Friday, 31 May 2019

Imagination to Put Ourselves in the Shoes of Others - (3054)

Lost without Imagination

I think that without imagination we would be so lost.

The faculty of imagination allows us to put ourselves into the shoes of others and therefore change our self-centred reference point and see things from a wider perspective.

Always try and seek the wider perspective of any issue. The very narrow, focused, tunnel vision view of any event or issue is one that leads easily to suffering. Imagination helps us to see the wider view.

Seek the Wider View - Always Helps

The faculty of imagination allows us to do this, to see the wider view and perspective on things, especially about ourselves. 

If ever in any trouble please just check out the wider and greater view - a first port of call because this will really help you! And you can then go from there to seek a remedy or a solution.

End (3054).

Fire is Energy and Strength - (3053)

It's fireplace season in Australia being winter down here. 

Doing a little concentration on fire imagining one to be just consciousness melting into the flames a flash of feeling about fire comes to you. Fire is pure expanding energy and that brings will, strength and confidence. 

When one has lots of energy one also has lots of will, confidence and strength.

It is good to concentrate on fire, imagine yourself to be like fire, merge into it, while invoking the Gods of fire to help ourselves out when we are feeling low.

End (3053).

Thursday, 30 May 2019

For the Ego No One Is Special - (3052)

This is something quite true but hard to come to terms with. But if we do, that is understand this well it is really freeing and wonderful!

The ego in ourselves and in people gets upset, annoyed, angry, resentful, lustful, jealous etc. at anyone no matter who we are. This is because it reacts/manifests based on impressions and based on its interpretations of the impressions.

That is why we think: "I am your good friend, don't yell at me" but we get yelled at all the same and feel really hurt. We even think "if I was the neighbour they would not yell at me and I have done more for them than the stupid neighbour".

So we can start to see that we are not special for the ego, for the essence yes, but not for the ego. Even I would rather stay on the side of being an essence than being special.

We get quite upset because we feel that we are beyond being yelled at, and should not be yelled at. The truth is that when the ego occupies all of the mind, it no longer sees people it just sees its interests. So we have to adjust our thinking and understand that when another person's ego occupies their mind fully they will not see us anymore, they will only see their need to defend or attack or desire etc. This can happen even in an instant too you know.

When they do see us, things are different. In fact, many times after being yelled at, the person who yelled, repents, because their essence realises that they did something not befitting the kind of relationship that they have with the person that they yelled at - such as a friend.

So a key here for us is to always keep in mind our relationship with others. This acts as a brake to not allow the ego to fully take our mind.

End (3052).

Lust Imagines Sensations - (3051)

One of the features of the desire mechanism in lust is the use of imagining, not only of images, but of sensations as well.

When the sensations are imagined and then consequently felt the desire increases.

It is good to know this, that our own imagination faculty also imagines and re-creates sensations, and the ego uses this.

Using conscious imagination one can come to discover this and one can control this aspect of lust. 

The good in the bad, is that the ego of lust teaches a person about imagination. Imagination works over all the senses not only seeing.

End (3051).

Wednesday, 29 May 2019

We Harm Ourselves with Pleasure Too - (3050)

I am trying to flatten my stomach and two little chocies is ok but three or four is where a unusual flavour creeps into the human machine. One knows that two is enough but the ego of gluttony wishes to devour more all for the pleasure of it.

When we are identified with this ego of gluttony we feel that we can’t let that pleasure go, like that pleasure will leave us and never come back. Or that the chance to enjoy those nice choices will not come back (this type of gluttony comes from having experienced the other side - a lack of food etc. so now when there is food one has to takes advantage).

Love those little Hershey bars from the U.S.A

The truth of the matter is that the pleasure will certainly come back and that pleasure is actually beginning to harm us. Yes pleasure harms us. In excess, or past a certain line pleasure turns against us and harms us. When it goes over that line it becomes our master and then we are in deep and treacherous waters. 

End (3050).

Tuesday, 28 May 2019

Present to the Day - (3049)

To be present we need to trust. To trust is to be present. To trust that what is present is good enough for us. Really the more we die in ourselves the more present we become and the more we see that our role is to be empty and to be driven by our essence and consciousness and to stop driving.

Our mind drives because it does not trust in the essence, in reality and in life. It only trusts what is has inside of it.

