Monday, 18 May 2015

A Benefit of Astral Unfolding - (410)


Astral unfolding is a marvellous way for us to know ourselves beyond the body.

Know the Soul and Diminish the Fear of Death

It actually helps us to come to come to know the soul. For us to know what is beyond matter, with the astral we come to defeat the fear of death and know what is beyond the body and death of it.

An Astral Body

We need an astral body to be cohesive in the astral; otherwise we go as essence and as psyche. Because our psyche is very disorganised here in the physical world we are very disorganised in the astral and because of the special property of the Astral hat what we project becomes our reality we dream and see and experience things that are not real are chaotic.


Our awakening in the astral starts here by awakening in the physical and organising our psyche here.
The astral allows us to see ourselves esoterically, to know what affinities we have, who is linked to us in the good and in the bad, to see our past personalities, to see deceased ones and to see spirits who are attracted to us. All of these things we can not see about ourselves here I the physical world.
We go every night to the astral and it is the most common paranormal phenomena reported today actually in the world. In many ways it is not so “out of this world”, it is very much a part of life.

End (410).

Rejection has a Very Positive Side - (409)


When you think about it rejection has so many positive things about it. I’ve listed them all below.

Positives of Rejection List

  • It is a clear and definite answer to our question or proposal.
  • It takes us back to ourselves.
  • It opens us up to the new. It takes us to the next choice, or next alternative or next stage or part of our endeavours.
  • It takes us the work on ourselves.
  • It takes to us re encounter ourselves where we had forgotten ourselves completely perhaps.
  • It takes us to re-evaluate our situation so that we can start again and improve and do it better.
  • It makes us to think of a new solution or alternative.
  • It makes to become creative, to draw upon our innovation, imagination and resourcefulness.
  • It takes us to teach ourselves new skills and strengths.
  • It takes us one step closer to the right solution or right situation, or person for us.
  • It takes us to improvement.
  • It wakes us up.
  • It takes us to acceptance and reality.
  • It takes us to love when we overcome the pain of it.


If we see and understand all these positive points about rejection we can change our attitude towards it and feel different the next time we are rejected. It is worth the effort. After all everything has two sides.

End (409).

We Are Alone Anyway - (408)

Introduction - Rejection

Rejection has to happen, after being rejected we are alone and we are alone in so many ways anyway before that.

Alone in Many ways

Before the Law, before the Being, before our health, before our body, before our work, before our own psychology and emotions, before our own responsibilities towards others, family, friends and co-workers etc. we are alone.

Before God, before the Masters, before the truth, before death we are alone. We are born alone and die alone. Before the Absolute we are alone but once inside the Absolute that is a different story. We are one with all and everything and everyone.

Expect to be Rejected

How can we not be rejected if the other person has the elements inside of him or her to do it. How can someone not get angry with us if they have anger, how can someone not disrespect us if they have pride. We can only expect such things as peace, acceptance, love etc. all the time if the people that we want them from are awakened or have the Being or are without ego or have a tremendous love for love for us.


If we are rejected accept it as it should happen or had to happen and just wait for it to pass. Getting rejected breaks the illusion that we create that we are not alone, but in reality we are alone anyway in so many things, so rejection just brings us back to ourselves and back to that truth. If we are comfortable with ourselves, our essence and our Being, we will be ok to be alone with ourselves.

End (408).

Intimate Christ and the Cosmic Christ - (407)


Are they related? Is the Intimate Christ of each individual related to the Common Cosmic Christ of all of us?

The Cosmic is the Sum of all the Intimates

I have heard from my teacher that the Cosmic Christ, the Great Second Logos of the Universe or the Absolute is the sum of all the Intimate Christs in creation. Our Intimate Christ is in Him and has come from Him and will give Him all the knowledge, experience and wisdom that He (the Intimate Christ) acquires through our work and future work.

So all the wisdom of the all the Masters who have ever live is in Him. All the Love of all the masters who live and have lived on Earth and the other planets is in Him.


