Thursday, 29 November 2018

Compelling Power of the Law - (2711)

The destiny or karma of a person is paid and arranged beforehand by the activation of a compelling force or compulsion.

People are compelled by the Law to act and fulfil recurrences and pay their very own karmic debts.

As we awaken we push our karma back. With awakening we can chose to not obey the compulsions of our mechanical destiny that lead us to pay our karmic debts.

End (2711).

Power Over Destiny - (2710)

The power over destiny is won by first creating a parallel destiny. 

This parallel destiny is created with the psychological and esoteric work, as well as the path.

This parallel destiny, when it reaches the causal world or the world of Tiphereth, can have power over karma.

If we don't create that parallel destiny by working on ourselves and establishing a line of development we can not overcome our mechanical destiny.

Unfortunately mechanical life does not create this parallel line of destiny. It instead takes us to fulfill our mechanical destiny, which in the cruel reality of the facts is to comply with certain pre-determined recurrences, karmic debts and the death already written down in the book of life for us to fulfill.

End (2710).

Laconic Action of the Inner Being - (2709)

Our actions must be laconic to carry out the laconic action of the Being.

To be laconic is conventionally known as to be precise and concise.

Master Samael defines it as to not expect a reward for our actions.

To expect merits or rewards for our works is to fall into relativity.

The laconic action Being is epigenesis.

It is done without any preconditioning and does not create conditioning for the future.

It is an action that is by the Being, that strengthens the Being. That exercises the qualities of the Being. It is like the essence acts with its own qualities so to strengthen, to be itself.

To be treated harshly and unfairly and remain sweet and calm is the laconic action of the Being in motion.

The laconic action in this case is to hold and protect the quality and of sweetness of the essence.
superior value is to maintain the integrity of the essence.

End (2709).

Wednesday, 28 November 2018

Crime, Organised Crime and the Black Lodge - (2708)

Ghastly Title

You may be thinking what a ghastly post. I agree. None the less, it is a little something to help understand what "that of awakening in evil" is.


There are many crimes which are committed in the spur of the moment. Then there are many crimes that were planned and carried out 'more or less' to plan.

Master Samael said that many people are in jail because they answered an event of life with the wrong internal state. 

In such cases, the jailed person could have always been a good person and may not have even broken the law before, but fell victim to an inferior emotion, that developed beyond control during the event. However, if the person did not carry within their interior the seed of that an inferior emotion, they would be free now. 

They did not expect to react that way and certainly in their normal mind would have never wanted to commit such a crime. 

Organised Crime

From a psychological point of view and also a moral point of view planned crimes are worse than those committed in the 'heat of the moment'. Eventhough, the result of a planned crime and an unplanned crime maybe the same, they are different, and as a consequence the planned crime is usually punished more harshly than the unplanned one. 

In a planned crime there is much time to reconsider...

There is more ill-will involved in a planned crime. In fact a continuation of ill-will that builds with each step...

At work in a planned crime is a degree of intelligence, organisation and intent. Whereas in a unplanned crime there is only a flash of intent.

To plan a crime and carry out the plan, indicates a degree of organisation and a lack of remorse of conscience. A planned crime is the result of a union of the centres of the human machine in ill-intent.

An unplanned crime is the ego taking the human machine and then leaving, but a planned crime is the ego, the mind, the will, the centres and even the essence focused wrongly. 

Obviously the person who plans a crime has or begins in doing so to awaken in evil for evil. The intelligent organisation in planning and committing the crime indicates this.

There are many organised crime syndicates around the world that are successful in what they do and have been in operation for a long time. Obviously to be that way: successful in the long term, they have a certain high level of awareness, control, intelligence and organisation.

Esoteric Organisation

There are so many organised crime groups around the world dedicated to many areas of crime. 

An esoteric principle says that there are three realities: physical, psychological and esoteric. These three realities are also three levels of support. Obviously these long term successful crime syndicates have their support, even an esoteric level of support. If there was no support these organised crime groups would disappear.

