Thursday, 23 January 2014

Lunar Characteristics (107)


In this post we are going to look at some of the characteristics of the lunar force and see if we have them inside of ourselves basically in our psychology.

We too can have lunar characteristics in our physical and esoteric dimensions or realities but the place that it is more useful and manifest to look into, is in our psychology.

Lunar Characteristics – Observation of the Moon

In a series of posts that are to follow, I am going to expand upon lunar characteristics that we have within our psychology, and that which can also be seen very clearly among the characteristics of our Moon and the moons of the other planets.

Ideal Way of Discerning Lunar Characteristics

The ideal way of discerning lunar characteristics would be to examine directly and clearly for oneself the lunar cosmic forces. Even better would be to directly see them in action. However, being very limited in our capacity of just viewing let alone examining cosmic phenomena we have to first of all restrict ourselves to the physically and psychologically observable.

Because our Moon and the moons of the other planets are actually a representation (a physical representation) of the lunar forces of creation we can make our Moon an object of study so to be able to discern some of the lunar characteristics that our Moon and our psychology have in common.


Our Moon is a representation of the lunar forces or of a lunar force, and so it is valid to use it to discern what actually does characterise a lunar force.

Once we find some of these characteristics we can search within our psychology to see if we have them. According to what was stated in previous posts the ego is lunar and because the ego makes up most of our psychology we therefore have a lunar psychology and by rights we should therefore find the same characteristics. But we will be careful and not go too far, trying too hard to find characteristics of ur Moon that are not really present in our psychology.

End (107).

The Ego is Lunar (106)


Master Samael and Gurdjieff all affirm that the origin of the ego resides in having been given the kundabuffer organ. Master Samael also says that the kundabufffer organ was an entirely lunar organ, and when it got removed the result was that the consequences of having the kundabuffer organ left its toll on the psyche of those who had it. The consequences of having a lunar organ was what gave rise to the ego.

The Ego is Really Lunar

Because the kundabuffer organ was lunar its consequences were derived by a lunar force, so at the very least the ego that we have is much more related to the lunar force than the solar force. We can even dare to say that the ego is something lunar.

Study the Lunar Characteristics

Studying the characteristics of the lunar force will lead us to a better understanding of the ego. Also studying the characteristics of the solar force will help us to understand the more about the ego because studying the solar characteristics is the same studying what the ego is not.


The ego is lunar because the organ that was given to us in a very remote and ancient humanity was a lunar organ that had the function of channelling and directing/transmitting lunar forces to the earth. The ego that we have is predominantly lunar and therefore studying the characteristics of the lunar forces gives us a better understanding of the ego and may even lead us to discover new elements about the ego.

End (106).

Lunar and Solar as Cosmic Forces (105)


Master Samael says something so very interesting with respect to this topic, and it is that the lunar forces are needed for every creation. He says that no creation can take place without the intervention of the lunar forces.

Especially if we have the understanding, unfortunately a superficial understanding, that the lunar forces are bad, the above statement from Master Samael will come as a surprise or even a shock. Because of this understanding, we will end up being confused, because we will be thinking that if the lunar forces are bad how could they be used in and even needed for creation.

Lunar Forces are Support Gestation and Conception

We certainly know that human beings, animals, plants etc. all grow with the help of sunlight but their conception and gestation is a different. The conception and gestation of life is something that occurs in darkness without the presence of the sun.

Solar Forces are Against Gestation and Conception

Master Samael also says that the sun is against the generation, gestation and beginning stages of life, and that is true, nothing gestates in full daylight, all the creatures are incubated or gestated in darkness either inside an egg or in the womb of their mother. The same applies to conception, where the sperm and the ova meet in darkness.

So then, the lunar forces nurture and cause the birth and development of any creation to occur. Whereas that is not the function of the Sun, the Sun has other functions in the stages of a creature life.

Metallic Planets of Alchemy

We can see the above two sections reflected quite clearly in the lecture that Master Samael gave regarding the Metallic Planets of Alchemy.