The Cosmic Christ is the sum of all the individual intimate Christs and the wisdom and knowledge of the Cosmic Christ is the sum of the all the wisdom, knowledge, consciousness and experience of all the Intimate Christs.

That is why no one person or being can know more than the Cosmic Christ and that is why He is the Instructor of the World or Worlds. That is also why He can redeem us because He has the knowledge of all the defects that the Intimate Christs of the people who live and have lived have dissolved.

End (407).

Transmute Sexual Energy with Will - (406)


The sexual energy can at one stage quite advantageously transmuted with will and a certain degree of internal determination.


The key is to not give over the control of your sexual energy to your false enthusiasms or fascinations or identifications.

Will and Determination

Transmute with much will and determination, where one wills the energy to be subtracted from the sexual organs and rise as energy up the spinal column and into the brain - with one being determined to see one’s own energy rising up one’s spine into the brain, thus having control over one’s own energy and possessing it for one’s Being.

To the Being or Inner Divinity

Giving the transmuted energy to one’s own Being is really the best destination for our sexual energy. Any other destination is certainly of no help to us or our internal Divinity and in most other cases a real waste.


Transmuting with will and determination allows us to really transmute in any way that we can, i.e. single or married and avoids a person from fruitlessly giving their energy or even transmuted energy over to fantasy, false passions or mental images, only for those mental images, fantasies and passions to only get stronger and for us to be more under their grip.

End (406).

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

What is the Kundabuffer or Kundartiguador? - (405)


Gurdjieff and Master Samael spoke much about the Kundabuffer organ and a lot of what Master Samael said is pretty clear. This post is just about going over some of what he said.

In the Quinto Evangelio, Master Samael also revealed many more details which do not appear in his books.

Note, the Qunito Evangelio is a two tome compilation of transcriptions of many recordings of informal talks that Master Samael had with his students.

English and Spanish Terms

There are these two terms Kundartiguador and Kundabuffer which refer to the same thing. Kundartiguador is Spanish and Kundabuffer is English.

I believe it was Gurdjieff who first introduced these terms in his book “Beelzebub’s Tales to his Grandson”. I believe “Beelzebub’s Tales to his Grandson” was not originally written in ether Spanish or English. So these terms Kundartiguador and Kundabuffer are translations where the word “Kunda” could not be translated and the ending "buffer" could be.

These two terms are equivalent, both contain “Kunda” at the beginning and both after the initial “Kunda” contain words which mean buffer. Amortiguador is the Spanish word for buffer. The English term Kundabuffer is more complete, it appears as though the Spanish term has been modified slightly to sound better.

According to Gurdjieff the organ which he called Kundabuffer was originally named that and he does not give any origin to the word “Kunda”. He does however, as does Master Samael explain the origin of the word “Kundalini”. Where the word "Kundalini" is of Atlantean origin and means the end of the Kundabuffer. Master Samael says "lini" means end of.

If you do a bit of searching on the internet you will see that “Kunda” means a cavity or deep pit or “Kundal” being that which is coiled. All of these meanings point to the coccyx.

So What is it?

The kundabuffer in us, the human being was a physical organ in very ancient and remote times but now is only a bony appendage seen at the end of our coccyx. However the effects or consequences of having that organ are still with us, residing in our psyche.

We don’t have it physically but psychically or psychologically yes. Furthermore, it can be developed unfortunately with certain practices, and that is something that we are certainly not interested in doing, as strengthening the kundabuffer never brings anything good, it only deepens the sleep of the consciousness and increases one's sufferings.

What Does it Do?

In the human being it acts upon our psyche hypnotising us, making us to believe the arguments from the ego that are not true, or at best half-true.

It also participates in the creation of psychological “I’s” and it is the element in us that produces fantasy and allows us to continue with fantasy and keep believing in, as if they were real, our unrealistic and untrue imaginings. In other words it hypnotises us lulling us to sleep, causing our consciousness, which is the only element in us that can perceive reality, to sleep and sleep deeply.

