Tuesday, 29 November 2022

Comprehended Enough to Let Go - (4584)

There are some things that are not to be comprehended in detail, but comprehended to know that they must be let go.

Why did a person say this or that or do this or that. We don't know and we may never know and understand why. However, we comprehend that we don't understand and may never understand and the best thing for all in all the spheres is to let it go. 

When working on the ego we need to do this. With some egos more than others.

End (4584).

Wednesday, 16 November 2022

The Higher Value of Things - (4582)

It is good to know the practical psychological and spiritual value of things. 

It is better to relax the mind for five minutes than not do anything.

It is better to at least read from an esoteric book at night before sleeping than just going to sleep.

It is at least better to have prayed a minute during the day than have done nothing.

The best thing we can do is to have died in something during the day.

It is better to have used the events to work on ourselves than have gotten identified. 

It is to better to have been kind than tough. People remember kind years later even into the next life.

It is better to practice for five mins than talk for 60.

Some minutes of true silence both inner and outside gets one closer to the solution than hours of writing and talking.

Strengthening our relationship to our Inner Being is an uncountable number of times more valuable than strengthening the relationship to any "I". 

Getting up early is better than sleeping in when not really needed.

Being happy is much better value than worrying, fearing and being upset.

Living the present is much more valuable than remembering the past and predicting/foreseeing the future.

Giving is better than receiving.

Open mindedness is higher value than closed mental narrowness.

Breaking and releasing a concept is better than creating a a new one.


End (4582).

Tuesday, 15 November 2022

Peace is Eerie to the "I" - (4581)

Sometimes peace is unsettling to certain "I's". They feel that things are too impersonal, that there has to be drama of some sort to know that things are alive and they are still there.

I think this is because some "I's" live and feed off drama. They need for their survival the impressions of problems, difficulties, drama and intense emotion. All because those "I's" have forgotten how the consciousness feels, that it knows about peace and is able to maintain peace inside of us and further more it allows us to live in peace.  

End (4581).

Thursday, 10 November 2022

Mysteries of Life & Death Notes - (4580)

To the common person life and death is indeed a mystery.

We don't know how and why we come to life and how and why we leave the field of life.

Essential to know so to liberate ourselves from the fear of death.

The fear of death conditions our life terribly and is behind so many other fears, anxieties and worries...

Death is liberating and life is accumulating.

We learn more from psychological death than from life.

As a balm to the soul when someone in our life dies read the teachings that Gnosis has about life and death.

Life and death are always together. They are twins.

Life and death are legitimate and very much needed forces and happenings everywhere in creation. 

Death is everyone's crown.

One life with many births and death. Life is a stream of energy and consciousness from the Absolute.

Life is our essence. Our body is what is born and what dies. We are the essence. The core of the mysteries of life and death is understood when we know that we are an essence that has a body.

The source of our life is the Absolute. The mini parcel of the Absolute - our Monad that is in the Absolute.

Our destiny is to die and life events are all maneuvered to achieve that particular destiny.

Birth and judgment (karma) and death are an intimate triangle. This is a part of the mystery of life and death.

To die consciously is our aim.

For the awakened death is not 'death' but a change of clothes (bodies).

Death is a very wise advisor. If we live with death close we live life very wisely.

End (4580).

Tuesday, 8 November 2022

Personality in the Alchemy - (4569)

Personality does not have a place in the Alchemy. It conditions and interferes with that work. 

Personality places a determining role in normal sexuality and infra-sexuality. This is because sexuality is a way of relating and the personality contains the ways of relating for the space and time in which we live.

In the Alchemy however, personality is a conditioner and an interference. It essentially blocks one from having access to their Divine sexual energy.

More about this point in future posts on the topic of working on the personality.

End (4569).

Trip Over Stand Up Quickly - (4579)

If something trips up, gets messed up or goes pear shape we need to be practical. Quickly learn the lessons and then forget it and carry on.