In the first seven years the human being is under the influence of the Moon. Whereas it is only much later in life, the human being comes under the rule or influence of the sun.


The lunar force is not evil, it is a real cosmic force that we would not be here without it. The lunar and solar forces are ever present forces in the cosmos and they are represented by our Sun and our Moon and in so many ways the characteristics of our physical Sun Ors, represents the qualities and characteristics of the solar forces. The same may be said about our physical Moon (Selene) that is a representation of the qualities and characteristics of the cosmic lunar force.

End (105).

Lunar and Solar – an Introduction (104)


I would like in a series of posts to address the meaning of the terms Lunar and Solar. These two terms appear very often in one’s studies of esotericism and Gnosis, and in fact looking at these terms from a deeper or more profound perspective we find them at the foundation of any esoteric doctrine.

As a Gnostic student without conducting an investigation into the meaning of these two terms, one’s understanding can remain superficial and because of this superficial understanding one easily at times gets confused or blank minded when these terms lunar and solar are mentioned in relation to the ego, humanity, human psychology, human beings, cosmic forces etc. etc.

Superficial Understanding

We typically think that lunar is related to the moon and solar is related to the sun. In esotericism and especially in Gnosis that is true, but only to a certain extent. Sometimes we can understand the terms lunar and solar when they are mentioned in any esoteric or Gnostic text by remembering some the characteristics of the moon and the sun, but sometimes remembering the sun and the moon just doesn’t help.

Another superficial understanding that we can develop especially in Gnosis, is that Lunar equals bad and solar equals good. This comes about because we know that the essence which is freedom from pain and suffering is solar and the ego which is the cause of so much of our pain and suffering is lunar.

Another superficial understanding is to say that solar is masculine and lunar is feminine or that lunar and solar are the ying and the yang, and even though this is true there is still much more to it.

Another superficial understanding is to say that lunar is silver and solar is gold, and even though this is true there is still much more to understand. This understanding was portrayed prolifically amongst the plaques and writings of the medieval Alchemists.

A Better Understanding

A better or deeper understanding of lunar and solar, is to understand lunar and solar as principles or qualities or forces that are an expression of duality, similar to good and evil but not the same as good and evil.

Ultimately though the solar and lunar forces merge together to form one in the Absolute or in the Being itself. The Being is neither lunar nor solar He or It is the integration of both of them just as is the Absolute.

This brings us to an interesting point here and it is that we need both of these forces in creation and within ourselves. The Being is made up of the very thing that is produced when these two forces clash or shock against each other, so He is born of both of them and he is above both of them, He is the fire and the light that is produced when these two forces collide.


The topic of lunar and solar is a difficult one and to surpass the confusion we need to delve deeply into what is lunar and what is solar and what is beyond them. Knowing the characteristics of each force, is also something that helps as we will see in subsequent posts, to deepen our understanding of lunar and solar.

As a conclusion though, the best is to see lunar and solar not as objects or as planetary bodies or as man and woman or as good and bad but as cosmic forces or principles. They are indeed cosmic forces with a real presence and place in the cosmos and they are needed in the cosmos and within us.

End (104).

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Lust Does not have the Right!

Lust Thinks it has the Right

The ego or ‘I’ of lust thinks that it has the right to bother another person from what it is that they are doing and try and lure them into an activity that they definitely don’t need and were not intending on.

For example a person of the opposite sex walking down a street to the corner deli to buy the newspaper was not thinking in meeting up specifically with you and being lured into something especially if you don’t know that person. This is reality but the ego of lust lives in a different reality and somehow believes that the person in interested in being lured.

The ego of lust is really outside of reality and what’s more it thinks that it has the right to go and impose itself on another human being.

Lack of Respect

The cause of such a ridiculous way of thinking, feeling and acting is a lack of respect for the other person and being outside of reality due to having come to believes that what is shown on TV and the internet is reality. It is not reality that a person can be walking down the street and then by means of some crazy attraction end up in a few minutes undressing and moving towards some sort of sexual activity. That only happens in movies where everything is fake, contrived, planned, fabricated and manufactured that way.


