Monday, 6 May 2013

Mantras and Prayers for the Divine Mother

Divine Mother – Fohatic Power

“A power superior to the mind is needed, one that is capable of disintegrating any psychological defect; these power exists inside every living organism, it is an individual fohatic power; I’m referring to the septenary, annular power. Annular, because it is developed in the spinal medullar of the ascetic, if we appeal to this power, we can disintegrate whichever ‘I’, whichever defect; this power is personified by the divine Mother Kundalini: Isis, Adonia, Rhea, Cibeles, Ram-Io, Diana, Tonantzin, Maria…

If we invoke her with purity of heart, if we call her, she will come; she can eliminate from our psyche, this ‘I’ that we have fundamentally understood and if we proceed in this way, you can be absolutely sure that this ‘I’ will be disintegrated, annihilated, reduced to cosmic dust…”

Samael Aun Weor (El Quinto Evangelio)


“Cosmic electricity; primordial light; the ever-present electrical energy; the universal propelling vital force; the ceaseless destructive and formative power; the synthesis of the many forms of electrical phenomena.”
Theosophy (HPB)


“RAM is a mantram, the mantram of fire, the mantram of the tattwa Tejas; “IO” reminds us of the Isiac mysteries, IO is the point inside the circle, it is the Lingam-Yoni”
Samael Aun Weor (El Quinto Evangelio)


“The vowel “O”, makes the masculine and feminine gonads to vibrate, and therefore produces transmutation. The gonads in men and women can even be observed with x-rays when vocalising the letter “O”.

The “K” is marvellous. It forms arches similar to those in the temples of Yucatan, seen naturally with the sense of psychological self-observation or clairvoyance.

The syllable “KOF”: The “K” of the temples of Yucatan is reused, KOF, strikes again the gonads for transmutation.
“NA”: makes the breath to vibrate.
“KHOON” strikes the gonads again.
“SAA”: the breath.

What a powerful magic machinery to make the creative energy to rise in and up. It is vocalised especially when one works in the ninth sphere.”
Samael Aun Weor (El Quinto Evangelio)


“Standing in a straight position, let us raise our arms in order to form a straight line with the whole body, and after praying and asking for help to our Divine Mother we must sing the Mantra ISIS, as follows: IIIIIIIIISSSSSSSS….IIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSS.

Prolong the sound of the two letters and divide the word into two syllables IS-IS (the pronunciation of the letter ‘I’ is similar to that found in the word “tea”.)

Afterward, the student must lay down with his body relaxed and filled with ecstasy he must concentrate and meditate on the Divine Mother.”
Samael Aun Weor (Magic Runes)

Rune UR

“Loving our Divine Mother and thinking in that great womb where the worlds are gestated, let us pray daily as follows:

Within my internal real Being resides the Divine Light, RAAAAAMMMMM IIIIIIIIOOOOOOO is the Mother of my Being, Devi Kundalini, RAAAAMMMM IIIIIIIOOOOOO, help me... RAAAAAAMMMMMM IIIIIIIIIOOOOO assist me, illuminate me.

RAAAAAAMMMMM IIIIIIIIIOOOOOOO, Divine Mother of mine, Isis of mine, Thou hast the child Horus, my true Being, in thy arms. I need to die within myself so that my essence might be lost in Him...Him. ..Him...

This prayer must be performed before the sun, with raised arms and hands. The legs must be opened, and the body slightly crouched, thus awaiting to receive light and more light.”
Samael Aun Weor (Magic Runes)


"The disciple must pray and meditate abundantly on the Divine Mother while mentally vocalizing the following Kabbalistic Mantras:


Vocalize these mantras by syllabifying them. If you carefully observe the intelligent phonetic structure of these mantras, you will see the three vowels I.A.O. of the Great Mysteries.

I.A.O. is hidden and combined in these sacred Mantras of Kabbalah. The disciple must become drowsy while mentally vocalizing these four Kabbalistic mantras." 

Samael Aun Weor ( Esoteric Course of Kabbalah)


"The esoteric name of Kundalini is SOLU-SIGI-SIG.

This is also the name of the central sun. Each one of these letters should be vocalized in the following order:

Samael Aun Weor (The Igneous Rose)

Prayers to the Divine Mother

Here are two prayers to the Divine Mother well known in Gnostic circles.

Invocation to the Divine Mother

“Oh Isis! Mother of the cosmos, root of love, trunk, bud, leaf, flower and seed of all that exists; we conjure Thee, naturalising force. We call upon the Queen of space and of the night, and kissing her loving eyes, drinking the dew from her lips, breathing the sweet aroma of her body, we exclaim: Oh Thou, Nut! Eternal Seity of heaven, who art the primordial Soul, who art what was and what shall be, whose veil no mortal has lifted, when Thou art beneath the irradiating stars of the nocturnal and profound sky of the desert, with purity of heart and in the flame of the serpent, we call upon Thee!”

Prayer During Sexual Magic

“Be thou, oh Hadit, my secret the Gnostic mystery of my Being, the central point of my connection, my heart itself, and bloom on my fertile lips, made word!

Up above, in the infinite heavens, in the profound height of the unknowable, the incessant glow of light is the naked beauty of Nut.

She reclines, she arches in delectable ecstasy, to receive the kiss of secret fervour of Hadit. The winged sphere and the blue of the sky are mine
O AO Kakof Na Khonsa…”


  1. The disciple must pray and
    meditate abundantly on the Divine Mother
    while mentally vocalizing the following
    Kabbalistic Mantras:
    "Lifaros – Lifaros – Licanto – Ligoria"
    Vocalize these mantras by syllabifying them.
    If you carefully observe the intelligent phonetic
    structure of these mantras, you will see the three
    vowels I.A.O. of the Great Mysteries.
    I.A.O. is hidden and combined in these sacred
    Mantras of Kabbalah. The disciple must
    become drowsy while mentally vocalizing these
    four Kabbalistic mantras. Samael Aun Weor ( Esoteric Course of Kabbalah)

  2. The esoteric name of Kundalini is SOLU-SIGI-SIG.
    This is also the name of the cenral sun.
    Each one of these letters should be vocalized in the following order:
    Samael Aun Weor (The Igneous Rose)
