Friday, 27 February 2015

Humanity as an Organ of the Earth - (332)


First of all, esotericism considers the Earth itself as a living entity. The Earth in esotericism has a life of its own, it is a living organism all to its own.

All Living Creatures have Organs

As every living entity or creature has organs or it various parts that allow it to function in life, the Earth must have it organs also, as it is no exception. Every creature or living organism has organs and each organ has its degree of vitality and life. As humanity is a part of the Earth and each person has a life of its own, humanity in esotericism is considered to be an organ of the Earth.

The Four Kingdoms are the Earth’s Organs

Esoterically speaking the life that dwells on the surface of the Earth and within the Earth are all organs of the Earth. The most important organ that the Earth has is humanity.

Every Organ has a Function

Every organ of the Earth has a certain function in relation to the Earth. The minerals, the plants, the animals and humanity all receive certain cosmic forces that they transform and then transmit these transformed energies to the Earth thus nourishing it. Every living creature must eat in some way or another, that is a law of creation.

If Humanity would Die the Earth would Suffer

If humanity were to be wiped out then the Earth would suffer greatly. We sometimes think that if humanity dies then the Earth would be better off. This is not quite true. It is really the destructive actions towards the Earth that are harming the Earth and should for the benefit of the Earth really stop. However, if human beings died out then the Earth would not be able to receive special energies that only human beings give to it.

Earth is our Mother

The Earth in many ways is connected to us and we are connected to it. We think we are so separate and sophisticated and above the blunt and unintelligent Earth. Really we are made from material from the Earth, we eat of the Earth and we born of it and return t =o it. She the Earth is our Mother. We should really find in the Earth our Mother as She supplies or provides everything to us in life. She the Mother in general in all the sense , the physical and the esoteric is our great provider.


Humanity is the most important organ of the Earth because it through the three brains of the human being absorb energies from the three primary forces of nature and transmit them to the Earth nourishing it in a way that the other living organisms (minerals, plants and animals) can’t do.

End (332).

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Esoteric Planetary Science Post I - (331)

A Series of Posts

An idea that I have for the next several posts, well in reality the ones that I can get done which will going by my track record will probably be only a few, is to present a series of posts on a topic I call esoteric planetary science. Which will be basically about, covering some of the major points that are prevalent when examining a planet from the esoteric point of view.

Outline of Points

Here is a list of the major points that appear when we look into the esoteric side of a planet. We are going to use the Earth as an example.

• Humanity as a major organ of a planet, in this case Earth
• The Fohat of a planet
• Planetary Regent (Melchizadek)
• Consciousness of humanity and the planet’s Fohat
• Oceans of the planet are its chaos or spermatic waters
• Receiving Cosmic Forces, and how plants, animals and human beings transform and transmit them to the planet thus nourishing it.
• Planets and their Moons
• The soul of a planet related to its Moon
• Cosmic Day and Cosmic Night
• Clashes with other planets
• Elements in the planet are also in us
• The three aspects of a planet: heavenly aspect, Physical aspect and infernal aspect
• Order of creation is the Mesocosmos
• Esoteric planetary anatomy
• Lust does weakens the force of a planet’s Fohat
• Pride and Greed Destroy the planet
• Planetary races and catastrophes
• Planetary karma


It is worthwhile knowing about the planet because we are part of it, and it is part of us. Esoteric and psychological knowledge of a planet is in many ways self-knowledge.

End (331).

Electronic Divine Mother Eliminates Molecular Ego - (330)

Introduction – Cutting Basics

The way a knife for example cuts is by the edge of the knife being so fine and strong that it is able to enter in between the spaces of the smallest parts of the material the knife is going to cut. It is the knife’s ability to get in between these parts and break them away from or disconnect them from the other parts is what makes the knife to cut something.

Basically the sharper the knife, the more it can get in between the parts that make up the material. A blunt knife has a large edge that is not fine enough to get in between the links between the smallest parts of the material. That is why we have to apply a lot of force to a blunt knife to get it to cut because with our applied force the blunt knife edge wedges its way in between the spaces of the smallest parts of the material to cut it.

