Thursday, 29 August 2013

Alchemy and an Alchemical Partner are for the Being

Three Factors

Of the three factors, the first is for us, the second is for the Being and the third is for humanity (sorry, I would just like to here, reacquaint with the three factors, they are: first-death, second-birth and third-sacrifice).

First Factor

By working in mystical death we benefit ourselves, because we remove the causes of pain that directly affects us. So we benefit ourselves and also our Being as we lighten his and our karmic debt and allow Him freer communication and expression in us (we also feel more happiness as the Being is made of the nature of happiness). However, it is basically us that reap the benefits of the death of our egos, the Being is up there in the internal worlds happy.

Third Factor

When we make sacrifices of our time, energy and way of life to help humanity we are benefitting and giving to humanity. So the third factor is primarily for humanity, however by the law of cause and effect it also benefits us as we acquire the merits to receive help because we have helped others.

Second Factor

When we work in the Alchemy, that is with the transmutation of the sexual energy we are working for the Being, less for ourselves and less for humanity, but more for the Being.

Alchemical Partner

The Alchemical partner, preferably husband or wife is the one that is instrumental in the Alchemical work, and as the Alchemical work is not really for us, but belongs to the Being even though we have to do it, our Alchemical partner is also then for the Being.

Our Alchemical partner is the one given to us by the Divine Law in accordance with the will and needs and our Being and that of the Being of our Alchemical partner.

Already Together

If you are already together then we the best thing is to realise this on a deeper level and use it to change the way you see, think, feel and act towards you r Alchemical partner. See that it he or she is for the work of your Beings and is a gift or grace in your life to be able to work for your Being.

There may be too the cases where the Alchemical partner is not an Alchemical partner, and the relationship does not run smoothly (over a long time) and the Alchemical work does not move along (over a long time) very well at all, then perhaps that partner is not really for your Being and not appropriate for the Alchemical work but is more appropriate for the relationship run in the setting of normal life. Who knows, only really the people involved in the relationship can fully determine that.


If you are single then wait for the law and the Being to move things in your life to find the person that will work with you Alchemically speaking. You don’t have to look very hard, the Being will bring the person. But of course you have to like the person and also love the person but it has to be ordained by your internal Being.


The conclusion here is that we need to change our way of thinking when it comes to this matter of the Alchemical partner. We need to see the Alchemical partner more in the light of the Being and its work, and not from the human personality point of view and not from only our perspective because who you know when we act without regard to our Being, we can and often do get it wrong.


The Being Will Help – So Go For It!

Don’t Forget

We very often forget that our Being and our Divine Mother can help us. Because we forget this we face challenges only thinking of our capabilities and not of what we can do with our Being and Divine Mother behind us. We even actually forget that our Being can do things through us and that it is not us doing it it is the Being himself doing it.

Take the Challenge

Remembering that our Being will help us when things get difficult, I say go and take the challenge! We turn down many opportunities because we think that we can’t do it, that we will fail, but we may just be able to pull it off with the help of our Being and the Masters.

Don’t for get to invoke the help of the masters as well, such as Master Samael, Litelantes, Moria, Aroch, Harpocrates and the masters of the Divine Law: Anubis etc.

Go For It!

So I say go for it! Whatever task, challenge, opportunity etc. is presented before you, big or small, or whatever task or discipline that you would like to take up, just do it! Feel confident doing it too because your Being will help you.


Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Numerology of this year 2013 (6)

Kabbalistic Sum of the Year 2013

If we add up kabbalistically speaking the year 2013, we get 2+0+1+3 = 6.

The Number 6 - Indecision

Every number has its own: wisdom, properties, characteristics, weight, power, vibration and most importantly its own principle or influence.

The influence or principle that is most dominant in the number 6 numerologically speaking is indecision!

2013 – A Year that Calls for Definition!

For me this number 6 is the worst, it is worse than 5, 8, 16, 18 and 21. It may be en par with number 13 which we know is transformation or death.

Anyhow, I have been observing people and my own self as well this year, and certainly it is a year of definition. It is a year where what in us or outside of us is undefined, vague, unresolved, ongoing and ambiguous or on ongoing and problematic comes to a head to be resolved or defined, decided upon or a path chosen.

Actually I have seen already this year, ongoing problematic relationships, marriages definitely even break apart and in myself I have passed through some strong fights of definition.

