will relieve it or that this or that etc. does not make the pain go away and actually makes our experience of the pain much worse.

Attitudes of aversion actually begin to engage the flight or fight function of our instinctive centre. Which creates all sorts of tension and other very uncomfortable symptoms. 

We can't make the pain go away sometimes but accepting it, and putting our awareness into it in a humble and natural way that is inquisitive and kind makes a big difference. Then we can do certain petitions and prayers asking for help without the desperation, panic and anxiety.

We can do this with the psychological pain that we feel, for example with the terribly uncomfortable psychological flavours, such as emptiness, loneliness etc. and even with physical pain.

End (1680). 

Stake Your reference Point in Solid Ground - (1679)

When Trying to Decide

When trying to decide or process something becomes difficult, have a look at your reference point.

It may well be on something very impermanent or on a human detail that is not part of the big picture.

When we place our reference points for our decisions or our thinking in solid ground, that is on something that does not change and is of the big picture such as the Being, the work, the path, the overall future benefits we can make better decisions quite rapidly and painlessly.

Give it a try, it is certainly worth an investigation.

End (1679).

Saturday, 29 April 2017

Day Dreaming Leads to Rumination - (1678)

Be Careful with Day Dreaming

We know that there are many pitfalls related to day dreaming. One of the more negative consequences of day dreaming is to fall into rumination, which is a negative process that brings about  negative states and therefore negative emotions.

Worst Thing when in a Negative State

When we are in the middle of a negative state, one of the worst things that we can do is to start day dreaming. It may start out neutral enough but soon it will spiral downwards and we will be worse off! Guaranteed, and it won't take long either.

End (1778).

Friday, 28 April 2017

Combine Will for Effect – (1677)


This post is about some pointers to do with will that will help to make our use of our will more effective.

Will Works with Continuity

Will really takes effect if we make it continuous. We can connect will to our purpose as often as we can. Especially at night before resting and in the morning when we rise to greet the day.

Remembering our purpose constantly and driving our will into it makes the result or the work we do to move along and it creates circumstances.

Will is Finite – Simplify Life and Focus it!

Our will is finite in quantity so we have to look after it. Not allowing it to become dispersed and directed into several other activities.

When we focus our finite will we can do amazing things. Just like a 100W light bulb, unfocussed it lights up a room, but focussed into a laser beam it can cut through steel.

Will and Imagination

Will is masculine and Imagination feminine. When the two unite they create. They can create magically, esoterically and humanly and also psychologically.

Even magicians of any tradition, Kabbalistic or Hermetic use these two elements to give life to inanimate objects.

Will and Hope

Combine will and hope to deepen our efforts and give direction to our efforts. The two work marvellously powerfully together.

End (1677).

Remedying Imbalances Caused by the “I” of Self-Love – (1676)


With the people and in the special situations that involve love, self-love is present. Now, this could be the “I” of self-love or the self-love of the consciousness.

For most of us it is usually the ego of self-love that comes to tend to the business that occurs in these situations.

Note, the difference between the self-love of the ego is that it feels love towards us through others. That is when others are happy with us and they express their love we feel love towards us. When they are not happy with us we dislike them because we feel debased and unkind towards ourselves.

Balance Books

As often happens, our ego of self-love gets hurt and so we feel a kind of an imbalance, and a sense that something was unfair. And that makes us unbalanced inside of ourselves. We feel that we have to somehow go and right that unbalance.

We usually do it by getting angry at the other, becoming demanding or sad, or sulking or using some sort of sabotage tactics to get back at them and indirectly let them know that we are upset and that they should right their wrong.

Right Way to Right the Imbalance/Debt

The right way to right the scale is to immediately go to use the right self-love which is to love inwards and upwards to go to the Being in us and begin by loving the Being that dwells within. Love that energy of life, that conscious stream of life that emanates from the place all of us come from. To love the Being in us is also to love the origin of our Being which is the Absolute and it is also to love others.

The more love we have given to others the more and better we can love our Real Interior Being.

End (1676).

Thursday, 27 April 2017

Putting Out Negative Fires – (1675)


The egos make use of the elements within us. This is because our constitution is made up of the elements. Some egos use one element more than others.

If we know how to manage the elements we can actually help ourselves in the dissolution of the egos that predominantly use these elements.

