Gnostic Esoteric Study & Work Aids
Welcome! Whether you are already studying Gnosis or you have come across this blog by 'chance', I sincerely hope that what you find here will be of some use to you. (All that is posted here comes from the continued study of Gnosis, as taught by the Venerable Master Samael Aun Weor. To know more go to
Thursday, 6 March 2025
Release Comprehension and Consciousness Through Action - Gnostic Way - (5674)
Wednesday, 5 March 2025
Honesty and Integrity are Allies to Maintain the Value of Sexuality - (5673)
The two values of honesty and integrity help a person to maintain a good relationship to their sexual energy.
When these two values especially in relation to sexuality suffer, a person's sexuality suffers.
These two values also help a person to solve problems or issues related to sexuality, as well as regenerate and refine it.
End (5673).
Tuesday, 4 March 2025
Can Never Get Bored with the Word - (5672)
Key of the Different Areas of Your Life - (5671)
By the Horns
Sunday, 2 March 2025
Recreating Morning Shower Magic - (5670)
Detachment from Money to Go Forward - (5669)
We can be attached to the money we have. The perception of money we have is relative. To some it is something, to others it is nothing.
Besides that, because we don't want to put it, or some of it, at the service of the work, when there is a real opportunity to do so, we end up getting stuck.
Not using that or some of that money wisely at the service of the work and the great cause, ties us further to life and matter. To keep that money intact and do something for the work while keeping that money intact we have to work more and more and the more stuck we get.
When we release our grip on it, things shift forward for us. What are we here to do? To guard a set of figures on a screen or to live and to go forward in developing our Inner Being?
Trust is important. If we give to the Being, the Inner Being will give back to us. As we have cared for the Being the Being will look after and care for us.
End (5669).
Friday, 28 February 2025
Avoiding People Notes - (5668)
If one day we decide to avoid no one during our day, we will find out how much avoid people.
We avoid people many times during a given day. We only really know how much when we try to not avoid anyone.
Most of the avoidances are due to not having time or wanting to give time. When we are running late we tend to avoid others.
The observation of avoiding people because we are running late tells us a lot. We avoid due to not accepting that we are late and not taking responsibility for our predicament.
We may lack the ability to communicate in a nice way that we can't talk right now.
When we have done something wrong we avoid people, because we have fear that they will address that. In this case the avoidance is due to a lack of acceptance and responsibility.
To avoid is to not present our face. Which has a lot to do with not being responsible for what we have done. We don't take the step of being responsible because we don't yet want to correct or repair the harm we are responsible for.
There is a lot of subconscious to discover when we decide not to avoid people.
We may not have done anything wrong and we may not be late yet we avoid people. Why? Because there is something that we don't like about them and want to face. Because they have a knack or are the same as us and facing them means to face something uncomfortable about ourselves.
In general, avoiding people is about avoiding something we find uncomfortable.
End (5668).
Thursday, 27 February 2025
Anger Assumes Negative Intent - (5666)
Tuesday, 25 February 2025
Gauge Progress by Intensity, Duration and Frequency - (5665)
To Not Get Angry - Have to Do Something Different - (5664)
To overcome anger in the moment it is arising we have to do something different. Something different inside and outside.
That something different is not to answer with force like the other person is if they are, or it is to look for why we, or the other person are angry.
The issue causing anger is not the anger. It is something different that we can work with and remedy.
End (5664).
Monday, 24 February 2025
Home Visit Invitations - (5663)
Home invitations are really good. They give the invitees the opportunity to dissolve and let go of concepts they have those they are visiting.
Concepts changed and let go of is a really good experience. It brings light and a degree of superior emotion. Certainly not a waste to time...
To create new concepts and negative ones at that, is not a useful thing to do for our consciousness.
There are people who invite to their home and there are people who don't.
The 'plus' of those that don't, is that good concepts (which are maybe false) stay, while the 'minus' is that people don't really get to know them and they give themselves a chance to give from within their at home daily reality.
The 'plus' of those that do, is that people get the chance to let go of wrong concepts, and the 'minus' is that perhaps people can get disappointed. This though seldom happens. The 'minus' side here is slight compared to those who don't invite people to their home.
End (5663).
Dissolving the Ego is a Particular Discipline - (5662)
After a while of working on any ego the need for a discipline specific to that ego emerges.
Some discipline examples are: envy - no comparing, lust - cut impressions and no fantasy, anger - few or no words and move on, fear - live the moment and no projections etc.
It is a discipline that arises out of our efforts of comprehension and yearning to dissolve that ego.
It is something that we create and it makes us to remember what others have said about dissolving that same ego.
Without that discipline we know that we can not progress.
When we start to work with this discipline we are in the way of dissolving that ego.
Holding to that discipline weakens the ego and brings forward the light and strengthens the will to choose the light.
End (5662).
Sunday, 23 February 2025
A Complicated Zig-Zag is the Work Reality - (5660)
It seems like the expectation people have to do with spiritual development is that it progresses in a smooth straight line.
The reality it seems is much more like a very zig-zagged up and down spiral that in time slopes upwards producing development.
The teachings don't really explain this...
It is only really our own example and the examples of others doing the work that we suspect, and later learn, that this is way things go.
It seems that what is important in the path is the overall picture. We all have so much to pay and transform making progress very complicated.
End (5660).
Uncertainity Must Take Us More to Our Being - (5661)
Not sure if uncertainty has that function to make us to look inwardly for what is always there and always will be. It sure does do that though.
After looking for certainty in all the different places outside of ourselves and not finding it we have only one other place to look - inside.
There inside of ourselves we can take refuge in that certainty within ourselves. The certainty that our inner Being is there and will always be there and is helping from instant to instant.
End (5661).
Saturday, 22 February 2025
Creation of Soul from Inside to the Outside then Back Inside - (5659)
Master Samael says that the soul is fabricated from a movement from the centre towards the boundary returning to the centre.
For example, we start the work from inside, feeling we need to change. Then we find a school in the outside world and apply the teaching. As we apply the teaching it becomes ours - that is a tool of our consciousness.
We do that with meditation, self-inquiry, self-remembering etc.
When we make any teaching conscious we make soul bit by bit.
End (5659).