Divine Mother is Electronic

The Divine Mother is Electronic! She is an electronic force, a force a living conscious power that comes from and lives in the electronic world. Which is the Causal world and beyond. The Divine Mother is in our electrons. We know that electricity is really the movement of electrons and Her being electronic she is that electricity which is a condensation of Prana into Akash. Prana is Master Samael says the electricity of life which is that intelligent, conscious, living and igneous force of creation originating from the Absolute.

The smaller the particle the quicker it is and the more energetic and powerful it is. Electrons are behind electricity, chemistry and determine so many of the properties of compounds and the elements.

Ego is Molecular

The ego is molecular in nature. The ego is found in the astral, mental and also causal worlds. However in its nature it is molecular it is not electronic. It is far too dense to be purely electronic. It may definitely have an electronic component to it but it is definitely not purely electronic, if it were we would really be in trouble. 

The ego is mental substance and also it is the essence just polarised wrongly. However in its nature it is molecular. That is composed of molecules which are compound substances, that is substances made of groups of atoms stuck together. Molecules by nature are much bigger than electrons.

Electrons are Smaller and Higher in Energy than Molecules

Most definitely electrons are much smaller than molecules, which are groups of atoms bonded together. The electrons of the atoms are the ones that actually form the bonds between atoms in a molecule. Molecules are many times more dense and heavier than electrons.

Electrons Break Molecular Bonds

Because electrons are smaller, faster moving and more energetic and basically smaller than molecules they can get in between the molecules and separate them just as a knife edge gets in between the parts of a material it cuts.

Because the Divine Mother is electronic she can Dissolve the molecular ego. Here electronic power can manipulate the electrons in the bonds that link the atoms together to form a molecule and She can break apart the crowding of molecules making up the egoic structure.

Conclusion – Divine Mother Disintegrates the Ego

Because the Divine Mother is electronic in nature and is in the electrons She can dissolve the ego. If she were not electronic She would not be able to cut or disintegrate the ego.

End (330).

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Physical Reason Why Men Should Transmute Daily - (329)


I was listening to a program the other day and they made mention about sperm donation. They said that sperm banks will not accept donations older than three days. In other words if a man has been retaining his materia prima, ens seminis, raw sexual enrgy or sperm for more thatn three days sperm banks will reject it, based on the researched facts that sperm cells tend to live no longer than three days.

A Gnostic Would Never Donate his Sperm

Just while we are on this subject I sincerely think that a Gnostic person would not donate his sperm. Would not even think about it.

Life Span

So according to these studies the life span of the average sperm cell is 3 days. Once it has lived its three days it dies and I guess its corpse remains in the testicles. As with all things organic that die if they are not specially treated they been to decompose and rot or in other words involute.


The enis semenis that is retained but not transmuted accumulates, and of course after its life span has expired it dies and of course begins to decompose and involute. Master Samael and Gurdjuieff spoke about the negative effects of the involuting ens semenis. They both said that the involuting or decomposing sexual energy actually affects one’s psyche making one either very cruel and cynical on one hand and on the other very holy and pious (pretending of course). It produces Master Samael and Gurdjieff said a double personality. It also affects one physically too, making a person very fat or either very skinny.

Transmuting Daily is the Best Policy

Transmuting daily is best because it transmutes the living sperm, which is only the real ens semenis that we can transmute, and avoids the ens semenis from dying and decomposing and producing in us those negative consequences mentioned above.

Usually the Gnostic person does not develop those consequences of the involuting ens semenis but can suffer from the nocturnal loss of the sexual energy due to being negligent and not transmuting enough. Because when the energy accumulates the body must do something with it and the raw sexual energy answers the body by virtue of its own very dynamic nature - it moves, if it can not move inward and upward it moves downwards and outwards and we suffer a nocturnal pollution.


It makes a lot of sense to transmute daily so to transmute the living ens semenis because those sperm cells are alive and contain within them energy and life force which we can extract via transmutation.

End (329).

Monday, 23 February 2015

Thinking Psychologically and Esoterically - (328)


The foundation of thinking psychological is to see ourselves as an essence end think based upon exercising the values of the work, which are also the values of the essence.

If we think by virtue of co-operation, conscious love, peace, balance etc. we are thinking psychologically.

Thinking Esoterically

To think esoterically is another point here as well. This means to think based upon the esoteric teachings.

