Wednesday, 26 April 2023

Out of Sync with Gnostic Work - Make an Effort Now - (4739)

For some reason we find ourselves right out of sync with the work on ourselves and we feel weird in class and with our Gnostic friends who speak about the work, then make an effort and bring back our work.

With an effort it comes back and in the very moment we make this effort our work continues... 

End (4739).

Die in Something Today - (5279)

What could be more important than our own essence? 

Nothing is more important right?

We are the essence.

We have to do something each day to free something of our essence (ourselves) that is bottled.

What's the big deal about all the accomplishments and projects in life if our essence continues bottled? No big deal right!

All those life accomplishments won't do anything better for us than sending us back here again to have to accomplish the same. 

Things can't be so great if we keep doing them over and over again life after life...

End (5279).

Tuesday, 25 April 2023

Three Forces Benefit Each Other - (4731)

Each of the three forces in the Law of Three work for each other. The Holy Denying or Negating force in the Law of Three works for the Holy Affirming and the Holy Reconciling,

In the Law of Three the negative works for the positive and by doing so is transformed into a positive and the positive works for the negative and in so doing the positive is transformed into the negative. They interchange and neither force can be struck out from the whole.

This is how constructive criticism works. This is how we should make our negating responses - they should work for the positive and for the betterment of the whole. 

The Law of Three forms a whole - a created unit, where the opposite forces reconcile and produce a stable, balanced, enduring creation.

The practical lesson is to make our affirming and negating responses to the events and questions of life to work for the togetherness or enhancement of the whole. We do this by combining one force with the opposite force to moderate it and make it more useful.

End (4731). 

Three Forces In Engineering and Life - (4730)

The affirming force designs a building. 

The denying force thinks of all that can go wrong and bring the building down: earthquakes, cyclones, floods, overcrowding, etc. 

The reconciling force redesigns the building incorporating measures that will keep the building standing during and after earthquakes, floods and cyclones.  

All three forces together make a robust and real-life worthy building.

Using the Law of Three in events and activities that we plan can make them robust and successful. Plans don't work out when we forget the Law of Three.  

End (4730).

Monday, 24 April 2023

Interesting Practical Life Points - (4729)

They seem to be pretty complete. If we have mastered these areas we can move through normal life very well. Quite interesting to see them all listed and numbered like that. There are a finite number of them after all. 

Even though there is a relatively small number of them, we may not have mastered them all and we move through life using only a subset of them. Which indicates to us that we need more development and that some are not needed even. 

Also how interesting as to when we do need mastery in any one of these areas that we don't actually have mastery over them even when we have lived so many lives already.

Each of these skills represent areas of life, which we may find ourselves sufficiently awake in or very asleep in. 

End (4729). 

Real Friends Transcend 'Good and Bad Books' - (4727)

Real friends are hard to find in Gnosis. A person may leave Gnosis and the friendship ends. A person may come into disrepute with another in Gnosis for some reason and the apparent flower of friendship withers.  

There are really only the rare few that keep a constant line of friendship going no matter what the external circumstances are...

It is fair to say too, that when a person leaves Gnosis they in time usually stop working on themselves and so there is less in common, and their influence may not be all that motivationally positive for our work. Especially which is usually the case, those who leave Gnosis are bitter and if we love the work we don't have to subject ourselves to such impressions that harm what we love. So a natural and normal distance appears.

Also if the person who is still in Gnosis enters into disagreement with someone else and we find that the disagreement is very egocial we don't need to allow our good feelings and actions towards both people to be affected. So some wise psychological isolation is normal and natural.

However, to drop or change our line of friendship is circumstantial and pendular and there is more egoical values than conscious values in the friendship.

We know that the consciousness holds a value from inside of ourselves and is firm and strong enough to hold it despite pressure from outside. What is of the egocial in us is relative and dependent and easily succumbs to unfavourable external or internal pressure.

End (4727).

The Nature of the End Shows the Way to Approach the End - (4728)

Death shows us how to walk the path of life. The path of life is the walk towards death.

From the experience of some kind of loss (death, good-bye etc.) we understand what really mattered and what matters.

The common experience is that we understand what really mattered and what matters is kindness. How kind we were.

All the times we released our egos upon them become pangs of regret. We understand that the instances of unkind egoic manifestation are worth nothing. 

Kind people may seem stupid and weak in life, and the tough and selfish ones so intelligent and successful yet at the end, is where we know which way is wise and strong.

End (4728).

Saturday, 22 April 2023

Some Notes to Help with Death, Loss, Goodbyes - (4726)

Do our best for others while we are in their company. It may be hard to do at times, but it pays off so much in the moments of having to say goodbye. Because there is no lament and no regrets.

The pain of lamentation and regret is strong and mysterious in the moments of contemplating the goodbye and living without that person, role,  or pet in our life. 

