Sunday, 27 February 2022

To the Abyss with Good Intentions - (4341)

To please others is a lot of good intention but later leads us onto a path in which negative consequences for us await.

End (4341).

Wednesday, 23 February 2022

Hypnotic Grip of the Ego Notes - (4340)


This post is a collection of some notes from a talk given a few nights ago about the hypnotic grip of the ego. The notes are practical in nature and are presented with the intention to be of some help. 

Typical Scenario

A man looks at the casino from across the street. He knows he has a 'gambling problem" and has experienced much misfortune because of it and has the conviction that he is not going to step a foot into the place. 

Yet his attention gets hooked onto the building, the front door and the little bit that he can see going on inside. He continues to look and then he sees some people celebrating, some sitting at the edge of their seat, some leisurely walking around. Then his memory fires and he remembers the good times and good feelings he has had and then he begins to forget his convictions and he takes a few steps towards the casino. Then he stops and remembers again. Then he says: "just for a few minutes and then I'll go home". Then that's it the next thing he knows he's in the casino opening his wallet and the gambling person dwelling in his psyche is in control until the sad consequences arrive and wake him up. 

Do the things we Don't Want to Do

The hypnotic grip or power of any ego makes us to end up doing the thing s that we didn't want to do or say or in general don't want to do or say.

When we have a conviction not to do something before entering the difficult scenario sometimes we do what we don't want to do double or triple.


When a hypnotist performs his or her work we can discern a few basic elements. Those elements are that one, the hypnotist is the one that now has control to direct the course of events and the control to introduce any element that he or she wishes. There is a belief that the person under hypnosis is now believing and the hypnotist has access to the psyche of the person under hypnosis.

The situation with the essence and the ego is exactly the same. The ego becomes the hypnotist and the essence becomes the one under hypnosis.


Hypnosis in Gnosis is the state of dreaming or sleeping consciousness. 

Hypnosis Elements

Access, control and belief are the major elements when a person is under the hypnotic spell of the ego.

When an ego grips us with its hypnotic power - through believing in the statement of the ego we give it access to our psychology and then to the brains of our human machine and then it gains control of our human machine. 

The key here is belief. We believe in the ego's logic and its statement or arguments.

Kundabuffer and Sexual Energy

The Kundabuffer is the original fascinating and hypnotizing element which was given to humanity in very remotely ancient times to make the human being fascinated with terrestrial life.


The role of the hypnotic grip of the ego is to get us to identify with it. Which means to take on its identity or to become the same as it. Or to give an excessive amount of our attention and time to it.


Comprehension, Revelation and Action is the antidote here. These elements are the reversal points of belief, access and control. When we comprehend we don't believe - we stop believing and when we experience a revelation from our consciousness - our consciousness is in control and when we act based on the revelation and comprehension we give our consciousness our human machine - which is the right thing to do.

Pass the Tests - All About Hypnotic Grip

To pass the esoteric tests we are submitted to either physically or internally we need to be above the hypnotic grip of the ego that is provoked in the test.

Strong Ego and Weak Ego

What makes a strong ego is the strength of its hypnotic grip over us. A weak ego is one whose hypnotic grip is less of a grip and has less power over us - us being our essence.

Control = Weak Hypnotic Grip

We gain control over any ego when we have weakened enough the hypnotic grip of the ego we are working on.

End (4340).

Art of Sacrifice - (4342)

Sacrifice is an art. I have found that it is very hard to sacrifice if we are not aware of the lower and higher values involved.

If we are really aware of what we can rise to in making a sacrifice, it makes the sacrifice a lot easier.

It can be a test of faith when we are in a situation where we have to sacrifice but we don't know quite what we are sacrificing for.

In any case not knowing what we are sacrificing for is an unconscious sacrifice and this often leads to resentment building up within us.

It is also very helpful to fully know the inferior values we are leaving behind when make that sacrifice.

To be tired of those lower values, know them inside and out and know that they are not taking us anywhere useful to our spiritual or even human development it makes a sacrifice a little easier to do. 

End (4342).

Mistakes Felt in Time - (4343)

There are a class of mistakes that we only feel their effect in time. There are other mistakes that we feel their effect straight away.

The class of mistakes where their effect are felt in time are the mistakes that when we make them nothing special happens, everything in fact seems totally ok and even good. But in time the effects begin to appear and their gravity is learnt.

We often don't know which actions or mistakes belong to this class beforehand, but only much  later after we have made them. 

Everything has its time and these class of mistakes are such that they allow time for corrective action to be taken avoid their effects being felt later on. 

This class of mistakes are usually those where a small decision was made but internally a process was began that unfolded and took momentum when no corrective action was taken.

End (4343).

Sunday, 20 February 2022

Divine Mother Quote - (4338)

"I am She that is the Nature mother of all things, the initial progeny of worlds, chief of the divine powers, Queen of all that are in hell, the principal of them that dwell in Heaven, manifested alone and under one form of all the Gods and Goddesses. At my will the planets of the sky, the wholesome winds of seas and lamentable silences of hell are disposed; my name, my divinity is adored throughout all the world, in diverse manners, in variable customs and by many names."

