Wednesday, 31 May 2023

Why Disaster Days? - (4793)

Why do we have disaster days? I would really like to know - so that I can work to not have them repeat, or at least not happen so often.

So when we are having one or have had one - we need to reflect and study the day retrospectively to see what went wrong.

We will find many things.

We will always find that one or more egos were present in our human machine and their manifestation unfolded a series of effects that led to things getting out of hand, firstly inside of ourselves and then outside of ourselves.

We will find a lack of attention, a lack of presence that led to a series of mistakes that produced a series of delays.

We will find instances where we ignored our consciousness or the logical thought that came from our consciousness.

We will find a lot of distractions, that is a lack of concentration.

We will find wrong attitudes towards the events and tasks of the day.

We will find an inefficient use of time.

We will find a lot of mental back and forth.

End (4793).

Spirit, Consciousness and Will - (4786)

Atman, Buddhi and Manas form a triangle, trinity or trismurti just as do the three primary forces.

They are another expression of the Law of Three forming a complete system - a complete unit. 

Spirit, will and consciousness are separate yet they combine together to form a unity.

They all contain each other and participate of each other.

In consciousness there is spirit, will, cognition, light and awareness. In will there is attention which is also in consciousness, and there is also spirit in the consciousness, and in the spirit there is will and consciousness.

The ethical triangle is derived from the Logoic triangle. It is the Logioic triangle in an expression suited to the human sphere where the Logos can rule over the life of a human being and walk through the life of human being.

What one has of the other is what the spirit needs to be complete. The power of three is to make something complete. The two is the beginning - the presence of the creative spark but the three works to complete the creative spark and turn it into a unit of creation. 

They are all one in the spirit. They all work for the spirit. In the spirit is will and consciousness.

The spirit unfolds into will and consciousness. 

We can help ourselves to understand spirit as being the 'thing' that synthesis will and consciousness. Meaning it is the powerful intelligent 'thing' that is capable of putting together will and consciousness and harmonising them into one and working together with and within them.

Will and consciousness form the two legs of the spirit that walks within us.

That is all that we need to work on ourselves sucessfully: will and consciousness. With those two elements we can do everything.

End (4786).

Tuesday, 30 May 2023

Esoteric Detective - (4791)

Practically no one now is an esoteric detective. Master Samael really was, m.m.m is. However, what we find is that we are mostly all physical and psychological detectives.

When we get hurt or bothered or something like that we go into ego detective mode, working out all the physical movements of the other person that hurt us as well as all their ego driven psychological motivations.

After gathering all the info we can, we then try hard to catch them out. Catch out their lies, their contradictions, their errors, their egos, their subconscious etc. Every man and his dog does that, and every man and his dog is pretty good at it too, as every man and his dog has the ego and subconscious and one does not have to look far for a reference in themselves.

In Gnosis, we get a bit better than that, and instead of detective work on others, we try to do it on ourselves. If we do that, we can get a lot of good insight and make some real profound changes for the better in ourselves... 

Doing the detective work on ourselves is the first step to get to be an esoteric detective. The esoteric detective will after seeing his or her own psychological part in the event/drama will go beyond in silence of the mind looking for the the deeper esoteric and even ontological motives and values behind what just happened.

End (4791).

Danger of Pressure Cracking the Psyche - (4787)

When under a great deal of pressure, certain cracks appear in our psyche. Which is a serious thing!

Psychological pressure can accumulate over time or it can appear intensely in a certain circumstance. No matter what the scenario is, it is something to be aware of. Especially when we are subject to it or we are subjecting others to it.

The pressures of escaping financial ruin, fear for the lack of physical safety, constant belittlement, intense  and constant frustrations, sexual pressure, drastic life changes, constant conflict, unrest in society, constant relationship problems etc.etc.

The pressure causes an opening in our psyche to appear which is really the best way to picture and understand it. Imagine a deep crack that opens up in our psyche where there is access to the depths of our psyche.

Normally our psyche is covered by our consciousness and it is our consciousness that screens out thoughts and feelings that rise up from our subconscious.

It is our Inner Being and our karma that has control over what surfaces from our subconscious. There are very powerful entities there that can overwhelm us and do what they must...  