To think esoterically we have to know well first of all the esoteric teachings. For example, knowing the teachings about life and death will make us to think differently about our activities and our priorities in life.

When we think psychologically and esoterically we change our values and we perform a transvaluation.

It is worth spending some time here talking about cooperation. Which is to give something to a common cause that transcends ourselves.


Co-operation' is against pride and selfishness. We need always to co-operate with everything else. With others, those whom we live with, our Being, our essence, the groups and the society we live with. We have to co-operate with the laws and rules of society, of the groups we belong to and the Cosmos.

Usually the mistakes made by other egos mysteriously in the background strengthen pride and arrogance. Co-operating with honesty and responsibility avoids this strengthening of pride and arrogance.

Cooperation is usually operating something in conjunction with others. Not operating-by ourselves serving our personal interests.


In short if we think with co-operation and good will we are thinking psychologically and if we think based on the esoteric teachings we are thinking esoterically.

End (328).

Thursday, 19 February 2015

How we Should Work on Ourselves - (327)


The answer to this question is simple. One significant point is not to imitate anyone else.

There are also two other very important points, and they are: need and structure.


We should work on ourselves according to our inner urgencies and personal needs. Everyone in their work need different things. We should therefore work to fulfil those needs.


We all have a different esoteric structure, that is different level of the path, different body being, different amount of energy, different aptitudes and talents and we really should work in accordance with those (structures that we have and not in accordance with the structure of others).

For example, a beginner can not work on himself as an a master would.


These two points: needs and stature are wonderful guidelines for us to follow when working on ourselves. If we follow these two guidelines we won't get it wrong.

End (327).

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Creation of the Weapon Called the Swastika - (326)


Master Samael is reported to have said, perhaps it is in one of the transcribed talks in the two volumed tome of transcribed talks titled "El Quinto Evangelo" (The Fifth gospel) that the swastika which symbolizes the great Arcanum was created by the Pygmies (spiritually speaking) as a weapon against the Titans.


Much is spoken about the Titans in the Greek myths. The behaviour of the Titans that seems to be mostly aggressive is confusing, especially since they are gods.

Master Samael says that the Titans were or are pre-existing cosmic gods. That is, in Gnostic language Gods of or from previous Cosmic Days.

The Titans Had Imperfections

Indeed as Master Samael said the Titans had some imperfections and residual karmic debts. That is karmic debts from the previous Cosmic Day.

Creation was Necessary

Because of the imperfections that the Titans had creation was necessary for them to discover the mystery of their imperfections and to pay their karmic debts.

Master Samael said something really amazing. He said that if there was no karma there would be no creation. So creation is needed to pay karma. This is because is in the Absolute there is no processing of karma. That is, karma is not paid in the Absolute.

The Titans generated waves of creation or life so that the Titans or pre-cosmic Gods could enter creation. They had to initiate it and they did this by sending waves of life which included many pygmies or essences from the Absolute outwards into creation.


The pygmies are the essences or those monads that are not self-realised and therefore compared to the Titans or Gods they are spiritually speaking small.

Pygmies Fabricate a Weapon

To escape the tyranny of the titans, that is to not have to enter into creation to make creation possible just for the Titans to pay their karma, the pygmies fabricated the swastika a special, secret weapon to be able to return to the Absolute and not remain stuck in creation.

Conclusion – The Swastika

The swastika is the cross in movement or in other words the Alchemy.

So the Alchemy or the transmutation or transcendental sexuality is the key to return to the Absolute as a self-realized Monad, because a pygmy is controlled by the Titans but a pygmy who is self-realised can return to the Absolute as a God beyond the control of the Archons and the Titans.

End (326).

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

The Three Great Teachers - (325)


There are three great teachers: Life, Nature and the Law. If we want to know if our concepts, thoughts, ideas, actions, feelings and attitudes are correct, we have to, or rather we can screen them against the three great teachers: life, nature and law.

I learnt this lesson from a great teacher himself.


This factor is to observe how the things are in our life. We should have our concepts, thoughts, feelings and actions in aligned with the way things are in or operate in life.

Master Samael said that "truth is never far from nature".


Observe the laws and principles of nature. We should act and align our concepts in accordance with those laws and principles.


