Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Greed - Two Facets of

Greed is an ‘I’

Greed is an ego or an ‘I’, just like many of the others, and just like the others it has many ways of manifesting itself. There is the greed of time and there is the greed related to material things such as money, precious metals and stones and objects in general.

Greed is curiously one of the 7 capital sins, mentioned by Dante.


If we are going to define greed we would say that greed is a desire to have 'the more'. In nearly all of those cases the more is actually more than what we need. Greed is the desire for the excess. The very strange thing with greed is that within greed the desire to have more is seen or presented as a need. The illusion of greed resides in that false need being seen as a real authentic legitimate need.

Post Outline

What I am going to do here is outline the greed related to both of these facets, that is the greed related to time and the greed related to money and objects.

Distinguishing Line

We have in relation to this topic - the greed of time, a certain line that distinguishes between hard work and yearning combined together and the plain greed related to time. The key to find out which is which is to examine at our motivations.

Greed Related to Time

Greed related to time. Time unlike money and precious objects is something that is intangible, meaning we can not touch it, we need our mind to perceive or to determine how much is left and how much is not left. When we look at the clock we just see some numbers though it is our mind that gives it meaning. It is our mind that says I’m late or I’m early and I still have time left for example. The greed related to time is very much an intellectual issue. It can make us very obsessive and it can make us very uptight rushing everything and working vey physically hard.


In the greed related to time what we want to do, is to do as much as we can in the shortest space of time or in a certain amount of time that our mind assigns to it. That greed wants to cram in as much as it possibly can. The interesting thing is that when we are cramming, the goal is no longer the quality of the tasks being completed the focus becomes just getting it finished. Getting as much finished as possible, what we do starts to lack feeling and consciousness. We become devoid of awareness and real authentic concern, we just get the job done and that is all that we care about. When it comes to people it is terrible, actually because where we use to give them our attention and care we no longer do.

The other problem with the greed of time is that we create goals that are unrealistic in many ways, we want to get things done that we can’t really get done. There is also that process that creates so much for us to do.

Our Own Creation

We actually create for ourselves this greed of time by creating with our mind so many things for ourselves to accomplish. We usually create this greed because we have too many things to do and they may well be very silly. The thing is that our mind creates all of these things. If we can stop our mind from creating all these things and only doing things that we need to do we can stop ourselves from creating this greed or at least strengthening it. Or the other way is to only allow ourselves to do a moderate amount of things taking our time doing it with a lot of quality, in other words with consciousness and understanding.

Takes us Outside of Ourselves

This greed of time is quite bad as it can take us out of ourselves and we become totally focussed on things outside of ourselves, which are the fulfilment of these tasks. The best is to concentrate on ourselves and carry out the tasks with consciousness. To limit our activity is also very good as well, which is something that we have to do as well. To simplify our life is very good. 

What it Teaches Us

One thing that this greed of time teaches us to do, is to do things in a balanced and conscious way, we may always be active doing something consciously not just sitting there dreaming or lying there dreaming. This is to have a conscious life. To do what we can in a balanced way with awareness and consciousness. So what we can do is to eliminate from our lives the dead times, and the time wasting activities. That is the lesson of the greed of time. And of course it is to be consistent in the task that we do, because as the ego is like that we end up going with the greed of time and then going with its opposite wasting time because no ego in us is constant.

Greed Related to Money

The greed related to money is another aspect of greed that is quite important, it of course wants us always to go for the more. It is something that actually is contradictory where we of course want more money and so it gets interested in all these get rich schemes that pay out money and so we invest and the result is that we end up loosing a lot of money. Mind you we can also earn a lot of money as well (this depends mostly on our dharma). This greed keeps us believing in all these fake schemes and fascinated by the amount of money they can bring to us.

Why the Fascination with Money

What are the reasons why we keep believing in all these money making schemes? It is because our values are in the personality which is the physical world, the common values of society and matter.

The Best Investments

What is the best investment? Isn’t it to do with the spirit? Isn’t it the best investment because it lasts forever? Why do we want money? If we can answer this question honestly we we will see that the answer is because we value all those things that money can buy or are associated with money, such as power, prestige, respect, importance, authority, control etc.

Our Use of Money

We always use money for psychological reasons, why do we want money. This is a question that we must ask ourselves quite often. What is the motivation as to why we want money.