There is physical and psychological support in the people involved in them and there is also esoteric support. This esoteric support comes from those who have awakened in evil for evil as Master Samael says. Those entities are around and have their plans. Obviously their plans boil down to extending and deepening degeneration where the different egos can enjoy their pleasures and corruption and grow more and more without any consequence from the Law.

In the end they are mistaken, the Divine Law stands above both the white and the black and rules over both, causing both to halt when needed (sometimes becasue of karmic debt the good from the white can not flourish). 

For sure it makes sense that the one who has broken the Law the most will be bent the most in the long run.

End (2708).

Saturday, 24 November 2018

A Little About Chastity - (2707)

Post Revised: 12/02/2024


Here are some notes taken from a lecture (J.C) given on the last day of a retreat held in Sydney. 

Please note, chastity here does not have the usual meaning of refraining from the sexual act.


Chastity is a quality of the essence, this we are all quite aware of. However, what does it do in us, how does it function within us? 

We know it is very related to transform­ation. It is also related to the hermetic seal and it is also related to the inward and upward offering of our life to our inner Being.

It is a most fundamental quality of our essence. I once heard a missionary say that chastity can be compared to the roots of a tree. Where if the roots are diseased the trunk and the branches will suffer and eventually wither and die. Through chastity our whole tree of life receives nourishment.

Middle Way

Chastity is so much more than abstaining with great efforts of will from falling into sexual temptation.

It is actually the middle way in relation to sex. It is to use sex so to dignify and enhance our inner Divinity. It is not abstaining from sex.

It not only is present in the area of sex, it is present in every area of life where our energies are concerned.

It is to be very aware of our energies so as to not waste them, but instead, use them for conscious purposes and this includes spiritual development.

We not only lose sexual energy sexually, but through excessive thinking and inferior emotions.

Speaking too much and revealing too much, is also a form of breaking with chastity, where we break certain laws of silence and hermeticism. Which in turn hinder our inner develop and cause problems outside of us. There does exist the virtue of being chaste with the word.

We can not conceive chastity without the transformation of impressions and desires.

In chastity, the main means of trans­forming desires is by transmutation and self-remembering.

Both transmutation and self-remembering have the same orientation of our attention, values and energies. Which is inward and upward.

End (2707).

Thursday, 15 November 2018

Subconscious is Time - (2706)

The Longer...

The longer we entertain a dream, an expectation, an idea, a resentment the more subconscious it becomes, and the deeper it descends into the subconscious and the more it also extends through the subconscious.

The problem is that we could have enjoyed dreaming, thinking, criticizing etc. and then it comes back to bite us with unpleasant effects or consequences.

Usually when we are in an event and we come to face what we have been criticizing or resenting and an unexpectedly strong forces rises from our subconscious and if we are not vigilant it can express itself.

This force is a little hard to deal with because it is has taken up so much subconscious ground and it is also quite deep, meaning it is not so easily seen.


In conclusion, we create subconscious ourselves and the longer, that is the greater the time we dream, criticize, oppose, resent, think the more subconscious and the more powerful we make it.

End (2706).

Monday, 12 November 2018

The Protection of the Law and the White Lodge is Powerful - (2705)

How marvelous is that! The Divine Law and the White Lodge look after those who work and conduct themselves in accordance with the principles of the light.

When there are those who work for and under the light gather, a protective dome is set up. Deflecting negative influences and banishing many different kinds of obstacles and problems.

End (2705).

When Tired in Many Respects Conscious Imagination is Wonderful - (2704)


The conscious use of imagination allows us to access a before unknown level of understanding and knowledge...

This new understanding refreshes, embellishes and sustains us with renewed vigour...

To imagine our Gnostic classes as being food for the soul and that each Gnostic activity feeds our essence with life giving nourishment that strengthens invigorates us.

(A secret: sometimes even as childish as it is, I have imagined Gnostic activities as being a fine dining restaurant experience where I go to dine on gourmet delicacies that are ultra nourishing for my soul and my missionary is a master chef who prepares and serves up the most exquisite dishes made just right for what my soul needs. Sometimes when giving a class I imagine myself as a chef serving up a hearty dish to nourish and activate the souls of those beautiful people who come to our fine dining restaurant for the soul.)