When these cracks do appear it is our free consciousness that acts a kind of shield that deflects or blocks the elements of our subconscious from surfacing.

If the our consciousness is missing for some reason the beasts created by us, residing in our subconscious surface and commit acts that we never ever thought we would, and what's worse we don't remember doing them and find it impossible to take responsibility for having done them.

When people take drugs or get drunk these cracks can appear and we people do very strange things with little or no remembrance and remain in total disbelief of having done them.

End (4787).

Monday, 29 May 2023

Things that Don't Matter Esoterically Just Go with your Tendency - (4789)

There are so many things that we get really confused over what to choose and spend days and weeks deliberating.

Well if they don't matter esoterically like make of car, colour, insurance, no insurance, just be practical get it over and done with chose what you have the tendency towards and buy it, get it, organise for it etc.  

Don't waste time in the mind, depressing ourselves and others involved with so many options and reasons and counter reasons, doing circles and circles...

For things that matter esoterically "ponder carefully and chose wisely" in favour of your esoteric path.

End (4789).

Allow Dignity, Truth and Justice to be your Protectors - (4788)

We typically trust in fear, pride and anger to be our protectors in the face of the many events in life.

We also trust and appeal to the opposites of dignity, truth and justice to be our protectors, which are arrogance, lies and pride.

These false protectors bring us karma or many unpleasant after-effects and their just as equally unpleasant consequences.

If we can remember that we use false protectors that bring us lots of trouble when scared are when fear is present - we can help ourselves to drop them and take up the real ones: dignity, truth and justice. 

The real protectors are real values and parts of our Inner Being that do the best job for all of us!

End (4788).

Sunday, 28 May 2023

The Being is Everything - Life is but a Small Circle within a Vast Ocean - (4785)

Life is not everything. The Being is everything! Life is just a wave on the vast ocean of Being. 

To align with the Great Reality that the Being is a vast ocean we need to adjust our focus of attention to see this.

We can only align with that when we adjust our focus.

If we can make our focus and attention like a flood light that sees our own life greater and wider than the details, problems and to-do lists we are doing it.  

When we are focused on life as everything that is why we get so upset when things don't work or work out because that is everything for us and we are then left with nothing. 

When we are focused on the Being as everything so vast and great extending from far behind us and far ahead of us we don't get so easily upset, annoyed and disappointed by all the little things that go wrong that our personality and little "I's" disagree with. 

End (4785).

Inner Being, Work and Prayer - (4782)


Here are notes from a talk by m.m.m which was received online.


We and our Inner Being are a unity. We need each other. We can not walk the path without each other. We both do the work in our different worlds and spheres. 

We can not walk the path without the help of our Inner Divinity and the Inner Divinity can not realise itself without us.

Every ego is a fascination with the wrong perception of the realities of life.

Every ego is a fascination with the wrong side of the things in life.

For example lust is when we focus our sexual energy onto the senses, sensations, personality, matter,  relativity and duality. Which is the wrong side, we should focus our sexual energy on enhancing the Inner Being, which we say in Gnosis is the right side.

We need to pray with hope, trust, faith, altruism, instead of with pain and protest.

The 'Our Father' can be esoterically summarised as use the consciousness of the Father and attract His force.

We should pray with altruism and work for the well-being of our Inner Being.

Our Inner Being is sick, as it can only be well once It has It's consciousness back. 

These four powers of hope, love, faith and trust are causal in character and if we pray with them we will cause circumstances to unfold within us.

End (4782).

Someone Beeps their Horn Behind You at the Traffic Lights - (5007)

God bless them for keeping me alert! It is a rare thing to have someone help us in life with our state of alertness and presence of attention!

Love the Being in us and we will Be...

End (5007).

Friday, 26 May 2023

Ego and Authority is a Powerful Combination - (5354)

The ego with some kind of authority forms a very strong combination. Which is difficult to maneuver around. It can seem that even justice itself gets defeated...

The length of time in which such a situation can go on for, depends on the amount of injustice there is to balance, and how much injustice this combination of ego and authourity causes, in other words how much authority has been previously abused. 

The tides always change... The change is marked when the consciousness of the people can no longer stand the unfairness of the ego and authority duo, Justice itself will break up the duo and its power will decline. 