Respect others, see them a full, complete human being and that to treat them with lust is disrespectful, it is like insulting, bothering, scaring another person for absolutely selfish reasons. Also wake up to reality and accept reality, what is shown in movies is 100% fake, that is not how things work in reality. Just ask anybody if you don’t believe it.


Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Three Points to Use to Evaluate Our Day


A very important actually a key tool in any evaluation of ourselves is the use of retrospection. The act of honestly looking back over what we have lived. How we acted, how we felt and what we thought during the events and times of our lives.

Retrospection can be done over an hour, a minute, a whole day, a week or a month, a year or any time period. It is really the key part of any evaluation.

Three Points

There are three points or questions that we can run through or ask ourselves at the end of the day, for us to know how our day went and or during the day, for us to know how our day is going and be able to improve it or save it, if it is not going well.

Was I Useful to Others?

We are all here in life to be useful for others. If we were all the time harmful to others, life and eventually creation would collapse. Life requires that we co-operate and live peacefully together and really it is one reason for us being here and it is also a life purpose.

All the things that we could do in life are come back in the end to the question, are they useful or good for others. The goals, that are noble and pure have at their heart the benefit of others.

If we have been useful to others during the day we have fulfilled a mini part of the purpose our life and we have not created karma for ourselves but rather dharma or cosmic capital as it is called in the Gnostic studies.

Besides the advantages mentioned above helping others brings us great peace and fulfillment inside ourselves.

Was I Useful to the Great Cause?

Being useful tot eh Great Cause is to work in the third factor, which is the efforts to teach, help, guide and inform humanity about the knowledge of Gnosis and help them to understand it and inspire to work towards their Being.

So in effect it comes down to the question: “Did I do something today that will benefit the self-realisation of some or at least one Monad.

As a Gnostic missionary we are those that work on the great cause and we really have the duty of helping the Sun receive as many souls as it can who are ready for the in trying to keep the planet as it is going now.

Was I useful to my Being Today?

Did I die and awaken today? That is really how we are useful to our Being. So did I make an effort to die in any defect? Did I chant the mantram KRIM and ask the Divine Mother to dissolve one or another defect? Did I self-remember or remember the Being as work toward my awakening?

Transmuting is also vital to being useful to our Being. Because with transmutation we are fulfilling the Parlock duty of the Being which is to create the bodies (astral, mental and causal). Transmuting helps the Being in His creation and self-realization and that helps Him to fulfil his cosmic mission and therefore brings Him into good terms with the Divine Law. Which has the marvellous side effect of bringing us  peace and happiness while our karmic debts are being processed with our work of mystical death and paying karma.


Monday, 6 January 2014

What is Infra-Sexuality?


Master Samael in the book “The Perfect Matrimony” spoke a lot about this. There is a section in this blog post that provides an English translation of Master Samael’s words on infra-sexuality.

A Few Words!

We can understand infra-sexuality as the sexuality that is primarily concerned with fulfilling the desire for pleasure, sensations (of a psychological type of gratification) and the experience or possession of matter (to do with the body). There are of course degrees of infra-sexuality which start typically with the person being very lustful and licentious and extending towards a person being a very twisted and perverted when it comes to sex.

Because of the easy availability of pornography infra-sexuality now is becoming the norm. Through the medium of pornography, infra-sexuality has been promoted, and over time has come to be accepted as a norm. Meaning that the sexuality that is present today is more inferior in value than teh sexuality present a generation or two generations ago.

A trademark of infra-sexuality is the introduction of elements that naturally do not belong to sex at all, such as violence and sex, drugs and sex, pain and sex, alcohol and sex etc. etc.

From Master Samael – Infra-Sexuality

This is what Master Samael says about infra sexuality. You can find this in chapter 4 of his book “The Perfect Matrimony”.