Address of the Goddess, Apuleius, the Golden Ass.

"In the begining there was ISIS, Oldest of the Old.

She was the Goddess from whom all becoming arose.

She was the Great Lady, Mistress of the two lands of Egypt.

Mistress of shelter.

Mistress of Heaven.

Mistress of the House of Life.

Mistress of the word of God."

Thebes, Egypt, 16,000 years ago.

End (4338).

Consciousness Awakened in Evil Notes - (4339)

We are taught in Gnosis that the consciousness can awaken in evil and for evil. 

We are more or left to decipher for ourselves what that really means.

I only offer a little bit of insight nothing more than that because I don't know more than that.  

After one does evil for a while, obviously one becomes very intelligent and knowledgeable in relation to it. One knows how to do evil well, so well that it goes unnoticed. After that one eventually begins to see into the psychology behind evil and becomes very perceptive and knowledgeable about the psychology involved. Later one becomes awake to the egoic psychology and with that comes the ability to perceive directly so easily the evil in the ego in others and know what their egos will do in evil.  

As light perceives darkness but darkness does not perceive the light the consciousness awakened in evil won't perceive the essence or the good that the essence can do.

If the consciousness awakened for the light serves as a vehicle for the Divinity and for the forces of light it makes sense too that the consciousness awakened in evil for evil is one that serves the negative and black forces.

It can happen that a person does not know that they have some consciousness awakened in evil and for evil. The part of the consciousness awakened in evil is so smart to hide itself using arguments of the light (by negative type of intelligent illumination to the mind) and often results in disruptions to the light and its activities.

The awakening in evil and for evil normally happens while an essence has descended into the abyss and after having spent some time there. This however, may also happen when an essence is close to having lived its 108 lives.

End (4339).

Friday, 18 February 2022

Test of Justice Notes - (4337)

So particular and individual are the tests of each person...

The test of justice can be short or long in duration. Most often it is processed by members of the Gnostic community or school.

We ourselves in the time before prepare the circumstances of the test - all unknowing or sometimes knowing that one day things will be have to be scrutinized.

The elements of justice which are that of being scrutinized, analyzed, put on trial, judged, evaluated, questioned, forced, laid bare, made transparent, punished, made to pay debts, rights restricted... are all present. 

To pass the test of justice one has to co-operate with justice however that needs to be done in the particular nature of the circumstances.

Sometimes that means to not protest against the punishments, judgements, criticism, scrutiny etc. In other words allow justice to act upon ourselves to correct what is unjust.

Sometimes that means to fight and make what is wrong or unjust right and just. In other words allow justice to be established.

Sometimes it means a combination of both mentioned above...fight and allow. Both though are to co-operate with justice. One is the passive way and the other is the active way. 

End (4337).

Thursday, 17 February 2022

Confusion and Darkness of Tests - (4336)

It is said: "Before the Gods punish men, they confuse them".

As many of the tests contain a karmic nature that of darkness and confusion in the candidate is present. 

Before and during a test or trial the confusion and darkness is present.

End (4340).

Monday, 14 February 2022

Notes on an Immortality and Mortality Talk - (4334)


This post is a digitisation of some hand written notes that I have on the topic of immortality and mortality that I prepared once for a talk. All of these notes come from Master Samael's works. Disclaimer and truth: I don't know anything really about the topic in the sense of really knowing from experience.


Comes into effect in relation to the physical world. The spirit, the soul are immortal.  

Was first known physically in Lemuria. There it was first granted and also lost. 

Immortality is relative. It is mostly spoken about by Master Samael as longevity of the life of the physical body.

The ego is not immortal. To make the ego immortal is absurd.

In Atlantis they certainly tired to arrive at immortality and they did achieve something. Master Samael says that a certain Queen Jezabel managed to extend her physical life through numerous transplants of the endocrine glands from various youths whose bodies were sacrificed to her quest for immortality.

Fountain of Youth, elxir of long life, universal medicine, the Holy Grail...

The soul or essence is never lost it is immortal but we don't possess that immortality. In our illusion about death we somhow think we are immortal. But we are mortal.

Mortality is about the degradation of the physical body. Immortaltiy is about suspending the degradation of the cells of the physical body.

There are many stages to immortality. It begins with the creation of the inner man. Immortality is gained in stages and then conferred.

There are a few immortalities legends tell us about.

There is biological immortality which is about the absence of ageing but one is still vulnerable to disease, illness and physical trauma.

There is also the immortality where after suffering terrible physical trauma the physical body resurrects. 

St James, Sanat Kumara, Nicholas Flammel, Count Cogliostro, Babaji, Mataji, Master Samael, Fulcanelli, Jesus are all immortal. There are many others that we don't know and the legends don't know either.

Lucifer is the one that grants us the elixir of long life. 

The ego destroyed our biological immortality back in Lemuria because it modified our vital body.

We are immortal when we eat of the fruits of the tree of life. That is when we nourish ourselves from AIN, from Aeon 13.

The Itoklanos principle introduces ageing into our cellular mechanics.

Old age comes about when the internals glands of secretion degenerate and stop functioning as in times of youth.