The sacrifices made for others to do our best when we were with them, all comes to help us in those difficult moments. A help of tranquility and equanimity.

The pain of the goodbye is often in the lamentation and regrets. Where we don't have time anymore to have repaired what needed repairing.

Our pain is mostly about how the person or pet will be after they leave us. If they have died they are in the hands of the Being and the masters, if they have left voluntarily they are most likely happy or their happiness in their own hands now. 

It could be that we suffer because their well-being is no longer under our control or influence and we feel that they will be worse-off?

True they may suffer as we will or are - but all suffering passes...

"No one is ever really gone". This is a truth. Our sensorial mind does not see this, but this is known to our essence. 

From our side a person or pet never leaves us because the essence of a person never just ceases to exist, and as essences we are all connected and we will see each other again. This is a law of the cosmos. May God give us the consciousness to remember, but if not our essence will remember and at moments we will feel that.

End (4726).

Identity as Essence - (4725)

We desperately need to take up our identity as essence.

To do so is a major shift in our whole psychology and outlook upon life. A shift that has deeply transformative effects on our life.

We so desperately need to meditate on what it means to us to have our identity as an essence...

We need to come to our own conclusion about what it means to us and how we can take it up from moment to moment.

I meditated and the answer that I got was to always be out of the abyss and to seek the heights within myself. Which in practical terms means to seek a higher perspective, to seek the consciousness and to appeal to the higher principles within myself (Inner Being).

So here are some hints to start off your meditation with:

🌞To always remember we are the essence.

🌞To always remember we have an Inner Being - a Divine Father-Mother.

🌞To stay loyal to the Inner Being and the Work that leads to the Inner Being.

🌞To decide in favour of the enhancement of the essence.

🌞To not be any ego.

🌞To think, feel and do the essence.

🌞To love the essence and the Inner Being.

🌞To hold our attention consciously from moment to moment.

🌞To always do the work on ourselves.

🌞If we know the will of the Father - do it.

🌞Remember that we are in a family with the parts of the Being and co-operate with them by doing the work as best as we can.

🌞Live in the moment and continue from moment to moment living the 'now'.

These are just hints - something to start with but they may not deeply resonate with you, however your meditation will produce what deeply resonates with you as it will be the answer from your Inner Being.

Then once you find it, live it out from moment to moment.

End (4725).

Friday, 21 April 2023

Let's Work Ongoing Posts: 2.) Effort Towards Depth - (4724)

Depth of attention and depth of death is what we need at times to move forward.

So for April 21st, 2023.

🖉The conviction from waking up in the morning to hold the division of attention throughout the day.

🖉Imagination and concentration practice.

🖉Serious efforts to renounce negativity and to answer positively with good will.

🖉Elimination practice with the Divine Mother on mechanical criticism.

🖉Elimination practice on a facet of fear.

Negativity is something that we must be careful of. We can't afford to feed it - no matter how right, justified and brilliant the reasons are. For it can take on its own course and that is where we lose control and toxicity sets in, which itself becomes a process which we have little control of.

The strength to which we can hold our attention is our will and with will there is power to penetrate deep into our psychology to find causes and produce revelation.

We are not here to make anyone suffer. That is never our mission as an essence. An ego or two may like to do that but that is not our essence.

To be our essence, we must stay with what is really 'us'. To hurt others is 'not us', to criticise constantly and without remorse is 'not us'.

End (4724).

Thursday, 20 April 2023

Toxic Egos - (4723)

The below graphic is interesting. It shows the psychological and character flaws that make something toxic.

I think it is difficult that we would find ourselves as one of these people, but certainly we could have elements of a few of these 'toxic people'. Perhaps we may find that the elements we have belong to one type more than all the others.

Anyhow it is our different egos that give us these traits. It is good to know that any one of these traits makes things negative pretty much straight away, and later toxic, if they persist and accumulate for too long.

The solution as always is observation and study of these traits within our psyche. Begin to make efforts to 'not be' them (not act them out). Work on understanding why we use them and have them and then elimination with mystical practices of prayer and supplication to and with our Divine Mother.

End (4723).

Spirit of the Apprentice - (4722)

The path believe it or not is an apprenticeship. 

The spirit of an apprentice is to dedicate him or herself to their craft. To learn from the master who is teaching them. To do what the master says and to yearn and practice to be as the master is. 

The path is not a free walk as you please stroll - it is an apprenticeship with a master. The end of the apprenticeship is to make wise and sturdy master that will not fail in the trails and stages of the path of perfection of mastery.

One day the apprentice is to become a master where he or she will have to take on apprentices and teach them as he or she was taught.

The better the apprenticeship the better the master and the better the future apprentices and masters will be.

The path has apprentices and masters. Our goal is to go from neophyte to apprentice. The White Lodge we are taught, through its many masters helps us in the learnings of our apprenticeship.