To be hypnotised is essentially to believe in what is not true!

Buffers our Psyche from Reality

Gurdjief named it the "kundabuffer" because it acts to buffer our psyche from reality. Buffers in the physical world always soften impacts or collisions between two bodies or objects, and so the kundabuffer does exactly that in our psyche. It softens the shocks that we can receive in our psyche from reality. This is because with these shocks that we get from reality we can awaken consciousness and keep our consciousness awakened. this was the original purpose of the kundabuffer, to make the very ancient human beings to become fascinated with life on Earth and therefore become good citizens.

Master Samael says that when a person tries to awaken and is starting to awaken, nature uses her most powerful weapon to hinder that person's efforts and that weapon is fantasy. Fantasy is nothing other than believing in the untrue, when we believe in the untrue our consciousnesses is lulled to sleep.

Hypnotic Grip

The kundabuffer is also psychologically multiplied in the sense that every ego that we have, has a kundabuffer. The kundabuffer or tail of every ego is the hypnotic grip that that ego has over our consciousness. The hypnotic grip is the force of the ego, where we know that the ego is wrong yet we still want to go through with it. The hypnotic grip makes us to do the things that we don't really want to do.

In oneiric experiences with the egos we can see that they have a tail, and the tail is nothing other than this hypnotic grip or a representation of the power of the kundabuffer that this ego has in it.

How do we Get Rid of It?

We get rid of the consequences of the Kundabuffer in our psyche by awakening and developing the Kundalini, which is, as the word describes: "the end of the Kundabuffer organ", and dissolving the psychological “I”.


Many avatars and great masters have come to help humanity to liberate it from the consequences of the Kundabuffer organ. Master Samael has come again and with the three factors (dissolution of the psychological ‘I’, transmutation of the sexual energy and the sacrifice for humanity) we can definitely remove ourselves from under the grasp and shadow of the hypnotising consequence of the Kundabuffer organ.

End (405).

Thursday, 7 May 2015

Lust Separates the Centres - (404)


Lust is the separation of the centres and the separation from the Being. It is to separate sex from the rest of us.

Reason for Violence

The separation that lust produces and the disconnection from benefiting of the whole is what sows the seed for violence in the human being. That is why of the violence in sex and outside of sex against others. The very lustful person is also a very angry person.

Solution – Transmutation - Unity

Transmutation is an agent of unity because it is a moral and unifying spiritual pleasure and it is healthy - helping the body and all the body’s centres by providing them with energy. Lust is the pleasure of one centre that leads it to deplete itself. Lust really does not make much sense.


Lust in the sexual centre acts as a runaway train, crashing and creating disaster and inevitably colliding with everything in our life, eventually taking our life into turmoil. It collides with aspects of our life but transmutation does not do that at all.

End (404).

Why Gnostic Retreats can be Difficult - (403)

Opening Statement

No Gnostic retreat is awful, it is only our own experience of them or rather our own interior state during the retreat that can be what we may call awful. This post offers an explanation as to why this can happen, that is our interior during a Gnostic retreat be disagreeable.

One Reason

Gnostic retreats can be awful because we have something within ourselves that is against the work, and because of that, we fear seeing all our Gnostic brothers and sisters working on themselves and progressing and a part of our psychology dislikes that.


It is easy to resolve this situation or interior state, just get stuck into your own work and when you are deep into it, you will like your work, you will feel that you are working and you will change your attitude and look forward to the retreat to sharing what you have learnt with others, and you will listen intently to others for anything that they that may help you to improve our work.

End (403).

Lust is the Search for Pleasure without Consultation to the Whole - (402)


There are many definitions that we could give to lust, and as one’s level of understanding grows so too does this definition. Anyhow at the moment I have this definition of lust to forward in this post.


Lust is the search for pleasure of the sexual centre without consultation of or to the whole. What this really means is that lust is the psychological process or processes where a decision is made to procure the circumstances where the sexual centre can act in such a way that it experiences sensations that fuel a desire to experience more sensations until the sexual centre’s capacity to continue experiencing sensations is overwhelmed.