The Abyss

The kabbalistic traditions say that Adam had two wives: Lilith and Nahemah. Lilith is the mother of abortion, homosexuality and in general, all sorts of crimes against nature.

Nahemah is the mother of malign beauty, of passion and adultery. The abyss is divided into two great regions: the spheres of Lilith and Nahemah. In these two great regions infrasexuality reigns sovereign.

The Sphere of Lilith

Those who hate sex live in the infrasexual sphere of Lilith. Monks, anchorites, preachers of pseudo-esoteric type sects, pseudo-yogis who hate sex, nuns etc., all such infrasexual people, by the very fact of being infrasexual are usually in affinity with people of intermediate sexuality. Because of this it is not difficult to find homosexuality in many convents, religions, sects and schools of the pseudo-esoteric type. Infrasexual consider them to be people immensely superior to those of normal sexuality. They look with contempt upon people of normal sexuality, considering them to be inferior. All the taboos and restrictions, all the prejudices that presently condition the lives of people of normal sexuality, were firmly established by infrasexuals.

We know the case of an old anchorite who preached a certain pseudo-occultist doctrine. Everyone worshipped that man, considering him a saint. Apparently, he was a Master and people venerated him. Finally, one poor woman discovered all, when he proposed to her an unnatural sexual union, saying that it was to initiate her. Really this anchorite was an infrasexual. Nevertheless, he said he had made a vow of chastity. That man mortally hated the Arcanum A.Z.F (Sexual Magic) and considered it dangerous. However, he did not find any difficulty in proposing extravaginal unions to his devotees, because really he was an infrasexual. Who could have doubted this man? Apparently he was a saint. So people believed... His followers considered him a Master. He hated sex. Indeed, he mortally hated it. That is characteristic of infrasexual degenerates. The most serious is that they consider themselves superior to people of normal sexuality. They feel that they are super transcendent, and they reach the point of seducing people of normal sexuality and convert them into their followers. In our mission of divulging Gnostic esoterism, we have had the opportunity to study infrasexuals. Often we hear them saving phrases such as the following: “You Gnostics are egoists because you only ever think about your Kundalini and Sexual Magic”, “you are sexual fanatics”, “ Sexual Magic is purely animal”, “sex is something very gross”, “I am a spiritualist and I hate all that is materialistic and gross”, “sex is filthy”, “there are many paths to reach God”, “I live only for God and I am not interested in that rubbish about sex”, “I practice Chastity and hate sex” etc. This is precisely the language of infrasexuals. Always self-sufficient, always with the pride of feeling superior to people of normal sexuality. An infrasexual woman who hated her husband said to us: “I would only practice Sexual Magic with my guru.”

She made this statement in the presence of her husband. That woman did not have a sexual relationship with her husband, apparently because she hated sex. None the less she accepted the practice of Sexual Magic, but only with her guru. She had an affinity with the guru because he was also an infrasexual. This is the “saint” al ready mentioned in this chapter; the one who enjoyed proposing unnatural sexual union to his female devotees. We know the case of an Archi-Hierophant who hated women and often made statements such as, "I kick women around.” He preached a doctrine and his followers adored him as a God. He always lived surrounded by adolescents, and so he spent his time until the police discovered everything. He was a transvestite, a homosexual corrupter of minors. Nevertheless he had the pride of all infrasexuals; the pride of feeling super transcendent, ineffable, divine.

The sphere of Lilith is the sphere of the great heresy. These people already have no possibility of redemption because they hate the Holy Spirit. “All manner of sin shall be forgiven, except the sin against the Holy Ghost.”

Sexual energy is an emanation of the Divine Mother. Whoever renounces the Cosmic Mother, whoever hates the Divine Mother, whoever profanes the energy of the Divine Mother, shall be sub merged in the abyss forever. There he will have to pass through the second death.

