Thursday, 23 June 2022

Inner Path and Outer Path - (4463)

We all have our outer path. Our daily routine, our physical work, the various family events, daily practical duties around our house and at our work place etc. 

What we need is our inner path. Gnosis gives us our inner path.

The two paths are very different. 

One day our inner path will shape and determine the outer path and also frequently shape it as it goes along.

The odd thing out in our outer path is meditation, esoteric practices and prayer... Why do I say odd? Because if we list down all the things of outer life it is washing, cleaning, weeding, cooking, working, shopping and meditation for instance is eh odd one out isn't it? That's why we need two paths - an inner and an outer. True we need two lives or paths, but the main one has to be the inner path and the inner path to sustain the outer.

That is the best way to manage the two, to be successful in both...

The inner path is the work we are doing. If we are learning to concentrate and to silence our mind that is our inner path. If we are developing a virtue that is our inner path. If we are working to get close to our Inner Being that is our inner path. If we are working to dissolve a defect or "I" that is our inner path.

Very often during the day we need to make contact with our inner path. Our inner path is what feeds us, what gives us energy, meaning and motivation. It also gives us life...

Ask yourself often during the day: "Where is my inner path?" "What I am doing on it?". Then with your answers go ahead and work on your inner path, cultivate and develop your inner path.

End (4463).

Sunday, 19 June 2022

Culture Obstacle and Culture of the Consciousness - (4462)

Some cultures that have a centre in gravity in the emotional centre make doing the work a bit easier. In the sense that the culture makes it easy to accept the work and the esoteric knowledge. 

Cultures where the mind is the centre of gravity don't so much support the consciousness. They support a lot the mind, and these cultures support that the mind take the place of the consciousness and everything else almost for that matter.

End (4462).

Thursday, 16 June 2022

Slow Car in Front Message - (4461)

Many times when I am in a hurry there is always a slow moving car in front of me and the traffic or the roads are such that I just have to drive behind it - sometimes for a good part of the journey.

Being in a hurry with the desire to avoid a certain outcome, frustration begins to build and anger appears and then anger brings its particular antics - which are good to see so as to know and then take to dissolution. Much of those antics are absurd, totally out of character and not needed... Anyway...

We understand too, that behind anger is a desire and the desire comes from another ego. The desire of the other ego must be worked on also. The desire could come from pride, self-compassion and so on. When we are comfortable about dealing with the consequences of being late anger does not appear in this situation.

But what I want to post about is - how a slow car magically appears and how to transform that to take good advantage of it.

Normally we see the slow car as a misfortune, a curse and an obstacle to be gotten rid of...

But really in truth it is a message and a help. 

The truth is we are in the wrong state and something is helping us to get into the right state. 

Even if we are late being in the wrong state makes it so much harder to deal with anything. Being late but in the right state we can deal with anything a lot better. Remember what Master Samael said that the best weapon in life is the correct internal state.

With the slow car we have to use it to stop, to relax to remember our Being and our consciousness and take a few moments refuge inside of ourselves and recover our inner path and work.

The slow car could also be a blessing - helping us to avoid an accident. 

Write more soon...

End (4461).

Wednesday, 15 June 2022

Centre of Gravity in Mind Pros and Cons - (4460)

Everything has its pros and its cons, and that changes from which point of view you look at it from. But still everything has its pros and cons...

Say if we are to look at this question of the centre of gravity in the mind from the point of view of the work we see that its pros are that we will read and study all of the doctrine. Understanding it is another matter but we would have read it all and have put it into our intellect. Which is a big help.

The cons are that the mind will by default take the lead. It will via its patterns, concepts and logic block and take the place of the consciousness and because of the belief, trust and pride that has grown for the mind over the years it will be the one turned to instead of the heart (where also the consciousness and the Being in us is). The heart will be seen often as inefficient, unpractical and a little naïve or even a bit silly and childish.

There are many cultures in the world that in general have their centre of gravity in the mind...

It is difficult for such people to experience the 'real' or the esoteric unless they use drugs or something out of the ordinary happens to them. Because the mind always blocks the unfolding of any esoteric experience. Also being always in the mind one is never so happy and so no wonder why there is so much drug use in the western countries, which are all efforts to get out of the mind to experience 'happier' emotions, using something external to turn off their mind, instead of going to and cultivating the heart. 