What it has inside of it: is past, is memory, is projections is likes, dislikes, rejections, acceptance and based on these latter things we get points of view, protests, complaints, dreams, fantasies etc. etc.

End (3049).

Key to Developing Imagination - (3048)

The key is in logical detail.

As we visualise we have to make that conscious effort to see the details in logical order and in a real way.

For example if we are imagining  our Divine Mother we have to see her feet in detail, the exquisite shoes she wears, the patterns on her shoes, the aura surrounding her feet, the ground upon which she is standing or floating above etc. etc.

Then work our way up. Imagining with reference and adoration...

The conscious imagination is detailed, logical, vivid, full of life and wisdom. That of the ego is dark, incoherent with vague diffuse flashes of outlines and colour adapting to a ego driven story.

End (3048).

A Mould First then Break the Mould - (3047)

We need a mould first of all, so to organise ourselves and our work. Once we are organised we can enjoy totally the benefits of our organisation.

All primordial matter needs to be organised first...Once it is organised it needs to function and this is where the mould may not serve us totally.

Though later we have to break free from the mould and follow the will and intelligence of the one inside of ourselves who can create new mould.

End (3047).

Assumptions - Man with Flowers - (3046)

Often I go to buy flowers for the Gnostic centre from a small group of flower shops run by Vietnamese owners. These shops are located on a modern trendy type of street in a suburb quite close to the city. I often have to walk some distance from the flower shop to the car and while walking this distance I often get some slightly unusual smiles, smirks, and half smirks etc.

I can't make any assumptions as to what they are thinking that produces the smiles. Though this is a good example to bring into awareness in not making assumptions. Just perhaps those passer byes are making the assumption that I did something wrong and are trying to make up for it, or that the flowers are for someone special or that perhaps the flowers are for them but all of them are wrong.

I understand to be more awake is to not cloud reality with assumptions, which we do not know if they are right or not.

Just see and not interpret.

End (3046).

A Fist Fight in the Street - (3045)

It is really unpleasant to see two men fighting. Fists flying, clothes tearing, underwear embarrassingly showing, sounds of a body or bodies crashing on the hard pavement, screaming insults and threats, broken glass, onlookers gasping, heart pumping, shaky nerves, fear in the air, the high emotions of distress and aggravation of friends and family to the two persons fighting... 

Others trying to remain calm trying to be supernatural - but shaking inside...

So rare it is to find someone who is not a seasoned rioter, or jail bird, that feels totally calm before such a scene and its impressions...

I saw something like this once being a good distance away in a running car waiting at the lights and I was full of nerves.

It just seems all bad right? Also a very difficult set of impressions to deal with, impressions that carry with them a lot of energy.

In Russia - a traditional type of fist fight.
This shaking, this fear, this emotion indicates, that we, if we wish, have before us some interesting material to review.

In other words we can if we wish put our consciousness into action and transform what we saw. You know it is better to do this because otherwise we will end up creating a lot of new fear.

It is not all bad, there are really moments of freedom there. Even the bad guy in the scene may end up getting what is due to him. A fight is a karmic vehicle used to pay retribution or create a karmic cheque for future retribution. 

I say moments of freedom, because the one being attacked has the full freedom to function so to defend the temple of his Monad from harm. In such a moment all of one's physical vital, emotional, mental and causal forces concentrate and heighten, one's strength and wit peaks and in freedom one can act.

There is good and bad in everything, in a fight there is always a cause, a reason, a something to be fought for. A person fighting is putting all on the line for a cause, even if this cause be something silly. But a cause none the less important to him. 

May as they waged in the medieval times of chivalry, may the one who is noble and just be victorious. You know before a fight begins it is in the hands of the two people, once it has started it is the hands of the Law.

Seeing the duality in everything helps neutralise things. This is the first step to transform any impression.

End (3045).

Sunday, 26 May 2019

Commentary on the Defect of Lust - (3044)

What It is Not

It is easier to know something sometimes, by looking at what it is not. 

Lust is not sex, sexuality, sexual energy, the sexual act, sensations, impulses, sexual instincts, sexual energy accumulating etc. etc. It is something else.

It is

Lust is a collection of concepts, projections, fantasies and mental constructions related to: sex, sexuality, the sexual act, sexual sensations, sexual energy etc.