I have also seen the physical circumstances of several people become defined and I have even seen several people leave Gnosis. Mind you they were the ones that were never really happy with Gnosis. I have also seen people with issues in their personal life go through some very tough times and almost leave Gnosis. Well they would have if they hadn’t sorted it out.

Inner Definition

We could as I alluded to earlier face some terrible fights within ourselves. For example, we may have an ego of greed that has always wanted us to dedicate lots or nearly all of our time and energy into our career and to reach the top to earn as much money as we can. But on the other hand if we do that we lose contact with our esoteric, spiritual and psychological work for a long time and maybe we may even forget about it altogether. But somehow we have always managed to push it back, when it appeared and so we managed for a few years to get by that way it would appear in us we would feed it then it would go or we would push it back and there seemed to be no real winner.

But this year is different that greed will come with all or nearly all its force to take you to what it wants and that is earning big money. So obviously we will have to fight hard if we want to stay in Gnosis and working on ourselves and for our Being.

This could happen with any ego that can take us off the path (lust, ambition, greed, fear, pride etc.) or any ego where the fight against it is not resolved within us.

Be Safe – Be Defined!

If we want to be shielded from the influence of the number six, the best protection is to be defined in every direction or area of our life. I guarantee you, you will be safe!


Daily Psychological Work


This post is a essentially the presentation of a step by step guided practice that one can go through at one’s leisure at the end of every day.

The Practice

Relax (Body)

1.) Choose your position and begin by relaxing your body. One very effective way to do this is to use the breathing.

2.) Follow your breath and when you breathe in notice that you are slightly invigorated. This slight bit of energy helps us t maintain the practice.

3.) When you breathe out notice that you relax and that you release tension.

4.) Use the out breath to relax your whole body. See and feel that the tension in your body goes out with each out breath.

Relax (Mind and Emotion)

1.) Put your focus into your mind and as you continue to put your focus there, expand your focus to make you gradually aware of all that you have going on in your mind.

2.) Just become aware of what you have in your mind.

3.)Now focus your attention on your emotional centre located in your solar plexus. Expand your awareness there to become more and more aware of what is going on in your emotional centre.

4.) Now, keep your attention focussed in a no strained way in your mind. Watch for the thoiughts that appear.

5.) When a thought appears, let go of it. Don’t continue the thinking process. Gently stop the thinking process and release the issue or topic that the thought is about.

6.) Continue to do this until you notice a change in the level of activity of the mind.

Retrospection (Focusing on the Day’s Failures)

1.) Retrospection: start from right now, that is the moment right now that you are doing this practice and go backwards.

2.) Work backwards by recounting the events and actions of your day, but pay more attention to your inner psychological state during each event. More importantly, recount what you were feeling and were thinking during each event.

3.) Look for the events in which you failed in the ego, events where you got identified with the ego  and the thoughts, emotions and actions that were generated could have been stopped.

4.) Stop the retrospection practice when you reach the moment that you woke up.

Make a list of the Failures

1.) After the retrospection practice you will have enough information to be able to make a list of the day’s failures.

2.) Put the ones that were more intense and longer lasting at the top of the list and give them more priority.

Work on the Ego Behind the Failure

1.) Take the two biggest failures and examine them.

2.) Determine which ego is behind them.

3.) Also determine what is the way of thinking of the ego behind them. This is the logic of the ego that is behind these failures.

4.) Question sincerely and deeply the truth of the ego.

5.) Upon seeing that main arguments or line of thinking of the ego is false and wrong we are ready for elimination, because we will want to eliminate the ego and we will see it false and wrong and we will never be able to eliminate something that is true or wrong.

Elimination with the Divine Mother

1.) Concentrate on your heart. Remember that in the inner esoteric dimension of your heart is your heart temple, which is the temple of your Being and of course Divine Mother.

2.) Yearn for her to hear you and help you. Concentrate on her and invoke her using the mantra RAM0IO, or O AO KAKOF NAKONSA or SOLU SIGI SIG.

3.) Present the ego to her, telling her all about what it does and how it is wrong and how you want to eliminate it.

4.) Beg her to dissolve it in the intellectual centre. Vocalise the mantra KRIM nine times.

5.) Beg her to dissolve it in the emotional centre. Vocalise the mantra KRIM nine times.

6.) Beg her to dissolve it in the motor, instinctive, sexual centres. Vocalise the mantra KRIM nine times.

The Resolution to Make Tomorrow Different

After all that have seen, understood and done in the practice form the decision and therefore resolution to not fall into identification with that ego or ‘I’ tomorrow morning.