The Psychology of the Sphere of Lilith

The sphere of Lilith is distinguished by its cruelty. The psychology of this sphere has various aspects: Monks and nuns who hate sex, homosexuality in convents, homosexuality other than within monastic life, induced abortions, people who love masturbation, the criminals of the brothels, people who enjoy torturing others. In this sphere we find the most horrible crimes registered in the police chronicles. Horrible bloody cases, crimes of homosexual origin, terrifying sadism, homosexuality in jails, homosexuality between women, frighteningly, criminally insane people, those who enjoy making their loved ones suffer, horrible infanticides, patricides, matricides etc. Pseudooccultist people who prefer to suffer nocturnal pollutions rather than marry people who mortally hate the Arcanum A.Z.F. and the Perfect Matrimony, people who believe they will reach God by hating sex, arichorites who hate sex, and who consider it vulgar and gross.

The Sphere of Nahemah

The sphere of Nahemah seduces with the charm of her malign beauty. In this infrasexual sphere we find all the “Don Juans and feme the world of prostitution develops in this sphere. The infrasexuals of Nahemah feel they are very manly. In this sphere live those who have many women. They are happy in adultery. They believe themselves to be very manly, ignoring that they are infrasexual.

In the sphere of Nahemah we also find millions of prostitutes. These poor women are victims of the fatal charm of Nahemah. In the sphere of Nahemah we find elegant women of high social position. These people are happy in adultery. That is their world.

In the infrasexual region of Nahemah we find sweetness that moves the soul. Virgins who seduce with the charm of their tenderness. Beautiful seductive women. Men who abandon their homes be witched by the enchantment of those precious beauties. Indescribable raptures. Unrestrained passions, beautiful salons, elegant cabarets, soft beds, delicious dances, orchestras of the abyss, romantic words that can never be forgotten etc., etc.

The infrasexuals of Nahemah sometimes accept the Arcanum A.Z.E (Sexual Magic) but fail because they do not manage to avoid the ejaculation of semen. They almost always leave the Perfect Matrimony saying horrible things against it.

We have heard them saying, “I practiced Sexual Magic and at times I succeeded in not spilling the semen. I felt like an animal enjoying the delicious passions of sex”. After leaving the Path of the Razor’s Edge, represented by the spinal column, they seek refuge in some seductive doctrine of Nahemah, and if they are lucky enough not to fall into the sphere of Lilith, they continue to ejaculate their seminal fluid. That is their infrasexual world.

Psychology of The Sphere of Nahemah

The infrasexual inhabitants of the sphere of Nahemah are very touchy. They are the ones who use phrases such as these: “Offence must be cleansed with blood”, “I killed because I am a man of honor”, “My honor was slighted”, “I am a wronged husband”, etc.

The character of Nahemah is that of the he-man who jeopardizes his life for any lady, the passionate kind, a lover of luxury, a slave of social prejudice. The friend of drunkenness, banquets, parties, very elegant fashions etc., etc.

These people consider the Perfect Matrimony as something impossible, and when they accept it, they last only a short while on this path, because they fail. This type of person enjoys sex in a bestial fashion. When this type of person accepts the Arcanum A.Z.F, they use it for the enjoyment of lust, and as soon as they find some seductive doctrine which offers them refuge, then they leave the Perfect Matrimony.

The Mystic of Nahemah

Sometimes we find mystical types in the infrasexual sphere of Nahemah. They do not drink, eat meat or smoke and may well be very religious, though they are not vegetarian.

The mystic type of Nahemah is only passionate in secret. They wildly enjoy sexual passions even if later they may make terrible pronouncements against sexual passion. At times they accept the Arcanum A.Z.F., but leave after a short while when they find some consoling doctrine which preaches phrases such as: “God said, “Be fruitful and multiply”, “The sexual act is a purely animal function and spirituality has nothing to do with this act” etc., etc. Then the infrasexual of Nahemah, finding justification for ejaculating the seminal fluid, leaves the Path of the Perfect Matrimony.


Sunday, 5 January 2014

Why Sacrifice Infra-Sexuality?


Why we sacrifice our sexuality – well we do it for the Being.

Finally Understood!