We can just end up thinking about money all the time and nothing else. It can grow to be so big that it swallows up all our mental space. However, what is funny though is that it is all about dreaming about quantities of money that we don’t have.

Greed loves to dream and calculate what we are going to get. When we organise the money we have, it is more or less conscious and it is not about greed fantasising.


The objective of this post was to make the reader aware of these facets of greed and to pass on some advice about how to curb these facets. Observe them in action in daily life and the key is really the values underlying these facets. If we change our values we will not desire all these things related to matter, and if we do things more consciously and with less desire we will not fall into the greed of time. If we just do the best that we can always we see our limitations, feel satisfied and not be creating unrealistic expectations of cramming so many things into such a short time.

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Cosmic Laws in the Egyptian Maat


Maat was known to the ancient Egyptians as the divine order through which all of creation was established. The main objective of this talk is mention the divine order in creation and describe in some detail the laws or principles that immediately affect us and how we can transcend them.

Divine Order

There is a we may not realize it an order to creation. There are seven basic orders of creation or 13 dimensions to creation, which is represented by the Kabbalistic tree of life. The law of three creates and the law of seven organizes. The law of seven has in fact as we can see from various studies in esotericism organized creation or formed the order present in creation.


These laws: the law of cause and effect (karma), the law of recurrence, the law of the pendulum and the law of entropy are the laws that have the greatest influence upon our lives. There are three eternal things in life: Law, Nirvana and space said Buddha.

In accordance with the spirit of Gnosis the most important thing is to profoundly know and understand each law by studying how it affects our very own lives. With this personal intimate knowledge comes the possibly of freedom from it or the possibility of freedom from the negative consequences which in the end are brought about by our ignorance of the law and ourselves.

As we spoke about in the first talk the most important law is the law of balance, which is essentially the law of cause and effect.

By first of all receiving an explanation (best done through examples) of the law and looking back over our lives we can see how our life has been influenced or impacted by this law.

We can see how this law has worked in our favour and how it has worked against us. By seeing both of these sides we are able to come to the conclusion that it was our actions (what we said or did) that produced the outcome of either happiness or pain.

In Gnosis there is something fundamental and that is, it is impossible to separate one’s actions from one’s psychology. To every action there is a psychological background. In Gnosis we say before any action there is thinking, feeling and acting.

It is precisely this thinking and feeling that we wish to talk about as the cause of our various transgressions or pain. Whenever we break a law there is an element inside of us that has impelled us to break it. Gnosis says as did the ancient Egyptians that the human being has a soul symbolized by the scarab (Egyptian) and a pluralized ‘I’ or ego called the red demons of Seth by the Egyptians.

It is never the soul or the consciousness in us that transgresses or fails to see these laws in actions it is rather the psychological ‘I’ in us that impels us to think, feel and act wrongly producing the transgression and pain.

By becoming conscious of the psychological ‘I’ inside of us that produces the error we can following a process of self-observation, comprehension and elimination become totally free of the ‘I’ that impels us to act wrongly and the negative consequences to do with breaking the law.  We also as a result of this process or work are able to pay the karmic debts we have accumulated over the years through the action of this ego or psychological ‘I’.

Law of Cause & Effect (Karma)

This law ties consequences to our actions. Our actions are a blank karmic cheque for the future, what we get paid in the future depends on our actions. In fact it is a chain where an effect becomes the cause of another effect and so on and so on. Because of this law every action or event in our lives pleasant or painful has a cause or a reason. Karma is a medicine and the best thing we say in Gnosis to do, if that medicine is bitter is to co-operate with it and pay it, definitely not to fight against and make it worse.

Law of Recurrence

This is the law that produces the repetition of thoughts, feelings, actions, events, dramas, problems, pleasures etc. Once an action has been carried out the law of recurrence acts for the same events or action to be repeated, for example we have recurrences with people, nations, places, events etc.

Law of the Pendulum

Our whole life is ruled by the pendulum. Success and failure, rise and fall, pleasure then pain are all expressions of the pendulum. The swing from one extreme to the other, that is very visible in our personal attitudes, in politics, in economics, etc are all examples of the work of the law of the pendulum.