The incorruptible is dressed with the corruptible. The immortal is dressed with the mortal. The corrupitble can not make the corruptible incorruptible but the incorruptible can make the corruptible incorruptible. The immortal spirit is dressed with the mortal body.

The immortal can make the mortal to resurrect.

The process of cellular mechanics in the vital body hold the key to long life.

Master Samael knew lady adepts of the celtic race that are more than 1000 years old.

Cogliostro lived through the XVI, XVII, XVIII and XIX centuries in Europe. He went by many names such as Mesmer, Count Ragoski this is becasue his ID papers expired.

Count Coglistro was behind the downfall of the French Monarchy. He exposed their corruption, cruelty and abuses.

Saint Germain or Altotas was the guru of Count Coglisostro. He was active in the medieval times. In the twentieth century he moved to Tibet.In 1939 he convinced Hitler and Musolini to stop the war. They didn't listen and so he left to the Humalayas and it was said that he will return in 1999.

Mana of the desert, is the nectar of immortality which is found through the Hermetic vase. The God's drink it. For the mana of the desert Nirvana is renounced to drink of it. 

End (4334). 

How We Are Helped When We Pray - (4333)

Often times when we pray we get obstacles, difficulties and problems. Things seem to get worse.

Why? Because through those obstacles, difficulties and problems is the help from God. God's help is not only one sided - i.e. the good side, magically solving everything for us, it is also making things worse and helping us to solve, repair and surmount the circumstances that have gotten worse.

Here are some examples:

When we pray for strength we get difficulties that we can only go through them by being strong.

When we pray for wisdom we get problems that we can only solve by being wise.

When we pray for success we get opportunities to work hard for and in.

When we pray for courage we get obstacles that we can only surpass by holding courageously and resolutely to our values.

When we pray for love we get people coming to us with problems to help them to solve.

When we pray for favours we get situations where we can only make them work by giving and being flexible.

We often don't get anything that we ask for but exactly what we need.

End (4333).

Wednesday, 2 February 2022

Esoteric Attitude Towards Alchemy - (5267)


We all have many debts against the Holy Spirit. We know those debts are the ones that are not pardoned. They must be paid. We may not feel the effect of those debts now but at some point we will. Even master Samael had to pay it, he was not pardoned for the all consciousness and merit that he had. For 8 years his Alchemy was stopped. That is also when he said that he died the most in himself. Therefore paid the most. 

The debts against the Holy Spirit are not always paid as Master Samael paid them, but with illnesses that we are taught are not a 'common cold'.

To have found someone who will help us transmute and pay those debts no matter if we are the man or the woman, is a blessing. Because we know well that very few men or women out there are really interested in transmuting and can't help us with this. We know karma is paid with the opposite action to the action that created the karma. So we need to transmute.


Love for the Alchemy and the transmutation. Love for the energy of the Being. Love for the Being of the person we are practicing Alchemy with.

Alchemy is for the Being

It is not really for us but for our Being. With it our Being works and does Its work. The Being works the transmuted energy. Alchemy is our gift for the Being.


Alchemy is a sacrifice where we consciously forgo the inferior values of passion and pleasure and losing the energy over transmuting and sublimating. Which as all sacrifice does, brings joy or spiritual happiness.

Supply of Energy

The Third Logos, the Typhon Baphomet and the Divine Mother are in control of the sexual energy. They can do something and our sexual force disappears and they can do something and we have an abundance of sexual energy. The energy is not in our hands. It is by their grace that we have it available to work with. 

Yet the person in life believes that they are in charge of their sexual energy and everything indicates that they are and they can really do with it what they want. That is all allowed. That is because it is working for nature but when we work in the Alchemy that energy is taken under the control of the Being. 


The Alchemy is the sexuality of the Being in us. The Alchemy is for the Being in us. For our Being and for the Being of the other person we are practicing with. For the Being to realise Itself.

End (5267).

Education Notes - (4330)

Just some basic notes to do with education.

To educate others to learn a value we need to have something of that value alive in us.

We are not there to change anyone. Because we respect their destiny which is their karma and the will of their Being in action.

If a person really wants to change and ask directly for that help and shows openness it means their karma nd the will of their Being are in agreement and so we can help intelligently as described below.

We can't really fully educate others. What we do is to plant a seed in others and with our knowledge, understanding, values and conduct we water and fertilise that seed so that it can grow. The seed grows by their learning and learning produces changes.

End (4330).

Why Problems Go Away in the Gnostic Centre and Understanding Comes Easy - (4331)

I'm sure we have felt this many times. This is because when we are in the centre the knowledge is with us. 

When we leave the centre the leave he knowledge, we leave Gnosis behind. We all have to leave the centre, we can't stay there but we should not leave the knowledge in our mind and heart.

We let the knowledge escape and when Gnosis or the knowledge leaves us our problems come back and everything is so difficult to understand again.

The thing is to not leave the knowledge or allow the knowledge to leave us no matter where we are. 

Why do we experience problems at home? Because we leave Gnosis behind at the centre and we don't bring it home with us. We bring the knowledge nor the practice of it home.

End (4331).