To imagine our current situation in the big scheme of our life, to imagine our inner Divinity there in the theatre of cosmic destiny, to imagine a solution to our current difficulties being reached, to imagine there and everywhere the vigour, force, energies and light of nature, the planets, heavenly and earthly beings willing to help us, all helps us to refresh ourselves so to regain our vigour...

End (2704).

Saturday, 10 November 2018

Have to, Must & Want to - (2703)

We have to change, further to that we find that if we want the 'new' we must die psychologically. Though what is more powerful, and translates in action, is that 'we want' to die.

Cultivate 'the want', that is, organise our will into to really wanting and we will change.

End (2703).

Friday, 9 November 2018

Scared of Snakes and Spiders - (2702)

No Coincidence

Human beings are typically scared of snakes and spiders. I am not sure why of spiders, well maybe I do understand but we'll tackle that later...

Back to snakes. Certainly within myself I feel some uneasiness moving within my centres when close to a snake, even when it is in a glass cabinet.

In contrast to this there are people who love snakes and even have many of them as pets. In such cases these people have broken the associations with something deeper within themselves. They have separated the animal with what it subconsciously reminds them of... They see and like the animal and no longer feel the danger that it is associated with.

Anyway that deep fear of snakes comes from our remote ancestry or our very remote past. 

A snake or a serpent represents the sexual force within us, and subconsciously we know this but we are not aware of this in our conscious layers. Of course we can associate a snake with the consequences of the sexual fall. With those consequences being much suffering.

The serpent represents the power and potency of the sexual force as well its perils if not used carefully, and all this is represented and associated within the one creature. 

As for spiders, their sticky and complex web of entrapment reminds us of the mind and the dangers that ill mental health can bring to our lives.

End (2702).

Thursday, 8 November 2018

Frankenstein - (2701)

No Such Thing

Master Samael said that there is no such thing as Frankenstein or something similar, where life is created in a laboratory.

Non-existant Frankenstein.
He says that is only fantasy. Scientists, he says have tried to create life in a laboratory but they have never succeeded and never will.

Master Samael's assertion makes total sense. How can a charge of electrical current be equivalent to the current of life emanating from a Monad to It's essence. That is what is really life, the continuous flow of intelligent life giving energy emanating from a Monad which takes that life current from its counterpart within the Absolute.

The electrical current that gives life to the Frankenstein creation or comes from a machine. No machine is a Monad, and no machine can continually supply energy as does the Monad.

So eat dust can the Frankenstein theory...

End (2701).

The Mesmerising Power of the Serpent – (2700)

Snakes that Fascinate with a Glance

A very good friend of mine messaged me yesterday explaining how his father in law often spoke about, cases in the Spanish countryside, where snakes would often mesmerise birds so that they could strike so to eat them.

Obviously, birds are quick and difficult to catch so a mesmerising, hypnotic, fascinating ability would make catching one a very useful skill.

This is certainly not an isolated phenomena. Many legends and myths have spoken about the fascinating or mesmerising ability of snakes. Medusa (practically a giant snake) would turn those who looked at her to stone (permanently mesmerised), Kali the great serpent fascinates through fantasy her various victims, the legend and myths of the Basilisk who would kill with a single glance and the temping serpent of Eden are just to mention a few.

A Basilisk
Sex is very much like this, it powerfully fascinates and hypnotises…

Master Samael spoke about the sexual trance…

The hypnotic force of the ego is very much of the same hypnotising force of the kundabuffer, which we know is the sexual serpent within us projected downwards.

The hypnotic power of each ego, known also as the hypnotic grip is sexual in nature, but that sexual energy has ascended to the intellectual centre and has produced reasons and justifications. The power these reasons have over us comes from the amount of sexual force or energy that has become trapped in that ego or was used to form and strengthen that ego.

All of our egos are created with sexual energy and so the hypnotic grip of any ego comes from our sexual energy. That is from the serpent. 