End (4722).

New Course: Introduction to Gnosis in Como, Perth, W.A - (4732)

A new Introduction to Gnosis Course, starting at 10:30am This Saturday at the Como Gnostic Centre, Perth, Western Australia. 

Please email: for the address.

When starting something new it is really good to treat it and ourselves like a new book. Carefully and gently so that we don't strain or break in us what is interested in starting the course and in maintain ourselves in the course. I mean don't hit the course with such gusto that we tire out or that our ideas, concepts and expectations are not met and we fall flat.

End (4732).

Wednesday, 19 April 2023

Let's Work Ongoing Posts: 1.) Motivating Factor - (4718)

An idea I had one of these days is to regularly post the work I did during the day. 

I'm doing this to inspire both myself and you. Because truly, a very powerful motivation is others. So I thought why not find a way to get that powerful motivating factor to work for both of us.

So today: April 20, 2023.

★Efforts in the morning to start the day consciously.

★Concentration - one task at a time. Start and finish one task. Efforts to self-remember while doing tasks.

★Elimination of anger practice. (Focus on not needing anger anymore)

★Elimination of a facet of fear practice that produces lies.

★Concentration and Imagination practice. 

The good thing about doing this, is that one sees what one has truly done. We can only really write down what was done intentionally. Because what is not done intentionally is usually not overly effective or real and deep.

We can also forget what we do as well so its good to help us to be more conscious of how we have lived our day in relation to the work on ourselves.

End (4718).

Half-In Half-Out Gnostic - (4721)

We may be half-in and half-out, or we may have passed through that stage. We may be fully-in too.

If we are passing through the half-in and half-out stage, later on you will look back and tell yourself: "I should have moved through that stage a lot quicker". 

If we don't know what half-in and half-out means - it is a stage where we attend everything but psychologically we don't show up and participate. We just can't get a hold of our attention and we find ourselves thinking about what I am going to do when I get home and how much I can enjoy the weekend. We are in a retreat and we just can't wait to feel that sensation of being released, in the car driving home, ready to go out, watch TV or play with the dog.

If we think we are not half-in and half-out, but we find that it is a real struggle to pay attention to the class and do a proper mediation in the centre, we have to go deep into ourselves and find out where we are half-out.

The best thing to do is to pass through that stage of half-in and half-out as quickly as possible., The longer we stay in that state the more time we waste and the more our suffering persists.

The way out is a deep inner work.

End (4721).

Deep Work is Needed - (4720)

We all want to work. To work well and finish with so many mistakes we need a work that is really deep. 

A work on ourselves that goes beyond the mind and to the real causes. A work that sees the ego as the cause and looks way beyond so many other excuses and reasons.

A deep work is a work of the most brutal honesty with oneself.

To the depths we find the unknown and the mystery. The mystery of the depths is connected directly tot eh mystery of the heights. 

The roots of the tree of life are connected to the very top leaves of the canopy of the tree of life.

End (4720).

Tuesday, 18 April 2023

Emotional Centre and Our Face - (4719)

Our emotions express the most on our face.

A point to momentarily focus on during our efforts of self-observation and self-remembering is our face. To relax it!

The interesting thing is, if we spend a lot of time entertaining negative or tense emotions our face even though it is so pliable, starts to default to a tense expression. 

If we continue past that point our face begins to settle and harden into that expression. 

That may explain why some people just look so tense all the time.

End (4719). 

Sunday, 16 April 2023

Goal of Marriage in Gnosis - (4736)

Gnosis is a revolution in the way of thinking!

The normal thought is to seek a happy marriage. Of course there is nothing wrong with that at all. However, there as with everything, exists a revolutionary thought about that. As Gnosis revolutionizes our thinking about nearly everything, what Gnosis says about that is worth taking a look at.

In Gnosis, a 'happy marriage' is not the goal of marriage. It is something that is of course very welcome and to be enjoyed but that is not the goal. The opposite - an 'unhappy marriage' is not the goal either. The real goal transcends both.

The transcendental goal is to self-realise and to help each other to dissolve the "I's" that each other has.

In more detail, the goal is to be able to seriously apply the Gnostic work to achieve the goal of psychological death and progress on the path with the practice of Alchemy.

In Gnosis, the experience of the above is sometimes bitter moments and sometimes happy moments. One thing though, that is constant in this experience, is that if we seriously work there is the true contentment of the soul. Which is something that people do not necessarily find in life with a 'happy marriage' or a 'bad marriage'.

Without this correct or right view we are in Gnosis looking for a happy marriage. Meanwhile the Inner Being, the Alchemy, and the call to the path exert a pressure of change on ourselves and so the fights, bitterness, difficulties, gymnasium and come our experience is that the 'happy marriage' we are looking becomes a far away speck on the horizon.