Law of Entropy

This law works on all human beings bringing us all down to the same common denominator. For example death is the great equalizer a powerful and wealthy man in life will after death turn to dust just as beggar will. Death equalizes all the differences of life. So, more importantly if we don’t change inwardly and positively the law of entropy will work on us bringing our level of the being down to the common level in the environment in which we are in. There we will begin to adopt values of an inferior scale that we previously did not have. For example, we may begin to drink when previously we didn’t.

Law of Octaves

The end is the same as the beginning plus experience. The law of octaves rules our changes in life, whether it be positive or negative changes. When we are working spiritually our progress moves through octaves. We may have to overcome a certain type of difficulty one day and then another day we will have to overcome the same type of difficulty but on a superior octave or a more refined octave, or giving more. Even our recurrences worsen or weaken according to the law of octaves. Many things are repeated in our life just on a superior octave or an inferior octave depending on our degree of inner change. 

Balance from the Gnostic Point of View

We all tend to think of balance as something along the lines of giving some time to work and an equal amount of time to family for example. We know that if we become out of balance and we start to give less time to our work then our work suffers. Or vice versa if we give too much time to our work then our family relations will start to suffer. There is always a wise balance to be sought out in everything that we do. To find such a balance we need first of all to know the extremes or in other words the duality. 


Duality is something that is present in all aspects and events in life. Something may be good or positive but it will always without fail, have a negative side to it. And the same can be said with something apparently negative, it will by law also have a positive side to it. The balance is always that which is in between the two opposites.

Balance and Justice

If there is balance there is justice. If there is balance there is also truth. We say in Gnosis that the truth is always found at the centre of the two opposites. They say that there is always three sides to a story, your side, my side and the truth.

In Short

In short, whenever balance is broken pain and suffering is the result. The function of the pain that we experience when we have broken the balance is to impulse us or guide us to restore the balance once again. For example when we are sick it is because we are out of balance in relation to the body. Within our psychology when we are angry or resentful it is because we are out of balance. We are leaning too much to the negative, so when we notice that we are resentful and dwelling only on the negative the way to feel better or eliminate the resentment is to restore the balance within our psychology once again. This is done by bringing to our understanding the positive. We may not think that there are any positives but truly there are we just have to be courageous and look for them.

Assessing our Degree of Balance 

We have three relationships that we have to take into account when we wish to access our degree of balance in any given moment. They are our relationship with the body, environment and our consciousness or essence, or in other words our soul.

Gnosis - An Introductory Explanation

Gnosis is a Greek word meaning ‘knowledge’. However, knowledge of a transcendental nature, that concerns the soul and its destiny. Gnosis as a knowledge is self-knowledge meaning it is a knowledge that can only be realized by oneself and inside oneself. It is not the knowledge that is acquired through conversation or through reading, but rather through direct personal experience. Therefore Gnosis is 100% practical and verifiable. Mind you, not all of the knowledge present in Gnosis is immediately verifiable, but given the right degree of development of the consciousness, it is. In the beginning though, there is much that can be immediately verified so to reveal to the authenticity and transformative power of the knowledge.

The aim of Gnosis has always sought to provide humanity with knowledge, keys and techniques for the full development of human and spiritual potential. The signpost of Gnosis has always pointed within, the goal of Gnosis is to direct the human being to the Divine spark that lies within everyone and from there to begin the ‘work’ of inner transformation to once again unite with the inner particular individual spark.

Once one unites with the divine spark within, the Gnostic teachings affirm that all pain and suffering ends. One has truly acquired peace, liberation and enlightenment.

The knowledge of ‘returning to the stars’ is only really one, and coincidentally it is the same for everyone. The factor however, that produces the perception that there are many different systems of knowledge, is that this one knowledge has over the centuries expressed itself through many different cultures, civilizations and personages all using their particular terminology and symbolism. However behind each expression of the one knowledge there has always been the same goal and the same work required to reach it. This knowledge in the past has been called Jina (Latin), Jnana (Sanskrit), Djin (Arabic), Daath (Hebrew), Dharma and today Gnosis (Greek).

Gnosis as it is presented today is the synthetic knowledge of each expression of the one knowledge. Gnosis is the core knowledge or the ‘bare bones’ of the knowledge required to reach once again the divine spark that dwells within. Gnosis has been said to be the golden thread of divinity upon which all the pearls of the world’s religions are hung.