Snakes are also very astute, and it is precisely he sexual force that makes us wise or very astute in evil.

Enchanted Cobras

How amazing is that phenomena of the snake charmer. How a man playing a special flute like instrument causes a terribly powerful and venomous cobra to rise vertically out a small basket as if it were like dancing and ascending at the same time, according to the flute. Its instincts of attack are all but subdued. It is passive and sways delightfully to the music played by the charmer.

This tells us something special - that snakes can indeed mesmerise, but they can also be mesmerised as well, but by a higher force.

In this case, making an analogy to sex, the spirit, the work, the essence can control and charm the sexual force so that it can be caused to ascend. If left to itself it will follow its nature, which is that of volatility, just as would a snake without the charming music being played.

It is the merits of the heart Master Samael says, that actually cause the serpent to ascend within the person. So there we go, the yearning, the honesty, the genuine love for the Being and the work enchant the fiery serpent and cause it to ascend up the spinal column.

So we all have a serpent dwelling within, and always always, the pertinent question is how are we relating to that serpent?

End (2700).

Working in the Second Factor Gives the Chance to Dissolve Jealousy – (2699)

In Trust is the Way

Obviously, if we listen to the stories of how so many couples in Gnosis were brought together, you will be able to see how invisible hands brought them together and that really it was like a coming together of two Monads. Where two Monads made a pact to work together.

It makes sense that it really must be this way: a contract between two Monads. Because the two are together so to work for the Monad.

In such a situation, the Monads have brought the two people together and the Monads hold them together. The work that they are doing also holds them together. If the work of each person is going ok then there is nothing that can separate them except for some very strange egoic states.

So, if things are perceived by our jealousy to be going a little weird then we must resort to trust. The two Monads are behind keeping the relationship together. We do not need to despair or whip ourselves up to an angry Ill-willed frenzy. The relationship and our Monads behind it will watch over it and take care of it. Sexuality is governed from above.

If our work is faltering and we get worried and then jealous then we just have to improve the quality of our work.

Without Trust Things Worsen

If trust is missing, then what happens is jealousy can be rather strong and this ego of jealousy can get rather out of control producing intense emotional pain and worry.

It can think that jealousy will affect the Alchemy and then it also believes the other person not being perceived to be so wholly interested in us, will also affect the Alchemy. It is like an accelerator (practice to get closer to the person and bring them closer) and a brake (worried jealousy affects the Alchemy so take a break until jealousy is overcome) being applied at the same time, and that hurts. Contradictions hurt.

End (2699).

Wednesday, 7 November 2018

Retreat Time = Envy Die Time - (2698)

In a retreat we meet and hear about the experiences and achievements of so many people. These bits of news (impressions) can be taken by the ego of envy.

However, they certainly do not have to. This is our work if we have the ego of envy.

Instead of allowing the ego of envy to take these impressions we can take them in the way of ‘good news’ and convert them into inspiration, appreciation, good ideas, hints, tips and teachings for us.

Transforming envy brings us new friends and new teachers as well as much new learning.

End (2698).

What Jealousy is Most Ignorant of - (2697)

The Heart

I would say that jealousy is most ignorant of love and the heart.

If there is love, that love will always come back to us.

Jealousy despairs when it perceives that the love of another person is leaving us for someone else.

If nothing is done to damage that love then it will always remain and return back to us. because jealousy does not know about this or it either does not trust it, it despairs.

Because jealousy is ignorant of the person’s own heart, specifically that one’s own heart is very vast, the jealous person projects a limited heart incapable of loving well all that are in his or her surroundings.

A definite key to avoid jealousy is to stay rooted in one’s own heart temple.

Jealousy is to ignore our own heart as well. We are so busy focusing on the heart of others, being so acutely interested in what the other person is feeling in their heart towards us and others. One should concentrate only one what has in their heart. They should love and not worry about being loved. Obviously jealousy causes our love to wane.

Jealousy does not typically get activated if for example the husband spends all of his time on the computer and very little time with his wife. The wife just get annoyed. But if the husband was spending a lot of time with a friend male or female, then that would be jealousy.