Now to finish this practice activate your awareness to that particular defect. Because it just could waiting for you to finish your practice to manifest! Don’t let it catch you off guard!



Way to Faith

Master Samael lays down the process in which a person can develop faith. He says that faith which he calls conscious faith, arises in a person when the person divides him or herself into two. That is the division between the external person and the internal person.

What is Faith?

From the Gnostic point of view faith is consciousness, or in other words it is knowledge, knowing, wisdom, conviction and power. It is not by no stretch believing in things, it is rather about knowing. It certainly is not blind, like the faith of a miner that says “ok now with this hit of my pick against the rock I will find gold.” The miner does not know that he will strike gold but hopes eternally that with every strike he will. The real faith is about knowing and seeing.

Internal Person

Master Samael says that when the human being begins the esoteric work on him or herself they begin to become acquainted with the inner person and as they work they will cultivate the inner person in the way of the essence and the by the way of the dissolution of the egos.

Then when that happens when a person shifts their focus toward the interior then they come to make that division and they feel to be more the esoteric working inner man.

External Person

Everyone has the external person. Some are really stuck in it and don’t even conceive of their being the possibility of an inner person.

The external man is only concerned with life here and all its matters, such as money, houses, insurance, which car to buy, which shirt to wear today, do my cuff links match my shirt etc. etc.

The Split and the Higher Authority

When there is the division inside us between the external and internal man, the internal man will recognise that there does exist his or her Being. Which is a higher authority and then the essence in the person accepts that authority, and then faith is born.

At this moment we should develop faith, because here we rely on the secret master to tell us things, to advise us, provide for us, protect us etc. All that we have to do is to wait for the help or the answer. Here is when we come to rely on the Being which we know is a reality, and to rely on the Being is faith.


Friday, 9 August 2013

Transmutation and the Dissolution of Lust

Our Mind and Sexual Energy are Linked

Just in case you do not know or are not fully aware of it, there is a very strong link between our mind and our sexual centre.

We know that our thoughts, especially our imagination affects our sexual centre, I’m sure everyone knows about this.

Mind Affects Sex

So it is quite easy to accept then that the thoughts we think can stir up, pacify or direct our sexual energy. That is well known, but it is not so well know that our sexual energy can affect our mind.

Sex Affects Mind

This has to be so, that the state of the sexual energy affects our mind. This is so because any type of relation goes two ways. In fact we often in relationships only see one side and we make the mistake here of only really seeing one side too, the side that the thoughts affect the sexual energy.

Both are linked and they share a similar nature, just as in the theory of yoga that if one controls the breath, one controls the mind and the sexual energy.

If our sexual energy is made to flow in our mind will then think inwardly about its own nature, about inner processes about our Being and about our psychology. Whereas, if the sexual energy is prompting to flow outward the mind will be focussed on external things, and very focused on them even to the point of obsession.

Transmutation – the Key

The key to help us tremendously is the key of transmutation, which is to make the sexual energy to flow inward and thus making our mind to focus inwardly and therefore away from the external which is lust.

We have to when we have these sexual storms and where lust takes advantage really transmute in anyway, as a married couple or as a single very intensely. Even if we are married we have to transmute by ourselves very intensely in these type of times.



Muladhara Chakra

The kundalini is located in the Muladhara chakra at the base of our spine. Kundalini is also a Sanskrit word meaning fundament or foundation. The kundalini is in fact the base of our spine. In the Muladhara chakra there is a magnetic centre called kanda or kinder or kandar. It is located in the upper part of the chakra and it has the shape of an egg, and in this egg is concentrated all the force of prana, that comes to us through the chakras. The chakras receive this energy from all that we hear, touch, smell, breathe, experience etc. and all the prana that comes through the Akash, through the ether and finally through the tattwas into the body.


In kanda arise three channels, which are ida, pingala and sushumna. These channels are called nadis, nadis is a Sanskrit word that means movement, it is actually the word nad that means movement in Sanskrit.


The nadis are fine conductors or channels through which the energy in the kanda can be released and move. These three channels meet in the form of the holy eight and where the meet they create or form the triveni. At the point at which they meet they form a chakra. They then separate and then meet again at another chakra. They are the three forces in action and they unite at a chakras and split apart again to become three independent entities and they then come back again to forma a chakra. In various books on occultism a picture of a serpent wrapped around an egg can be seen. The egg is the kanda and the serpent is the kundalini.