End (4460).

Monday, 13 June 2022

Fixing Egos is not Dissolving Egos - (4459)

We can spend so much time 'trying to fix' things. Then a week later or less what was apparently 'fixed' comes undone again. 

We say things like: “But it was 'fixed'? I thought it was? What's going going on now - I really thought it was fixed?”.

Then we re-fix things and it later comes undone again and we can live just like that in a cycle or pendulum of fixing to fixed to broken to disparo to fixing to fixed to broken and so on and do on…

We live in this cycle until one day we see that ‘things’ are not ever really fixed because 'fixing things' is not dissolving the egos that are behind the issues and problems that we are trying to always fix.

If we are to dissolve the egos behind the issues, conflicts and dramas then we can sleep soundly at night that things will remain ‘fixed’.

We can't 'fix' egos we dissolve them….

 We painfully learn that issues and problems are really fixed by dissolving the egos involved. 

Gnosis was always right. After all…

End (4459).

Focus on Understanding - (4458)

Consciousness aims for understanding and bypasses blame, finger pointing and being stuck in any detail . It looks for understanding because it knows that with understanding it will arrive at the root of the issue and from there a solution can come. If we don't address the root cause then it will reoccur and reoccur.

Focusing our consciousness on understanding produces a different way of speaking, which is somewhat friendlier. There is not that air of attack and reproach and the spirit of searching for understanding prevails. When we also focus on understanding our consciousness so naturally activates active listening and from there we can start to understand and be able to put ourselves in the shoes of others and see the bigger and more real picture.

End (4458).

Education Rather than Admonishment - (4457)

I have always found myself and others too, to react better and produce real changes when instead of admonishment to do with the correction of the error there has been education. 

Education is clear and purposeful yet it has a kindness or good will to it. When we educated instead of admonished we actually listen and we are shown what and how to show. Admonishment often makes us scared or angry and we then can't or don't listen to what is being said, and admonishment just says what needs to change but the 'how' is not given. So the end result tis that we don't change and we create a new facet of fear and anger related to that area of admonishment - for example - leaving the lights on.

In conclusion if we want to get through to others better - go the way of education rather than admonishment. Education though is still firm and clear but with an unmistakable air of kindness or good-will.

This is s real point that if we apply it we can do a lot of good. Reap a lot of results for ourselves and others.

End (4457).

Saturday, 11 June 2022

Self-Righteousness as a Big Obstacle - (4454)

It is a big obstacle - my goodness. To be always be thinking in our background that we are right and that we have something right is a tremendous obstacle. 

In such a state we are always angry and always defending and then attacking...

It is not a good way to think about ourselves - that we are always right. 

The better way to think is to think about finding what is correct and right according to our reference points of the work, the path and the Being inside of ourselves.

Think to find what is correct by those reference points is best. When we find it we know what is right which is consciousness and not ego, which is different. We no longer attack or defend with anger.

End (4454).

We All Can but Few Want - (4455)

All of us human beings on the planet can work on themselves, know themselves, awaken their consciousness, transmute their energy and awaken their psychic faculties etc...

The thing is few want to. We are not special or more than others - because we can all do what others do. It is just a matter of time. 

We may feel better because we want to - but it is not us that wants to - It is our Inner Being that wants to and drives us through wanting to. Every other human being has a real Being also...that at some will want to too...

We are all the same learning and working at the level in which we are at...

End (4455).

Two People in the One Person - All the Mess that it Causes - (4453)

We have been so many people. We have been terribly nasty and arrogant in the past and in reality we still carry that within. Our subconscious knows that and knowing plus experiencing the karma that it brings we go to the other side and we create good egos and a good side, out of fear of the bad side. We do this in many areas of life. For example, in sexuality, in the field of spirituality, in the field of speaking, in the fields of relationships, in our the field of career, possessions, money etc. In nearly all the fields. 

Extremes don't take us anywhere. The middle takes us everywhere - especially to the place called - correctness, contentment, happiness etc.

Both sides have to be dissolved. When one side is dissolved - the bad side side the fear disappears and so the foundation upon which the good side was created then crumbles. 

