Sunday, 30 March 2014

Steps to Overcome Fantasy (113)


In a series of posts, I wish to present to you practical information and steps that will help you to overcome fantasy.

Here below is an outline of this, the first presentation on how to overcome fantasy.

Definition of Outline

Note, an outline is a list of the main points appearing in the post and the order in which from start to finish in which they will appear in the post or presentation.


Ÿ1. Intention of presenting a series of posts on overcoming fantasy.
2. The view or angle upon which fantasy will be viewed.
3. About the author’s efforts in relation to the topic.
4. Outline of the post contents in the series.

View Point on Fantasy

The angle from which this post will view fantasy is from the point of view of first stopping, diminishing, overcoming and later discarding it all together.

From the outset this may seem very harsh and a negative thing to do, but it all depends upon one’s definition of fantasy. Here we see fantasy as something mechanical, unconscious (please refer to the post titled “What is Fantasy” for more information) and inferior in quality to imagination.

Imagination as a conscious facility is what we will promote in these posts and by the way naturally increases in vibrancy, vividness and creativity as fantasy diminishes in us.

Author’s Efforts

Being honest I can not say that I have eliminated the psychological or mental act of fantasizing. What I can say is that I have been working in this area of overcoming fantasy for several years and have gained knowledge and experience in this area, to the point, that I think passing it on to you will help put you well on your way to the goal of overcoming fantasy and one day eliminating it all together.

Title of Posts in the Series - Steps to Overcome Fantasy

1. Introduction
2. What is Fantasy?
3. What You Should Know About Fantasy.
4. Why do we Fantasize? (Psychological and Esoteric Considerations)
5. Why Should We Stop Fantasy?
6. Steps to Stopping Fantasy.
7. Special Keys to Help Stopping Fantasy.
8. Conclusion.


If you wish to learn more about fantasy and experience the freedom from the very draining, stale (same old, same old) fantasies and the freshness and amazement of reality you’re most welcome to read on - see you in the next post.

End (113).

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Mystical Death is More than Being Good (112)

Being Good

Being good is relativity is much better than being bad and at times in our life when the ego is really trying to have its way with us, we yearn more than anything to be good. This is all of course fine, excellent and wonderful and can not be knocked, especially in the times when we are experiencing an intense temptation to do something bad or inconvenient for ourselves or others. However, when we place ourselves in the field of mystical death, being good must be transcended, because as you will experience we can become stagnated in the ‘being good’ level, and that stagnation stops us from dying in more death and it even hinders us from dying completely. It even in fact hinders our inner revolution.

Renunciation is Key

The key to overcoming this stagnation in the ‘being good’ level or the key to really dying in ourselves is renunciation. We have to give up something, we have to definitely let go of something, and that something could be a concept, a thought, a feeling, an idea, a fantasy, a perception, an attitude etc.

If we are able to renounce to something then what we are doing is chipping a block out of that the structure of that ego. Hence we are dying. Being good after a while becomes mechanical and in order to die we have to go further and renunciation is the way.


To know that we are dying within ourselves and to overcome the stagnation of ‘being good’ we must renounce to aspects or characteristics of the ego we are trying to dissolve. I want to stress at this point that we should not become bad or make mistakes or do wrong or bad things to break ‘being good’ stagnation. To do that would be really stupid, because that will only bring you karma which will hinder you further from dissolving that ego.

End (112).

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Three Demons - Foundation of our Lunar Psyche (111)


Master Samael says in his book “The Mountain of Juratena” that the three demons together form the lunar foundation of our psychology.

Just to expand a little upon what Master Samael says: what I think Master Samael is saying is that the three demons which are the demon of desire, the demon of the mind and the demon of ill-will are the ones that together make up lunar structure and characteristics that our psychology has. We all know from previous posts that our psychology in character esoterically speaking is qualified as Lunar. So then the foundation of our psychology is made up by the three demons.

I hope to shed a bit more light on this revelation by Master Samael.

Three Demons Control the World

Can we be so bold to say that the three demons, that is the demons of: desire, the mind and ill will are the factors that control or are at the base of humanity’s thinking processes?

