Sunday, 29 December 2013

Selfishness – One of Its Functions & Pleasures


Selfishness is really a multi-faceted defect, and so this blog post is only going to concentrate on one of its facets, and this facet centres around one observation and this observation is that selfishness tends to increase when some hardship with other people is experienced.


This is quite easy to answer because selfishness is a mechanism of self-protection. It knows that being alone we are safe and no one can hurt us. Being with others we know that the danger is there, that we could get hurt once again while being in the presence of others, so naturally and logically we seek isolation.

Selfishness then is a mechanism of compensation, it promises pleasure, projecting ideas of us being alone doing something that we can only really do alone and of course we are there enjoying it immensely. We project ideas of going for a long walk along the beach, reading as much as we like, meditating somewhere peaceful, watching movies, etc. etc.

Animal in Nature

Well true many animals exhibit this kind of behaviour when they are hurt they isolate themselves until they are better, they do it as a means of self-protection.


The pleasure aspect of selfishness is the big part. If there were no selfishness involved then there would be no selfish behaviour. The main reason why we obey the ideas and projections of selfishness is because it promises us immense pleasure and enjoyment.


We may revel in the pleasure of selfishness but from experience that pleasure soon turns bitter because it may not be something we deserve and we end up hurting others or neglecting that which should not be neglected. We usually go out of balance when we dive into the pleasure of selfishness and being out of balance of brings pain in the moments when we have to regain our balance. Think about it and try it out for yourself, see if it is true in your experience.


Guru & Disciple Link

An Esoteric Link

A very powerful and important link exists between the Guru and the disciple. This link as we have described in previous posts is of an esoteric type that certainly has very profound psychological and physical consequences.

Between the Disciple & the Guru are the Monads

We often when contemplating this link that exists see it has a link between two human beings only, but there is more to it than that. It really goes beyond the human realm. Such a link exists so that the essence of the disciple can be guided back to its Monad via the guidance, advice, support, teaching and help of the Guru. Really he Guru is serving the Monad of the disciple, and in many ways the Monad surrenders His essence and realization into the hands of the Guru.

We commonly think that the link is just between the disciple or student to the personality of the Guru but that is not it, it is a link between the disciple and the Monad of the Guru. So Master Samael said that he was the Guru of the Gnostic People that then means that all the Gnostic students are linked to the Samael the Being, the Logos, the regent or Genie of the planet Mars.

The above is a very important point, because we have some annoyance with the human personality of the Guru we can abandon the Guru or develop a very disrespectful attitude toward the Guru.

Too Far from the Guru is Dangerous

The closer we are to the Guru the better because it will allow us the help that we need. The further that we are from the Guru more danger we are in, because the Guru guides us along the correct path, and as we are just walking the path and have not finished walking the path we can easily make mistakes, especially when we become too proud, independent and trusting in ourselves.

Worst Thing that can Happen

The worst thing that can happen to a disciple that as he or she advances he or she become a power to themselves and forget their Being and their Guru and fall into rebellious ness then lamentably and regrettably the fall will come.

The Being or the Essence Can Make Pacts with the Law

It can happen that in a previous life before the tribunal of the Divine Law there in the internal worlds our Monad or Divine Mother could have made a pact or agreement with the Judges of the Divine Law to bring the essence to the path (work on oneself) and then the Being and the Divine Mother work tirelessly to bring the essence to the work so to correct, through the awakening of consciousness all the errors of the essence.

The essence may not be aware of such links or commitments existing in the internals worlds and may even feel the urgency and impulse to work or change but doesn’t, this is what is a serious matter and a precarious one at that too, because if the essence does not fulfil it end of the pact, the Divine Law will send that essence pain so to look for the awakening of consciousness and so correct its errors.


Thursday, 26 December 2013

Getting Practical When it Comes to Links

Foundation of All Links

All the links or connections that we have, have as their foundation psychological elements. Even the esoteric links have a psychological foundation or element to them, and this is the point of departure, in other words the point from where we can begin to work in order to create, strengthen and or dissolve links if necessary.

One of the main elements of a link is trust. We trust that this link will server us well and bring us some benefit. In every link accompanying it in our psychology is some kind of need, some kind of benefit and some kind of an alignment with a common purpose.

How to Create a Link with the Masters of the White Lodge

The best links to create as I have mentioned earlier, are those with the Masters of the White Lodge. They are the links that protect, guide and in general help us the most, spiritually.

So when it comes to creating a link with them the best way to do it is show your interest in them by invoking them and by winning their trust so that they can easily and happily deposit their help, faith and trust in us.