Lust is a projected use of the sexual function. It is really, at the end of the day, a destructive use of the sexual energy. It always ends up lowering one's energy, one's resources, one's dignity, one's self-respect, one's love for one's essence and inner Divinity and also one's relationship with one's significant other, as they say.

The reason why it is in the end a destructive use, is because it ignores balance, consciousness and spirit. Lust is something blind that only sees sensations, pleasure and matter (or form). 

Pleasure devoid of balance, consciousness and ethics sacrifices balance and ethics which are higher principles for a lower principle which logically brings lower results outside and inside of ourselves  -which are often painful.

Positive Use

The positive use of the sexual energy takes into account the higher principles which lust sacrifices.

Balance, consciousness and ethics or spirit always bring about happy, edifying, dignifying results.

Taking one thing into account while ignoring the other things that are in a relationship to it, destroys balance and imbalance always beings retribution and pain. Within sexuality is matter, consciousness and spirit, focusing on one of the three, ignoring the others is imbalance. However, human beings don't know that in sex there is consciousnesses and spirit. Therefore with lust the human being is always gets into trouble by only focusing on matter, sensations, etc. 


Lust is an added mental construction, that has been picked up through life's experiences and impressions. Much of it is personality, i.e. the imitation of things which do not naturally belong to us.

Lust is everything that we add onto sex, including our emotions about it. Lust is also an exaggeration, and an expectation of happiness or joy that is often out of proportion. Instead of putting our attention on the expectation one can wisely put one's attention on discovering what the right proportion of things are.

Obviously where one puts their attention on the wrong thing ignoring all else, one of course loses control. This is what happens to many men, where they lose their sexual energy.

End (3044).

Lust Brings Anger - (3043)

Lust and anger are linked. Anger can often appear after lust. This is because lust diminishes a person's resources, leaving the person with a kind of impotence. This impotence does not allow oneself to reach within and activate fully the faculties that can help us. Because of this impotence certain issues in life can not be adequately resolved.

Lust is the smoke and sex, sexual energy, sexuality is the flame. The smoke is noxious. The flame is all. 
Then anger appears with the function of bringing energy, force and strength to overcome this impotence. Therefore the person becomes irritated, annoyed and later angry. All due to a secret origin, which is lust.

End (3043).

Saturday, 25 May 2019

Transmute and See the Tree of Life in Action - (3041)

When we transmute it is quite helpful to see the tree of life.

The tree of life is in constant action within us. One really terrific way to see it in action is when we transmute.

We are here in Malcuth, we begin to transmute and we see and feel that our transmuted sexual energy of Yesod begins to rise and contact our emotion - our Hod, then our brain or mind - our Netzah.  With a bit of extra effort the transmuted energy begins to fill more the emotion and brain and begins to contact the heart - our will - our Tipereth.

From Tipereth - our will - our heart - the transmuted energy can be sublimated to contact our consciousness - our Geburah, and then later our Spirit - Chesed.

When the energy rises to Tiphereth it takes on a very new octave.

Jesod and Tiphereth are very special Sephiroths, they link Hod and Netzah, Geburah and Chesed respectively. Jesod and Tiphereth are linking Sephiroths. The other Sephiroths are not as linking in their nature as are Jesod and Tiphereth. I would even say that Jesod and Tipereth are critical pivoting points, i.e. balance points.

When Jesod is rogue it takes Hod and Netzah (emotion and mind) away from our will and we lose control of sex, mind and emotion, and logically the consciousness and Spirit in us then also lose control. 

Tipereth allows our consciousnesses and our Spirit to control the four bodies of sin - which are the mental body (Netzah), the astral body (emotion), the vital body (Jesod) and the physical body (Malcuth).

The Sephiroth that are on the middle branch, that is the branch of balance or consciousness are control or balance points. Through which what is below them can be controlled or rather balanced.

End (3041).

A Temple is where Macrocosmos and Microcosmos Meet - (3042)

Any temple is a special place. Because every temple among so many other things is a place where the macrocosmos and the microcosmos intersect.

A human being - a microcosmos enters a temple where he or she hopes to meet something (light, peace, strength, inspiration) from above - that is something from the superior planes of consciousness - the macrocosmos.

A temple is a purposeful place built to serve a meeting point between the human and the greater Divine.