Finally we can understand why we should sacrifice our pursuit of pleasure. Pleasure is for our selfish selves and transmutation or supra-sexuality is for the Being.

A Clear Sign

The Being inside you shows you his will, most likely the Being in you has already shown you his will. His will is the Absolute and the way there is through supra-sexuality.

It is a clear sign that when the Being in you impulses and pushes you to sacrifice infra-sexuality and you and He actually do (because He does it through you), you and Him are getting more and more defined for the way of the Being, which is His way, the way of the three factors (death of the ‘I’, birth (transmutation) and sacrifice for humanity) to the Absolute.

The Being’s Will

It is scary the Being inside of us is going to take up His cross and sacrifice for the Almighty Father, He is going to walk his Path in you, he has already decided it.


We are there just to fulfil his decision. He is the Lord.


Commitments of the Ego or ‘I’

Commitments or Plans

Most of the egos or “I’s” that we have, have their plans or commitments. We know some of them and some of them we don’t know.

Plans/Commitments of the ‘I’ we Know

The plans that we do know are the ones that being identified with the ego or by being a willing accomplice of the desires of the ego we with develop in our mind, using the imagination, the information that we have and the reasoning of the mind.

Plans/Commitments of the ‘I’ that we don’t Know

There are other plans or commitments that we don’t know about and they are the difficult ones to deal with as they catch us off guard and most of the time we only know about them after we have fallen victim to those plans.

This only happens if the ego is very large and relatively unknown or unobserved by us. Master Samael said that the ego has secret commitments and that those commitments are fulfilled under the level of our conscious awareness. The egos to fulfil their commitments use telepathy to arrange the various recurrences that are used to fulfil these commitments.

Don’t Create the Plan

To help ourselves in the death of the ego we are working a very good thing is to not create these plans or commitments. Observe and become aware that the ‘I’ wants to use your mind to create a plan or commitment to fulfil an idea or desire, but then just let that go. Don’t allow yourself to think or better said don’t allow your mind to be used to create the plan.

To Die Psychologically we have to Release the Plan

We can’t die in any ego if it is there making new plans and commitments. The fact that it makes plans and commitments is a very sure sign that, that ego is very well and alive. A person for example that is giving up life or in other words a person who is dying does not make plans for tomorrow or the next day or the next. So it should be with regards to the case of the ego when it is dying.


Stop New Plans

Stop the egos that we know from planning and creating new commitments, but if a plan has been made then become aware of it and release it.

Don’t Release Equals Stagnation

If we don’t release the plans that we have made with the ego, we will stagnate. The plans keep the ego alive and full of hope. As we know hope is a powerful force so the ego’s plans keep it strong and ever-present in our human machine.

Decisive Step Toward Death

So if we can neutralise the hope of the ego and release its plans we are moving ahead in its dissolution Toward the death of the ego this is a very decisive step indeed.


Purpose of Fantasy

Why do we fantasize?

The purpose of fantasy is relatively simple. It is just to make ourselves feel better by projecting a scenario and a series of events (often disjointed) that compensate for: what we lack, our short comings, our mistakes and our unfulfilled desires.

Projection of an Artificial Reality

Fantasy projects an artificial reality and we by means of wanting to believe in it (because we are self-hypnotised or because our consciousness is asleep) we enter into it, where we think we are something great or good or admirable.

General Fantasy of Self

So as long as we are projecting and believing in a given fantasy about ourselves we feel great about ourselves and we think that we are really that good, admirable and great. But in reality we are really not that good, great or admirable person.

This is what we call actually call in Gnosis the global or general fantasy that we have about ourselves, which in Gnosis we understand that we have to come to dissolve, so that we can see our reality and be able to find our inner Being or the master that dwells within.


One of the purposes of fantasy is to make us feel fine, good and even great, but in an unreal and artificial world. If we want to feel great for real, we must act in the real world and what is even better is to find our Being we have to go to the Being and worship the Being. He is the great one in us, the one that is truly admirable, honest, incorruptible, true, courageous, virtuous and divine.