Ancient Egypt

Maat in Ancient Egypt was the word for the principles of truth, balance, justice, order, law and morality. It was through these principles that the ancient Kings and pharaohs governed, and in many cases these kings would describe themselves as the ‘Lord of Maat’.

Maat was also the divine order that had been established in creation. Much of the way of life of the ancient Egyptians was conducted so to keep in harmony with this order. Maat in the law courts of the time was the spirit in which justice was applied, more so than the physical laws themselves. Maat is an expression of principles and laws and not expression of rules or dogmas that remain rapped in space and time.

Isfet - Opposite of Maat

The opposite of Maat was Isfet which meant chaos. Many wars that the ancient Egyptians fought were a war to uphold Maat against Isfet which represented the forces of destruction and chaos.

Hall of Maat

Maat in Egyptian literally means ‘truth’ and the famous ostrich feather of Maat, which can be seen in many of the vignettes in the so called ‘Book of the Dead’, symbolizes truth. In the ‘Book of the Dead’ much reference is made to Maat, especially in the aspect of the Hall of Maat or the hall of double Maat (double Matt for the truth and justice).

There in the hall of Maat many vignettes show the heart of the deceased being weighed on the scales of justice against the feather of Maat. The ‘Book of the Dead” tells us that in the moment the heart is being weighed the deceased makes 42 negative confessions to the upholders or Lords of Maat. If the confessions are true the weight of the heart equals the weight of the truth symbolized by the feather.

Goddess Maat

Maat was also the name of a Goddess, the Goddess of truth and justice. She is the one present in the Hall of Maat that weighs the heart of the deceased before Anubis on the scales of justice. Maat mythological speaking was the one that at the beginning of creation put in place the divine order and eliminated chaos. The order that regulated all the movements of beings human and divine alike in creation. 

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Second Life – Suffering - You Decide

Common Perception

There is a wrong perception in place amongst the common person in relation to having a second life. The common perception is to see having a secret almost second life is something interesting and adventurous.


So many of the heroes in the movies have a second and secret life, and that is one reason why we think having a second life is exciting, mysterious, meaningful and interesting. Though we easily overlook how difficult it is for the heroes to have and maintain this second life, we fail to see the sacrifices that they have to make and we fail to see how they suffer. Anyone can easily see how all of the heroes suffer, just take look and it is not hard to see the suffering of superman, spider man, batman you name it, caused by their second life. They can for example never have the lady they love and all the lying and trouble (hiding, masks, suits etc.) they go to, just to conceal their identity.

Even the bad guys in the movies and in life for that matter, also have a second life and this is more like us. Our second life, if we have one, is one that is less becoming of us, that is our second life contains activities that we know we shouldn’t really be doing. We know how the bad guys suffer and we suffer just like them.

Experience of

If one was to experience what it is to live a second life one would certainly change this perception, that seems to be common to so many people.

Second Life is to Suffer

In truth to live a second life is to suffer. It does not imply to be happy, it is really to condemn oneself, to feel uneasy, most likely nervous, anxious, constantly on guard and worried - because you may get caught out and plus there is that constant contradiction or battle raging on inside, where there is that compulsion inside you to protect that secret life and then there is that remorse of consciousness telling you that this second life is wrong and ought not to be. It is really stressful and awful. We really can’t be two people at once. Whenever there are two there is a potential conflict, and that is really what a person with a second life experiences the constant clash and conflict of the two lives and their opposing values within us, within our mind, our emotions and our heart.

Esoteric Inner Life – Different

There is a second type of life that does not cause us harm and it is the esoteric inner life and there is also apparently a second life but it encompasses all aspects of our whole life, and of course this second esoteric life is not wrong in anyway because it is about dignifying our life and enhancing it. A gnostic person for example has his or her inner esoteric life, which are really the events, experiences and works of his or her path. A Gnostic student also has a second life which are his or her activities belonging to their advanced Gnostic group which they do not share or talk about to others, for example his or her co-workers. This part of their life does not cause suffering as it is correct that it be done in silence and it does not harm anyone and it is for the benefit of oneself and others.


To be worry free and relaxed we have to have just one life. The clear, responsible and legitimate life has to prevail over the worse of the two lives. To have a secret life is to always suffer and crush something within you that you want to express, for example you may want to be open and honest but because of that second life you have to crush it.