Exactly like ice skating performances or competitions. Where often the solo competitor or one of the duo  slips and lands on the ice, but quickly gets up and carries on. If they were to stop argue and lecture their coach or partner they would be totally disqualified. 

As soon as they get up they are given the chance to finish their routine, receive a score and even win first place if the others have also fallen onto the ice or the fall was not so bad.

The same in life, the work and the path. Quickly get up and learn.

End (4579).

Central Belief of Personality - (4578)

That the things of outside help us spiritually.

That is why we pursue, visit, buy, try, consume, have and do external things instead of internal values.

End (4578).

Monday, 7 November 2022

Visualizing helps to Connect to our Inner Worlds - (5358)

Visualizing is extraordinarily powerful. It really heals and gives results in so many fields of life.

In terms of our inner work it really helps us to connect to, to enter into, to feel and to come to know the different parts of our inner worlds. 

It helps so much to even connect to the organs of our physical body, of which we often have very little connection to.

It is a really powerful tool to use to connect to our Inner Being.

We just need persistence, patience and time to develop and strengthen the connections we make with our and through our imagination.

End (5358).

Pray with All Three Brains - (4577)

When we pray with all our three brains aligned our prayers leave us and travel to where we wish for them to go.

When our brains are not aligned our prayers stay in our atmosphere and don’t go to where we wish for them to go. 

If we are praying for someone to get healed and our brains are not aligned our prayers don't even go to the internal worlds and so how can we pray for someone who needs help to be healed when our brains are misaligned. 

When our prayers go to for example England we can then really pray for the King of England.  

End (4577).

Intellectual Gnosis is Disappointing - (4576)

We can be so brilliant intellectually, understand so much and be so insightful yet fail so soundly when the moment comes to die in ourselves.

There are people in Gnostic groups that are silent and look 'useless' but when the moment comes to die they really die. 

I think that is what is really valuable for the path, someone who 'gives' to the path when the path calls them to give.

That is the person who you really want to assocaite with for the benefit of your path.

End (4576).

Sunday, 6 November 2022

The Conditioned Mind is Only Comfortable with Conditions and Placing Conditions - (4575)

A conditioned mind can't see anything freely and can not accept anything that it sees as 'wrong'. Because it is conditioned to accept only what it sees as 'right'.

A conditioned mind only ever places and imposes conditions. Because it can not handle 'free'. But yet it can not stand being conditioned and wants to be 'free'.

An unconditioned mind which is a free mind can 'live' with everything within reasonable limits. Whereas a conditioned mind is mostly unreasonably sensitive and can cope with very little outside of its narrowing limits.

The very interesting thing is we are even conditioned by the 'natural', and the 'correct'. This is a big conditioning and eventhough the conditioning is about what is 'correct' and 'natural' it does not lead one to awakening or to the liberation of the consciousness. Because the 'natural' and 'correct' are conditions of one's own mind and they are not the consciousness. The essence and the consciousness are correct and natural in themselves in their own nature.

The consciousness is natural and momentarily correct but yet it does not get angry or so bothered when the natural and correct does not happen. That is clear because it is liberated and free even from the natural and correct.

End (4575).

Gnostic Court of Law - (4574)

It is true that life, the work and the path have their different laws. 

It is also true that life, the work and the path all share some laws. For example, the law of honest hard work.

To better understand the difference in laws, imagine you are to appear in a human court of law and then in a Gnostic court of law.

In a human court of law you will be judged by the human laws of the country. In a Gnostic court of law you will be NOT judged by the human laws of the country but by the laws of the work.

To have gotten angry and remained in seething 'tight lipped' silence and 'folded arm' stillness for half an hour would be: 'case dismissed' in a human court of law, as no human laws were broken. In a Gnostic court of law the principles of non-identification, self-remembering, changing centres, awakening, separation, conserving energy, lifting out of the abyss, seeing the bigger picture, seeking out the better in relativity and time wasting were ignored and done the opposite of.