Ignorant of Recurrences

Jealousy is also totally ignorant of recurrences. It thinks that there should be none. But in truth we all have our recurrences. We only met the person this lifetime, but they have lived for so many lives already and therefore just as we have, they have their recurrences to fulfil even if they don’t want to. It is the law that they have to fulfil them. It is not so personal...

How can we say that the other person should not have recurrences? The created those recurrences before we even entered their life. How can we say that as soon as we enter a person's life that we can control their past?

Often jealousy is so blind, it allows ourselves to do so many things that it does not even believe the other should have the same right to...

End (2697).

Retreat Time = Jealousy Die Time - (2696)

Retreat time is when we leave our controlled environment where everything is known, managed and manageable and face a mini ocean where many unpredictable mini circumstances can unfold. This already has the ego of jealousy worried. Even landing at the airport seeing our wife or husband hugging others, as is so customary, gets the ego of jealousy all on edge…

A retreat offers many chances for the person working on jealousy to die in that ego. The best is to take good advantage of it.

It is good to be prepared and have our will topped up ready to produce separation in moment’s notice and to see, comprehend and eliminate. Know that it is the ego that suffers and the remedy is to trust in the Being and in our work, and remember our own heart temple as described in very recent posts (2697 for example).

End (2696).

Don't Let the Sun Set on the Ego - (2695)


There are times when we really can't let the sun set on an ego that we have.

Mainly because it manifested in a way that shocked or scared us.

Such moments are very useful to take stock and without further delay go to work hard on it.

Sunset at a local beach over here.
The best policy is to be pro-active and get to the ego before it has the chance to manifest.

If it manifests it is always best to work hard, because it having appeared once means it can easily appear twice or three times or four times more, especially if the circumstances in which it appeared are still present...

spew cat
I blew my anger quota last night. Two angry manifestations per year. I got home late at night, tired and eager to finish what I still had to do, and I find that the cat had spewed up on my computer chair in my room, just where I needed to work. In annoyance I pushed the chair into the cupboard with the spew flying off onto the floor.

Anger is frustrated desire...

In every angry manifestation there is a split second's moment of choice. Getting angry is always the this moment not taken advantage of...

The chair dented the nice white cupboard door and I still had to clean up the spew off both the floor and the chair, instead of just the chair. Then later the same cat perhaps nervous and worried seeing me getting angry, spewed up again, this time all of its recently eaten dinner. There I was cleaning up cat vomit again, and half an hour had passed without opening that spreadsheet.

End (2695).

Tuesday, 6 November 2018

Sexuality is Serpentine - (2694)

How Interesting

How interesting is that? That sexuality within the human being is a serpentine power. Serpentine in the sense that it is like a serpent, you know - like a snake.

I have always been intrigued about that. Why does the Divine Mother in the aspect as kundalini take the form of a serpent?


Certainly in many cultures the snake is seen to be a symbol of vitality, strength and even healing. In general it is seen to represent the life force.

In the Australian Aboriginal dreamtime or creation myths the key element is the dreamtime serpent.

In terms of structure, snakes are unique. They are the only creatures that are as long as they are and do not have feet. They also shed their skin totally renewing their outer surface every so often.

Some are terribly potent and fast, while others posses tremendous crushing power and can swallow large mammals whole (powerfully digestion).

All of these features are indicators, to me at least that snakes are a definite possessor of great vitality and strength.

Snakes are renown for their astuteness. Such is the result of the sexual force. One who works with the sexual force becomes rather wise in the positive sense, or either rather devilishly astute in the negative sense, if one uses sexuality wrongly.


Anyhow the key of sexuality being serpentine is that sexuality as fire must connect or unite all the centres of the human being. That is brain, heart and sex must be connected, if not the power of sex can not be controlled and a fall will soon precipitate, as brain and heart are there to keep sex in its orbit.

The brain and heart are best connected to sex via a line and such a line is the serpentine nature of sexuality. The sexual force ascends when acted upon voluntarily. It ascends up the spinal column as a climbing serpent.

