Sunday, 26 September 2021

We Don't Have to be Beggars in Life - (4236)

We pray so that circumstances and events are changed or cancelled to be made easier for us. 

In other words we turn ourselves constantly into beggars... 

I think that it is better to be open and robust in our consciousness to be able to cope with what life can throw at us. Rather than always begging life to make things easier for us.

Sometimes we need to beg for help to cope with certain situations and that's not wrong because we really can't cope too well with them and need time to get stronger.

In this post I'm writing about the tendency to be begging all the time when we can actually handle some of life's difficulties, and it's only our caprices that makes us to believe that we can't handle them, when we really can.

It is true that we also have the right to manifest what we want as well. All I wish to say is to be aware of not being unable to handle certain things in life and because we can't handle them we pray and try to manifest something else avoiding the weaknesses that we carry inside that don't allow us to cope with what life presents to us. Which is the same as what God presents to us, as God is reality. What life presents often times comes from the Law and or our Being or both.

End (4236).

Remembering the Being is a Real Help - (4235)

At one point we may think that remembring the Being in ourselves doesn't do anything. We may think this because it does not change anything outside of ourselves. For example, it doesn't make an upset person calm down and agree with us.

Remembering the Being is not to turn or change things, that is people and circumstances in our favour. It is to bring our consciousness into activity and to link our consciousness to our Being. 

Remembering the Being helps us to cope with all the difficult circumstances, events and decisions. It is really a tremendous help. It is the source of our light and strength. It really is. If we don't feel this just persist with it and you will feel it GUARANTEED!!!

End (4235).

Tuesday, 21 September 2021

Robotic Plans - (4234)

The term 'robotic plans' is actually a term that Master Samael coined.

It refers to the plans made by human beings who have their consciousness asleep. Master Samael called such people robots. We may be one of these robots, or a robot trying to wake up out of that condition.  

Master Samael said something to the effect that such plans do not have enough causal support or power behind them to be carried out. So he was not worried about some plans that were being made against him, and also that his own Being - the Logos Samael could easily disassemble them if need be.

Just to comment on this I would like to write that when a human being does not consult their inner Being and is more or less asleep not having access to his or her own causal dimension such a person can not originate a cause in their causal dimension to be the authentic cause or origin of their plan. Often so many of our plans fail becasue of this and because our very own Real Being has other plans or our Inner Being just does not give those robotic plans any support for this or that reason unknown to us.

End (4234). 

Laziness Can be a Wide Foundation - (4233)

Laziness can be much more than spots of laziness, for example the laziness we feel to get up early or exercise or complete our tax return.

Laziness can be something of a psychological foundation, by which so many attitudes and actions derive.

Laziness is inertia and passivity. Laziness is extended repose, in fact the distortion of repose. Laziness manages time typically by delaying things, postposing things and by inserting large blocks of time before difficult events or arduous labours.

Laziness works with pride and also fear. Because of laziness we feel fear and laziness can also be a reason for many manifestations of pride. I'll write a bit about these two combinations a little later.

The remedy for laziness is actually conscious faith. Even confidence or trust can remedy laziness. 

When we contemplate doing something that is seemingly not going to be easy we feel fear and even a kind of resistance or inertia which is laziness. If we have faith we can banish these feelings of laziness. Because we know our abilities we know that with effort and applied attention our consciousness will come to help us. It may take a little time but it will activate and help us and we will solve the difficult situation, work through it or get the job done. 

Even such things as conflicts between people we can feel lazy about. In fact I am discovering that behind the dislike or resistance to do with inter-personal conflicts is laziness. Because with faith we know that solving conflicts is about using our consciousness and about working on ourselves psychologically. When we feel that we can't we feel a lot of weakness, fear and avoidance related to conflicts which actually in the end hurls us into more difficult circumstances with heavier conflicts. 

Because of laziness we can have a passive pride. A pride that does not launch forward and attack but a pride that waits and avoids direct conflict. Pride often in relation to laziness protects it, justifying and excusing it. 