Each human being carries within a temple within their w heart and this too is a meeting place. Where the lower parts meet the higher parts. Where the essence goes to meet its mother, its spirit - its Father.

All temple no matter what religion, school, creed, faith serve as this meeting point.

End (3042).

Friday, 24 May 2019

Doing One Thing at a Time in Alertness and Concentration Relaxes You! - (3040)

The frustrations of not getting things done, not having time, impatience disappear when we do just one thing at a time in alertness and in concentration. 

This is because it engages humility. We see that we can only do so much and we trust more in life and in our Being. We let our Being into our life this way. Because when we are not in the moment we are in deeply in our stress and mental plans and frustrations.

We let go of the pride and ambition that wants to do everything. We see that doing one thing well saves time and makes doing other things well so much more easier.

We see that everything has its moment and the flow of life will bring us the right moment to do all the things. Keep alert and concentrated and catch insights into the ego and take a break to pray tot he Divine Mother to die in what we have seen about the ego.

End (3040).

Concentration and One Thing at a Time Experiment - (3039)

Present and Reality

To be awakened is to be present. To be present is to be in reality.

I have bee applying this one thing lately. Concentrate and do only one thing and be as present as I can be, even in the mundane tasks.

What About Ego Elimination?

One may then say, what about the work on the ego. The answer is it totally enhances it. Because when we are concentrating or focusing on the task at hand, one can so easily see the ego and this allows us so much more insight which opens the doors to comprehension which in turn opens the doors to elimination.

What About Remembering the Being?

Also God is reality. Our Being is present in reality. Trust in the Being that through being present in the moment It can instruct and guide us in all that we need to learn, see, comprehend...

Got it? Go Forth and conquer.

End (3039).

Thursday, 23 May 2019

We Just Want Our Will to Be Set Into Action - (3038)

Deep Down

A deep down yearning of many of us is just to have our very own will engaged into something constructive. For a Gnostic person we really yearn deep down to have our will well engaged in the action of activating and freeing our essence.


Because deep down we know that the will of everyone is really their saviour.

The human soul, the part of our Being which does the work is will and the Intimate Christ - the one whom redeems us and saves us resides in the causal world, the world of the will and is intimately and intensely related to our will.

End (3038).

Benefits of Developing Imagination - (3037)


Here is a short and incomplete list of some of the benefits of  working seriously to develop our conscious imagination.


Open a door to freedom (with imagination and will you can be anywhere you wish).

Open a door to knowledge.

Open the door to inspiration.

Equip ourselves with a tool to meditate on past egoic manifestations.

Equip ourselves with a tool to surpass fear and solve many problems.

Enliven and enrichen our mystical practices.

Provide ourselves with one of the two poles needed to create.

Provide ourselves with a means to learn concentration.

Control at will one's nervous system.

Allow ourselves various angles in which to approach an issue.

Allow ourselves to see within ourselves.

Allows ourselves to know the elementals of nature.

Allow ourselves to project the astral body.

Allows ourselves to control certain functions within our body. Such as transmutation.

Allows us to direct the flow of our will.

Allow us a certain increased capacity to reflect.

Allows us to perceive the dimensions above the third dimension.

Helps in self-remembering and applying many esoteric keys.

End (3037).

Judging - First Part of Ego Manifestation - (3036)

First Classify

Many "I's" function by first classifying or judging. As soon as a classification is made then the flood gates to egoic manifestation open.

If you are quick in your observations you will notice this.

The Egos Classify

Lust classifies what it sees and depending on the classification, the play button is pressed on one or another mechanical roll out of psychological processes and actions. Which could include anything from disinterest to interest etc.

Pride does exactly the same, it judges and classifies what is said or done and based on the judgement: "against me or for me " it begins to roll out its centuries old pre-programmed mechanical reactions.

All the egos do this in their particular way.

How Knowing this Helps

Knowing this we can stop the judgement process and then stop any further egoic manifestations from rolling out.

Not Easy - So Start Small and Work Your Way Up

It is not easy - so we have to start with the light things and keep going until more and more of our essence and even subconscious is convinced that judging is the trigger and cause of our troubles.