Sexual Centre Acting by Itself

In lust the sexual centre is set up to act all by itself. In the case of lust the sexual centre is the centre leading or driving the situation. It is after the stimulus to produce sensations. It is of course an absurd situation because the sexual centre is devoid of vision, the sexual centre is an energy source. The intellectual centre has vision not the sexual centre.

The situation with the sexual centre leading is creates a war or a division inside of ourselves because our emotion and intellect may not agree with it and what it is propelling us towards and so we become divided.

Battle is Lost or Won

The other centres in us lose the battle to the sexual centre when the consciousness is focussed only on the pleasure then the centres polarise with the goal of the sexual centre and then the battle is lost. The other centres should really focus on the reality of what will happen.

Sexual Centre must Work but in Accordance with the Whole

The sexual centre in us must work. It must work otherwise it atrophies and we waste such a marvellous instrument. But the way it must work just as everything else must work is in harmony with the rest of ourselves. It must work in such a way that it does not create a war inside of ourselves.


Conclusion - Transmuting is the Key

To transmute is the key. That is the use of the sexual centre that does not create war inside of ourselves. The sexual centre works under the vision and guidance of the intellect and under the inspiration and motivation of the emotional centre. While transmuting one transforms the raw sexual energy into something else that enhances the body, the mind, the soul and the spirit.

End (402).

Redeeming the Functions of the Being - (400)

Right and Wrong

When the function of the Being is redeemed He, the Being learns what is wrong and what is right. With this knowledge He can then execute that function correctly, and when that happens the ego’s role is over.


The hard part is getting to that stage, understanding that the ego has a function and understanding the right and the wrong and then anchoring one in the right through deep comprehension. This does take time and involves knowing very well the wrong functioning and more importantly knowing with our consciousness that it is wrong.

Comprehension is Action

We know that something is wrong when we stop the wrong in action and do the right in action.


When this understanding is arrived at the ego loses much force. This is because the ego is the wrong functioning of the Being. Repentance is really a deeper understanding or a deeper level of comprehension and it incorporates both right and wrong and the knowledge of both and ultimately it is giving up the wrong functioning for the right one. It is in-depth conscious acknowledgement of the wrong functioning.


We need in depth comprehension of right and wrong to be able to repent and when we act out the right and see and understand its benefits we are able to repent and give up the wrong functioning. It so happens that the right functioning is really the free functioning in the Being, which is beyond relativity and duality.

End (400).

When Passing a Temptation you are Rewarded - (401)


We think while being tempted in the difficult battle that we will lose out on something. Is that true though?

Rewarded You Will

The truth from experience is that we are rewarded or compensated. Just wait for it and it will arrive always. Usually through the same element or similar that the temptation was related to.


Just remind yourself of this when in the difficult battle that you will not lose out, you will be rewarded in a better, more sublime and beautiful way.

End (401).

Seeing the Ego Right or Enjoyable Means Comprehension is Lacking - (399)

A Help

When I find it really difficult to weaken or comprehend an ego I remember this: “The stronger an ego the more it takes to comprehend it”. So then I relax and keep working on it, feeling very hopeful that I will crack it soon. The more I work the closer I get and the more you work the closer you get.

When It Seems Right

When I am struggling with the hypnotic grip of an ego where it seems so right and I feel enslaved and compelled to do want it wants I remember this: “If we still enjoy or see the ego right, it is because of a lack of comprehension”.

This gives me tremendous hope because it means that if I keep working I will come to understand it and separate it and see it totally differently and start to get free from it.


Hope and perseverance summarise this post. The answer is to know that work and comprehension is the answer, have hope in that comprehension will deliver the answer and be perseverant to arrive at the answer.

End (399).

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Logic of Pleasure - (398)

One Sided or Unilateral

It is very one sided. It is the gratification of the senses without respect or concern for other factors. It also is only concerned with the moment; never does it see the future or the past.