Egos that Use Fire

The egos that use the fire element are egos such as: anger, lust, irritation, annoyance, intolerance etc.

When such egos are very active in us, the element of fire is burning intensely. But of course in a negative way.

Put Out the Negative Fire

If we know a bit about how the element of fire works, we can use that knowledge to put out that burning fire that is polarised negatively.

Reduce Air Supply

If we starve fire of air it dies down and goes out. As air in us is our thoughts, the less we think the less we feed the fire and the sooner it dies down and goes out.

Add Water

We know that fire goes out when we add water. Water in us is adaptability, calm, life giving nourishment, love, emotion, flow etc.

So if we flow on in life, bring to ourselves the emotions of benevolence, kindness to others and ourselves, flow to where there are calm circumstances, people and spiritual nourishment we can reduce that burning fire. Even go to a river or the ocean to clean and clear the solar plexus and bring the fresh cooling qualities of the ocean and river into you. You can swim or just sit by the water and meditate on the water.

Enclose in Earth

We know also that if we put fire into a clay oven or a confined space we can control it much better. Earth in us is routine, discipline, action, firmness, steadiness etc.

If we submit ourselves to our routine, to an activity, to exercise, to work on something we can help curtail the burning fire in us. The more we persist with the work, routine or activity we will see how the burning fire begins to come under control.


Every negative burning fire in us is finite. It will always burn out by itself. This is definitely for sure. The above very simple techniques will help along this putting out of the negative fire. 

End (1675).

Tuesday, 25 April 2017

Fire Burns Dead Wood – (1674)

What is Dead Burns Best

What is dead burns best. What is alive does not burn so well.

This is a fact with physical fire. Wood that has been cut off from a tree and left to dry burns terrifically well. Where there is life there must be moisture or water. When life or moisture leaves it is then the natural time for fire to take over.

The same thing works with our egos. The Divine Mother is fire and when we have done our work of understanding the ego, which is really the same as emptying it of life, which is the same as removing the moisture from it, the time for the ego to be dissolved, that is have the essence liberated from it, it is right.


Fire transforms what has life removed from it. It can however burn something that still has life in it but the fire to do that must be very intense. These are the exceptions with the ego, an ego maybe still alive and the Divine Mother and the Law may as a special exception liberate the essence trapped within it. This is what is called a Kabbalistic bark, where an ego is made into a corpse without the due comprehension.

End (1674).

Fire Unifies – (1673)

A Saviour of its Kind

Fire makes things into itself. It unifies.

Fire acts on something and it draws out more of its own kind. It is a saviour of its own kind.

Christic Fire

Because the Christ is fire that is why physical fire does this – save its own kind. Physical fire follows the Christic nature. This is because the spiritual is first and the physical is later, physical fire is the way it is because it follows on from the Christic fire.

The Christ is known as the saviour, the redeemer, the one who enters the duly prepared bodhisattva in order to accelerate the fight for the liberation of the remaining trapped pieces of essence.

Fire does the same, it acts on something material liberating the fire that is trapped within that material form. It then unifies with the fire that it liberates from the material form.

Water, Air and Earth

Water also unifies with water, air does as well, but earth remains separate. That is why Earth signs (Zodiac) have the tendency to be rather selfish. Taurus for example are very selfish as are those that belong to Capricorn.

End (1673).

Monday, 24 April 2017

Move in Time - One Key to Help in Our Awakening - (1672)

Sleeping Person

The person who is asleep is stuck in time. Mostly stuck in one side of time actually. Either the past or the present.

Awakened Person

The awakened person moves in time. If they get hit, as soon as it is over, it is over for them, it has gone. They do not stand still in the past. They embrace the moment.

The awakened people before they act they look in the immediate future and also deep into the future to see the effects and consequences of the actions that they want to take.


This is a tremendously useful thing to do with friends. Friends insult us and then we dwell on that and then we feel hurt and become resentful. Or we may fear that the relationship is suffering and will be over soon. In both cases we are stuck in time, the past and the future.

With friends it is best to move quickly in time, especially to move out of the past and into the present. If the past is a little painful move into the present and into the bright and hopeful future.

If the future looks bleak, move into the past to see how many things were overcome and that what apparently lies ahead can also be overcome.

If you are in pain, move into the future to see how the pain will be healed and gone.