This teacher is basically the law of Kama, the law of cause and effect. This teacher is also the law of balance.

If we act in accordance with balance all good equanimous and magnanimous things will come to us. Pain and difficulties will distance themselves from us! Balance is always best.


To align ourselves with what these three great teaches teach and show us is a way to get things right in life, to know the right way to conduct ourselves and to be able to know what to correct ourselves in and how to correct ourselves.

End (325).

How do we Know if something is Black or White? - (324)


There are a few points to consider when discerning whether something is esoterically black or white. This post explains these considerations.

Key is the Sexual Energy

If there is the loss of the sexual energy then straight away it is black.


If the above point regarding the sexual energy is not obvious then we must carefully observe the method or way something is done and the result.


If the procedure to do something is unethical and wrong and does not include the Christ or the upright pentagram it's black.


Also if the result is wrong it’s black or ends up bring negative consequences.


Use these four criteria to know if something is black or white. It is very good to commit these criteria to memory because sometimes we have to discern things on the spot.

End (324).

Trust in the Law - (323)


We can always trust in the Divine Law and also in what is real. When we work truthfully and sincerely we will get trusted and real results.

We can trust our work when we work sincerely, and we can trust love when it is real. For example when we know our love is real we can trust that it will survive many future difficulties, and that puts one at rest. When we know or feel that love is not real we naturally feel insecure and uneasy.

Divine Law is Justice

We can trust in the Divine Law because it is Justice. It only allows what is just to prevail. Trust completely in that.

lf something unjust does happen, it is because there is an invisible prior karmic debt or impediment there to be paid or overcome. There is an invisible karmic debt that must be paid and in such cases the Divine Law is allowing the good to happen which is the cancellation of the debt to restore once again balance. When there is balance there is peace, harmony, justice and happiness.

A Being’s Greatest Power

Master Samuel said that the greatest power a human being can have, is that of an honest man, which is a man who has Justice on his side. With justice on his side he will always prevail.


If our conduct is rect and we are working and acting honestly we will be favoured by the Law.

End (323).

Thursday, 12 February 2015

Lust - the Search for Love Relative to Senses and Sex - (322)


At the bottom of lust is really the search for a kind of love and acceptance.

Something knows in us that to have sex even if it is once, is to be loved and accepted in some way.

So the problem here lies, not in the search for love but in the way it is searched for and where. Lust thinks love is where its ideas of what pleases the senses are satisfied and that love is found in the sexual act. In some way that is true but definitely not exclusively true. Lust gets it wrong when it only considers these two places and rules everything out.

The Search

However this search for love is done by considering the sexual act and making sure the senses and their criteria are pleased.

Vision of Lust

Lust only thinks of the senses, matter, sensations and the sexual act. It only happens to look through these very limited lenses – it has tunnel vision. 

It thinks love is possible when the senses are fulfilled, when the sexual act is complete. That is why it looks for those things only and does not consider anything else, mainly because the love of lust is the sensual kind of love.


There are other ways to search for love. But the correct way is the full or total picture not the narrow picture that lust makes a human being to think that love is found and fulfilled through the senses and the sexual act. A broader view considering all three types of love will change this very narrow and incorrect view that lust has.

End (322).

Lust is Disconnection - (321)


We can give lust the definition of being a certain kind of sexuality that is polarised in matter, the senses, sensations and the sexual act. Its search is mainly for completion, satisfaction, comfort, excitement, distraction from sadness etc. through these things (matter, senses etc.).

If we Observe Lust

If we observe lust we will find that it is disconnection. If we observe what is going on in our centres, (intellect, emotion etc.) and in our psychology, when we have the ego of lust in our human machine we will find something like a war inside of us. 

Lust actually separates us from sex and our sexual centre. What we get inside of us when we have lust in our human machine is a fight between sex and our brain or between sex and our emotions. When lust is in our human machine we become driven by sex, and we either don’t want to be driven and we feel fear or resistance or nervousness or either we are out to get what the sexual centre in us wants. But once again there are two parts to us, us and the sexual centre, where we are either working for the sexual centre or not wanting to work for it.

So lust introduces a war in us, always! Lust also introduces duality into us and this duality is the cause of the war. It is universal, one whole equals peace, two parts equals conflict.