Three Principle Nadis

The three principle nadis are ida which has a lunar nature, pingala which has a solar nature and sushumna. The ida nadi is located on the left side and this channel is charged with the magnetic power of the earth. The pingala nadi is located on the right side of the body and is pure electricity, it is the force that comes from above. Ida polarises itself with the moon and its lunar characteristics as well as the magnetic force coming from the earth, whereas pingla is polarised with the sun and its solar type of forces.

Sushumna Channel

The sushumna channel is where the yin and the yang meet, in other words ida and pingala meet. The energy in the kanda should travel really up these three channels. When the kundalini is awakened the kanda is opened and the energy accumulated in the kanda is released into the three channels and all the 72000 nadis enter into activity. The chakras as well, all enter into activity.

Solar Bodies

This is an interesting point here that the bodies (astral, mental, causal) etc. are really crystallizations of ether and the virtues are really crystallisations of ether as well. They are the result of the two aspects of ether, ether as magnetism that ascends from below, and electricity that descends from above. When electricity and magnetism they meet they create consciousness. Just as when we ask help from the Being a force descends to us and when we make an effort the to meet him and we do, we get a result which is wisdom, experience, knowledge and light, which are all consciousness.



Sanskrit Word

Chakra is a Sanskrit word that means circle, wheel or vortex. Chakras are vortices that when they spin in a certain way they attract energy and when they spin or turn in an opposite way they expel or project energy.

Vibrations of Tattwas

The vibrations of the tattwas are attracted by the chakras, they end up being absorbed by the chakras and from the chakras they can either move to be absorbed by the essence and or by the ego. The energy of the tattwas crystallise in us in a negative way or in a positive way, of which the latter is to feed the essence so to be able to create soul, or in a negative way so to strengthen the ego. This is the way that we end up weakening the essence because the ego becomes stronger and in effect we loose our essence and therefore our soul.

Formation of Ego or Soul

What forms ego or soul in us the interchange or the interaction between the external world and the internal world, when the external world and the internal world meet then there is the creation of something and that can either be soul or ego.

Senses of the Astral Body

The chakras are the senses of the astral body, they are actually located in the astral body. These chakras attract and absorb energy and they are the senses that put us in contact with the universe. We have the seven main chakras plus many more that for example are in the palms of our hands, in the soles of our feet, in our knees, in the back of the head (back part of the cerebellum). A note here is that if we do not have the astral body we still have the chakras only that we have them in the vital body. Also the principal chakra that governs all the chakras in the body is located at the back of the head. Master Samael would constantly touch or tap that part of his head to activate that principal chakra so to keep all the other chakras constantly working.

Store Prana

The chakras attract and store within them prana. The chakras have a physical counterpart and they are the endocrine glands within us. The chakras in the astral or vital body attract and absorb prana and that stored prana, is transferred to the physical body via the physical counterpart of the body which are as we have just mentioned are the endocrine glands.


Wherever in the vital or astral body there is a chakra there is an endocrine gland in exactly the same position but in the physical body. The endocrine glands then convert this energy into hormones. Hormone is a Greek word and means the desire to be. Hormones are very important because they are the ones that make us male or female and give us the character that we have. In turn the hormones go to produce the sexual energy.


Thursday, 8 August 2013

Tattwas in Action

When the Tattwas Vibrate

Master Samael gives us a clear way of knowing when the tattwas of nature are in vibration.

"I regret to have to disagree with the opinion of the Master Huiracocha about the Tattwic day- timer. He says in his Taiiwanieicr that the five Tattwas successively vibrate for two hour periods, and that each Tattwa vibrates for 24 minutes in the following way:

1. Akasa, 2.Vayu, 3.Tejas, 4. Pritvi, 5. Apas.

Huiracocha asserts that the vibration of the Tattwas begins every day at dawn.

Yet, this is in discordance with the facts and observations. Therefore, the best Tattwic timetable is the one from Nature.

When the weather is cold, humid, rainy and the sky is cloudy with dense, large, black clouds, then this means that the cause of this is rooted in the Tattwa of the water (Apas).

When this happens, the ethereal waves of the water are submitted to a very strong cosmic vibration, which generally coincides with a position of the moon.

In the hours or days where there are hurricanes and heavy winds we can assert that the ethereal waves of the air (Vayu) are in agitation and in vibration.