End (4233).

Sunday, 12 September 2021

Some Thoughts Statistics - (4232)

It is said that we have around 60,000 thoughts a day.

It is said that 95% of those thoughts are repeats from the day before.

It is also said that 95% of all thoughts come from the subconscious. Meaning only 5% come from the conscious mind or consciousness.

Of the 95% of thought coming from the subconscious most of it is negative.

End (4232).

Thursday, 9 September 2021

Relate to Bothersome Thoughts Like Butterflies and Fluff - (4231)

While we have the ego, we have the subconscious and we have to know for ourselves the best way to relate to the bothersome thoughts that these two factors generate.

The best way I have found is to see these thoughts and give them the least importance. Definitely see them and recognise them but don't think a single thought more about them. Certainly do not fight them or counteract them or get scared, worried or bothered by them. Treat them as if they were butterflies flying ever so lightly from one tree to the next.

To be worried about them or give them importance makes them a problem and something we have to fight against and that fighting against them only strengthens them and makes things worse for us. Being worried about them brings them more into our mind as does being scared of them. If we give them importnace it is like we are giving the absurd validity. If someone says something stupid it is so obvious is invalid that it does not warrant us or anyonme else paying it attention, well the same with these thoughts. We should not give them importance or our attention. That makes them valid and our mind sees that and keeps them longer in our mind.

If you as soon as one of these thoughts appears, just go totally silent around it and let it go ever so quietly and gently. If it persists just keep doing exactly the same thing as many times as it takes. Imagine it to be a piece of light fluff that the wind blows onto your jacket. You then gently pick it up off your jacket and let the wind carry it off out of your fingers. We have to do exactly the same thing with these thoughts.   

This really helps...

End (4231).

Tuesday, 7 September 2021

Quality!!! - (4230)

Quality is much more important than quantity in the work!

That means the following points plus so many more things:

A big class does not matter at all if the quality of teachings given and the work done, is low. A class of two students and one or both awaken has so much more merit than a class of 1000 and no one awakens. 

Quality time. It is better to spend one hour together talkling about the work and meditating together than a whole day arguing. 

End (4230).

Monday, 6 September 2021

Pendulum Swings - (4229)

We can observe that there are many pendulum swings in our life. When we are swinging on the pendulum, it is because we have missed or ignored our balance point.

When we are at our balance point we are stable and we don't swing on the pendulum.

We can be swinging on a pendulum in so many things, in so many areas of life, each swinging on their own particular pendulum, each with their own rhythm and magnitude of swing.

Remember the balance point is relative. It is relative to our points of reference. Which for us is the Being, the work and the path.

Our behaviour and well being is subject to these natural laws. To ignore the natural laws is always to bring pain to our lives.

To be swinging on the pendulum is frankly painful. To be at balance is sweet, peaceful and happy. 

The mind ignores natural laws and specialises with its ideas, plans and desires at passing over these nautural laws. Thus bringing about our own unhappiness.

We have to know our points of reference and make the choice that is the will of the Being in us. We find that will easily when we make some wrong choices and something inside of us feels very uncomfortable.

The key about the law of pendulum is that we initiate its swing when we allow some "I" in us or some other factor to offset us from the nature of our reference points. For example, we substitute an activity of sacrifice for one of less or very little sacrifice. Or if we are within our reference points we can swing on the pendulum when we allow an "I" to push more than or withdraw more than our nature can assimilate or has been assimilating. For example, ambition makes us to meditate three hours when we only do one and a half, then we will swing on the pendulum and soon we will be doing 10 minutes of meditation. 

End (4229).

Consciousness Resolves All - (4228)

When the consciousness is active in us it solves all the conflicts that we find both inside and outside of ourselves. Because it is can see what is really going on. That is it sees clearly what is causing the mess and what will fix it.

The very difficult thing is when our consciousness is not working or is stopped from working.

Obviously when we have to suffer, our consciousness is dimmed down low so that we are confused and don't know what to do and how to fix anything.