In reality there is no time to work only on one - we have to work on both sides to get the consciousness to be in charge as quick as possible.

End (4453). 

Psychological Maiming - (4452)

Psychological maiming is when we stop a part of our nature from acting or flowing. 

For example to take a vowel of silence or abstinence is to psychologically maim ourselves. In those cases we psychologically maim our tongue and sexual centre. 

We know of course that our word and sexual energy can be used to do ourselves a lot of harm in the spiritual field. Our word especially can harm others in all other fields of life as well. However the word and the sexual energy can do marvels for us in the spiritual field. So it is not right to cut those functions out of our life and away from ourselves. That is why it is something from the abyss. Because it is illogical - why cut off a part of our nature that is God given and is useful to go back to God and to help others to go back to God. It is the absurd really.

The above are just two examples, but we do that in much smaller and diverse ways with our own nature, with our strengths, with our abilities, with our virtues, with our consciousness etc. etc.

Often fear is behind so much of our psychological maiming that we do.

Hope this answers your question?

End (4452).

Dealing with Disagreements - Some Notes - (4451)

People have their disagreements, that's a reality of life. Even when people are doing the work on themselves and have been doing so for many years...

Disagreements appear as expected and sometimes unexpectedly. The unexpected ones can be the worse type...

I think disagreements appearing is not so much the issue, it's how we deal with them that is the real issue.

Here are some notes about dealing with them.

Try hard to not be scared of them.

Don't worry that they appear, they have to appear to show us what to work on and because we are all different and we all have our particular way of thinking.

Disagreements are often due to us just having a different mental position or state. Meaning each person is coming from their own side and on their own side are their values (egoic or conscious), their level of Being and their level of work.

Listen properly, employ a wise silence and speak when we have to. 

Don't add content that aggravates...

Wisely introduce space... Gaps in speaking or gaps in physical presence to allow each party to calm down, reflect and work: go inside, pray and work.

A phenomenal opportunity for self-observation and self-discovery...

Let the details go. Things worsen when we get into details...A big time warp opens up. Details equals a head ache. Concentrate on the spirit of things...

Be vigilant over anger as that causes egoic fighting which is mind against mind and the end result is not remembering what was ever fought about, but regret as some layers of goodness were scratched away - perhaps never to be recuperated or perhaps needing time to recuperate. All the same it is to retrogress.

To fight is all about strengths. It is to be strong. It all depends on what we are strong in. Be strong in the moment by moment application work. Be strong in the values of the essence. Don't be strong in the ego, the sensorial mind and personality.

Hold firmly to the values of the essence and the work, even if it seems to be getting you nowhere. Give it time. 

Do the right thing not the easy thing. The right thing is what is correct by the reference points of the work, the Being and the path.

To negotiate on the values is to destroy the values. Imagine a person negotiates on chastity in the practice of Alchemy he or she will get nowhere. Some things are not negotiable. Know which things are and which things are not. In general the things that affect the work of your Being are not negotiable.

Disagreements scan show us our hidden defects, concepts, points of view, associations, memories inner problems etc.

To not get identified and to really work on disagreements and during disagreements teaches mountains. But to get identified teaches us nothing - it only retrogrades ourselves.

End (4451).

Forgetting and Finding God - (4450)

Here below are some notes from a talk m.m.m gave recently.

We forget God when we are in pain... 

We forget God when we are experiencing pleasure...

When we are in the extremes we forget God. God is found outside of duality, outside of the two extremes. Unity is the place where we find God...

The right state of consciousness is the presence of God in us.

The right State of consciousness is to recognise the presence of God in us.

Awakening is to give God Its right place in our life and constitution.

End (4450).

Thursday, 9 June 2022

Real Work Experience Conversations - (4448)

It is worth conversing with others when what has been learnt through the work on themselves is spoken about. On the other hand listening to others talk about how the work should be and how people in the work should behave is something that doesn't have the same balm for the soul effect...

End (4448).

More we Respect Others - (4449)

The more we respect others the more respect grows inside of ourselves for everyone and for ourselves.

The more we treat others with dignity the more dignity within ourselves and towards ourselves grows.

It is a fail when we treat others disrespectfully because we feel directly that respect inside of ourselves and for ourselves has lowered. It is a specific feeling - it can only be felt - to think about it is not to experience it.