End (1672).

Fire Cascades – (1671)

Observing Fire

Observe the way a fire is lit.

You start with a striking a match and setting alight some paper. Then when the paper burns it sets alight some kindling, then the kindling sets alight some light wood. As the light wood burns the heavier pieces of wood slowly catch alight.

Fire descends from the lighter to the denser. There is no way that the heavier pieces of wood can catch fire from a match. They must receive their fire from a greater source.

Fire Descends from Above

Fire descends from above into the denser planes. It may descend from the causal or higher and slowly make its way down to the physical.

An interesting thing to observe is that a physical fire is lit using a triangle shape with the heavier pieces at the apex of the triangle and the lighter pieces as the base. Fire burns in the shape of a triangle and seeks to ascend and rise up once again into the superior worlds from whence it came.

So the fire that we have within us has come from the high reaches of our Being and it descends into us to take us back up to those places again.

End (1671).

Fire is Radical – (1670)


That is one obvious thing about fire. It is very radical. As soon as it touches something it leaves its mark. If what fire touches has not been tempered (touched by fire before) it leaves its mark in a very radical way. That is totally consuming it.

Fire and Earth

Earth seeks to contain fire, and when fire acts on Earth fire, further solidifies earth. Fire tempers Earth and makes Earth able to resists its future advances.

Metals are made stronger by being tempered by the fire. Metals in Alchemy were known as values of the essence. Every value that we have is made stronger though the various tests and trials.

There is no test or trial or temptation without the intervention of fire.

Temptation is Fire!

Master Samael said that temptation is fire and triumph over temptation is light.

Temptation is fire because it impels, it energises, it revolutionises, it puts us at the gate of being burnt or being transformed and liberated. There is also no light without fire. Fire produces light. With temptation we have the two options of fire before us: to be burnt by failing or be shown the light by not succumbing.

End (1670).

Fire and Air – (1669)

Observing Fire

We see that fire works with air. No air, in fact, no fire.

Air fuels fire.

Air also can extinguish fire especially when the flames are low.

Air can direct and fan fire making fire to travel swiftly and rage with immense intensity.

Air – Our Thoughts

These observations of fire are useful to us, because we have fire within us. Air within us is our thoughts and fire within us is many things. Some of which are emotion, sex, essence, consciousness.

Our thoughts certainly affect our emotion and our sexual centre. If we keep vigilant over our thoughts, we can control the fires within us. As soon as the thoughts grow the fire within us begins to burn and burn in the direction of the thoughts. If the thoughts are negative the fire will burn negatively in us and we will be driven into negative emotion and action.

Egos that have a Strong Fire Element

The egos that have a strong fire component such as anger, lust, self-love etc. are best dealt with my not fuelling the fire element with thoughts. The fire element in those egos rages intensely the more we think.

End (1669).

Sunday, 23 April 2017

Water Overcomes Fire - (1668)


When it comes to physical facts, water as an element usually overcomes the fire. 

It is only when the amount of fire present is much greater than the amount of water present, will the result be that fire overcomes water. 

When water overcomes fire, the fire is lost and the result is a black paste that is mostly of no good to anyone.

For the meeting of fire and water to be useful and constructive there must always be a kind of barrier between the two. 

With this barrier in place fire can operate on water, transforming it and liberating the energy hidden within it. 

This artifice of a barrier is wised used in practical life and especially in what concerns us more, in Alchemy. 

Fire and Water in Alchemy

When water overcomes fire, there is the loss of the sexual energy and the extinguishing of fire. The result is the black paste which is no good for anyone, and this black paste is lust.

The barrier between fire and water is perfectly put in place with the great modus operandi of Alchemy which is to never lose the ens seminis.

Not losing the ens seminis maintains the fire and allows the fire to operate on the water (mercury or raw sexual energy) to extract the spirit from it which is the metallic soul of the mercury (metallic means value, and soul refers to the spirit of the energy).

The operation of fire is always to liberate energy and consciousness. Which is actually its own nature. Fire is energy certainly and consciousness certainly. Fire always unites itself with itself. Fire acts on something to liberate itself that is trapped within its material form.

That is why the Christ is also fire, he redeems what is of himself. He redeems the essence from within trapped within the ego.

End (1668).