Win the Trust of the White Lodge or Masters

What is the best way to win the trust of the masters of the white lodge, I think that it is to be honest in all the senses. That is to work honestly hard in establishing the ethical principles of the psychological and esoteric work within ourselves.

In doing this we have to start with men first. Seek pardon with men first then with the Gods. Or rather win the trust of men first then win the trust of the Gods. This is the natural order of things here in the cosmos, the awakening of the consciousness begins here first then extends to the internal or superior worlds.

Behave, think and feel in such a way that our fellow human beings can trust us. The essential point in this is that we do what we say.

Once we are trustworthy we have to fulfil everything related to what we are asking the Masters of the White Lodge for. If we are asking for force we should apply force in our life, that is try very hard to not to be overcome by this and that weaknesses that we have.

How to Create a Link

The first way to create a link is to begin to study with the aim of getting to know well what we are going to link ourselves with. The next thing would be to invoke the and bring into our lives the Master, the Angle, the person, the object that we are going to create a link with. The final step is to enter into some sort of an agreement and then the link is formed. The agreement takes us to a certain object.

These three steps work in in any field of life and can result in a long lasting link to be formed or can only last in a link of a few hours being formed, such as when we buy a car, our link with the salesperson finishes when we drive the car out of sales yard.

Obviously when we swear an oath or make a commitment we form a formal link and we really ought to be conscious of this because this link could, and usually at certain moments of our life, just depending on the nature of the link, will have a direct impact on our life. In the esoteric sense a ceremony and an oath or a commitment is want really creates the link.

Some links are sealed and made magically and these are the by far the strongest types of links that defy time.


We have to be aware of the links that we create, because they could be very inconvenient or convenient for our path later on in life. The best way to create a link with the White Lodge and its Masters, is to become trustworthy in the work on ourselves.

We also need to maintain our links by feeding them. 

Links can also be broken, to break a link requires some very strong declarations of independence and the way to complete it is go any do something that is against the nature of the link. For example, if the link is a spiritual one then if something opposite to the nature of the link is carried out, such as something inappropriate and perhaps drastic.

If the link is based in something egoic then we can remove it by working on the ego that keeps that link alive.


Monday, 23 December 2013

Transmutation – Why & How - (93)


There is something called the Parlock duty of the Being. It is essentially the cosmic duty or task assigned to each one of our particular Monads or Divine Beings. 

The Parlock duty of the Being can be summarised as being the task of our particular Being to realise himself. It is a cosmic duty that is the will of the Absolute and it is also one that has extraordinary and serious human ramifications.

The major part of the Parlock duty resides in the transmutation of the sexual or creative energy. The transmutation of the energy is an act of inner creation. The energy that we transform goes into our interior universe to create, principally to create the superior existential bodies of the Being. That is the astral, mental and causal bodies.

With these bodies created, and later purified and made into gold by the transmutation of the sexual energy the Being inside of us has completed His creation or the creation of our inner universe. This we say in Gnosis would be utterly impossible if we as human beings were to not transmute our raw sexual energies.


Concentrate on the breath, remember your understanding that the sexual energy is something from the Being, it is life, and it is for the person seeking his or her Divine Being, the path or the way back to them.

Breathe in deeply, imagine consciously and voluntarily the sexual energy ascending up the spine and into the brain. With your exhalation imagine and feel that the transmuted energy descends into the heart.
You can combine this breathing and imagination practice using anyone of the mantras given below, while transmuting alone or in the practice of Alchemy with your spouse.


ŸMore prana, Ÿmore vitality, Ÿmore clarity of consciousness, Ÿawakening of the kundalini, Ÿawakening of the chakras, Ÿcreation of the bodies, Ÿcreation of the golden embryo, Ÿillumination of the brain, Ÿdissolution of the ego, Ÿfulfilment of the Parlock duty of the Being, Ÿwashing away of the karma and Ÿmany more such as intelligence and some powers and faculties.


HAM-SAH                                             Ham-Sah bird, the Third Logos.
IAO                                                         Ignis Aquis Origo
DI-ON-IS-IO                                          Transmutation of the sexual energy
O-AO-KAKOF-NAKONSA                 Divine Mother and transmutation
INRI                                                        Ignis Natura Renovatur    Integra


Is a higher octave of the transmutation of the sexual energy and it is really the goal. It is to the hand over our transmuted sexual energy to our Being.  This is done by concentrating exclusively on our inner Being or Divine Mother and praying while transmuting or chanting a mantra of transmutation or a mantra that invokes the Being or the Divine Mother, such as: RAM-IO, SOLU SIGI SIG, OAO KAKOF NAKONSA, TUM, OMNIS JAUM INTIMO etc.


The human being left Eden via the door of sex and the way back to Eden is through this same door of sex.

End (93).