The noon filled with sun clearly points to us that the ether of fire (Tejas) is intensely vibrating. Dry, sultry weather shows us the vibrations of Akasa.

The hours filled with happiness, filled with light, are produced by Pritvi.

Therefore, the best Tattwic timetable is the one from Nature. When the waves of fire are agitated, then, creation is inundated with light and heat.

If the aqueous ether is vibrating, then the waters are moving and everything becomes humid.

Nature becomes happy in its entirety when the ethereal waves of the element earth move and vibrate.”


Properties of the Tattwas


“Akash is the primary cause of all that exists. Vayu is the cause of air and of motion. Tejas is the ether of the fire which animates the flames. Prithvi is the ether of the element earth which is accumulated within the rocks. Apas is the ether of the water which enters into action before Prithvi, because before the element earth appeared, there was water.”


Is the vibration that condenses into the air element. Here is what Master Samael said about the characteristics of the Vayu tattwa.

“Everything that is velocity and motion corresponds to Vayu, the principle of air. Winds, air, aerial navigation, etc. are related to Vayu. During this period people enjoy speaking ill about their fellowmen, lying, stealing, etc. Usually, airplane accidents happen during this period. Suicides are stimulated by this Tattva. We advise you not to marry during this period because your marriage will be of a short duration. All kinds of simple and fast businesses are very good in Vayu, but businesses that are complex and of long duration result in failure. It is good to carry out intellectual works during this period. The great yogis mentally manipulate this Tattva and use it intelligently when they want to float in the air.”


Is the vibration that condenses into the fire element. Here is what Master Samael said about the characteristics of the Tejas tattwa.

“Tejas is hot because it is the etheric principle of fire. During the period in which this Tattva is active we feel more heat. You can bathe in cold water in Tejas and you will never catch a cold. Never argue with anyone in Tejas because the consequences can be serious. You should utilize the time of Tejas to work intensely. Do not marry during Tejas because you will have constant quarrels with your partner. The most terrible explosions and accidents happen in the period of the Tattva Tejas.”


Is the vibration that condenses into the water element. Here is what Master Samael said about the characteristics of the Apas tattwa.

“Apas is the principle of water and is the opposite of Tejas (fire). This Tattwa is marvelous for the purchase of merchandise. It is marvelous for business and you will be able to earn much money if you know how to take advantage of this Tattva. Buy lottery tickets in Apas; journeys by water are good in Apas. Rainfalls that begin in Apas tend to be very lengthy and heavy. The Tattva Apas works in concentrating and attracting.”


Is the vibration that condenses into the earth element. Here is what Master Samael said about the characteristics of the Prithvi tattwa.

“This is the Tattva of success in life. If you want to succeed in business, do it in Prithvi. If you want to have good health, eat and drink in Prithvi. Marriages accomplished in Prithvi are happy for life. Every party, lecture, business or appointment done in Prithvi will be a total success. Prithvi is love, charity, benevolence.”


According to master Samael Akash or Akasa is also a tattwa. He says the following regarding the properties of the Akash tattwa:

“Akash is exclusively good for meditation. We advise you to pray a lot during this time. Do not have business or love appointments during this time because you will inevitably fail. This Tattva causes us to make very serious mistakes. If you work during this period, you should then be very careful. (Artists should abstain from working in Akash). Everything that begins with Akash will fail. Akash is the Tattva of death.”


Tattwas and the Senses

Five Senses

This is what Master Samael said in relation to the tattwas and the five sense of the body.

Sound is the materialization of Akash. The sense of touch is the materialization of the Vayu Tattva. The fire and the light which we perceive through our eyes are the materialization of the Tejas Tattva. The sensation of taste is nothing more than the condensation of the Apas Tattva. The sense of smell is the materialization of the Prithvi Tattva. There exist two other Tattvas which can only be handled by the magician. These are the Adi Tattva and the Samadhi Tattva.


Tattwa, Chakras and Hormones

Tattwas Enter the Body

The tattwas enter the body, in fact master Samael says something strange, well not so strange when you think about it. He says that our vital body is really made up of tattwas, which makes sense as the tattwas are vibrations of the ether and as the vital body is ether it still has to have it parts and those parts have to have their particular vibration which are the tattwas.

The tattwas enter the chakras and then enter the glands of internal secretion, namely the endocrine glands. The tattwas in the glands intensify the work of the glands and are transformed into hormones. The tattwas don’t in fact leave the body, once they enter they stay there and they form or are transformed into genes, chromosomes and later sexual energy (spermatozoids).