Certainly with all the bad things that happen here on Earth and knowing full well that before things are carried out by any human being there is a thinking process, we have to say without any doubt that instigating and motivating the thinking processes that are behind all the bad things that are done by human beings to other human beings and to nature, are these three demons. We can not think of anything else, definitely nothing better or more refined than the three demons.

Harming another human being is ill will, planning to do it is the demon of the mind and the deep motivation to do it because of a deep desire for money, power, control etc. is the demon of desire.

These three demons can be seen so clearly in the actions carried out by the governments of the world. This is simply because the governments of the world are run by human beings and in every human being (except those who have eliminated them) are the three demons in their psychology.


If you look carefully into every egoic manifestation (lust, anger, greed, pride, envy, laziness, gluttony etc.) that you have, that if you get angry over something you will find desire, mind and ill-will without a doubt. Anything lunar in us is characterised by these three demons or columns.


The three demons are present in us here and now and the more we study them the more we will come to understand that they are behind so much of pour psychological processes – well 100% of our egoic processes and as we are no different to our fellow human beings they are in them as well, just as they are in us. With the understanding of them will come the need to make conscious and voluntary heart felt efforts to dissolve them.

End (111).

Lunar Characteristics in Our Psychology – List 2 (110)


This post continues on from the post where the aim was to lay down a skeleton or outline for the next several posts which are to be dedicated to explaining in detail, each characteristic of the Moon that is present in our psychology.

The List Continues…

The Solar Force Organises

The Solar forces organise things, for example planets are organised around the sun and this organisation forms a solar system, which is an entity to itself and has a life as a unique system. Master Samael says that the solar system is like a giant man walking through space.

In other words, the Sun organises and centralises and in so doing creates a harmonious system, the Lunar forces on the other hand do not do that and furthermore do not have the power to do that.

If we observe the behaviour of Moons, we will see that they do not revolve around other moons, moons are very dependent yet isolated or we could say individualistic and selfish, whereas the sun works in co-operation and in collaboration with all the planets in the solar system and all the other suns etc. in the cosmos. For example, take the central sun Sirius, it revolves around a greater central Sun and it organises many solar systems and therefore planets to revolve also revolve around Sirius.

The Solar forces are an organising and a centralising force, that produces and creates harmony among all the other planets or heavenly bodies. The Moon does not do that and does not have the power to do it. It is only out for itself.

The Sun is Interested in Our Self-Realisation

Master Samael spoke about the Sun being interested in the self-realisation of the human being on the planet Earth. Master Samael said that the sun is interested in creating solar men, that is men who have fabricated the solar bodies and incarnated the solar principles. This is in stark contrast to the wish of the Moon or the lunar forces, they wish for humanity to obey the mechanical cycles of creation.

The lunar forces are not interested in the human being becoming more conscious and reaching realisation because if that were to happen there would be less creatures for the Moon or the Lunar forces to govern. The Moon is interested in keeping the human being fascinated and asleep so that it can have life can continue on the planet.


This current human being or race of human beings living on the planet earth has been called many times in the Gnostic teachings a lunar humanity, meaning a mechanical humanity, a humanity void of the awakened consciousness - a humanity with a sleeping consciousness.

This mechanicity has been given to us by the Moon. Being mechanical we are not going to change or reinvent ourselves, we are basically going to stay as we are. Well even in life people have the tendency to get worse as time goes by, for instance, old people can become balder in the expressions of their egos and they can even justify the ego being in their human machine

The Sun also has the power to provide us with all that we need for life and the self-realisation, the Moon on the other hand does not create anything nor provide anything for us that we need.

Selfish & Parasitic

I can do but you can not, and we do to others what we don’t like being done to us. This is a typical lunar characteristic of our psychology. It does not take others into account and it does give others the same rights that it gives to itself, which is a strange thing because in reality we all have the same rights. This is an illusion produced by the lunar nature.