If we have trouble understanding this, we can reflect on this and come to understand that there is good and bad in everything. If we are insulted for example, that is not all bad at all. There is some good in it. This applies to everything else. Even if we judge something as good there is something bad in it. So if we can not be so quick to allow the mechanical egoic judgement to occur we can apply this key a lot more effectively and in a way that is really beneficial to us.

End (3036).

Talk A Lot About Gnosis in Our Head - (3035)

The reason why we talk a lot about Gnosis in our head is because we love it and there could also be an additional factor there; that we think we are doing well.

Talking about the work in our mind is not really doing the work...

The consciousness is natural, simple, pure and spontaneous attention...

I asked myself this morning: "am I doing well?". I thought well the egos of anger, pride and lust are alive. It would be better that I work on them rather than talk about the work in my head.

When one has the teacher ego, this happens quite a lot.

End (3035).

Coffee Elemental is About Friendship they Say - (3034)

As you do when one travels and meets other people studying Gnosis, one hears various experiences and accounts about things. One of those accounts was about coffee.

One missionary told me that another missionary had told him that the elemental of the coffee bean plant has much to do with promoting friendship, and for that reason, when people gather to drink coffee, conversations of an amicable and friendly nature ensue.

Well, the claim sounds or seems reasonable to me...

End (3034).

Less Time in the Abyss - (3033)

As I was saying in the previous post we are a multi-level castle, and in that castle there is a dungeon which is our own subconscious.

When the various egos project their thoughts and we identify with them we descend into our subconscious or lower levels or our own abyss. 

To be attentive to our consciousness or essence and to be working or reflecting on various aspects of the esoteric teachings is to definitely not to be in our own abyss.

We can as a goal set for ourselves to be spend less and less time in our own abyss or dungeon of our interior castle.

End (3033).

We are Multi-Levelled - (3032)

We have many levels within us - within our inner constitution, that is. We are a complete tree of life with all the dimensions or levels.

Each level is a plane where certain processes occur. These processes cascade down from one level to another taking on different qualities. 

Our life actually is unfolding on each of these planes. They all overlap and they are separated only by time. Where time is really the duration of one process moving down or up to the next plane within us.

Our inner mind is the one that can perceive some of these processes occurring in our inner planes. 

Even our three minds: sensory, intermediate and inner are three different levels. Our sensory mind is in charge of guiding our physical processes.

These processes are usually to do with our spiritual learning, our spiritual life, the unfolding of inner development, and how we act and respond to physical events here in our physical life etc.

At any one time deep within us certain unfolding and even actions are taking place within us and we can perceive those workings. So then we can know a bit of our physical future. Because as always things deep within us function so to come to physical manifestation one day.

We are really just a multi-level house where the real master (Inner Real Being) of the house processes things certain developments according to its will, needs, work and missions.

Obviously the processes of the various egos takes place within our own abyss. There the egos strengthen, feed and even grow and multiply - scary hey!

End (3032).

Tuesday, 21 May 2019

Thank you - Overwhelmed - (3031)

It is in times like this that words really fail and words like the ones that I am going to write in this post just fail to really convey the wonderful things that people did.

I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the wonderful things that people organised for us in Tampa and Atlanta, also for their wonderful treatment, their consideration, their care, their teachings and wisdom, generosity and of course their love.

All of those things were really incredible. 

I really hope that I can honour all of those wonderful gifts. I will try hard.

End (3031).

If there's Energy there's a Change - (3030)

One of the main functions of energy in us, is to bring about a change.

We know a current of energy is flowing inside of ourselves when we feel a change.

First we change inside then outside of ourselves.

Even a change in attitude means that some kind of energy has moved through our psyche.

The most valuable currents of energy are the ones that order and align our psyche consciously and positively. 

That is why it is so important to transmute, because with our transmutation we give ourselves energy that flows through us and changes things inside of ourselves.

This is really important if we are in a low state - moving some energy helps us lots and lots!!! Transmutation - HAM-SAH, Runes, concentration, mantras, Lamasery exercises - all help a great deal.

End (3030).

Talons and Pouch Carried Back Home - (3029)

An american eagle and a flying kangaroo took us soundly and safely back home.

We had the coolest captain on American Airlines flight A1619: "Sorry for the inconvenience
of arriving half an hour early" was one of the many cool and funny things that he said.

How amazing - an A380 flies non-stop all the way across the Pacific - terrific engines -
that's reliability.
Posts to take up their usual rhythm now.