Under this pressure we look to find our 'happy marriage' we resort to the 'rules'  of balance and all sort of arrangements and we are still unhappy. Because we didn't produce the death that we needed both to produce. Mostly due to having the wrong view. 

Having the right or wrong view makes all the difference in many endevours both in life and in the work for the spirit.

With the right view we fulfill the inquietudes and restlessness of the soul and answer out Inner Being's call to the do Its path. Above all, we don't see happy or bitter we set ourselves outside of that duality and we see deeply soul fulfilling work, which is the foundation for many values of the soul such as gratitude, love etc.

If we want 'to be' in an exclusively 'happy marriage' and only see a 'happy marriage' we should leave Gnosis or withdraw significantly from our commitment to the work. Because that is not exclusively the goal of Gnosis or the Work.

The goal of the work or Gnosis is to bring to us the work, and the work is something that obeys the necessities of our Inner Being and that is not really about making a 'happy' or 'unhappy' marriage. 

Happy and unhappy are temporary fleeting states that we experience while doing the work on ourselves. What we are interested in are the profound states of joy and contentment of dying in ourselves, awakening and fulfilling the urgencies of the soul.

Even the view of 'love' that we commonly hold is incompatible with the work. A view of love that is more useful to us in the work is one that says: that love comes from both doing the work as well as can be done. 

To the below we must add "THE WORK".

End (4736).

The Force in Anger Directed Against What Brings It - (4717)

Within anger is force. That is the value trapped in anger.

When we get angry force gets liberated.

The questions is who in us then uses that force. If it is the "I" of anger we then use that force destructively against ourselves or others.

The true use for that liberated force is to use it to overcome the psychological factor within us that brings the anger. 

For example, we are scared then we get angry, as soon as we feel that force appear in us, that a few seconds later turns into anger, we must redirect that liberated force against fear so as to overcome it.

We can do the same when pride in us is hurt and we get angry, or when we are made to wait. In the case of having to wait, we would convert that arising force to become a power of endurance rather than an explosive impatient force.

We must direct the arising force rapidly against the factor that is invoking anger.

A cold shower is a good way to get the "I" of anger out of our human machine.

End (4717).

Thursday, 13 April 2023

Worst Anger is the One Mixed with Sexual Energy - (4716)

At home with parents we may have anger related to the motor centre, like how we are lazy and our parents want us to do more around the house. At work we may have anger related to the intellectual centre - such as due to as others not understanding our idea or agreeing with our proposal or plan. We may also have anger of the emotional centre when being unfairly treated by people etc. 

These types of anger, we can deal with if they do not repeat too often.

However, with our wife or husband there is anger that is all together different. It is an anger that is mixed with the sexual energy and that gives it a very different quality. One that is much more explosive and intense than the other angers.

This anger also involves the other centres, not only the sexual centre, giving anger access to the energies of the whole human machine. It is an anger to be reckoned with and eliminated.

To speak calm and reasonable words - putting the emphasis and negative emotional colour aside is a real big help. 

End (4716).

Fighting to Get Out of the Abyss - (4735)

When we really get into the work of having to eliminate a strong and terrible defect we say to ourselves: "I would happily devote my life to getting rid of this defect".

Other 'high' things just don't matter. What's the point of them when we have such a tremendous defect. 

End (4735).

Gnosis is More than a Promise - (4733)

We normally take Gnosis to be a promise for a better life. A promise to feel better, a promise be able to enjoy life, to become smarter and healthier, a promise to develop magical abilities and yet it seems to promise the opposite: bitterness, difficulties, trials and tribulations etc.

When we take Gnosis as a promise we fall into disappointment and resentment and end up going against Gnosis. Blaming Gnosis for not providing us with all that we wanted from life. Gnosis isn't there to do that. It may help us with that but it is something on its own much more transcendental.

Gnosis is knowledge of a way, of a path. A path that according to the way we walk it, we are going to work for the freedom of our soul.

If we take Gnosis as such, as a path we are not going to be disappointed. All the difficulties are taken as part of that path as occupational hazards and things we need to go through and deserve to go through.  

End (4733).

Wednesday, 12 April 2023

Avoiding Physical Work Fail - (4734)

A post about the error we fall into trying not to work physically.

At the beginning of our studies in Gnosis we try to work physically as little as possible. We create a strong aversion to it in fact. Thinking that working physically in an office, at a construction site etc. takes away our time so that we need so much to work on ourselves. 

The result is that we go about trying to work less, and we do. But is that the best thing for us and our Gnostic esoteric work? Also is that all that happens we work less or does something else happen to us in the background of our psychology.  

We stop physical work all together or we work less with the good intention to work more on ourselves. To mediate and study more. To pray more, to vocalize more, to try and astral project etc. etc.