The abuse of power is not Christic when the ego uses authority for personal or individual ends. 

End (5354).

Thursday, 25 May 2023

About Change - (4781)

The below is a very interesting quote. Seems very true.

It shows us the catalyst of change and how powerful basically pain, knowledge and giving of values is.

It seems that the first season is what really motivates us to work seriously to overcome at least, an ego.

The other seasons are what make us to die psychologically (change). These other seasons also entail changes in habits, routines, psychology - thinking and feeling, ways of doing things and even physical changes in life. 

End (4781). 

How Disdain for What You Love Expands and Purifies Your Love - (4772)

When others disdain something we love, whatever it may be, we are being helped. We may not know it at first but we are.

The role of the disdain of others is to actually get us to love better and more what we love. It is not about us trying to convince others to love what we love, no, it is about us loving what we love more and better.

The criticism of others is useful, as we can intelligently listen, filter out the useful from the not useful, and use the useful to enhance what it is that we love.

The disdain of others towards what we love often produces pain in us and so we can can work on that pain.

The work on that pain purifies our love. Which means not to love less or drop what we love but to make that love more conscious. Which could mean seeing duality more clearly, be less attached, more trusting, more free and more oriented to the spiritual of all things. 

End (4772).

Aligning with the Three Primary Forces Notes - (4779)

The three primary forces of nature are everywhere. They permeate creation, even our physical life.

It is true that the three primary forces of creation are the logoic triangle. Within us the three primary forces are called the Monad. They are three in one that form a unity, yet each of them in themselves are a unity.

A triangle is the most stable geometry. It is the first closed shape that forms a unit.

The three primary forces of creation are the Law of Three. The Holy Triamazikamno. 

The Law of Three created. The three laws comes from the one law - the unity and they form the first unity.

The Law of Three is the law that is needed to create in duality - which is creation. The law of three unifies the opposites, the two poles that this whole universe is all about - the great cosmic duality.

As mentioned in earlier posts, each force supports and works for the other, that is why the Holy Trinity is explained as all three forming one, and all three participating in each other.

The Affirmative puts forward the idea to create, the Denying explains all that could go wrong and the Reconciling improves the Affirmative, integrating into it, all the suggestions of the Denying. 

The Affirmative is the ideal, the Denying is the real and the Reconciling the integrating intelligence.

When a creation is not possible, it is because these forces can not be integrated in that particular creation. One of the forces is too weak or too powerful and a balance among all three can not be struck.

The Three laws are the Holy Affirming, the Holy Denying and the Holy Reconciling. Together they form the Holy Trinity.

Every major religion has them as the Lord of creation. In Christianity, it is the Holy Trinity composed of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. In Hinduism it is the Trimurti of: Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. In Egypt it is Osiris, Horus and Isis.  

The Holy Affirming is the breath in us, the Holy Denying is our blood and the Holy Reconciling is our sexual energy.

We go against the Holy Affirming when we lie, we go against the Holy Denying when we hate and we go against the Holy Reconciling when lose the sexual energy and harm ourselves in our bodies. 

The three forces are in our three brains. With the Holy affirming in our brain, the holy denying in our emotional centre and the Holy reconciling in our motor, instinctive and sexual brain.

The Law of Three: is father, mother and child, upper, lower and middle, birth, life and death, initiation, resurrection and ascension, beginning, middle and end, rise, peak and decline, 

The action of the three forces of creation is to produce in time or in space the above three levels and stages.

We must work with them, they are not that far. They are present in everything.

We can connect to the Holy Affirming by activating affirmative psychology. See this post.

We can connect to the Holy Denying by saying 'no' to the ego and everything that is not the Being. Also when we love and work with sacrifice and transformation we are aligning with the Holy Denying.

When we work with sexuality positively aligned towards the Inner Divinity we are working with the Holy Reconciling third force. This is because sexuality is the ultimate reconciliation, it reconciles two opposite natures into one. 

When we reach balance and consciously combine the two opposites we are working with the Holy Reconciling. The further the two opposites are apart the greater force of Holy Reconciling we have to generate. We then understand that the Holy Reconciling is strength plus a lot of intelligence.