If we were One with Sex

If sex were one with us we would use sex to make us more whole and therefore happier. Not use it against us or in duality. If we were to integrate ourselves with the sexual centre and see the truth that it is really part of our whole body and fully accept it and see it as myself as something that works for me and not against me we would naturally not accept lust and peace would be with us and when there is peace there is happiness too.

For me this is the basis of supra-sexuality the integration and acceptance with our sexual centre in a way that dignifies us. The opposite leads to many deviations in sex and in many twists especially taking on violence because that conflict can only bring violence and more violence etc.

Supra-Sexuality is Connection

The flower of supra-sexuality is the Kundalini and the Intimate Christ and these marvellous aspects come to us to connect us more with our intimate Divine Being. Lust being the opposite of supra-sexuality means the opposite of connection which is disconnection. The Kundalini connects us to the Divine Mother and links us to our inner bodies and our inner bodies link us to the parts of the Being and the Intimate Christ unifies with us, assumes our fight against the ego, so the Intimate Christ integrates Himself with us in us and Him being in us links us and integrates us more and more with Atman His father.


Lust is certainly disconnection. It is the psychological disconnection that causes sex to polarise in a way that goes against us. Sex or our sexual centre is not to blame it is our psychology and our lack of acceptance and integration in the opposite sense with sex and the sexual centre. We have to love the sexual energy and our sexual organ. Love it because it is what brings us to our Being, whom is the source of everything that we need and want, wisdom, light, happiness, consciousness, abilities etc. etc.

In conclusion integrate sex and your sexual centre with your whole body. Strengthen the supra-sexuality because it is wholeness and feeling that wholeness and the happiness of it will polarise you more and more with it and the disconnection of lust will be naturally less and less welcome.

End (321).

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Some Egos are Like Fires - (320)


Definitely not all egos but some are like fires. Lust, anger, self-love etc. are like fires. They even obey the same principles of fire.

Burn Intensely but Need Fuel to Burn

They burn intensely and if we are intelligent enough to not feed them they slowly burn out by themselves for not having fuel and air to keep burning.

The more you feed them, fan them and touch them, agitate them the more intensely they burn.


Why are some egos like fire? Simple, because the ego as does everything else in creation contains the four elements within its constitution. There are some egos that much more related to fire than other egos. For example laziness is much more related to earth than lust is or pride is.

So within the nature of anger and lust is more fire than anything else and most people really know this.

Putting out a Fire

To put out a fire, you need throw water or earth (sand) on it, or starve it of air or not give it any space to expand, or just let it burn out by itself. So with anger and lust we can certainly starve it, make ourselves so busy that we don’t have time to think of lust or anger or we can use relaxation (earth - throw sand on it) or throw water on it, transmute or apply love sweetness, kindness etc.


So for the egos that have a lot of fire in their nature one very good way to deal with them is to think of them as fire and not feed them with fuel or air. That is do not feed them with your thoughts (air) and do not give them impressions (fuel).

End (320).

Monday, 9 February 2015

Simple Keys are Best: Don’t Feed the Ego! - (319)


The best of keys seem to be the ones that we learn in first chamber. The simplest keys seem to be the best. Or what also happens is that after heaps of complicated analysis, trial and error and deep meditations you end up coming back to you already know, that is the simple keys that you learnt in first chamber, but with something special a lot more understanding.

Don’t Feed the Ego

One of these very simple keys is to not feed the ego. It is effective for every ego but for lust for example it is so very effective. It is really for a while the main weapon one has to fight lust. 

If one does not feed the ego by stopping or simply letting go of the thoughts that appear one can come to displace lust and therefore acquire control over lust and one’s own physiology.


We often end up coming back to square one and finding the simple keys that we learnt first to be the most effective. One for lust is to not feed desire. That is let the thoughts go as soon as you notice them. Though just before you let them go look deeply into them to deepen your comprehension. Anyway comprehension comes after separation. When you can separate you are closer to comprehending. No separation no comprehension.

End (319).

Sometimes there is No Magic Balm but Mystical Death - (318)


Sometimes we are working on an ego and we are looking for a magic balm, that is, a certain realisation or the comprehension of some truth that will set us free or at least separate us from that ego or give us the power to separate from that ego.