Senses and Psychology

It is about just pleasing the senses and the psychology related to the senses. It is not of the Being or of the eternal. It is basically of the body and mind.

100% Selfish

The logic of pleasure is 100% selfish. That is why when the logic of pleasure operates it hurts others and other things.


The logic of pleasure does not consult ever, any other factor only the desire and senses in question. If we consult the whole, that is the other aspects of our life and body and mind and essence or spirituality we open a door for ourselves to be able to defeat it.

End (398).

Creation is for the Monads - (397)

Imbalance Initiated Creation

Master Samael says that what initiated creation was an imbalance amongst the three Gunas and an imbalance within the Monads residing in the Absolute.

So the Monads initiated creation basically for them to pay their karmic debts from previous cosmic days and for them to correct the imbalances within them that caused their exit from the Absolute.

Because the Monads initiated creation, creation is basically for them.

Monads to Self-Realise

When a Monad self-realises it restores balance within and without in a small way within creation and within the Absolute. Also each time a Monad self-realises it enhances the wisdom,, knowledge, experience and self-realisation of the Absolute.

So really creation is for the Monads which are in human beings, and which are also in plants, animals and minerals that later on will be human beings.


The human being is very important actually. In the human being is the state in which the Monad can become a God or a self-realised being. The three brains make this possible and no God has become a God without being a human being and having struggled to get its self-realisation as a God.

The planets, galaxies and solar systems are houses for the many Monads self-realised or unrealised in the process of self-realisation.

End (397).

Who or What in the Cosmos is the Most Important? - (396)


Who or what is more important in the cosmos? Is it animals, plants, planets, galaxies, stars, moons, suns or human beings?

Possible Answer

Initially we may think it has to be suns, planets and galaxies. Of course this is quite true. But perhaps a truer or more to the point answer could be human beings.


I have never heard of plants, animals or minerals reaching the self-realization. Neither actually have I heard about planets, suns or galaxies reaching the self-realisation. It seems that only human beings are the ones that can reach the realisation.

So from the point of view of creation, as creation is there for the Monads to pay their karma and get their realisation then human beings are the most important because through the state of a three-brained being (human being) the Monads pay their karma and achieve their self-realisation.


Maybe the important thing in creation and the cosmos are human beings. And the planets and the Galaxies are houses for human beings to live upon to reach self-realisation.

End (396).

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Earth’s Karma is as Humanity is - (395)


This post follows on from previous posts, expressly the posts which established that humanity is a very important organ of the Earth. This post essentially says that because humanity is part of the Earth the karma of humanity is also the karma of the Earth.

State of Humanity

We all know that the state of humanity is not at all good. There are so many problems and difficulties that if were different in our nature and psychology these problems, conflicts, struggles, difficulties would be greatly diminished or even non-existent.

Because we are like this in our nature, with greed, violence, lust, pride etc. we actually destroy other human beings and parts of the planet.

Organs of the Earth Fighting Each Other

Because humanity is harming the Earth with mining and deforestation etc. and harming harming itself with wars and conflicts it is very similar to the situation of a body’s organ attacking itself and attacking other organs in the same body.

It is like the earth is destroying itself from inside itself. This situation is very similar to cancer in the human body.

Humanity is like a Cancer for the Earth

Because of the current state of the humanity’s psychology we are like a cancer for the Earth. Because of our psychology we go about harming and destroying each other, plants, animals and minerals. Just as cancer does.

So is it Earth’s fault that we are like this or is it our fault? Because when we get cancer as a human being it is due to something, which at times can be our own fault.


This post has a very tricky message in it. Either we humanity are like the way we are due to the karma of the Earth and we are innocent or it is due to our – humanity’s previous errors. Maybe the truth is that it is both, some of it is due to the previous errors of a very remotely ancient humanity and some if it is due to karmic debts of the consciousness or intelligence that is now in the Earth.

End (395).