We all have to know about the Three forces because we are a number five. Which really means the three forces operating in action over the duality in creation. 5 = 3 + 2. If we know how the three forces work we can move through and manage duality much better.

End (4779).

Wrong Reasons to be a Missionary - (4780)

Wrong reasons and right reasons. The right reasons for doing anything create a strong lasting foundation while the wrong reasons for doing something create a foundation that crumbles and has to be rebuilt or either stays too far crumbled.

Wrongs Reasons

Make some extra money - like a side hustle doing something interesting and people related.

Good excuse for and a way to rent or buy a bigger house.

Finally be able to leave the group and it's instructor and be free, no more having to travel to class and meet attendance requirements. Set your own times and dates, work from home and cancel when you like.

Be your own boss and do the things that you like, in the way that you want, and escape the always 'no' because of the semi-esoteric-political reasons.

Be different maybe 'above' your fellow students.

Excuse to travel the world and live in different countries, with local help and support from your students.

Be in the elite and have access to the 'top'. 

Stay in Gnosis - doing not doing much. 

Be able to command and hold authority.

Be in on the 'secrets'.

Receive all the information, articles, teachings, emails, notices and warnings...  

Get to attend special meetings.

Exercise your people and social skills, because you are a 'people person'.

In the end - the above are all life and materialism reasons. In short, the wrong reasons are: personality, mind and ego. They form a very weak foundation. 

Right Reasons

Love for humanity. Heart-felt yearning to alleviate the suffering of others.

To give to others what really has transformed our life so that others too can experience the same.

Love for the teachings and a way to repay the master and to fully the master in secret who brought you to them.

To be of service to the essence and spirit of others. 

Pay our karma in the best possible way - helping others.

Unify with the spirit of the Christ and with the spirit of sacrifice.

Help and serve the white lodge.

To honour and be a part of the great chain of giving and taking. We right now and taking hold of those walked the path before us and now as we walk we extend our hands backwards to make their path POSSIBLE!

To show the path to others. The path is shown through an initiate and the best thing closest to an initiate is a missionary.

To help the SUN, to be a part of its harvest and work for It so that Its harvest be great. Also to be a missionary is to be a nano sun, as the missionary radiates light, life and warmth with the help of the work and the teachings.

For the direct way to the Divinity. For love of Divinity. Knowing that we are all one that my suffering is also your suffering. I can not be free while you are suffering.

For love of light - to give light is to receive light.

To actively participate in carrying forward the mission that Master Samael began.

To fulfill the mission of our own Inner Divinity - which in part, is to teach and help humanity.

End (4780).

Tuesday, 23 May 2023

No More Recrimination, No More Negative, No Blame - ALL POSITIVE - (4778)

Learning that we have to be tough with ourselves and take all negative elements out of our word.

The learning is that all negative elements lead to conflict and that is a miserable waste of time and precious psychic energy. Plus in the process it destroys so many precious values in ourselves and others.

Stopping the negative is the first place where we can show consideration, peace, intelligence and kindness - in other words love.

This makes a huge difference to the relationship with ourselves and others.

End (4778).

The Many Types of Students - (4775)

Those that Stay a While and Leave

Master Samael said that the Gnostic movement is like a train that many jump on and many jump off. Few are those that stay on the train to the final station.

This section looks at the different types of student that stay on the train for a while and then jump off.

There are those that leave quietly and those that leave with a bang!

Those that stay to learn something and once they've learnt it they leave the train. 

Those that while staying, teach (mostly indirectly) the instructor and some group members an unexpected practical lesson, and then leave. 

Those that come by recurrence and leave by the same recurrence.

Those that come by positive recurrence and leave by a different 'negative' recurrence.

Those that come by themselves and leave because of someone else.

Those that come to heckle and challenge and then leave.

Those that use the group or some of its nicer members until they can and then leave. They seemingly were never a part of the group in their emotions.

Those that feel they 'know' (cup very full) and deserve quicker access to advanced levels. 

Those that are brought along and the one that brought them leaves, while they stay.

Those that shine and leave and those that apparently never shone and leave.

Those that promise they will never leave and do. 

Those that leave quietly with little to no explanation and those that leave explaining (justifying) a lot. 

All those who leave, leave for unhappy reasons. They may be happy to leave but the reason they leave is that they are not happy.