The examples given above are typical of selfishness and are very typical of the lunar nature. As we have mentioned before, the Moon is by itself and only attaches itself to a larger planet so to take of the planet’s forces, and to take advantage of the light it receives from the sun of the solar system it belongs to. It is true that a moon can receive the light of a sun being somewhere close to it in space, but attaching itself to a planet in a solar system allows it to receive great quantities of continuous light without the possibility of it clashing with the other planets in a solar system.

Furthermore we often think we are the only ones who are right, that we have more experience etc. This is all because of the lunar nature that we have in our psychology, all because the Moon is selfish. It only takes for itself and unlike the sun it does not give anything to the other planets in the solar system, all that it does is not get in their way, which is does out of its own interests to survive.

Destiny of the Lunar

In Gnosis there are what is called lunar entities, that is human beings or creatures that are lunar in nature. Their destiny is very sadly the abyss or the infernal regions of nature where the lunar psychological elements that they have are dissolved or broken down by nature.

On the other hand, there in Gnosis are the solar entities and their destiny is entirely different. The destiny of the solar entities which are human beings and creatures of a solar nature are the heavens or the superior worlds or dimensions of nature.

This difference is all because of the inherent nature of the two natures. The Moon is not freedom, it is control and imprisonment, whereas the sun is freedom and expansion. Also the ego which is of a lunar nature becomes polarised with evil (note, some egos are positive and some are negative) and so nature has to stop some how the expansion of these egos polarised with evil, so the creator created the infernal worlds, whose sole purpose of existing is to break down these egos polarised with evil and also the good egos.

The Sun is also an expression of the spiritual and Christic force in the Universe, so as the Sun has a spiritual nature, being of this nature (i.e. having a solar nature) has to take one toward a spiritual destiny or finality.


The effect of the Moon on the Earth is to set the rhythm of life. As a planetary body it in fact stabilises the earth’s rotation and axis of rotation. So the Lunar force exerts a certain controlling force over the Earth and the life on it.

These aspect of the lunar force is prominent in the human personality and also in the various psychological I’s that the human being carries within its psyche. All the egos and eh personalities like to control things, especially the events in a given environment, people, conversations, outcomes all because of the selfish vested interests of the egos. If the interests where like the interests fo the Sun, that is for everyone this aspect of controlling would be immediately dissolved.

In conclusion here, the Lunar forces are controlling because they are selfish. The controlling aspect protects or ensures the lunar element (the ego or personality) in us continues to receive the fulfilment of its desires or desire.


The Moon is highly relative, it in fact only exists as a Moon because of its relation to the planet Earth. If there were no planet Earth then there would be no Moon as we know it today. In general, a moon is always related to or dependent upon another planet. A moon in fact is defined as a heavenly body depending on the planet it is attached to.

So it is very easy to see how the ego in us, which is something lunar, takes the events of life, including the words of others, the actions of others etc. in a relative way, which is, to take things as if they are or were for me, when they may well not be meant for us.

The lunar force is a real authentic legitimate value in the cosmos, however it is conditioned by relativity and duality, and exists relative to other values and forces.

Does not Sacrifice

The Sun sacrifices itself continuously so as to give and maintain life in the solar system. In fact as Master Samael describes, the Sun use to be autoegocratic, meaning that it would only give. However, a need arose that the autoegocratic nature of the Sun had to be modified, and it was modified to the nature that included both giving and receiving, thus it became trogoautoegocratic. This had to happen as Master Samael says because the Sacred Absolute Sun was in danger of being extinguished.

The Sun gives and also receives, and this is the basis of the transmutation. The Sun receives what it gives, but what it is received is a higher octave version of what the sun initially gave. The Moon on the other hand does not give of itself much less sacrifice itself for anything.

The Sun’s sacrifice return energy to it at a higher octave that maintains it in its sacrifice for the life of the Solar System. The Moon does not sacrifice anything because it does not need to it is not in its nature, it would only need to sacrifice something it was to give something. But we know from earlier sections that it does not give it only takes.

This is so easy to see in psychology as well we only like to receive or take the easy way out. It is difficult for us to sacrifice and we rarely do. In fact normal life does not require any sacrifices from us and that is why normal life does not lead us into the vertical where the development of the level of Being or the vertical line of life is to be found. So we can say that the lunar is not vertical but solar is.