Tattwas – Vibration of the Ether

Tattwa is vibration and in Sanskrit tattwa means element, indicating that the tattwas are related to the elements of nature. There are four important vibrations of the ether (tattwas) that we study and they are the vibrations that condense to become the elements of nature and also the elements of the body. They are prithvi (condenses to earth), apas (condenses to water), tejas (condenses to fire) and vayu (condenses to air).

The tattwas are the vibrations of the Ether. When the ether vibrates in certain ways (those ways are the tattwas) those vibrations become the vibrations of the elements. When the vibrations of the tattwas condense they become the four elements of nature. Please note that they are the elements of nature (air, fire, water and earth) and they are the vibrations that each of these elements have. The tattwas are the vibratory soul of those elements.

Tattwas and Our Body

So we can say so far that within the tattwas is ether and in the ether is Akash and within Akash is prana. So our body which is made up of the tattwas really comes from ether and ether comes from Akash and Akash comes from prana. So in the end our body is a condensation of modified prana, that is why our body is fed with prana. In our body we have prithvi, as our flesh and bones. In all the liquids of the body we have the tattwa apas, in our imagination and respiratory system we have vayu the tattwa of air and within our sexual energy, digestive system and blood we have tejas the tattwa of fire.

This is a very interesting point here, in that the tattwas or elements, are part of our nature and in everything that we do the elements are present. For example, when we are angry we are vibrating with the vibration that fire has, which is the tattwa called tejas. If we intensify that vibration we can end up committing some very violent acts. We have to know how to use their positive qualities to our advantage and not become a victim of them.

Several Tattwas

There are several tattwas, in fact, there are more than the four that form the four elements. There at least seven. Which makes sense, as the tattwas are vibrations of the ether and the ether may vibrate in several ways. A good question is why do only these four condense? Why not all seven? Perhaps the law of four is the answer. The law of four establishes that four is the number required to maintain and stabilize creation.

This is what Master Samael said about the other two tattwas in one of his early books – “Introduction to Gnosis”:

There are two secret Tattvas named Adi and Samadhi that vibrate during the Aurora (dawn) and are excellent for internal meditation. (Ecstasy or Samadhi is achieved with them). We will not expand on these Tattvas now because they are useful to advanced students only.”



Ether - the Fifth Element of Nature

Ether is the fifth element of nature and comes from Akash or Akasa. Ether in us is our vital body and the vital body is also our fourth dimension. As far as the elements are concerned the physical elements of nature come from the element of Ether. Ether is the soul of the four physical elements. All that is in the physical world that contains the four elements of nature came for the ether and will one day return to the ether.

Ether is a condensation of a substance called Akash. So akash is a substance, unlike prana. Ether then is a substance as well, but a very refined one at that.


Friday, 2 August 2013

Akash and Other Aspects

Akash and Ether

Blavatsky describes Akash as “the subtle, super sensuous spiritual essence which pervades all space; the primordial substance erroneously identified with Ether. But it is to Ether what Spirit is to Matter, or Atma to Kama-rupa.”

It is also known as the material element created from the astral world, it is also known as the soul of Ether which is the fifth element. After ether comes the physical elements of air, fire, water and earth. Ether in Gnosis is modified Akash. It is also known in Jainism as that which gives space. It is also known as the spirit of the four elements, whereas ether is the soul of the four elements.

Akash and Sound

An attribute of Akash is sound or Shabda in Sanskrit. As Blavatsky puts it Akash is “in fact the Universal space in which lies inherent the eternal Ideation of the Universe in its ever-changing aspects on the planes of matter and objectivity, and from which radiates the First Logos, or expressed thought. This is why it is stated in the Puranas that Akasa has but one attribute, namely sound, for sound is but the translated symbol of Logos –“Speech” in its mystic sense.”

Akash and the Memory of Nature

In Akash we can find the memory of nature as everything comes from Akash and returns to Akash and all that will happen is already present in Akash. For example, we can through the help of Akash see our future if we were to pursue a path of ethical thinking, feeling and conduct, or if we were to stray from that path. We can see both outcomes of the path we choose to follow.

In Akash are all the possibilities for the development of good or evil. Clairvoyants often have access to the world of Akash and there they can see people and nations unfolding their possibilities according to the line of conduct they are currently following.