Or if acted upon negatively it descends downwards in a line, as Master Samael said in relation to the kundabuffer organ, into the atomic infernos of the human being.

Sexuality in many respects is a line. It represents the vertical, either up or down in the quickest way. Ascending it helps us linking us stage by stage to the higher parts of the Being, and descending it helps us accelerating the process of involution so that the essence can be free of the ego once again.

End (2694).

Monday, 5 November 2018

Jealousy does not Know About the Heart Temple - (2693)


The defect of jealousy and its associated "I's" are really very ignorant of the heart temple.

The heart temple of each human being resides in their internal dimensions. And the internal dimension of each human being is rather vast.

Within the heart temple of any human being there is much space for many loves to take up residence.

Love of others, love for humanity, love for a friend, a wife, parents, a cause, the Being, a master, the guru etc.

The heart temple does not have the limitation of the mind, where we say "I only have space and time to love a few.".

The love that flows in the heart temple is of the Being and it is vast, so very much more vast than our mind and emotion.

Jealousy is ignorant of this, it thinks that there is only space for one love, and that love must be reserved specially for the jealous person.

Heart Temple

As the jealous person does not know his or her heart temple, the jealous person thinks in the selfish way that the other can only love one person or rather should only love person. But why should they only love one person (in a non sexual way of course) when there is so much space to love.

If someone loves us we are in their heart temple, and their heart temple and the love in there heart temple is vast, and they can love us deeply as well as love others. For them to love others does not mean that there is less love for us. Because the heart temple can accommodate both.

The problem is that as things are limited here when the jealous person sees 'the less' it believes love is leaving us. Love can not leave us because we have it inside of ourselves, from within our own heart temple.

End (2693).

The Sexual Force that is Overly Agitated Simply Descends - (2692)


If a person overly agitates their sexual force, their sexual force begins to take a momentum that breaks free from their control. 

Once their own sexual force has gained this level of momentum it easily breaks away from what is logical, sensible and correct in the mind and emotion of the person. 

Having broken away from the logical, sensible, and correct in the mind and heart ,the sexual force descends. It must descend, read on to see why. 

The sexual force descends into our subconscious and there it is taken hold of by certain egos. These egos give the sexual force a direction to follow, which often as is characteristic the subconscious, is a direction which is absurd and even possibly unlawly. Then if action is taken the consequences are dire.

A Dragon's Tail - reminding us of that side of the Typhon,
which can if we lose control turn the sexual force downwards.
Once a human being loses control of their sexual force, even momentarily it can not ascend. It can only ascend when there is control. That is when their is purposeful volition, which can only come about when there is control in the person.

Control implies control over the mind and heart which will not agitate the sexual force in the first place. If one wants to regain control one must stop control the motor centre then regain control over mind and emotion.


We cannot expect to do anything with sexuality or sexual energy if we do not have control.

Loss of control causes a direct descent into the subconscious. Watchful and controlled use of the sexual force sets the grounds upon which according to our imagination and volition it may ascend. 

It is as simple as driving a car. If we do not have control nothing good will come from driving a car without the adequate degree of control.

The ridiculous beliefs that we need agitation, passion etc. are all flawed as they do not lead to quality transmutation. We need quality! The kundalini and solar bodies are awakened, created and fed with quality.

End (2692).

Sunday, 4 November 2018

Proof of the Terrestrial Mystery Ray Teaching - (2691)


This teaching of master Samael is very easy to verify.

The teaching says that there are principally seven fundamental rays of initiatic mysteries on the planet Earth, of which each human being who has walked the path before or begins to walk the path belongs to.

Master Samael's ray is Egyptian.

The rays are:
  1. Lemurian
  2. Atlantean
  3. Oriental
  4. Egyptian
  5. Aztec
  6. Mayan
  7. Greek


To verify this great teaching one can simply get hold of a book which is somewhat of an atlas of the various temples and sacred sites on the planet Earth.