However, after a while we notice that we are not really all that better off. We notice that our time is taken up just as much as before, but this time with the nicer things of life - which is still life. So we are really back in the same situation as before but on the nicer side. 

We are gardening, organising things of life, cooking, talking to people, going out, sleeping, resting, walking in nature, strolling in parks, doing yoga and exercises etc. etc.

Usually such good things can't last for all that long, we have karma to pay and especially if we break balance 'good times' have to go.

We also notice that we tend to get and do annoyed about having to help others. We get annoyed in general about anything that means losing our precious time to participate in something that is outside of our interests. 

We tend strongly to go into time protection mode and we become very stingy too with money. In other words selfishness very quietly grows in the background. We don't notice it, but it grows and that is what is behind the annoyances we feel. 

In effect, instead of weakening the ego we are making a big ego which is very detrimental to the path grow and strengthen in us. The result is that we are not really working on ourselves very well. We are basically strengthening the egos in ourselves and we don't know it, we think we are doing well not wasting time on physical work.

This is obvious that this happens, because our centre of gravity is in life, so when we decide to stop or work less, we so naturally gravitate to life. In this case the nicer side of life. To really make use of not working we must have our center of gravity in the work. Which takes one a long time to develop. We certainly don't develop it in the beginning years. Basically the serious hard working Gnostic students and missionaries who spend most of the their week involved in Gnostic activities are the ones who have this centre of gravity in the work.

The people who do stop work or work less in the beginning without a concrete plan to work on a defined project for the work (prepare classes, write a book, die in one ego) are not all that better off. They are the same that they have been for years. There are no big visible changes. Because we become weaker as time goes by - we get very comfortable in our comfort controlled life, the ego gets stronger and there is no revolution. 

The balance is the right action. Work physically without avoidance so as to not strengthen selfishness, laziness, greed for time, pride which feels one is above working when we are not. Don't over work either which is to avoid working on ourselves. Balance uses everything to work on ourselves. Physical work offers many opportunities to work on ourselves and to learn as well as leave our comfort zones and develop new virtues.

Plus we have to think a bit about our future - no one in Gnosis is going to look after us. Maybe if we  have been a missionary for years and have helped people for many years - all that merit comes back to us to be looked after, as we have watched over the spiritual life of so many. We have to have some superannuation these days to live ok when we are old or either we have to live off the government which may be difficult, which is what we deserve as we could have worked but out of delusion we decided not to, so to basically enjoy life more rather than work on ourselves. 

The below shows what people do after they stop work., This is what the 'Gnostic' who does not have a centre of gravity in the work does too when they stop work.

End (4734).

Tuesday, 11 April 2023

Remedy 101 Series: "Other Person has Lots of Money" - (5352)

Here is a post, with some remedy tips about when we talk to someone who has lots of money and we feel somewhat strange afterwards.


It's all relative there are others with much more money! See the infographic below - how what being 'rich' in each country is different.

If we observer the lives of others, we see that a person could have lots of money but yet there is always  a side to their life where things are not going so well, and no matter how much they have, it will not get better.

All people on Earth have karma and if it is not to do with money it will be to do with something else.

We always have what we need. What we have right now is exactly what we need in many respects.

Health, a peaceful mind and a bright consciousness is a far greater treasure than money.

It is good to have money but to have the wisdom and the right state of consciousness to enjoy and use it wisely (constructively) to help others is another thing all together.

Having money does not equal happiness. It does not get close to equaling profound happiness that comes from the essence fulfilling the will of the Inner Being. 

Consciousness is not a matter of money. 

People can not take their money with them. But we can take our consciousness with us.

Keep and Eye Out for...

Envy. The main cause of being left with such strange feelings after the conversation is envy and pride.

Accept totally that the other person has that money. They have it because they deserve it. It is totally fair that they have it. The Divine Law does not make mistakes. If you want money make friends with them and learn to do what they did - which no doubt was work hard, make sacrifices and save (spend little).

No Don't and Yes Do

No, don't start to look into stock market investing and any other make money quickly schemes. 

No, don't go gambling, play lotto and start day trading.

No, don't try and put them down in other areas just so that our pride feels better. Remember pride hates justice and it is just that they have the money they have. If it is not just then they will lose it some how...

Yes, work even harder on yourself. Work on that envy, greed and pride.

Yes, be grateful for your job and work better at your own job.

Yes, keep to your spiritual goals and work towards achieving them. No, don't drop them for materialistic money related goals. 

Such an encounter just tested your definition. It was a run-in with materialism and the common life way of thinking that money is happiness, success and joy. We know well that the work says that real joy and happiness has nothing to do with money.

In the end at the moment of our death what will count is how rich we are in consciousness not in dollars.

End (5352).

Monday, 10 April 2023

Make WILL - (4715)

This is one of the most important teachings for all areas of our life.