Monday, 4 May 2015

Humanity is an Organ of the Planet - (394)


We most certainly believe that we human beings have life, we may even believe that we have a soul and a spirit as well. When it comes to animals and plants we see that they have life but we consider them as an inferior form of life or a form of life that is without soul or spirit. Besides the latter point in general we still seem to have some respect overall for plants and animals and do consider them as having life. However, when it comes to the Earth, our planet we seem not to be so convinced that the Earth is a living and breathing organism. Maybe that is why we in general are so willing to exploit it rather than protect it.

Maybe we see the Earth that way because it is doesn’t talk to us or because it is so much larger than we and we can hug it and put it into our arms and examine all of it or maybe it is just because we are so self-centred and we see ourselves as the only ones that have real life and anything else is there for our purposes.

The Earth has Life

The Earth sustains life, gives life and therefore has to have life. How can anything dead give warmth, move, provide a dynamic environment where many different forces are at play and intelligently interact in such so as to not create disharmony. Imagine that the Earth’s intelligence as a living being is expressed in the balance of all its thousands of natural processes.

If we are to see the Earth as an organism and not as something dead that has come to be this marvellous human life sustainer as the result of billions of years of trial and error then our understanding about the Earth and ourselves has the chance to be greatly deepened.

The Earth is a product of the cosmos and therefore is sustained and nourished by the cosmos. We will speak more about that later, but for now let’s see the Earth as a living organism, with all its parts and organs. That great maximum “As above so below” makes so much sense here, because we have organs it must have come from the same design as above, which is the planet. So the planet must have its organs as well.

The Plants and Animals

The Earth has several organs, one of them all serving very specific and immutable expressions can be seen in the oceans, rivers, mountains and also in the mineral kingdom and in the planet, animal and human beings.

The Atmosphere is an Organ

Even the atmosphere is a something of a “Sheath organ”, which means that the atmosphere is the one that receives the cosmic influences from above and then transforms and passes them downward to be absorbed by the Earth in a much more palatable form.

Human Beings the Most Important Organ

Human Beings are by far the most important organ that the planet Earth has, because human beings are the only organism that can receive the three primary forces of the cosmos. This is because human beings have the three brains, which are among other things receptacles for receiving cosmic forces. The plants and animals only receive two or only one of the primary force of the cosmos.

When the human being through its three brains receives the three cosmic primary forces the human organism processes and transforms these forces and then later unconsciously and automatically transmits them to the Earth, nourishing it. This makes the nourishment that the Earth receives from human beings far superior than the nourishment received from plants and animals, i.e. two and one brained creatures.


The planet Earth is a great and powerful living creature that like us has organs, intelligence, consciousness, matter and spirit. We human beings are its most important organ. The forests, the rivers, the oceans, the mountains, the various animal species, the rocks, minerals and metals are also organs, nerves, capillaries, veins etc. of the physical body of the planetary organism of our great Mother Earth.

End (394).

Friday, 1 May 2015

Sexual Centre an Instrument of the Being - (393)

Esoteric Understanding

This post is about an esoteric insight. I think all esoteric knowledge when comprehended with our consciousness can have the power within us to put the ego aside.

From an esoteric point of view our body and our centres belong to our Being, because with them and through them He completes his work of realising Himself. So most certainly, the sexual centre is His most precious and powerful instrument for His realization.

How Much?

The thing is, how much do we understand that? How much do we in our mind, heart and sexual centre understand that? How much do we live that out?

Maybe we are just starting and that is good, because when we do it, we arrive at peace and lust suffers a considerable defeat or weakening at least.

Implications of the Sexual Centre Belonging to the Being

The sexual centre belongs to our Being. So what we need is not necessarily what He needs.
If we surrender our sexual centre to our Being let Him decide what He needs and when, let us not decide for ourselves and act falsely and ruin His plans. It is His and He knows best about what to do with it.


If we don’t have something it is because we don’t need it. The Being is moving all these things for us. We have to trust in the Being. That puts us at peace, trust in Him and let Him work for us and when He gives the signal cooperate with Him.

End (393).