Friday, 21 April 2017

Sex is a Legitimate Joy but not a Legitimate Need - (1667)


Master Samael says that sex is a legitimate joy that any human being has the right to experience. However, Master Samael does not say that it is a legitimate need.

Impressions, air and food are certainly legitimate needs because we would not be able to continue to live if any one of these three elements (impressions, air and food) were denied us.

We can survive without sex, as thousands have done in the past. 

Obviously for the self-realisation of our Being we need sex to complete our inner universe (solar bodies) so that our inner Being can manifest. 

Whole Point

I am writing this post actually to make the point that the egos of lust have the belief that sex is a legitimate need and therefore because it is a need and needs must be fulfilled, that ego is then compelled to try and fulfill those needs. 

The egos of lust believe that sex is a real need, therefore these egos think, that whatever is a real need must then be fulfilled or satisfied, and so lust goes about trying to fulfill these wrongly perceived needs. 

If we knew that sex is a not a real need, i.e. a matter of life and death, where our body depends on it, we would be in possession of some extra ability to be able to separate from the egos of lust. 

Parting Point

When one has ridden out a storm where the ego of lust was very prevalent, one experiences that all of those needs, that seemed so real, magically disappear when the storm is ridden out. This shows us with 100% clarity that sex, which is usually what the egos of lust desires are not really a legitimate need at all, because if it were legitimate it would always be there before, during and after any storm. 

End (1667). 

Forgive Our Trespasses as we Forgive those who Trespass Against Us - (1666)


This petition from the "Our Father" hides a very special psychological truth that is extraordinarily helpful.

Hidden Truth

This petition from the "Our Father" actually has some relation to the work on the ego of self-love and balance in general.

This petition says that we can not be forgiven until we begin to forgive others. As soon as we start to forgive others our forgiveness begins. The same applies to the ego of self-love. 

We can begin to fill ourselves with love as soon as we give love to others. This is because psychology when we have given love to others we can feel a wave of appreciation towards ourselves and towards our Being. 

Clears Karmic Debts

Doing this also helps us clear karmic debts that we have with others. The ego of self-love can be very difficult to eliminate when we have in the past made others to feel awful about themselves through much derision, criticism, very cutting insults etc. Therefore loving others or simply helping them begins to cancel these debts and in accordance with the way these debts are cleared we can begin to fill ourselves with love in a manner independent of others loving us or not, which means the end of the ego of self-love.

We have the ego of self-love because we can not maintain an inner balance when others offend us or wrong us. The ego of self-love is about seeking balance, but getting others to balance things for us by extracting the love we should of received from them by force. 


Begin to forgive ours to be forgiven and love others to fill ourselves with  love, help others to be helped, care for others so to be cared for etc.

End (1666).

Feeling Empty - (1665)


There are times when we feel an emptiness that is quite painful.

This may occur after a retreat, or after close friends or family leave return home from a visiting, or someone leaves us or a relationship ends or a person close to us is very upset with us, etc.

Why do we feel empty when our essence and our Being are always there with us? There has to be a reason for that. Let's see some of the reasons.

Reasons for Feeling Empty


One reason is that we indeed could be very far from our inner Being and so naturally we do feel empty, with certain times being worse than others. However, I think this is not the main reason.

Two - Main Reason

The second reason is that there is something in our psychology that wants that we be inside the other person's heart or that we occupy a place in their inner space or that we are there with them in their relationship with their Being. The pain comes from the fact that during those special moments when a retreat ends, when a relationship falters etc. we realise the truth that we are not in their inner space and that we can't be there with them in their inner space with their Being and so we feel pain. 

Furthermore, we feel this pain because we are actually outside of ourselves far from our own inner house and our essence and our Being. We are actually trying to be inside another person rather than being within ourselves. So this is why we feel empty because we are outside of ourselves leaving ourselves empty.


We need to understand a truth here and that is, that everyone is only in their inner space with the inner own Being.

End (1665).  

Thursday, 20 April 2017

We are Sexual Energy – (1664)

Cosmic Scale of Things

We are from the cosmic scale of things a seed or in others words a unit of raw sexual energy.

We are water essentially, and inside the water is fire, where the fire is the essence, which encloses the consciousness.

Inside Water is Fire

This is exactly like our sexual energy. Inside of our sexual energy (ens seminis) is the fire.