End (3029).

Friday, 17 May 2019

We Are Here Because We Have Learnt Much From the Past - (3028)

We gave experienced many things in our past lives and owing to all those experiences we are here in Gnosis ready to realise and liberate ourselves.

We have fought in wars and we have been soldiers and so many other things and because of that we do not need to be any of those things anymore. We can devote ourselves to liberating ourselves from the wheel of Samsara.

Most of us I think have been to war at one point in the past. You know it, because now in this life
you don't want anything to do with going to war and you feel deep down that you have that
 learning locked in your essence. 
It is worthwhile to do a study of our past lives because with such a study we actually open a door within ourselves through which we can easily catch glimpses of our past life memories. We have to make the effort to first of all open the door within ourselves to our past.

This same principle applies to any other avenue of knowledge about ourselves.

End (3028).

Awakening Good & Bad - (3027)

This is what m.m.m commented recently about that of awakening in good and evil. I like it because it clarifies this ambiguous topic quite well.

Lake Lanier - Georgia, Atlanta
“The Gnostic awakens in the good, elimin­ates the evil and falls asleep in the evil. While those devoted to the left hand path awaken in the evil and sleep in the good.

The Gnostic then transcends the good to be awakened to what is outside of good and bad, that is outside of duality - The Great Reality.

Above duality we awaken in the Being.”

End (3027).

Thursday, 16 May 2019

Oh Dear No Merit Before the Law - (3026)

If we have no or little merit before the Law (Divine and internal) we are in trouble...

We have to ask for a credit. The guarantor for such a credit is our work.

Monument at Lanier Lakes - Atlanta, Georgia
If our work is little we have to ask for someone to vouch for us. That is to take responsibility for the debt that we have on our behalf. In other words we need a lawyer or a Judge or a Great master to do this for us. If we fail in paying our debt the Being who vouched for us will have to pay the debt.

To finish, if we lack dharma-we also have the alternatives of: negotiation, pact and pardon. Ask your missionary...

End (2026).

Subconscious Links Start with a Look - (3025)

Subconscious is about no, not or an ‘un’ as in unfulfilled, unbalanced, etc.

When a man meets a woman, the man through a look can perceive the subconsc­ious of the woman and through a look the woman can perceive the subconscious of the man.

The subconscious of the woman can project not being happy, not being loved, not appreciated, not taken into account, not treated as special, not fulfilled, not spoken to nicely etc. (all about a not or a no or a ‘un’).

Food Court in the Mall of Georgia - Atlanta
The man perceives this and the woman knows he perceives it and the subconscious link has been established. Then the astute man and woman play out the subconscious where the man takes advantage of the not, the no and ‘un’ in the lady’s psychology.

We can severe those links by closing the door within us to the potential happening of the subconscious links.  Once we have closed the door we can keep it shut.

To do this we can use imagination and will. Seeing that we will think, feel and behave differently not in accordance with the subconscious and we will renounce the subconscious using will, this is effectively closing the door and keeping it shut.

End (3025).

Wednesday, 15 May 2019

Justify Free Essence Descending into the Subconscious? - (3024)

It is always best to not identify with any "I".

We have to believe in that so deeply.

We have to hold onto that so firmly.

However,-we often submerge into the subconscious, and we justify it.

Honestly, can we really justify it?

What are our-reasons? Do those-reasons really hold water?

Questioning these-reasons. They don' t hold up!!! This is a significant discovery.

End (3024).

First Temptation Is Identification - (3023)

Temptation exists only when there is a higher reason not to do something.

When we know that our real identity is our essence we are tempted to take on the identity of an “I”.

This is really the first kind of tempt­ation that we face.

End (3023).

Ego in Human Machine Comes Darkness - (3022)

When any "I" takes possession of our human machine through identification. That is, the free essence takes its identity we enter into darkness. Our free essence submerges into our subconscious, where there is darkness.

We lose sight, we lose our identity and we lose our dignity.

End (3022).

Tuesday, 14 May 2019

Seeing the Human Universe Raises our Perception of Others - (3021)

Seeing other people as a universe totally allows us to make our perception of others rise
above mind, ego and personality.

When a person stands in front of you and you see them as a complete Universe you stop judging and
you have appreciation and respect inside of you instead.