A human court of law speaks mostly about laws while a Gnostic court of Law speaks mostly about principles. Principles are threads taken from the very nature of the Spirit (Absolute) and laws are the human interpretation of those principles in time and space. Which often is mostly correct with some margin or grey areas.

Interestingly, we break laws either deliberately or unknowingly. With principles, we don't break them as such, we either do the opposite of them, either out of conscious or unconscious ignorance. Meaning we either deliberately or innocently ignore the principles, and therefore end in doing the opposite of them.

Just as we are still punished by the human law even if we didn't know that there was a law that we broke, we are all tried in the Divine Law or the essence court of Law, even if we don;t know anything about the essence and the work. Because we are all essences and we all live in the same cosmos.

The Divine Law coincides more with the Gnostic Court of Law as it is the essence that is judged by how  closely it followed the universal principles of the Absolute, which are also in the essence's nature.

End (4574).

Access to the Superior Centres - (5366)

The teachings say that through myth we can get access to the superior emotional centre, and through symbols we can access the superior intellectual centre.

Meaning that myth and symbols are the language of these two centres. 

Certainly through myth and symbols we can appreciate the beauty of the four pillars. Which are: art, science, philiosophy and religion. 

These two languages are an expression of the four pillars of Gnosis. Meaning Gnosis speaks authentically to the superior centres as well as the consciousness of the human being. 

End (5366). 

Friday, 4 November 2022

Working with the Centres of the Human Machine Notes - (4572)

Basic Points

Each centre has two polarities. A positive and negative pole.

Inside each centre is the other centres.

The balance and the right relationship to the events of life comes all through the centres of our human machine, 

The ego uses the wrong centres and the wrong polarity of the centres and this makes us to realte wrongly to the events of life.

Using the centres in the right way allows us to isolate the ego.

The consciusness in us is the one which can balance the centres.

When we align the centres in any given activity we isolate the ego from our human machine.

We are present when we align the centres.

We pray truly when we align the centres.

When we align the centres we eliminate contradictons. Meaning the egos do not play with us anymore.

When we balance the centres we complete everything in balance that we do.

We need to forge the right relationship to the events and activites in the various areas of life through the right and balanced use of the centres.

We have to know how to change centres at any given moment.

We can solve any clash by matching the centres to understand each other better.

We need to know which centre is active in us any given moment.

When we change centres we displace the ego.

We can have a very happy life by just knowing how to work the centres of our human machine wisely.

Each ego uses one centre much more than the other and this is the problem. We need to change that to better to dissolve it.

To dissolve any ego we need to consciously use the centres in the opposite way to the ego.

We change centres by using the part of intellectual centre that we need to change to. For example in any given moment that we need to change to the emotional centre we should start thinking emotionally and this will resonate and magnetise into activity our emotional centre. 


End (4572).

Tuesday, 1 November 2022

To do Vertical Simple is Key - (4571)

If we won't to do the vertical the more elements we add to our plans the more we will lose control and the more it will tend by entropy to be horizontal.

For example we want to concentrate on dissolving an "I" that really pains you, then just that simple plan of going to the meditation room and concentrating is it - that's all. As soon as we add: a lighting a candle, burning incense, having a cup of tea, putting on music, setting the timer, writing it down in a diary, stretching a little we've lost it. We will end on the horizontal - not doing anything maybe 15 minutes which is what people do in life to reduce stress to better face their work day.

The vertical is simple and by being simple we increase our chances and we get there, be there and do it.

Sometimes too, to be simple we need to make a will to be simple a little radical. A wishy washy will tends to the horizontal.

End (4571).

Unity Guards Infiltration - (4566)

Unity always and everywhere, no matter who or what is united, guards against any kind of infiltration of a foreign force.

If we don't want to be infiltrated with the opposite quality we need to be united in all our centres, senses, psychology and cells in the one quality that we want to be.

End (4566).