In Akash is also our past, hence the Akashic archives of nature. Only what has made us or has been the place from where we have come, can rightfully be the one that has the memory of where we have come from, and as it is in us, only it, can have the knowledge of what we are doing and what we will become. When we think of who that could be that has those qualities, we can only think of one Being, our interior Divine Mother.

Ether becomes Akash and our Ether is our vital body and the vital body is the really the seat or foundation of our physical body. If there is no vital body there can be no life in the physical body. We allow know in Gnosis that the Divine Mother is the one that has created our body and only she can do that because she is Akash and Akash become Ether which is our vital body.

Akash and Kundalini

Akash within us is the kundalini which is coiled around the base of the spinal column three and a half times. Akash is fire, the fire of the Divine Mother. So through the kundalini we can know what Akash is.

As in Akash there is the memory of nature and the future possibilities of nature, so to in our Divine Mother is our past of who and what we were and in her are also our future possibilities of what we can be.

Our Divine Mother is the root of our bones, flesh, organs, cells and vital body and she is the root of everything in us. So she has the authentic right to know everything about us, everything that we were and can be.

As Akash our Divine Mother is in our Muladhara chakra. She can convert herself also into the ether and become our etheric or vital body which the seat of our physical body. That is why it is our Divine Mother that is the one that has created us.

The Divine Mother really has to be Akash because being Akash she has the power to create and to destroy. As we know that the Divine Mother has that power of dissolution or death as well. That is the power of Akash and she has that power. That is why she is the one who can destroy the ego, the sexual force is like that also and in general whatever has the power to create also has the power to destroy or dissolve.



Akasha, Akasa or Akaza

Akash also known as Akasha, Akasa or Akaza, is a Sanskrit term meaning space or ether. In Hinduism Akash is considered to be the essence of all material things. In Gnosis Akash is also known as Mulaprakriti the Cosmic Mother. It is also known as a substance that originates from prana, where prana as we have mentioned earlier is not a substance but an energy and so Akash is similar to a very very refined condensation of energy. Akash is of a much denser vibration than that of prana and as Akash condenses, that is its vibration becomes slower it becomes what is known as ether.

Everything Comes from Akash

They say that everything comes out of Akash, everything returns to Akash, Akash is like a great chaos, like a great womb from where life surges. Akash has also been called an ocean of fire. So then Akash is also fire.

Akash – Behind Ether

In relation to the way Akash unfolds into creation Master Samael said the following: “The whole universe is elaborated upon with the ethereal matter “Akash” (this word is used by the Hindus). The ether disarranges itself into seven different modalities. When these modalities condense, then they give origin to all that is created.”. It is interesting to see the action of the law of seven, the law of seven works upon Akash organsing its fundamental modalities into seven types.

Master Samael says the following about Akash, “Akasa is the igneous radiation of primordial matter. Akasa is contained within the semen. The alchemists say that the water is the dwelling of the fire. Akasa is the Hindustani Kundalini.

In the book of genesis from all religious literature, the waters represent the primordial matter. The protoplasm of every nebula was first etheric. If we look further, we have to accept that behind every effect there exists a cause. Ether itself has to have a cause. We have learned from the yogis of Hindustan that behind the Ether is the Akasa. The oriental sages say that Akasa is a sea of fire. The said super-astral fire is contained within the Ens Seminis (the Mulaprakriti of the sages of India).”.

Master Samael says that “Akash is the substance that is the first radiation of the root Mulaprakriti, or insipid and undifferentiated primordial matter, known among the Alchemists as ens seminis (the entity of the semen).”.

Master Samael also says that: “The Ens Seminis is the seed atom of all known matter. Akasa is primordial sound. Akasa is super-astral fire. Sound is condensed through the mediation of Akasa. The serpent of Kundalini is fire and is sound. No one could incarnate the Word without previously raising the sacred serpent. Without Akasa it is impossible to fix and crystallize sound.”.



A Science

Is the science of being able to access the pranic field or body so to be able attain control over the mind and balance the body so that the mind-body complex could be capable of experiencing higher states of consciousness. The breath is used to achieve this.

Pranayama is the means by which we can become aware of prana in the body. Pranayama is the practical aspect of this teaching.

An important note about prana yama is that it won’t wake up the kundalini but it will clean and clear all the nadis in the body. It will also more importantly transmute the sexual energy, which in plain language means to free the prana that is in the sexual energy and move or channel the released prana (energy) into other parts of the body, principally the brain and the heart, where this energy can impregnate our consciousness making it more lucid and awake.
