Wednesday, 28 April 2021

Fears Related to Body Functions - (4117)

We have fear related to functions of our body. Fear of not being able to eat at an important dinner, fear of not being able to sleep, fear of not making it to the toilet on time, fear of choking, fear of not being able to function well in this or that activity or occasion. 

We forget though how strong the body is without the mind.

I heard a man who presented many shows on TV using his own example as the subject for the shows, about how far we can actually drive the body. He said that we can't drive the body to breaking point. When we break it is because our mind believes that we had reached our limit.

Trust plays an important role in all of this. If we trust in the body in the right direction in which the fear is in we can put the mind to rest. When the mind is not at rest we have the thoughts of fear that we are going to be sick at the important dinner and we are going to not be able to eat, and actually the mind makes that happen. All the time our stomach is very capable of eating well.

So in this case it could be that we need to learn to trust our stomach. To know that we can trust it to do its job. It has been designed to digest and that is its speciality and one and only function. If there is not anything else majorly bothering us as soon as we trust the stomach we will be fine and it will do a good job as it always does in many occasions and settings. 

Our job is to find exactly where and how we don't trust in our body. Then apply trust and then we start to get somewhere with the work on that fear.

End (4117).

Tuesday, 27 April 2021

Come On Your Consciousness Can Understand it! - (4116)

Sometimes while trying, it can seem difficult and even impossible for us to understand some things that people in the world do. 

It just seems that way, but in reality us not understanding is only an appearance, sembalance or apparition of the impossible. 

The real thing is that our consciousness can understand it. Maybe not just now but it will. Persistence and efforts to exert our consciousness get us there.

Our consciousness can understand anything, with the right preparation, effort and time.

So don't say to yourself and then to others that you can't understand it. Because with the right constant efforts you will or will at least start to.

End (4116).

Saturday, 24 April 2021

We Can't Understand the Lack of Fear of Some People - (4113)

We can't understand people's fearlessness in a particular area because we are scared in that area. To us with the fear it seems too important to not be scared of that.

We may even think that their fearlessness is sacrilegious...

For example, we have heard that it is good to fear God. How can we not have fear of That which has power over life and death?

Sometimes to overcome fear we have to even be open to the unacceptable which we find so sacrilegious. 

As soon as we open up to the fearlessness in that 'sacrilegious' area we have made a step to overcome that fear.

Sometimes fear and resepct can get mixed up or confused. Sometimes, love and fear can get confused, sometimes obedience and fear can get mixed up too.

End (4113).

Majesty is in Humility - (4105)

One of the major values in pride is majesty. The majesty of the Being in you. Majesty has to do with government, royalty, kings, queens, princes, princesses, authority, ruling, reigning etc.

The majesty as a value within us wants to rule, govern over our interior, over our inner universe, however with pride this function of majesty is exercised outside of ourselves. 

As soon as that majesty leaves us we are in trouble... While it is inside of ourselves, humility takes control of it and we can use it to restore our essence to the control seat within us.

As soon as majesty leaves us we are in relativity and pride fights to exert majesty over the majesty of others. Then fighting to be in command and to take control takes palce, and what results is friction, opposition, resistance and conflict, lots of conflicts...

End (4105).

Wednesday, 21 April 2021

The Work and Challenges - (4115)

A challenge is something of a pressure. Something that we can either accept or not. It is a call to jump to a higher level inside of ourselves. 

All the challenges that exist require that we exert ourselves. If they don't do that they are not a challenge.

Challenges in the work require that we exert our consciousness. That we apply pressure on ourselves to make our consciousness to work to answer the challenge.

There are many types of challenges, however, the challenges that are real for us are all to do with our present weaknesses or our potential to develop.

In the pressure to exert our consciousness we may find ourselves needing to draw on one quality more than others...

On intelligence, on wisdom, on love, on patience, on trust, on endurance...

The effort of the consciounsess in a challenge is always about putting our attention on our consciousness, focusing our consciounsess to find what we need, using our consciousness to develop what we need so that we can rise to answer it.

Every challenge is by default something currently above us. 

A common denominator to all challenges are the following: a positive attitude to face them, the acceptance that effort is needed and the knowledge that they will improve us.

You know what also happens is that surmounting one hurdle leads to other challenges... That we have also to accept...Thus our devlopment never stops...