There are so many people in jail says that the surveys that are there because they felt disrespected or were disrespected and did not respect others or themselves...

End (4449).

Tuesday, 7 June 2022

Respect Means? - (5167)

Respect means to know the true value of something as deeply as we can. It means to not diminish the value of something through our way of speaking and acting towards it...

Respect means to not damage something. It also means to give something the benefit of the doubt - which is a time of grace for its true value to come forth to be seen...

Respect means to keep intact the value something has...

End (5167).

Four 'Lived' Points to do with Helping Others - (4439)

It is good to talk to Gnostic people especially when they talk about their learnings from their direct experience with the work on their life. 

The Lived/Experienced Points

Point One

We often feel compelled because no one helped us years ago when we were in a particular difficult situation and remembering how hard it was, that we should help others who are now in a similar situation and are finding it difficult. 

There is a point to consider here, which is that our Inner Being and the Divine Law placed us in that situation to learn and develop. So when we rush o help others who are now in the same difficult situation that we previously passed through without any help, we are actually not valuing that set of  experiences given to us by our Inner Being.

It could be - highly likely that the person we feel that we should help has been given such difficulties to develop and learn from.

Often the difficulty that we go through to help that person shows us that we are not meant to help them. and that difficulty could also be internal...

Point Two

Helping a person too much eventually causes a person to stop appreciating your help and then one day that lack of balance tends to come against us. In the way that when the person we have been helping has to decide or act upon something, that person because he or she has already lost appreciation (taken us for granted) for us, will not think twice to inconvenience us or perhaps worse. 

Point Three

A very good, sustainable and excellent way to help others and ourselves at the same time is the balance dway of helping.

Which entails getting the person to make some effort to us half way in the help. They take a few steps and we take a few steps and we then help them by working with them.

To do everything for them is not a good way. It can be done a few times but balanced out later for friendlier and more positive results for all.

Point Four

We can have within our psychology laziness and selfishness that is clearly against helping others and wants time to rest and be alone and we could have certain false psychological needs that push us to also help others, but underneath it is no different to selfishness because it also wants something...

We can often help to be liked and to use it to serve as a kind of inner validation of us being a good person that is developing some virtue.

An interesting observation is that such psychological needs in us carry a certain energy need or vacuum  of validation, of being listened to, cared for etc.. which takes or derives energy from others through their attention being placed on us


The above paragraphs are some 'notes to self' points to be more conscious in that area of helping others. I always say though just go and help others, even if it is all ego. As you continue to help others you will see how to not help from the place of those egos and you will not stop gaining merit for yourself. Of course we gain more cosmic capital helping others done with our essence separated from any ego but there is always a time to learn, develop, practice and develop. Just go and help others and when you make a practice of it you will refine it a lot quicker.

End (4439).

Monday, 6 June 2022

Spirit of Things - (4446)

So many things that are done by human beings have a spirit behind them. That 'spirit' is something that exists by itself on its own already and we either have embraced that spirit and do things with that spirit or we are in the process of discovering it. 

The spirit of the work is liberation. The spirit of liberation is death. The spirit of death is to shed and shed - never to accumulate more and more of the unnecessary and the subjective.

All the things of the consciousness have a spirit behind them - and this spirit that is in them and also behind them - animates them.

The spirit of the Gnostic teachings is liberation...

The spirit of the Third factor is love. 

The spirit of the consciousness is to know, to reveal, to understand, to liberate...

Anyhow it is good to be aware of the spirit of the things we do in the work and be aware of them so that we can do them correctly according to their spirit. Which means to do things more truthfully and to attract the forces of the spirit that are behind them and animate them.

If we know the spirit of any practice that we do we can do it much more consciously.

End (4446).

About Respect - (4445)

It is worth studying respect. The basis of an essence to essence relationship is respect.

An essence to essence relationship is a real relationship, one with real values. One where one can experience peace of spirit, contentment of spirit and real work on oneself and work for the spirit of others...

There are many aspects of respect. In this post I'm just going to touch on a few aspects and in later posts touch on other aspects.  

Respect certainly has an aspect to it that is about knowing, and the consciousness is knowing. So respect has a relationship to consciousness.