End (3021).

Magic Works by Correspondence - (3020)

To do a magical act in the macrocosmos we need to have something inside of ourselves of what we want to act on.

If we want to move fire, we must have fire already within us and be able to move it within us.

Then by the Law of Correspondence we can act magically in the macrocosmos.

End (3020).

Trust in Justice - (3019)

We can always trust in justice. It is always the law that will produce the final result.

If you are insulted or treated harshly, you don't need to react. Just wait, the law of Justice will set it right. It may take some time but it will arrive.

If it does not arrive we were wrong or we were in debt and we paid our dues (or at least paid something).

Either way not reacting egoically  we do well.

End (3019).

Monday, 13 May 2019

Trust in the Moment - (3018)

We can trust in the moment, as the moment holds us and provides all for us.

Because we do not see this our sensory mind becomes active and

Trust silences the mind.

The sensory mind says we need this or that yet, we are not well, we won't be well etc. It is
active because we do not trust.

End (3018).

Modus Operandi of Trust - (3017)

To develop trust and therefore be benefitted by its power we need to know its Modus Operandi.

The way trust works is by transferrance.

When we apply trust we transfer belief, intention, will, good-will to something.

That something which we apply trust to is always something of a superior quality.

Trust is really transferring will to that superior power. When we transfer our will into something we connect to it and we drive our focus and energy into it.

Then that superior value receiving our focus and energy returns its help to us.

The superior value is our essence, the Being, a quality of our essence, the work,
a master.

When we wish to apply trust we must choose the appropriate superior value.

Trust remedies fear, anxiety, apprehension, worry, uncertainty and issues concerning the future and the unknown.

End (3017).

Trust Separates the Sensory Mind - (3016)

The magic action of the quality of trust is that it separates our essence from the sensory mind.

Trust moves all the protests, reasons and arguments raging on the plane of the sensory mind from the essence leaving a space.

With our essence in this space it can perceive the river of life. The silent, calm, flowing river of life that the inner mind can perceive.

Trust then puts us into contact with this flowing river of life and burbling with consciousness.

End (3016).

Sunday, 12 May 2019

Hope is an Eternal Value - (3015)

Whenever we hope for the Spiritual we send our hope upwards inside of ourselves and into the superior worlds, where it is guarded and watched over waiting for the critical moment where it can be realized.

The hopes of human beings have a great value. Because if they are sincere all these hopes come from a deeply spiritual place within ourselves. 

The sincere hopes of a person are really their core. A person’s hopes are their yearned for life, their most noblest yearnings and their most profound lacks which are their Being Itself. 

These hopes enter eternity and stay there and by the very value of hope itself they will come to be realised one day. That is the value of hope it resides in eternity to be transformed into reality plane by plane. 

End (3016).

A Magical Tear Drop - (3014)

There are several kinds of tears...

There are the tears of a mother who cries when her child is in intensive care and isn’t going to make it but his little heart fights on... doing his best to pull through.

There are the tears when signing divorce papers. The tears of tenderness and happiness we cry at a wedding. There are the tears that are cried by an athlete on a podium receiving his medal with his nation’s anthem playing.

Then there are the tears  cried for God, for our Being in solitude.

These tears really have a great value.

The value of all these tears accumulate beyond time so that one day when the time is right and there is the right mint, these tears will take up their value and create a bridge for our hopes to become reality.

End (3014).

Sunday, 5 May 2019

Adapted by a Detail - (3013)

Curved Bathroom Tile

We can feel uncomfortable for various subconscious reasons with our new environment. This can certainly happen when we travel.

It is a very unpleasant state and because of it, we don't really sleep well in the new environment. We may feel a little anxious and uneasy in our body. A little dizzy and foggy and a little bloated and not wanting to eat etc.

To dissolve this state, activating our consciousness can really help.

Just focusing on a small detail in the new environment and becoming aware of its uniqueness and appreciating its value, can be enough to cause this mal-adapted state to dissolve.

Just focusing on a curved bathroom tile can be enough. To realise how unique and genuine it is can enliven our consciousness and change our internal state to be content with our new environment. 

This simple method can be used in so many circumstances, to adapt ourselves
to the environment, people and activities, to feel quickly and nicely at home.

Repeat the method as many times as necessary to get the result you require.

End (3013).