End (4115).

Tuesday, 20 April 2021

Miss Something - (4112)

Everybody misses something at one point.

It could be a good sign that we miss something. For example, we miss the work on ourself.

It could also be a concern that we miss something. For example we miss a bad habit.

It's a good sign that we miss the work. Because it means that it is a part of us, and that it is filling us. If we don't miss something, it is because it has never entered inside of us. It was never a part of us.

We need the work always Gnosis teaches us. As we never stop evolving, work is always needed. However, at various stages we need different types of work. With new stages we can leave behind those certain types of work. 

We may miss the work, specifically the connection to the work which draws us close to our inner Divinity, and the Masters and our friends also doing the work. We can miss the guru, it is never wise to veer far away from the guru.

If we miss something it means that it is a part of us and we have lost connection to the part that, that something that we miss occupies within ourselves. 

The remedy is to get back in, connect with that something again. That could mean to partake in an activity, do a practice, read a book, meet a person, talk etc. etc. The key to make it more complete is to reconnect internally to that part that is within ourselves.  

End (4112).

The General Comfortable Feeling - (4111)

I think all human beings look to live in that general comfortable feeling...

I think you know what I mean by that general comfortable feeling. Normally via that feeling we enjoy our life, feeling settled, safe, secure, well etc.

There are many ways in which each human being seeks that comfortable feeling. Generally it is done through setting up settled, easy, comnfortable life circumatances. Thought also plays a major part in it, as every feeling is supported by forms of thought.

The type of thought which creates the general comfortable is often more towards fantasy than others things. A fantasy that protrays ourselves in a positive light, doing well in everything. 

Usually when things in our life are all smooth, comfortable, predicatable and controllable, no problems or challenges, this general comfortable feeling appears naturally. Often we fall nicely asleep in that comfortable feeling...

The interesting thing is when that comfortable feeling disappears. We miss it and we wish to get it back. People can do many a number of things to get it back. Most of the things have at the bottom of them the intention of displacing the thoughts that are producing the stress, the suffering, the discomfort, the worry, the bewilderment, the "can't deal with it", the "just too hard", or simply the pain and burden of it all. 

People drink, smoke, look for anything new, play video games, endlessly distract themselves, take drugs, party, go shopping, eat and eat all because those things are potent and have the power to displace the stressful thoughts and bring back that comfortable feeling. Allbeit temporarily.

After a while everything becomes routine and more and more and more potent is needed to have that effect of displacing the stress. 

When that comfortable feeling is not present we have a tremendous stimulus and opportunity to awaken a bit more.

That feeling is felt but what really exists is our consciousness in this moment right now. That feeling depends on thought but the consciousness does not depend on thought. It is always there. 

Always the solution for anyone working on him or herself is to seek the consciousness and take refuge in it. Then we can start to make ourselves more and more independent on easy life circumstances to feel comforable, safe, happy and well.

So we have no other choice but to focus on the moment, find our awarenss and know that it is all that we have. Focus on that. We can lose everything in an instant but never can we lose that, which is that which we really are, our consciousness. 

There are no bases in reality but our own consciousness. 

End (4111).

Saturday, 17 April 2021

Humility Has Its Own Relation to Justice - (4104)

Master Samael says that rectitude and humility go together.

As we know rectitude is related to justice, and humility and justice go together. A humble perosn is one who stays close to what is just and fair.

In general humility relates well with justice. Pride doesn't.

The proud and rebelious person usually goes against the rules and laws and believes themselves somehow to above them all. Also has a very hard time following them as well. 

There are also times when we have enough consciousness that to go against the rules is right. We jsut always have to discern and check that element of pride. If it is pride there we usually get prouder and that sooner or later precipitates a fall an error or a mistake or a painful humiliation. 

End (4104).

An Adversary - (4110)

If we ever have an adversary, people polarise terribly, ill-will develops, and an enemy is created and we  go to war.

Wars, battles and fights are best solved by becoming one with your opponent. Bruce Lee said that. I like that and agree with him.

The whole art of fighting he says is becoming one with your opponent and he is right because that kills duality and duality is the cause of all conflict. This is the wise and intelligent, solar way of fighting.

So not to reject, but to study, to know, to be open to the opponent and see...