Never Appears

Sometimes after hoping and searching we just do not find it. But sometimes for some egos we do find it. The problem is for some other egos we do not find it. What do we do in these cases?

Resort to Death

In that case when we do not find the magic balm we have to resort to mystical death dealt by the Divine Mother. We have to make mystical death with the help of our Divine Mother, the magic balm.


Sometimes the magi balm does not come, but channelling all our efforts into prayer to the Divine Mother and mystical death is the magical balm.

End (318).

Is Gnosis a Cult? - (317)

Quick Answer

No. Read on to know why.


If we look at the common characteristics of a cult we will see why Gnosis is not a cult.

Closed Community

Cults are commonly closed to the general community, and they usually live as a community somewhere isolated like in the outskirts of the city.

Usually cult members do not work outside the community the community is mostly self-sufficient and all members work to fulfil the needs of the community.

Gnosis is certainly not like that at all. All Gnostic students live within cities and work with others who are certainly not in Gnosis. Gnostic students at the most attend the Gnostic centre two times per week for two hours each session - hardly a live in effort or commitment.

Cults are definitely not international organisations like what Gnosis is. Cults are usually one group or community only.

Marry within the Cult

Cult members must marry others within the cult. In Gnosis that is not a must and many students are married to people who are not in Gnosis or have interest in Gnosis. However, it is very much recommender that the married couple be in Gnosis together.

Leader is a like Messiah

Usually these cults have as their leader someone who is like a messiah or similar or reincarnation of Jesus or Buddha or similar.

In Gnosis this is certainly not the case, the missionary is the leader of the group but is not certainly not a Messiah or something similar. He or she may be an initiate or master but that is a master of him or herself.

Large Donations

In cults members are required to give up all or a large part of their possessions or donate large quantities of money and this is certainly not the case in Gnosis. Students only give what they would like to give. If you run a Gnostic centre you will see that students typically give relatively little and when they can.

Beliefs Different to Conventional Religions

Often cults have beliefs that are off on a tangent to the conventional beliefs of religions. They are still stuck in beliefs and they are not about knowing. Gnosis is not conventional but it is not about believing, it is more about knowing. Anyway what is in Gnosis can be found in the traditions of old.

Prophetic Doom

Often cults have a date or time or when the world will end, or at least a tremendous belief in that the end of the world is coming soon. Gnosis there are principles and laws at play that indicate that indicate that the humanity or the earth is coming close to the end of a natural cycle that will mean many changes and in Gnosis it is said that humanity is slowly degrading and that can be clear verified by just observing the latest events and society and people in general.


Cult members are usually fanatical about their activities and beliefs. In Gnosis the way is of the consciousness and the consciousness is balance and knowing it is not fanatical.

Some cults are so fanatical that they get violent.

No Cult Works in the Dissolution of the ‘I’

Most definitely, to finish off this post, no cult works in the dissolution of the ‘I’. But in Gnosis we definitely do. If a cult did work in the dissolution of the ‘I’ they would change and cease being a cult.


When examining the common characteristics of a cult it is clear that Gnosis is not a cult.

If you have any questions feel free to contact me.

End (317).

Sunday, 8 February 2015

To Say No is to say Yes to Something Else - (316)


Because of duality to say no to something is really to say yes to the opposite or to something else.

No to the Ego is Yes to the Being

When we say no to the ego we are not just saying no to everything, in saying no we are saying yes to the Being, to ourselves and to the work and to the Gnostic brothers and sisters in the work.

We tend to think a no to the ego is just all there is, one big fat painful no! But really there is always the other side which we do not often see - the yes side which is s big fat yes to the something really nice and beautiful – the Being.

Feel Happy! Because a No is a Yes!

Next time you have to say to the ego or something or someone see that you are saying yes to the Being or yes to yourself. Which is great.


I have used this bit of knowledge which comes from the study of duality, that to say no is not so bad and in my difficult decisions that I have had to make remembering that I am also saying yes has helped me emotionally in a tremendous way. So next time you find yourself saying no, think that you are actually saying yes and that yes is comforting, right, fine, less stressful, better in the long run etc.

End (316).

