This post is a collection of notes about the ray of force.
My hope is that while reading it, a certain atmosphere will be formed allowing you in your particular way to make a connection to the ray of force. Then through that connection you may be able to find something you are looking for...
Having said that the best connection to the ray of Force is truly the teachings of Master Samael. His ray - the ray of Force is alive in all his books and lectures.
Cosmic Sense
One of the eternal properties of God, is God being almighty! God can not be God, if God is not almighty, right?
Just like God can not be God, if God is not all knowing. All-knowing, all-seeing, almighty, all-present, all-being are the properties that only God (the Absolute) can have.
Classically, all-knowing, all-seeing, all-being, all-present and almighty are attributed to God and no one or anything else.
Might or strength coming directly from the almighty property of God is one of the primordial divine properties of God (Absolute).
The ray of Force is the might or strength of God in action in creation.
In no way can God we be weak. Why? Because if God was weak, another force may be able to overcome God and perhaps install itself as the creating and governing principle...
From the above statement we can see that force, one of the key eternal properties of God is related to combat (interaction of forces), protection, order and governing (power).
We will see later in this post how the ray of force works closely with the rays of law, order, love, wisdom, medicine, life and death.
Everything in the universe that has life is a force. If something has energy it has force. Though the ray of force is more than that (energy), it is also the consciousness of force.
As we can imagine, the force of God is so needed in creation to maintain the order that the intelligent principles of the universe have set in motion.
So that the intelligent principles and creating Gods may lead and preside over creation, the ray of force is needed.
In keeping order and rebelling against the order force is needed.
What can produce chaos in creation is force. What can produce and maintain order in creation is force.
Only force can rebel and overcome reason, where that reason is order and balance. To break and either restore balance force is needed.
Here we can see the duality of force. The Divine Law uses force to restore balance and to administer the many backlashes that come about because of the misuse of having broken balance.
One can easily appreciate how the ray of force was instrumental in the rebellion of the angels.
The force of the Absolute is needed unfold creation. The ray of Force is related to the ray of Life.
The ray of force in our Solar System is administered and governed by Mars and its regent is Logos Samael. Our guru!
It is interesting to note how it was the Logos of Mars Samael's turn to govern over the fifth root race, which is the race that is furthest away from Divinity experiencing the iron age.
Iron is the the metal of industry, construction, weaponry - in short labour and war.
The ray of force is the only one that can do something on a large scale in these times of the closing of a cycle...
The ray of forces protects.
The Absolute knew that in the chaos or creation various human beings would need to be protected.
The ray of Force holds the mysteries of the strength of God. Some of the mysteries of force are unity, will, life force energy and justice.
Esoteric Sense
Force is needed to create and start a certain enterprise. It is also needed to lift a given enterprise that is withering.
Force is used to build or destroy. To raise up or bring down.
Force becomes most visible in duality where often a clash of forces is witnessed. The ray of force is needed to help various energies prevail over others.
One of the roles of force is to provide the strength to overcome difficulties.
Force is used to uphold the laws. The ray of Force is related tot eh ray of the Law.
Force is needed to break and surpass the inferior to come under superior laws.
The ray of force favours the just.
The way of the warrior, the way to God through the conscious path of force.
Force finds it most potent combination with wisdom. Then it can serve justice.
Force combines so well with wisdom and love.
The ray of force is the ray that sacrifices itself a lot. It enters into the fray of conflict sacrificing itself for the restoration of balance.
Force is always behind revolution. If it was not for the force Master Samael put into the doctrine we would not be able to enact a revolution within ourselves.
If a malevolent force triumphs it is because the Divine Law supported it.
Love converts into force. Love then converts into wisdom to further its reach.
Love and wisdom are must to be developed for those of the ray of force. Many egos relating to love and wisdom will appear to be dissolved for those of this ray.
Planet Mars |
We see Master's Samael's mission being from the ray of force his gospel had to be the Alchemy. To bring this message to the world, force was needed to push through all the resistance. The Alchemy itself is to work with the primordial forces of creation within the human being and the cosmos.
Mars is said to behind any country or party that enters into war. For as long as the country or party remains just.
We see when in life in the age from 35 to 42 we come under the planet Mars. We are given the force to truly fight to establish ourselves in our chosen vocation or position in life.
Force maintains, transcends, builds, destroys, defends, attacks and supports.
Ontological Sense
Each Monad has a tremendous force. Which is in its will.
The ray of force is the one that stands heroic. No other ray seems to hold the place of heroes.
There is no triumph without force. The ray of force is in charge of delivering triumph. When love and wisdom are behind force, it justly brings victory.
The gift of the ray of force is victory.
Love invokes force, wisdom guides it, justice gives it the right measure and scope and love motivates it.
The spirit is strong and the flesh weak. The stronger force or strength is with the spirit. The Being in us needs force to function in matter.
The strength of God is the ray of force. To love God and approach God with strength is the motto of the ray of Force.
Those of the ray of force see God as the strength that holds everything and the strength that holds us in God, with God and to God. OM SEA FUERZA!
All powerful is - all mighty is God.
Human Sense
God give me strength is what some mothers would say when their children did something wrong.
If you feel strong and have force - direct it inwardly to know yourself deeper than you have ever before. Such inwards efforts make the force we are gifted with useful.
All force comes from the Being and should return to It. That is our true role with force.
We need force to concentrate and to call the virtue.
Everything is round, all energies and forces descend only to traverse an arc returning to its origin. As the origin is the Being that is where it must return.
The force that keeps us standing is a phenomenal force, which Master Samael tells us descends from Mars. Truly without that force we would be jelly. I feel that we may not even be able to walk. We really do not know the power and significance of that force.
We see how the liver is related to Mars as it is the organ in us that fights tirelessly to break down compounds that the body can not otherwise assimilate.
The military the armed forces etc. are expressions of this ray.
A military is an expression of a country's human and esoteric force. The military is used to defend, rescue, liberate, restore order, attend to emergency situations and occupy foreign lands (not just if it is not within the plans of the Divine Law - like how it was the plan of the Law for the Roman Empire to expand by the hand of Julius Cesar - Ray of Force)
The wrong side of force is to oppress, exploit, destroy.
Bravery comes from the ray of force and is love and force in flight.
Behind any revolution of a human government there is force.
End (4994).