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Collecting Memories of the Warrior

Inspired by Carlos Castaneda’s – Active Side of Infinity

This post is inspired by a section of the book “Active Side of Infinity” by Carlos Castaneda.

Before we continue I just want to expand a little upon the term ‘warrior’. It is used by Carlos Castaneda and Don Juan (Carlos’ teacher) to mean the one who is at war against himself and fights all the elements inside of him and outside of him that oppose his spiritual progress. Anyone who is following the Gnostic teachings and is working on him or herself (dissolving the “I’s”) is most definitely a warrior or a spiritual warrior.

Images of the Warrior

There are certain events in our life and in our life as a spiritual warrior that have really been instrumental in shaping our life by means of certain lessons learnt, by means of certain positive characteristics acquired and by means of certain decisions made that have propelled us along our path in life or in our spiritual path.

Images of a warrior are the memories of these events and moments of our life. These images or memories are our efforts, especially of where we have overcome great obstacles so as to move ahead and triumph. Many times they are memories of things that when we look back at them we can’t believe that we overcame such a difficulty or did such and such a thing or withstood such adversity or passed through such a troublesome and stressful period.

Collect and Remember Them

The only way to collect them is search through our memories and find them and of course create new ones by being courageous and making great efforts. Sometimes they are efforts that we make and there appears to be no apparent reason to make them. We think that these efforts or overcoming this difficulty is useless and a waste of time, but it is not as it will go into a collection of warrior memories and will help us when we are lacking force and need are in need of inspiration and motivation.

We must remember these warrior images when we are passing through difficult times in our path when for example working on very difficult ego that seems to be killing us and we are losing the battle. This helps one so much it gives us so much help and force. The message is that we can do it again just as we did it before!

The Law is Inbetween

Introduction – About this Post

The Divine Law in most occasions of our lives stands in between ourselves and the activity we want to develop. This is especially true of the path. This post is dedicated to developing this issue a little further.

Divine Law

By Divine Law we mean the body of intelligent divine beings that administer the cosmic laws of creation, that govern all the creatures (human beings included) of this great creation.

The main law being administered by these divine beings is the law of cause and effect or justice or balance (different names for the same thing).

In Gnosis thanks to Master Samael Aun Weor we know the Divine Law is administered from the palace of the law or the tribunals of cosmic justice in the internals worlds. We know that the Divine Law consists of 42 judges and one rector or high priest of the law (Anubis).

Unfortunately, at the time of writing this post I don’t have the information present to definitely say if this body of 42 judges and its high priest govern only the Earth or only this solar system (Ors) or the Milky Way galaxy or all the planets, worlds, solar systems, galaxies etc.

The Two Positions

There are the two situations in relation to the position of the Law.

One is when the law is between us and the Being or any result that we wish to obtain, and two where the law is no longer between us and the Being or the result that we wish to obtain.

When In Between

The Divine Law is not always in the middle, but very frequently it is. When the Divine Law is in between this means that the Divine Law controls how far and fast we come to the Being or to the result that we wish to obtain. The Law acts as a middle man and imposes certain conditions which can be delays, hardships, debts etc. for us to endure and pay before we can move closer to the Being via walking the initiatic path or the result of the practices that we are doing.

When the Law is in between for example we can deal directly with a Divinity internally that we may be invoking to help us we have to go through the Law. When we have an experience that the law supports certain practices that we are doing then we are able to work directly with the Divinity who can help us to obtain a certain result.

When Not In Between

This is the best situation that we can hope for. This means that the Divine Law is no longer there acting as a moderator. We can work directly with the Being, initiatic path or certain practices and get results depending on the quality and consistency of our work. There are no more delays and obstacles and things fall easily into place.

Conclusion – Fight the Lion of the Law with the Scale

When we are under a karma or know that we have the law in between we have to fight that situation not by protesting or by complaining but by doing good works that pay the debt that is hindering us.

Such good works are dissolving the ego and helping others spiritually.

Fuse Sexual Energy with the Life Force of the Essence

Introduction – Two Life Forces

We have two main life forces among the many others within us. They are the life force of the essence and the life force of the sexual energy. The task at hand is to fuse them into one another, because as you will see in this post that they are separated and require our conscious co-operation to fuse them together.