As our sexual energy needs to be transformed with transmutation so do we, because we are the raw sexual energy of the cosmos.

Fire Liberated from the Water

We need to be as a whole transmuted or trans-formed. Just as our sexual energy is transmuted via the sexual contact within the sexual union we too are transformed/transmuted via the friction from outside of ourselves which are the difficult circumstances of our life.

Difficult Circumstances

With the difficult circumstances the fire inside of ourselves can burn brighter and transform ourselves, that is transform the matter or water into more fire, which is energy and consciousness, which is also liberation.

End (1664).

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Key of Alchemy – (1663)

Know what the Sexual Energy is Really For!

An essential key for the practice of Alchemy is to really know what the sexual energy is for!

Without really knowing, we just think it is for what everyone else uses it for, which is to focus on sensations, senses and matter.

Divert the Attention and Channel Energy

Another essential key is to develop the capacity to divert our attention towards our interior, that is towards our Being and channel our energy inside towards our inner Being as well.

End (1663).

Focus of Alchemy – (1662)

Normal sex or infra sex is focused on creating the emotion of satisfaction. It is focused on fulfilling the many mental images of pleasure. Where pleasure is the combination of sensation and emotion. Where the emotions take on the general characteristics of satisfaction, possession, acceptance, achievement, certainty, control etc.

The focus of Alchemy is the Being and the creation of the universe of the Being and the dissolution of what does not serve the Being.

End (1662).

The Last Place for Lust, is in the Alchemy – (1661)

Lust and Alchemy are very different. Alchemy is to build and it is to dissolve. Which is to build what the Being requires and dissolve what is not of the Being.

The Alchemy is needed to make us complete. Our Being needs the bodies to be complete in manifestation. Without the bodies our Being can not come into manifestation.

The Alchemy is there to give us esoteric unity. Lust has nothing to do these purposes or reasons.

End (1661).

Separate Lust from Sex – (1660)

Lust and sex are very different.

Sexuality is independent from lust.

Sexuality exists by itself without lust. But lust needs sexuality, lust superimposes itself upon sexuality.

If we can separate lust from sex we will discover this truth.

We can separate lust from sex, because lust is something psychological. Lust is a whole collection of concepts, interpretations, images, memories and psychological processes that can be separated from sexuality.

We begin separating lust from sex when we keep our mind serene and quiet whenever the question of sexuality arises.

This is to separate the flame from the smoke, of which the Alchemist wrote or spoke about.

End (1660).

Burning Embers in the Soul – (1658)


We have burning embers in our soul!

Light Them Up

These hot coals are our hopes and yearnings that keep us fighting in the path

We can use them intelligently to help us especially when we are nearly all extinguished.

Blowing on them to light them up in flames can also keep us going even stronger than ever.

You have your burning embers in your soul, what you secretly hope for, what you secretly yearn for, what you have always intimately loved are your burning embers deep in your soul. Work for to set them ablaze and make those embers to light up and inspire you onward!

End (1658).

Fire, Negative Side – (1659)

Duality of Fire

There is duality everywhere in creation. Even fire has a negative side here in creation, but the fire of the Absolute is without fire.

For example, there is no war without the, intervention of fire. No fire - no war. Fire is present in the preparation of metal weapons, fire is the main and active element present in all modern weapons, such as guns, bombs, etc.

Even fire is present in making vehicles move.

If we were to take away all of the weapons and just have two armies of naked men, fire is still present. It is the fire in men in their blood, in their emotions that draws them to war. Anger uses the fire in the human being.

Luciferic Fire

Fornication is fire used wrongly. When we are controlled by our passions it is fire burning out of control in us. There is also Luciferic fire which is the wrong use of the sexual fire.

United States of America

For me, the United states of America is a fire nation. It is so easy to see the activity of fire in wide operation amongst the people of that great nation. Both in the positive and negative sides. Ask me if you want specifics...

This too can be seen in many nations, however it is clearer in the U.S, showing us that this nation has really a large quantity of fire, greater than in any other nation.

End (1659).

Why Not to Get Stuck in Past Religions – (1657)


A religion is just a form, and no form is permanent. Things are being added to religions all the time and as new eras approach more will be added to them and because we can not stop this constant change it does not make too much sense to be stuck in the ways of the old religion, i.e. the customs, the rules, interpretations etc. The principles are different they will always be the same.

