Wednesday, 18 September 2013

The Essence Must Command the Body

What we Really Are

What we really are is an essence or a soul housed in a suit of flesh and bone. Be it an extraordinarily marvellous suit of flesh and bone, none the less even though we have such a suit what we really are is the living intelligent principle that animates, brings and gives life to that suit of flesh and bone.

Natural Transformation

When we understand that, that what we really are is the essence or the soul, then a very natural and logical transformation occurs within the relationship between our consciousness and our body. A certain gap or separation is produced in that relationship.

We are a Soul in a Body

Instead of the relationship being of the nature where we are one with the body or where we are the body the relationship is transformed into that of we are the consciousness and we have a body and we really must look after it and use it wisely.

The Essence/Soul Must Command

A very natural consequence of that transformation in our consciousness body relationship is to come to the realization that the essence has to be in command. Why you may ask, the answer is that because the essence is the truth of what we really are, it is the element that is real and permanent and it is also the element that houses all our true and real principles and virtues etc.

Once again, one resulting natural realization born out of that new understanding is that the essence has to intelligently drive the body. This is an understanding and a realization at the same time that is really worth arriving at because it will allow the essence or the soul to use the body for its purposes and will allow the body to receive better care.


It is a mortal blow to laziness, which can sometimes justify itself with excuses such as the body needs rest. Laziness is essentially an identification with the inertial, resistant and lunar instincts of the body of the body. If we understand that we are not these instincts then we will see that the essence must express itself by overcoming to within a certain limit these instincts otherwise the essence is not in command or is not active.


Friday, 6 September 2013

The Question of How to Die Mystically

A Conscious Work and a Science

Dying mystically is a matter of a conscious choice and conscious work. Nonetheless there is a science or a procedure involved.

The process of the death of an ‘I’ or a defect may vary between each individual, however that process even though it appears to be different passes through these five very broad stages.

An Exception

I would just like to say at this moment before we get too far into the topic of the five broad stages of mystical death, that in esotericism, there are always exceptions, and in the case of mystical death there are certainly exceptions. More will be covered regarding this later on in this post, see the section Kabbalistical Barks.

Five Broad Stages

The five broad stages through which one moves through when working for the death of an ego or ‘I’ are:

1.) Observation.
2.) Separation.
3.) Comprehension.
4.) Repentance.
5.) Elimination.

Note, Master Samael made these a little simpler, instead of five steps he gave three. He gave us: Observation, Comprehension and Elimination. Of course he was right, really comprehension is separation and repentance, so the steps of separation, comprehension and repentance really fall under comprehension. Why? Because separation, comprehension and repentance, are essentially all comprehension, but different (higher) octaves of comprehension.


This is the process of getting to know the ego or ‘I’ that you want to eliminate. The purpose of this type of observation is to come to comprehend and later eliminate the ego under study.

We have to come to know the environment the ego manifests in, the impressions that trigger it and of course what is crucial, is that we come to know its way of thinking.

We also have to come to know how this way of thinking influences the emotional and motor centres and we have to know this ego’s main arguments, justifications, logic, protests, likes, dislikes, expectations (should and should nots) etc.

Knowing the ego well leads us naturally to comprehension.


This is really the first step of comprehension because here is where we come to understand that what has been bothering us is really an ego, an ‘I’, a fragment of our psychology, a psychological person and overall something that is not us or not the whole of us anyway, but rather a visitor or conditioned fragment of our psychology that is triggered (externally or internally), and is strong and stubborn and stays in our human machine for a long time.

This is where we come to be able to separate that ego or ‘I’ from our mind, from our attention, from our human machine and from our main psychology.

We finally see that it is an ego and we are not that ego and other people are not to blame for our uncomfortable feelings but rather that ego is, and furthermore we sometime in the past created it. We essentially gain the understanding that allows us to start to not identify with that ego.


In this stage we come to understand the ego much more deeply. We understand its role and its function in our life, we come to see what it is used for in our life and what it has been created to do for us. We may even remember when and where we created it.

We may even be able to see that we don’t need it and that we can use the essence and the work to solve the situations that this ego in the past, has been used to solve.

We also come to know the logic of the ego, which is really the core of the ego. It is the sum of its concepts or it is main concept and reasoning. It is the logic or idea or concept or upon which it feels and acts the way it does. If we are able to prove the logic wrong honestly and sincerely inside ourselves we deliver the ego a huge blow.

Note: Logic of the Ego.
Please note, I will write very soon posts dedicated exclusively to the logic of the ego. Watch out for these posts in the near future.


Repentance is where essentially we come to understand deeply that the ego is wrong, that it is not correct and that we can do better with the essence, the work and the Being or the parts of our Being. We also may feel sorry for the actions of this ego when we really come to understand that it is wrong.

A part of repentance is renunciation where we through comprehension see that the ego is not needed and that the things or values that the ego brings to us can be replaced by the essence and the Being. In renunciation we essentially renounce to the values (the feelings or things that we like) that the ego brings us.

Note: Values of the Ego
Please note, I have written some post on repentance and renunciation, however in the near future I will write posts dedicated to finding the values of the ego.


This is a very important step, this is where really the ego is executed or finally made dead. The previous steps are marvellous in that they separate the ego from ourselves, allow us to control the ego completely, they give us triumph over the ego and they exile the ego from our psychology and from our human machine. But they do not destroy or dissolve the ego it remains alive and continues to bother us. The step of elimination is the final solution to the problem of the ego, this is where our particular Divine Mother destroys the ego and liberates the essence that is trapped inside it.

Then the essence that has been trapped returns to the body of free essence that we have and adds its light and wisdom to the wisdom and light of the already free essence. The interesting wisdom that is acquired from the newly freed essence is the wisdom of how that piece of essence got trapped in the ego.

Note: Divine Mother
Please note, if the matter of the Divine Mother is new to you please see some of my blog posts in this blogspot:

Kabbalistical Barks

I would like to make a short digression here and explain a little what kabbalistical barks are. These barks or shells are egos that by the grace of our Divine Mother and the Divine Law are eliminated for us, or decapitated for us even when we have not passed through the previously listed five stages of eliminating an ego. They are called barks because the Divine Law and the Divine Mother extract the essence from them leaving only the shell or bark or outer skin of the ego. This bark decomposes in time.

This I want to stress can happen in a person but it is certainly not the norm. This favour is usually done for us when that ego is so strong and it is beyond our comprehension and it is harming us severely.


Here we have laid out the very basic structure of how to eliminate the ego. Master Samael wrote so much about it and the posts in this blogspot ( are dedicated to it. I sincerely hope that this has been of some use to you. If not please write to me using to tell me how to make it better. Thanks in advance if you do, do this.