Life Force of the Essence

We have running through us, the force of life, an intelligent, inexhaustible stream of energy, vitality and consciousness. It is the same force that makes the eyes of any creature to sparkle, the same force that makes a flower to open, that force that fills the oceans with life and makes the winds of the sky skim across the waves of the ocean.

We can find that force in our breath and in our consciousness. The force fills us from moment to moment, it is what causes the streams of heat to pour out from the palms of our hands, it is the warmth of life entering our body and radiating outwards. It is really what we are, we are this, we are energy and consciousness rather than mind and body. Never the less it is very much worth explaining here that energy and consciousness are beyond mind and body, though energy and consciousness express through mind and body.

The ego is really something energetic and as well as being bottled or conditioned consciousness. The ego we know uses mind and body to express itself and maintain itself. The consciousness uses also mind and body to express itself, the mind is an instrument of the consciousness and the body follows the mind.

Life Force of the Sexual Energy

We learn from the lecture about the Sexual Hydrogen Si-12, that the best product of the body is the raw sexual energy, which is also called the ‘sacred sperm’ by Master Samael or the ‘ens seminis’ by Paracelsus. This energy is some way connected to the life force of the essence that we have mentioned just earlier but to a larger degree it is not connected at all. It as raw energy exists on a level or layer further away from our essence, actually on a layer or level that is more exterior or external and physical than our essence. It is in fact on the outer layers of our internal structure. The essence is at the centre of our internal structure.

The above assertions can be easily see by simply looking that two opposing natures, We see that the essence is really energy and consciousness and the raw sexual energy is energy and matter.

The Need to Fuse

What we need to do though, well actually we don’t need to do it, because so many human beings don’t do it and they live seemingly fine, but if we want the awakening of the consciousness, the death of the ego, the awakening of the kundalini, to walk the initiatic path or increase and energise our consciousness dramatically or to use the sexual energy is a very dignified and correct manner then our task is to fuse the raw sexual energy that the Absolute through our Being gives us with the life force of our sexual energy.

Fornicators, those who lose the raw sexual energy via orgasm, ejaculation etc. for example, don’t fuse the raw sexual energy into themselves (their essence) they just accumulate it, and then loose it as it has to happen by physical laws of nature. The egos of lust are responsible for doing that, that is their function. The egos of lust are there to do something with the sexual energy they are the managers of the sexual energy, but when we do the work on ourselves we don’t need lust to manage that sexual energy, we use the transmutation and the esoteric work to do it. That is to move and use that sexual energy.

When we fuse the raw sexual energy into the life force of the essence we bring that sexual energy into ourselves, we then own it, integrate with it, assimilate it and absorb it.

Our essence can only absorb what is of the same nature as it, and that nature is energy and consciousness.
The transformation of the sexual energy is makes the raw sexual energy of the same quality and feeling of the life force of the essence.

Fusing the Two Life Forces - Transmutation

We have to fuse that sexual energy with the life force that we feel. It has to be shocked up in quality or transformed into energy for it to be able to join with that overall life force of the essence.

The key to do that is transmutation and prayer. The sexual transmutation, the mantras: HAM-SAH, IAO, DI-ON-IS-IO etc. and the use of imagination and will, alone or as a couple during the practice of Alchemy transform the raw energy into which fuses with the consciousness.

When we sublimate the energy we fuse the energy into a deeper or more inner layer or level of the life force of the essence, which is the soul and spirit. The more and better we sublimate this energy the close it goes to our inner Real Being.


The raw sexual energy (sacred sperm) is not fused or integrated inside of us, it is on a more physical and peripheral parallel layer to our essence inside of us. It exists or is very temporarily stored there until we transmute it or sublimate it. Because we are really more energy than anything else and we have to transmute and sublimate that raw energy, then we can fuse that life force of the raw sexual energy into us into what we really are, the life force of the essence and consciousness.

Our work is to make the raw sexual energy consciousness, which when absorbed by our essence enhances our consciousness. If we don’t fuse the raw sexual energy life force with the life force of the essence the raw sexual energy is used by the ego.

We understand that one of the roles of the egos of lust is manage or do something with that sexual energy. The ego has to exist if we don’t transmute, so then if we are working and transmuting then we don’t need really the functions that the ego of lust has to offer us. Really to dissolve lust we need and esoteric knowledge, the dissolution of list is really a spiritual esoteric matter.