With consciousness comes clarity and strength then action. The consciousness clears all mental processes that would hinder action. The mind is not action, it is mind, it is the looping back into mind.

So that's the key always. Go back to the consciousness. If two people are arguing or disputing something then both if they are working on themselves, in order to benefit themsleves and not waste time can retreat to the meditation room and go into silence and then look to their consciousness in the silence of the mind. Then from there begin to comprehend their contentions and the various points under consideration. 

End (4228).

Sunday, 5 September 2021

Listen, do the Parts of the Being - (4227)

The parts of our Being are always listening and know what we think and feel and they report that to the Law and to our interior Anubis and the highest parts of our Being.

This implies so much that it's best to keep silent allowing each one of us to reflect on it for ourselves and act if it so moves us to do so...

End (4227).

Consult the Being before Esoteric Decisions - (4226)

We are so corectly taught to consult our inner Being before we make any decision that will affect our esoteric work.

We forget and we don't consult our Being we may get it right but most likely we will get it wrong.

Getting it wrong we will not feel right inside. We will drop back in our work that our Being needs to do. Our Being needs to do some particular work before the Law (because we have karma still) and if we stop our Being we start to get into trouble before the Law, because we are no longer fulfilling that agreement.

If we consult our Being before making decisions and we spend time to know and listen we will feel strong and clear and we know the right thing to do and we will have the force to do it.

If we make the worng decision then we will know that we have if we listen to our interior carefully and we can amend it, if we can.

Every choice matters!

End (4226).

One Doesn't Kneel - (4225)

In some religions and spiritual systems one does not kneel and they may or do have their reasons and I don't know them so I can't make any remark in relation to those religions or schools or systems etc.

But in Gnosis to not ever kneel is strange. Especially when we see others kneeling all the time and we learn that the masters knelt praying and begging for help so many times in life and even most of all of a day or a night.

Why not kneel? The obvious answer everyone would come up with is pride. Lack of humility. Yes that's why but why a lack of humility?

The answer is because of skepticism! One does not believe or recognise the Divinity, the purity, the transcednence in who one prays to and so one does not show their respect by kneeling. Because of skepticism one does not have respect.

To kneel shows that one respects deeply who one is praying to and also respects one's reality knowing that one needs help.

Often kneeling with sincerity and true deep respect moves many things in us and outside of us. That's why the skeptical person is frozen and blocked.

End (4225).

Such Little Respect how can that Be? - (4224)

How can it be that a person lacks the natural repsect for others? Is it that something is not working right in their mind or something which is nautural to the consciousness has been blocked out or turned off?  

Respect kicks in to stop the ego from crossing a line. There is always a line when we treat others and respect is the quality in us that keeps our interactions from crossing that line. Either in us crossing that line with others and others crossing that line with us.

Because of respect one either delays the telling of certain things or says them in a very different manner - a manner that embodies respect. 

For example due to the respect for people who are older than us we don't say certain things or either we say them in a very different way. How can it be that a person does not see this point of respect and just goes with the disrepsectful way of the ego? 

Disrespect shows many possible things about a person, one is that pride has grown too large, the person's mind has an unbalanced perception of people, the person has not experienced the sacred, the pure the Divine within and has not connected that to being present also inside others, the person has lived a life breaking all rules, limits and boundaries with little consequence, the person still ignorant of many things in life and human emotional nature.

End (4224).

Thursday, 2 September 2021

Balance Difficult Times with Work Minute for Minute - (4223)

To be in very tough and difficult circumstances for a person is good for the work on ourselves if only we take advantage of it by balancing it by working on oursleves.

So we need to meditate a lot on what is going on inside of ourselves just as much as we are in the difficult circumstances. A whole day in difficulty equals a whole day meditating as a general rule to start with.

The smart way is to be alert and working while in the difficulty and to never let one's guard down.

If we don't work on ourselves the difficult circumstances will crush us sooner or later.

End (4223).