Finally, those that say they will be back but never show again.

Those that Stay

There are always the pillar of support students who have been there from the beginning of the group's formation and continue to be a unfaltering pillar of support.

There are those that stay constant and firm quietly blending into the background.

There are those that are a little challenging.

Those that help a lot and those don't help out much.

Those that have good faith and are still working things out...

There are students who give more and then there are students who give less. 

Those who are sincere and try their best and those who are present for other reasons than themselves.

Those that are present out of loyalty and those that are present because they have nowhere else to go.

Those that love the work and Master Samael (Logos) and are doing their best and putting their best foot forward for the path.

And Then the Lesson

Everyone gives of what they have to give...

It is true that every student has something to give and every student contributes to the overall group  dynamic, identity and energy. 

It is so difficult to tell who gives the most to the overall group energy, because all students give more in other ways and less in other ways. 

There is a wonderful variety of all under the sun...where everyone has a role, are useful and are necessary...

End (4775).

No Moral Judgment in Gnostic Work - (4777)

There is no moral judgment in Gnosis.

Moral judgment becomes just another bottle that stagnates a person and delays their path.

Moral judgment leads to fear and a lot of physical and psychological pre-occupation and occupation trying to avoid being judged. Which in the end takes us very far away from the original goal which is to dissolve defects.

It contributes to spending a lot of energy which we need for the real work of dissolution.

Gnosis focuses on liberating the essence and the essence itself is beyond good and evil and therefore itself does not judge but comprehends.

To comprehend we must first recognise and accept

End (4777).

Monday, 22 May 2023

Distractions to Concentration Come from a Dantean Circle - (4776)

When we find concentration there is relaxation. There is also purpose... 

Concentration is simple. It is a state of simplicity.

To find concentration may be difficult. We may need to concentrate on something very human and simple at first, and then when concentration arrives, go to concentrate on the esoteric inner side within ourselves.

The process of finding concentration entails overcoming distractions. If and only if we are victorious in overcoming distractions will we find concentration. That is important!

We just can't expect concentration to arrive meanwhile we accept distractions.

Distractions come from one or another Dantean circle.

Egos of lust and greed from the third circle for example can be the distraction and obstacle for the day.

No matter where the distractions come from, we need to be able to quickly let them go and continue concentrating.

It is curious that the distractions come from down below. After all it makes senses,  because our happiness, our hope, our trust, our conscious faith are not the things that stop us from meditating. It is their polar opposites that do that.

End (4776).

Favourites in a Gnostic Group - (4767)

Favourites in a Gnostic group is not an ideal situation as the other students may see this as unfair, and this can create a silent disharmony in some group members that can grow in time and become voiced disconcertedly depending on the level of Being of the group. 

It's true in each group there are students who give more and then there are students who give less. 

The injustice may be felt when there are students who give more and receive less and students who give less and receive more. 

If an apparent favourite is doing a lot, and is doing what others don't want to do or can't then it is unfair of others to feel disdain towards that person. It is more fitting to comprehend instead.

From the work point of view, the favorites if not vigilant are in a disadvantaged situation. As if, they are not psychologically aware enough they can easily fatten their egos of pride and self-importance. This is something that is not often seen, because the fattening works slowly in time and is only really noticed when the impressions that fatten these egos stop.

Often, however not always, the favourites can develop a superiority over others not because they really are more conscious or more psychologically transformed, but because of being favoured they come to believe they are better. 

That superiority can take the form of believing that others are not working on themselves, are making mistakes, are not so defined and in general it means distancing from others with an attitude of subtle superiority.

As with all attitudes of superiority in the mystical field one deceives oneself, believing oneself to be progressing but really one is strengthening egos that need to be dissolved and are becoming more difficult to dissolve as they are getting stronger.

The ones who are not favourites have the great chance if they feel hurt by this to work on pride and self-importance. As they are not receiving impressions that fatten these egos they can if they work make good headway in dissolving some facets of these egos.

There is good and bad in every situation. Somethings that may be good for the personality are not good for the essence and the work and vice versa.

End (4767).

Origin of the Values is Unity - (4773)

All the virtues and values of the Being, such as love, hope, faith and compassion, all come from the ONE, from the unity, which is the BEING. 