So to be respectful is to be conscious. A conscious person is a respectful person.

Respect means to leave things intact as they are. Our consciounsess perceives an order and to have resepct means to leave that order as it is and not interfere with it by making changes etc.

For example, every translator respects the words of whom they translate by not adding or taking away words.

Every muscian respects the composer by playing the music in the actual way the composer wrote it. Not playing extra notes or playing the notes in a different way then what was intended by the composer. 

To respect the environment means to leave nature as it is, not to pollute the environment. 

For example, we may have a spiritiual master in front of us and when we know that the person in front of us is a spiritual master, respect automatically appears in us. This is because we know the hard work that was done to become a spiritual master and the high value of that work. Respect inside of us would not allow us to bring to that master our heavy egos, our rough personality or the silly things from our mind. 

Respect also means to not cross over the invisible line of respect which is only really ever seen with the eyes of our understanding. When we cross over the invisible line of respect we do the following things: say inappropiate things, ask inappriopriate things, change things by adding or subtracting, bringing low values, bringing negative behaviour, bringing heavy words and negativity etc. etc.

Respect leads to trust. When we are respectful towards a person we win their trust.

We can apply directly the above mentioned points inside of ourselves and that becomes self-respect.

End (4445). 

Sunday, 5 June 2022

The Spirit of Alertness - (4444)

The spirit of alertness is something that we can't really lose.

The spirit of activities is what is important. When we lose the spirit of activities we end up losing the activity...

When we lose the spirit of the work we stop working.

To recapture the spirit of any activity, is to be motivated and inspired again to be a part of that activity.

It is the spirit that supplies force, strength, stamina and motivation.

We should work from above, from the spirit which we know is held in our Inner Being in our Atman - our Spirit Being as Master Samael says.

Our Spirit Being holds the spirit of the teachings... The inner spirit behind the activities of the consciousness.

The fighting spirit, the spirit of always being alert to discover ourselves and die in any psychological "I" that appears in our human machine, is as valuable as gold.

If we are ever struggling it is because we have lost the spirit of working, of fighting internaly for our liberation. We have lost the spirit of working for our Inner Being and something else has taken its place.

It is good to remember that we are never a vacuum. If the spirit of the work leaves us, something else has entered us. Some other flavour - a life flavour, a flavour of 'giving up', a flavour of 'too hard' etc.

We can pray to our Spirit Being asking Him to return to us the spirit of the work or either strengthen the spirit of the work in us. The spirit of the work in us is Him.

OMNIS JAUM INTIMO is the mantra of the Spirit Being in us.

If the spirit of the work in us is strong we will be strong in the work on ourselves.

End (4444).

Wednesday, 1 June 2022

Tests of Life and Tests of the Path - (4441)

They are two different things. Yet in some ways they are related... 

People in life pass through such difficulties. This is undeniable... 

It is quite possible - why not - how can we say that it is not - that the difficulties of life are karmic but also there is something of the Inner Being involved in them. Where the Inner Being wants to know Its essence and wants that Its essence learns and develops something.

A Being may not want the path just yet but IT may want Its essence to be wise and strong...

The tests of life can prepare a person later on for the tests of the path. They give one maturity to go through the ordeals and trials of the path...

End (4441).

Interior Strictness - (4442)

I've come to the conclusion that the work on ourselves can only be done as it should be with some kind of interior strictness.

We HAVE TO BE STRICT with ourselves inside of ourselves when it comes to working on ourselves and exercising the qualities of our essence. 

We must be strict on ourselves to do the qualities 100%.

We must forget to be strict with others. It all resides in being strict with ourselves in relation to not allowing our egos to express and giving full space for our essence to express.

Obviously the more we do this the quicker and better is our progress towards becoming more and more of the essence.

End (4442).

The Qualities are Real when there is no Payoff - (4443)

All the qualities of the essence that any person has are seen unmistakably when there is no return, payment or payoff.

For example, we are patient when no one is patient with us. Then we have patience. We are tolerant when no gives us tolerance. Then we are tolerant. We are just when no one is fair with us. Then we have justice inside of us etc. etc.

To develop the qualities this is obligatory. We must pass through this situation. The qualities are only truly formed in these conditions - no pay off no paybacks!

End (4443).