As each temple holds mysteries and is an artistic expression of the mysteries which it holds an atlas or a listing of the various temples on the Earth and their locations will clearly show for us that the temples fall into categories of locations which correspond directly the seven fundamental rays as listed above.

Note, the broadest ray is the Oriental which coves the middle east, the east, the far east and the south east.

End (2691).

Friday, 2 November 2018

Temples – (2690)

Temples are a cosmic phenomena. All religions and all spiritual movements have a temple. 

Usually there is a central main temple with many other smaller temples. The smaller temples are linked to the greater central temple, and the greater temple stands out as special, as in many cases it has to do with the founding events of the religion or movement.

There are churches, synagogues, mosques, temples and others…

Typically, temples are made by man. Hence consecration.

Consecration is the act of linking divine forces to something physical, a place, an object a person.
There are also temples of nature that have not been erected by human hands. Mother Nature’s temples do not need to be consecrated as they ae already blessed by the Divine.

Master Samael says that the temples in the internal worlds are those that have not be touched by human hands.

The internal temples are those that have been raised by the divine hierarchies.

The most famous of temples for the Gnostic - The Oracle of Delphi
Initiation is an entrance into a temple. Each vertebra and each chakra with its churches are a temple. The fiery serpent makes here entrance into temple along the upward ascent and final destination of the heart temple.

Every temple is a work of esoteric art, and as such contain in their artistic expression (architecture, decoration, interior murals, paintings, literature).

The Cosmic Mother is a great temple. As is the Absolute, it is an infinite temple. 

A natural and intimate need arises in each aspirant to make or set aside for him or herself a consecrated space.

Such a private or personal space, room or temple offers us an opportunity of contrast. Where as soon as we enter that space we can contrast our inner state which is the product of the way we have lived our day with what we remember of a more peaceful and conscious state.

Why are the temples internally located where they are? It is because at those locations certain lines of force cross or intersect.

The temples always guard the mysteries. In the ancient times of all places that one could travel to and venture to, the mysteries were always sought out by knocking at the doors of the temples. The great pyramids, the caves of the hermits, the pantheons, the shrines, the monuments etc.

The human being is a temple. Within the human being are many temples. With the most sacred being the heart temple.

The heart temple guards a divine particle, a precious relic of our inner Divinity. As is typical of each temple, each temple guards something special.

A temple is the generating power plant of each movement or religion. No religion or movement could survive if its temples were removed. 

Powerful forces move in the temples and these forces radiate outwards to the its smaller linking temples and supports each of its members that in turn through their devotion and upright conduct give force to the temples they attend.

End (2690).

Thursday, 1 November 2018

Process of Repetition - (2689)


The cycle goes:

There is the first experience. The first experience then remains alive in our memory. 

The first experience living in our memory waits until we receive a stimulus of some kind.

The stimulus fuels a desire and action follows. Then the cycle is complete and it will continue until it is voluntarily broken.

That is the cycle through which we create habits and new egos, and also through which we essentially live through our memory and superimpose our memory onto the present and project our memory into the future. 

End (2689).

The Past Conditions Our Consciousness - (2688)

If in a relationship we have suffered, it is likely that we have a' past'.

To have a' past'-means to have pain in some form, living within us.

When we have a 'past' it lives again in the present and continues to become the future.

The 'past' lives in our psyche. It either lives in us locked up in the ego, or in our memory.

The past may continue into the present and become the future due to karma.

When we have a past, it is likely it will condition our consciousness.

However, we can undo this conditioning. Using first of all intense alertness. Then later
working on the dissolution of the ego that suffered in the past.

When we transform the accumulated painful impressions we dissolve the past within us and change our present and future.

We are normally scared of the painful emotions that the past stirs up in us.

We are not scared of the person. We are only scared of what we ourselves will bring up in our psyche.

Using will and consciousness we can separate from the past. Then act and decide as well as perceive
events free of the past.

Our memory is typically not global. IT is fractioned, indicating to us that our memory is in the hands of the ego.

When the ego is dissolved. Memory remains. Memory being alive can also condition the  consciousness.

End (2688).