It solves the mystery of WILL.

The magic of will converts a weakness into one of our greatest strengths.

WILL is indeed a mystery to us, as to why we have it for certain tasks and not for others and how initially we are lacking it and only later do we get it.

Don Juan told Carlos Castaneda that the sorcerer or the awakened person waits for will to appear. That is, the awakened person waits for both mind and emotion to be filled and activated in relation to the task and once that maturity of mind and emotion is set, then - will is present.

We have all experienced one moment of the magic of WILL in our life. Yet we have had difficulty in being able to re-create it.

We have longed to be able to re-create that unwavering will that endured until the goal was achieved.

That magic will was present when we dieted impeccably and lost weight to banish heart disease or any other aliment. When we saved our career or a business, when we saved ourselves from dropping out of our studies, when established a business against all odds, when we overcame an ego against much resistance  etc.


Will is the magic combination and product of both mind and emotion.

Will is mind in emotion that culminates in action that strengthens both mind and emotion.

Emotion is more powerful than mind. We typically fail when we leave out the emotional centre.

The emotional centre holds much greater reserves of energy and power that the mind doesn't.

To be continued...

End (4715).

Argue Due to Consciousness Missing - (4714)

So often when we get stuck and slide into a negative spiral is due to something missing.

In the case of people getting stuck in arguments and conflict, it is all due to consciousness missing on both sides.

If consciousness is present then a solution will arise which may come from the third solution, or one side deciding to die in their point of view and the ego that is holding that point of view.

So we need to bring what we lack and what we lack is consciousness. If we can't bring our consciousness in the moments a disagreement breaks out, it is the best discipline to stop talking and wait, sleep on it, meditate on it, until the sparks of the consciousness arrive and then talk and solve the disagreement.  

In conclusion, we argue because CONSCIOUSNESS IS MISSING - stop! Bring CONSCIOUSNESS and then and only then SOLVE it.

End (4714).

Thursday, 6 April 2023

Not Choosing is Choosing - (4713)

When it comes to defining ourselves to work on ourselves and for the development of our Inner Being - to not chose to define ourselves is the same as choosing life.

Life always demands a choice from us. We can't procrastinate for long before life demands that we make a choice. We need to make a choice because with making a choice we can arrive at balance. We all must arrive at balance. Something that is not balanced is always in danger of falling apart.

Nothing can remain in a state of 'no-choice' for long. If we just don't chose the work we have chosen because life will soon take us to its side where we will rest - thinking we have not made a choice but we already have.

End (4713).

Symbiosis - Key for Awakening Notes - (4710)

There is a really beautiful and effective key for the awakening of consciousness. 

Here is the teaching below:

"The symbiosis between the soul and the spirit, interacting together, is the ideal model for the radical awakening of the consciousness." Rafael Arape.


"La simbiosis entre el alma y el espíritu, interactuando juntos, es el modelo ideal para el despertar radical de la conciencia." Rafael Arape.

This teaching invites us into a new relationship with our Inner Being. Especially with the human and spiritual souls.

When reflecting we find that the human soul as will and the spiritual soul as consciousness is all that we need to work on ourselves, do the path and relate well with our whole Inner Being and its parts. 

We simply need consciousness to to know and comprehend and will to do.

This teaching reminds us that we are part of a family, a divine inner family.

We actually divide our attention when we work with the teaching of symbiosis. As soon as we divide our attention we wake up. The very moment we divide our attention we wake up - our consciousness becomes active.

It is to divide our attention of knowing between what we are doing here in life, ourselves and that knowing that we are a part of a family with them. To feel that belonging and interaction. Knowing that what we do affects them.

The moment we remember that inner relationship we are dividing our attention.  

To live together with our Inner Being is the essence of this teaching. The constant remembrance and application of the consideration involved is what wakes up our consciousness. 

When we apply this teaching we feel that the ego has no place in between us and the two souls we are trying to interact with.

We try a bit harder to displace the ego when we know that we are in the company of the parts of our Inner Being and that naturally they will have to distance themselves if we persist with the ego.  

This symbiosis works to connect the human and spiritual soul to us. They live in a different world to us. We mostly live in the abyss and so they have distanced themselves from us and so they are not so connected to us and the work that we have to do. When they connect to our work their help is powerful.

The experience of this teaching is one of peace, comfort, serenity through the difficult things we have to face seem possible to comfortably face and overcome.

When we are sad this teaching advises us to deal with those emotions together with our spiritual and human souls. To surrender that difficult emotion to them and to know that they are with us and are going to work on it as well.

We have our own inner Olympus with all the parts of our Being. The Olympian Gods of Greek mythology are archetypes which are like a guide for us to understand and get to know the different parts of our own Inner Being. 

End (4710).

If We Talk About Values Bring the Value Now - (4712)

So often we complain about the lack of values. 