This is because the Being is the ONE, the Being is UNITY, the Being comes from the UNITY and is one with the UNITY, and within the Being there is also unity.

A simple example, is that at one moment we are so stuck in our individual, particular personality, that is our culture, religion, nationality, that we reject, disdain and even despise others who have a different culture, nationality and religion. Then out of some fortuitous circumstance we experience we see that we are the same, we are one, then compassion, love, kindness is born towards others. When we see that we as do they, suffer, cry and bleed red blood, and have parents, children and friends that they love as do we, the nobility in our spirit springs forth.

It is the perception of unity, of oneness that causes the noble values of the spirit to surge forth...

Karma is always there to remind us of that unity. To do to others is to do to ourselves.

As soon as you see yourself the same as others, that your pain is equal to theirs, a noble value of one type or another will surge from the depth of your Being to your emotional centre that will and move you to benevolent action towards the other.

Only in a state of consciousness that is closer to the unity can we truly love and happily tolerate others with all their differences...

To be stuck in individual personality and ego is to be far from the unity and to not allow the noble virtues of the spirit to appear.

This is a lesson that we all learn and it shows us, that if we want the values of the spirit to come out we need to perceive and see with unity, and let go, or even better, see far past individual differences.

End (4773).

Please Don't Ignore Your Pain - (4774)

If there is something that often brings us pain - it is best not to ignore it. Take heed and then let it all go, stop being concerned about it and stop worrying about it. Let it go.

The sooner we do that the sooner the pain goes. We often don't pay attention to what pains us and we fight against it. Trying to win but then it comes back again and we do it all again. Getting our way does not mean we win over pain. Transcending it means we win over pain! 

The best is to really win by letting it go! 

End (4774).

Thursday, 18 May 2023

So Many Ways to be Under Life - (4771)

There are really so many ways that we can fall under the hypnotism of life and materialism.

Many of those ways are not directly related to possessions and money.

Normally our way of being under life and materialism depends highly on our psychological structure. Our principal psychological profile (P.P.P) determines the way we go into materialism, that is the way we relate to matter. For example if pride is  our p.p.p then materialism will serve our pride, in the way of the more and the best. 

We may renounce possessions and have only what we need and only work to acquire the money we need, and no more. Yet we can certainly be under the hypnotic grip of life and materialism.

Working too much. Very busy with unnecessary movements and changes, over organising things, continued worry about people and things, over-researching things, continual or excessive planning of things, continual fixing of things, continual thinking of outside improvements, constant social engagements in person or online, frequent travel and outings, continual creating of problems with the necessity that they be solved, constant to-do lists etc. etc. 

All of the above things are not so much about money and possession yet they are about matter, as they are all about moving and organising matter. They are good skills yes and need to be transferred into the psychological and spiritual spheres.

In the end, any way that we are under life and materialism, the result is the same, which is to ignore the spirit and be more dedicated to and trusting in matter.

End (4771).

Quote from Martin Luther King - (4768)

This is a wonderful piece of advice from Martin Luther King. The more I read from him the more I think  he was a fallen bodhisattva...that really had a mission to fulfill.

I think we are all looking in our life to be excellent or great at something. Well with this advice, here is greatness through humility. Humility is to know our place, deeply accept it and work intensely within it to the better.


As Gnostics we are called to the realization of our Inner Being. That is, to master ourselves, so here we find our calling and so here within that calling we work as well as we can and in that is our specialty and greatness.

End (4768).

Wednesday, 17 May 2023

Materialism Notes - (4770)

Here are some notes from a part of a talk that m.m.m gave last night.

Spirit and matter are a part of creation. There is nothing wrong with either. Matter is condensed spirit and spirit is rarefied matter.

Materialism is not matter! It is something psychological.

The whole question of materialism is the 'ism'. The 'ism' is the cult to matter or the religion of matter. The 'ism' is how we relate to matter or in other words it is about our attachment to matter. 

So all this big deal about materialism is really about our attachment to matter. That's then clarified.

Materialism has a positive function for those who do not do the work. It stabilizes their life here in creation in the physical world. 

For the spiritual work though, it becomes an obstacle. As it stands as an obstacle to our radical trust and faith in our Inner Being. 