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Reading Authors other than Master Samael - (315)


Master Samael wrote very extensively about many different esoteric topics and in his writings he answered many questions that many of us have and he also laid down a practical system for us to be able to arrive through our own experience at the truth of the matter we are interested in knowing about.

The Details and the Synthesis

Sometimes because he did not have time and because he is the master of the synthesis he could not write down all the details and smaller steps to arrive at the knowledge and experiences that he wrote about.

So, in these small gaps sometimes other authors can provide some helpful hints and information or explanations. Perhaps he also had a lot of consciousness and the apprehension of the knowledge was very direct, simple and immediate not requiring many steps which is what we may require at times.


It is my recommendation that the works of other authors be used in this way, helping one in one’s understanding of Gnosis and helping one within the goals of one’s work - definitely, not taking one off on a tangent into other studies that are not really going to take one closer to self-realisation.

Authors who are Dying Mystically or Awakening

The works of other authors who are awakening or awakened or are dying in themselves are very illuminating and helpful if they are written in a way that we can understand.


As the master of the synthesis Master Samael in his works extracted the essentials out of some many different doctrines and knowledge systems and practices and really if we just practice what he has laid down or get some hints and help to practice what he laid down we will get to his aim for us.

End (315).

Sunday, 1 February 2015

Why Patience is the Mother of All Virtue - (314)


It is said that patience is the mother of all virtue and from the Gnostic point of view it certainly seems to be true.

Why Patience is Needed?

It seems to apply the virtues of the Being or the values of the Being, patience is needed. The way of the ego is action that can be wrong and rough but it is so to get a result or get what it wants as quickly as possible.


For example getting angry one can bring order to a conversation or a situation in the way one wants in a very minute or less, maybe even in a few seconds. However if we apply sweetness and reason instead of the force that anger applies it takes more time to get the result that we want.

We may want a spouse, and lust can get it quite quickly but for the purpose of satisfying sensations and desires but a spouse for eh esoteric work is attained not applying lust but applying chastity, faith, prayer, work on oneself etc. and that takes much time.

We may want to pay our karma quickly but it takes much time. Fear wants to escape circumstances as quickly as possible, courage is patience in some degree and tolerance is patience to some degree as well because the intolerant person does not want to be in a situation where it has to face things it can not tolerate.

Test of Patience

There are many tests of patience and there is one Master Samael says at the top of the first mountain. Patience is to also wait outside of time.


So in conclusion to apply the virtues of the Being one needs patience, the virtues all rely on patience being there in the background. The reason why is because the Being is not bottled in time. That is why! The ego on the other hand is very much bottled in time.

End (314).

Pride is Unconformity - (313)


Pride is many things, one thing though for sure that it is, is unconformity. Pride is that feeling of not being happy or satisfied with what is going on in our life, around or inside of us. Pride is that constant disagreement-acceptance and struggle, fight and protest with things.

It is that fight that doesn’t like things and situations and can not tolerate them for silly personal reasons. It is that fight to be different that throws a spanner in the works that puts people out and puts a real damper on many situations. That is why many people don’t like that unconformity in Pride just as in the quote below from Ralph Waldo Emmerson. A person’s unconformity is a real bother to others.

Whenever we Feel Unconformity Pride is Present

As a general rule when we feel some sort of unconformity with what is going on around us, pride is usually there in our human machine. This unconformity produces much resistance in ourselves and friction with others as well. It is the cause of much of our disobedience towards physical authorities, the law and the Being.

This unconformity can support any ego and is behind many egos. This shows a person that there PPP is indeed Pride.

Pride and Lust

Lust of course has a sexuality opposite to that of the Being’s sexuality and it is our Pride that is inconformity with this, our Pride very deeply does not want that we accept the sexuality of the Being and so by doing this remains separate. Using a sexuality based on senses, sensations and emotional pleasure and excitement.


The remedy to this unconformity is a deep acceptance of what we are fighting against. This is easier said than done, but it gets easier when we see all the benefits of conforming for our essence, our Being and ourselves in general, physically and psychologically then this acceptance does get a lot easier.


Notice the unconformity, recognise it and work with acceptance to overcome it or at least to weaken. Keep doing this over and over until the acceptance becomes deeper and deeper and the unconformity goes. Doing this will increase our definition overall as well.

End (313).