If we don't bring the correct value needed right now into the conversation, we are most likely not going to bring the values that are lacking. 

If we make ourselves (not the other person) to do that we help ourselves to bring the values where they are needed and where the complaints are.

End (4712).

Wednesday, 5 April 2023

Always Looking for Wisdom - (4711)

I always have an eye out for wisdom no matter from which fount it comes from. However, one has to discern...

In general, popular movies impart a few minutes of wisdom amongst two or more hours of violence and other heavier impressions. After a while one gets tired of that equation and decides that wading through two hours of heavy impressions for a minute or two of wisdom plus the time taken to transform those impressions later on is not worth it.

Here is a nice graphic showing the wisdom from Star Wars saving you all the heavy 'entertaining 'impressions...

End (4711). 

Tuesday, 4 April 2023

Reacting and Wrong Reactions - (4709)

With the wrong reaction we fail the tests of the path. 

With the mind in control of reacting we fail the tests - we give the wrong answer. From the test's point of view the wrong answer.

Always reacting is not the answer of the work either.

To react often is foolish! It may not prove to be foolish at first but later it will.

We first of all need to apply awareness onto not reacting. Just wait! Just be silent for a few moments!

Be silent, wait and straight away before the reaction blurts out, apply the key: "If foolish: like and dislike, if stupid: accept and reject, if wise: ponder carefully and chose wisely."

Wise people and awakened people don't react so quickly. They in fact act, they don't react from any "I" such as the "I" that complains, takes issue and protests, ridicules etc.

It is often that illusion that the mind thinks it knows all and so reacts from that place but the consciousness knows that there is always the unknown factor and that reality is not as the mind sees or knows it. 

We also strengthen the "I's" by reacting and reacting often sets into place cause and effect which determines what happens next often in an unfavorable way. 

End (4709). 

Gnosis as a Constraint: Unwise View - (4708)

For sure many students of Gnosis after a while see Gnosis and the Gnostic centre or school as something very constraining.

Students may see that their life in Gnosis is more difficult than before when they were 'free'. That may well be true...

In truth, being a member of a Gnostic centre is more constraining and does make your life more difficult. But for a reason! 

The reason is one of intelligence. A wise person or a person defined to progress in their studies choses an environment of constraint. To keep from them from straying from their goals and to firmly establish themselves with the spirit and ethics of the way that will lead them to their goals.

For example, a person on a diet will lose weight quicker if they place themselves within an environment that limits their bad eating habits. This is an intelligent choice, made in favour of the end goal.

All the constraints of Gnosis and the Gnostic centre propel one to awaken consciousness and to dissolve their defects, as almost all the defects clash with constraints if we can call them that in Gnosis.

For the radically defined, the stronger the constraint the deeper the psychological death. 

Another paradox exists: the more constraints, the more the consciousness is exercised to produce results and or a creative solution.

End (4708). 

Stop Being What We Are! Extraordinary Key to Transformation and Awakening - (4737)

It is so obvious right that this key if seriously applied will radically transform us and also awaken us.

Where do we start?

The answer is to look at the centres of our human machine. 

To stop being what we are, we need to conduct a psychological inventory of what we do with our centres.

To do an accurate psychological inventory we need to take the following into account. Where it is true that we will not see everything. We must include what others say and be open to discover the blind spot and the unknown area.

We need to have a real physical list to start with. If it is not physical we will not do it properly and we will also forget.

Once we have our list of what we do with our centres. Then we must make efforts to either do the opposite or not do what we do. I repeat: two things: the opposite or not what we do! 

If we are our essence, if we adopt the identity of our essence we will do what our essence does and we will stop being what we are.

With this key, to get the maximum out of it, we must focus exclusively on ourselves. Which means to apply the Law and power of Hermeticism. 

The Law of Hermeticism exists so that things can grow and develop. When things are exposed outside and other inner influences interrupt their growth. When we focus on others all of our energies deviate  away from ourselves and there is neither enough attention and energy for us to grow.

To not be what we are, we find that the first thing to stop is being negative! 

To stop being what we are, we need a very strong focus on discovery and immediate reversal. The point of essential focus is very important!

There are the small details and the large points that we can work on to stop being what we are.

We can ask ourselves from moment to moment: "What are we right now that we can stop being what we are?"

The first response that comes to mind is to change our body. Our posture, our facial expression, the way we are looking, standing, sitting or walking etc.

Then we would work to change our emotional state which is the same as our psychological state and then would come changing our state of consciousness. 

To be continued...

End (4737).

Interdependency of Values - (4690)

The qualities of our soul all relate to one another. So much so, that for one quality to be present means that one or more can be present. It also woks that if one is absent then the others can not be present.

There are many examples. The values of balance (fairness, justice etc.), majesty and dignity are a triangle and if one is missing then the other can not be present. If fairness is broken then majesty and dignity have to also fade away.