Be intelligent learn from the opponent and use the presence or scenario of the opponent to develop, strengthen, overcome weakensses within yourself. 

As soon as we use an adversary, the adversasry stops becoming an adversary for us and becomes a friend or a good situation instead, and the whole scenario is transformed or dissolves.

End (4110). 

Balance is not Absolute there Exist Octaves of it - (4109)

Balance changes as we integrate. Balance is not a fixed or set thing.

For a beginner to work on him or herself forty minutes a day could be the right balance in his or her day. Spending that time allows the beginner time to tend to all his or her chores, duties, responsibilities and pass times.

As the beginner practices more he/she manages to change things in his or her life and works on him or herself for one hour, then one hour and a half and that seems to be the magic balance in relation to the various things of his or her life.

Then he or she practices more and even brings the work into their tasks and interactions of their daily life and of course priorities in their life change and certain pass times that were used to balance the work out before are reduced. Resulting that a new balance in their life is struck.

For example we are told that the masters work all day and night even. Their balance would be to rest by working less intensely in another direction or by working on something else, to give themselves time to rest and recuperate. That's their balance but the beginner works, then has to spend some time watching a movie, working, talking etc. to balance. If they don't do that they become a bit strange, a bit fanatical, or either very weak in their studies, just depending on which side they go to.

So a balance is always struck according to one's needs and structure. Balance for a beginner is very different to balance for someone advanced and vice versa etc.

End (4109).

Sorry It has Been a While Since Posts - (4108)

It has been a while since posts. Sorry about that. It has been a busy time. I’ve learnt lots and still am learning lots. To post the things I’ve learnt would take a good bit of thinking to synthesise it all, because to post details would not be fair. Anyway I’ll try a bit later on to produce a synthesis of all the things I’ve been learning. 

What I wanted to say with this post is that I’m going to be getting back on track resuming my posts as before.

End (4108).

Tuesday, 6 April 2021

A Part of the Level of Being is what we Think of Ourselves - (4107)

What do we think of ourselves? How do we think about ourselves?

A big part of our level of Being, in fact, bigger than we think has to do with what we think about ourselves.

If we think about ourselves negatively how can our level of the Being be able to raise?

The negative thinking towards ourselves is often subtle. It lurks in the background behind many thoughts as a faint subtle scent.

When we find that scent and focus on that scent we discover some very negative thinking, and no wonder why it is difficult to change, hold the change and raise up to the next rung on the ladder of the Level of Being.

That negative thinking about ourselves makes us to forget our inner Being and even believe our be open to our inner Being. We remain more open to what the ego has to offer us. 

End (4107).

Don't want to be Gnostic but are in a Gnostic Group - (4106)

There is that question of identifying as a Gnostic or not. We are taught not to identify with anything. But in the relativity of things some kind of identity serves a purpose.

In reality, we are Gnostic and we are not. Because we are the essence and the essence is not anything so we are not Gnostic in that respect. The essence is not Gnostic nor Christian nor buddhist etc. But yet we are working spiritually in a Gnostic school using and benefitting from the Gnostic knowledge, so we are Gnostic in that way. So we come to the conclusion that really we are, and we are not Gnostic.

However, it is interesting...

There are those people who are in Gnosis yet deep down don't want to be gnostic, they feel uncomfortable, mainly because of the ideas that they have of what that may mean to be Gnostic. Often though these people are happy to have an identity as a shaman, a healer, a spiritual journey taker, a yoga teacher, a truth seeker, a plumber, an entrepeneur etc. 

We in relativity all have a kind of an identity, to shun the Gnostic one is a contradiction if one is in a Gnostic school. Maybe we feel it means to be in a jail or but all it in essence means is to be wokring in the three factors and to respect the teachings and the masters. 

Master Smael told m.m.m that if he worked in the three factors he would be in concordance with his Being: the Logos Samael the Monad Samael.

We feel it to be in a jail because we see that to be Gnostic is to assume the 'Gnostic Personality" but of course we don't need to do that.

That is why people in Gnosis when they are not Gnostic in the way that I have mentioned above, they stand a part, or don't quite integrate with Gnosis and the school and they don't quite trust the people in Gnosis. They are often distant, always better, not quite happy, and not very co-operative with Gnostic meetings and activites etc. Just a point to reflect on, we always act out our identity. 

End (4106).