Our false personality is currently the human being’s centre of gravity, and furthermore this centre of gravity is qualified in Gnosis as a lunar device. We need really our centre of gravity to be the essence, the consciousness, the Being. But unfortunately it is the terrestrial human personality that is our centre of gravity, leaving our consciousness to be totally displaced. This can be easily proved, by simply by looking at the way we perceive ourselves. We typically see ourselves as a human being, from Europe, Australia, America etc. who has this and that age, this or that type of upbringing, this or that degree of intelligence etc. In other words we only see ourselves as personality; it is very rare to find someone that sees him or herself as an essence or as consciousness. The reason why we fear death and suffer so bitterly for those that die, is because we see them as a personality and not as an essence or a soul or consciousness. How do you see yourself?

Originally the Kundabuffer was given to humanity to make the physical more important in people, to sort of like bottle the consciousness of people into the physical senses, that is to be bottled into the sensations from the physical senses and into the perceptions and concepts of the physical world.

Part of the reason why the very ancient Lumurians were given the kundabuffer organ was because they did not want to live in the physical plane, they wanted to remain as immortal in the fourth dimension of nature. However, for the Earth to complete is movement or condensation rather into the physical dimension all life on the Earth had to become immersed into the third dimension. When the human layer of life on the Earth was not going to co-operate with this something was needed to help them to co-operate with the process of creation. This something special was the kundabuffer organ, that essentially lead to the consciousness of the very ancient human beings being bottled into the relativity and duality of the third dimension and of course the third dimension as well.

The problem is that the lunar personality in us is a false one. It is not one that is authentic and unique to our inner reality. For example, there are so many people name John Smith and we thinking that we are the personality, we think that we are our name, but of course we are not our name. Many people are asked the question: “Who are you?” and they always answer giving their name, but that in depth is not really who they are.

What we have to do is to make the ego a moon in our psychology, that is something, which is separated from our consciousness, leaving the consciousness to govern our psychological processes  inside us, just as the Sun is the governing principle in the solar system. So, in the end we have to organise our psyche’s general structure to resemble that of the solar system.

There is one very important characteristic of the lunar force, and it is that it creates a false alternative or a double that is false. Just like the Moon doubles for the sun at night, but it is not a sun, it is a false sun or a night time sun. But the thing is, it borrows from the sun and does not radiate of itself because it does not have a living reality to radiate out. So the false personality is the same in that it is a false double for our real or true identity which is the consciousness and the Being.

Lunar psychology is based on the false personality or our centre of gravity being in the personality, and how to best serve its interests. And as is the opposite the solar psychology is based on the essence being the centre of gravity, and the consciousness also being our centre of gravity.

Another point here to compliment the title given to this sub-section is that the ego like the moon is half true, all the reasons and arguments of the ego are always partly true on one side and on the other side, partly unfair or simply not true. Just as the Moon, the Moon is true in that is by itself a real heavenly body but its life or existence is dependent on other factors. What is true always remains, the Moon will if something happens to the Earth, not be a Moon but just a round, grey and cratered heavenly body floating in space.


Our behaviour is governed considerably by the state of our sexual waters. When our sexual waters rise for example, this simple event greatly influences our behaviour. We are more excitable and agitated and are more lustful.

It is very easy to find in life, that this increase in energy can be taken by the ego of lust. These energies should really be taken by the function of transmutation or the part of the Being called Peter.


In summary we have examined the following lunar characteristics of our psyche:
•Not an organising force, •no interest in self-realisation, •mechanical, •selfish and parasitic, •abysmal destiny, •controlling, •relativity, •no sacrifice • half true and •influences the waters and life of the Earth.

In conclusion, we can clearly say that a large majority of the characteristics of our psyche are also the characteristics of the egos that we have and they in turn are characteristics that are shared with the Moon. With the Moon being a manifestation of a lunar force in the cosmos we can state without doubt that our psychology (with the ego) is Lunar. If we are to remove the ego our psychology would change to that of the nature of the essence which is solar.

End (110).