For there to be love there must be freedom. If freedom is missing then love can not be present for long. Freedom related to love is so subtle. When we try to define it depriving of it's freedom to be just as it is without any label, way of expression, or expectation we begin to make love disappear as differences appear.

One of the main values is justice or balance. If that is missing then love, freedom, patience, tolerance and others disappear or if they don't disappear they become corrupted.

Justice, peace and harmony are another triangle.

End (4690).

Monday, 3 April 2023

Internet as 'Part' of the Subconscious - (4738)

The internet now days seems to be forming a part of humanity's subconscious. Certainly we can say it is an interface to our subconscious, a playground for our subconscious and it is used by our subconscious. 

There is also the dark web which is all the subconscious. It seems that the subconscious has a great hold on the internet and is expanding its grip.

The below graphic shows this very clearly.

End (4738).

Saturday, 1 April 2023

C.O.N.H - (4706)

Gnosis teaches about the Carbon, the Oxygen, the Hydrogen and the Nitrogen. Master Samael says that they are the four bodies. See the excerpt from the book: "Tarot and Kabbalah". 

"C. O. N. H.

These are four forces, the four bodies of the initiate, four bodies with which the Seity is dressed when the Seity wants to be manifested.

1. C - Carbon. In Alchemy, the letter “C” symbolizes the conscious body of willpower; it is the carbon of occult chemistry.

2. O - Oxygen. In Alchemy, the letter “O” symbolizes the true solar mental body which was built in the forge of the Cyclops, the oxygen of sacred chemistry.

3. N - Nitrogen. In Alchemy, the letter “N” symbolizes the authentic Solar astral body, which is very different from the body of desires. It is obvious that the legitimate sidereal body is the nitrogen of occult chemistry.

4. H - Hydrogen. In Alchemy, the “H” symbolizes the physical body, the three-dimensional vehicle of flesh and bones."

Gurdjieff also teaches that C.O.N.H are also the four states of matter and the elements of fire, air, water and earth.

The four aspects or states of every substance have definite names.

"When a substance is the conductor of the first or the active force, it is called 'carbon,' and, like the carbon of chemistry, it is designated by the letter C.

"When a substance is the conductor of the second or the passive force, it is called 'oxygen,' and, like the oxygen of chemistry, it is designated by the letter 0.

"When a substance is the conductor of the third or neutralizing force, it is called 'nitrogen,' and, like the nitrogen of chemistry, it is designated by the letter N.

"When a substance is taken without relation to the force manifesting itself through it, it is called 'hydrogen,' and, like the hydrogen of chemistry, it is designated by the letter H.

"The active, the passive, and the neutralizing forces are designated by the figures 1, 2, 3, and the substances by the letters C, 0, N, and H. These designations must be understood."

"Do these four elements correspond to the old four alchemical elements, fire, air, water, earth?" asked one of us.

"Yes, they do correspond," said G., "but we will use these (C, O, N, H). You will understand why afterwards." — P. D. Ouspensky, In Search of the Miraculous

C.O.N.H are also the major constituents of our physical body as the graphic below explains. Everything must correspond and this shows that there is correspondence between the different levels.

End (4706).

Magnetic Use of the Sexual Energy Notes - (4707)

The magnetic use of the sexual energy is one of the three broad uses of the sexual energy. 

Magnetism is one of the properties of the sexual energy. The more we cultivate the sexual energy the more the magnetic power of the sexual energy grows. When people lose their sexual energy the magnetic power of their sexual energy weakens. 

The magnetic power of the sexual energy is the power of attraction. In the first instance it attracts the opposite sex but it also has the power to attract circumstances, objects, people, influences etc. into our life.   

Just like the sexual energy the magnetic power of the sexual energy can be transmuted to be used at higher octaves. One of these higher octaves is the health and healing of the physical body and with more transmutation the magnetic power becomes more spiritual where it attracts higher spiritual energies. The transmuted sexual magnetism causes the human and spiritual souls to come ever closer together within us.

The Oneida community's discovery and use of the sexual magnetic power gave evidence to how the magnetic power improves the health and vitality of the physical body. It is said that this was discovered through the couple practicing the Karezza method where there was not sexual connection - only the couple lying together for a determined time without the connection of the organs. 

In fact we see that the sexual act is where the magnetic power accomplishes it first major feat and during the sexual act is where the magnetic power reaches it maximum intensity of functioning.

The magnetic power is cultivated when a person does not lose their sexual energy and transmutes regularly. It is further cultivated in the practice of Alchemy and reaches it maximum development.

A person who transmutes will learn to be careful with what he or she thinks or wishes for, as the magnetic power of their sexual energy with the help of the mind will bring to them what they think about or wish for, whether it be convenient or inconvenient. 

End (4707).