Here is an interesting quote about this:

“A religion is a form through which the divine spirit manifests, and no form is permanent. Christianity, which was born in the Middle East, received at its inception certain elements from the Greek and Latin cultures. To these were added elements inherited from the Jewish religion, which itself had been influenced by the religions of neighbouring countries such as Egypt and Mesopotamia. A religion is never born from nothing; it takes on elements from previous religions and is itself transformed as it spreads far from its place of origin. The peoples of Africa, America and Asia who have been converted to Christianity, for example, have added elements from their own cultures.

Whether we like it or not, religions change. Even if they are the same sacred texts, an ever-widening gap exists between what people read and how they understand and feel about them. Evolution is the law of life, which is why it is illogical to strive to perpetuate the forms of a religion.”

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

End (1657).

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

How Creation Could Have Been Avoided – (1656)


According to Master Samael creation began due to some Monads within the Absolute possessing certain imperfections (karma or karmic debts) that propelled them to want to be someone or something, i.e. to be more than what they are.

The ‘More’

Master Samael says that the ‘more’ in the external sense is the foundation of the ego.

The Real 'more’, Master Samael says is directed internally, that is inwards and upwards towards the Being.

When a person discovers the Being, master Samuel says that is the most joyous moment that can be experienced by a person, and then the person naturally wants to know ‘more’ of their Being. The real ‘more’ is actually directed to be within the Being.

Creation Avoided

Master Samael says that if the Monads would have done this, things would have been different. Because within the Being there is more and more, there is an infinite unfolding within the Absolute. Meaning there is an infinity of new discoveries to be made inside the Being within the Absolute.

End (1656).

Karma as the Origin of Creation! – (1655)

Master Samael says: no karma no creation.

When creation unfolded there was a derision that occurred in the Monad. Adhi Buddha remained as the un-manifested within the Absolute and Kether unfolded into creation.

Master Samael said that there are worlds that once they have paid the karma that they had, they cease to exist and they are absorbed by the absolute. Because there was nothing more to fulfil, those worlds were then acted upon by the law of re-absorption or interior spaces. According to this law those worlds retreated from the physical into the internal dimensions until they reached the Absolute. Master Samael also said that the reason why we have successive lives is because of the ego. We have many lives all so to eliminate the ego.

There was an imbalance within the Absolute that provoked creation. Master Samael said that it was the imperfections in the Monads that caused the imbalance. Those imperfections are karma. The imperfections wanted those Monads to be 'something or 'someone'. These Monads at one point were also restless and wanted the cosmic night to finish. And so the cosmic night finished and the Logos unfolded creation. As Master Samael said, the Absolute warned the Logos: “do it and you will see”. Meaning that there will be consequences.

End (1655).

Monday, 17 April 2017

Realising we are Wrong and Correcting it is More Important than Being Wrong! – (1654)

What is our saving grace when we are wrong is that we realise that were wrong.

If we don’t realise that we are wrong, then we may get into some trouble later on or we may stagnate in our work.

The thing that only matters really when we are wrong is that we realise it and we correct it.

The big pride of not wanting to be wrong is a major hindrance. That pride is something that has to disappear for us to advance in the work and in the path. It must go!

We are going to be wrong a thousand times more so why not relinquish that pride.

Being right or wrong is not the important part, what is important is our consciousness learning and our consciousness fixing that learning into our being.

That pride of not wanting to be wrong does not focus on what is really important, it as is common of the ego focuses on the superfluous, the vain, the superficial and the external.

End (1654).

Friday, 14 April 2017

Esoteric Education - (1653)

The aim of esoteric culture and education is to correct the wrong perceptions, interpretations and uses that we make of the esoterc teachings.

An important point is to not mix our personal problems or personal preferences with the teachings, Another important point is to not mix our beliefs with the doctrine.

The esoteric teachings are a set of principles. 

When a person mixes their personal life and experiences with the doctrine and even makes the latter two doctrine, that person destroys the doctrine.

The esoteric teachings are not exclusive to one given latitude and time. In the esoteric teachings the tradition does not become a law.

The real esoteric education comes from our consciousness. It is about understanding esoteric, universal and cosmic principles. It ultimately comes from the learning that our Being goes through.

End (1653).