It was mentioned by m.m.m that he saw materialism as being the antitheses of Kether and claiming to be his father. 

In fact, materialism for those not doing the work is like a father that provides everything for them in life. A meaning and purpose in life through a career (a fulfilling way just to make money), transport: cars, planes, boats, medicines and surgery when we are unwell, entertainment through numerous means, insurance for when things go wrong, every other occupation and product for all the issues of life. Devotion to materialism by always focusing on it for solutions, we are provided with everything.

We all carry an inferiority complex to matter created by materialism in us. So often we bend our knee to matter because of materialism.

When we see a person who owns a very expensive car, or boat or house/building we we look at them with awe, marvel, not quite comprehending how they acquired that possession. Almost as if they are a  God. 

When we are unwell we bend down to Science for our cure, hoping, depending, praying and praising. 

End (4770).

Interesting How the Use of Drugs Tells Us Things About Our Way of Life - (4769)

One interesting view to take on drug use in society, is that shows what's missing in human beings.

If we look at life in western societies, take Australia for example, we have the use of caffeine (very popular these days) to get us up and working in the morning (often early) and to keep us working in the afternoon when the drowsiness sets in. 

We have alcohol after work and on the weekends to relax and unwind from the long work week. It makes it easy to relate to people outside of the work setting, and generally forget about life's problems including those at work. 

We have the many other drugs (illicit) to feel what we fail at being able to make ourselves feel (such as happiness). In the past when we real felt joy, bliss, love etc. it was almost now that it didn't happen, to get hat same feeling back again seems just not possible. The many illicit drugs also help us to forget about our problems, difficulties, pain and suffering...

So, caffeine helps to keep us as a kind of 'drone' where we work long hours to serve the demands of common life which is in a large degree managed by the collective egoic structure of society, with one major force being greed, fear and materialism. On top of that we have the wants and 'false' needs of our own personality and egos.

Alcohol keeps us in a blur - not being able to clearly reflect and realise what we are really doing in life and why...  

Perhaps after a few years of managing to just survive and hold it all together, the other drugs slowly dismantle our life, until there is no room for anything else but to serve them.

All these drugs lead to each and form a cycle of dependency. Because of of coffee we need and long work hours we need alcohol to relax, and because of alcohol we need coffee to wake up and cure a hangover,  and when that is not enough there are the other drugs...

In short each drug, in their own sphere of use, is used to maintain the sleep of our consciousness...

Each drug compensates for a lack of something missing from our interior. Often what is lacking is a definite soulful purpose and the values of our own essence, that in action, bring happiness and joy, and also are the source of those inner states.

Each drug links to the other and enslaves us in a cycle.

The values of our essence all work together, one value calls forth the other, yet they do not enslave, they enhance the other and liberate the person...

In conclusion, what's missing is direct and deep contact with our essence/consciousness/Inner Being.

End (4769).

Monday, 15 May 2023

Noteworthy Quotes About Evil - (4764)

Here are some interesting quotes about the relativity of evil and how the normal person often slides into it to some degree. 

It all starts off in the intellect...

Before sliding into anything inconvenient for the soul our intellect is beguiled...

The one below is a good one, it even applies to the affairs of our own life, A family life, work life, life in our neighbourhood, things that happen in our own Gnostic group when people go against Gnosis etc.

End (4764).

Sunday, 14 May 2023

We Think The Negative Thoughts We Have Against Us Don’t Harm Us - (4765)

We typically think that the negative thoughts about ourselves and towards ourselves don't do anything, and so they are not a problem...

We think the above because we normally don't feel anything from a negative thought. We typically think: “a negative thought and then what? Nothing!”.

But the negative thoughts towards ourselves are REALLY HARMFUL! 

The thinking that negative thoughts towards ourselves are nothing much is WRONG!

It is a matter of a high state of consciousness or egoic sensitivity, to be able to know how harmful they are.

Let's see the point of egoic sensitivity first.

When a large ego is in possession of our human machine any negative thought towards ourselves in any direction, multiplies its grip and effect on us two or three fold... Which reflects frequently in strong physical symptoms such as vomiting, shaking, sweating, digestion, diarrhea, etc. 

When we have been doubting ourselves all week and then at the end of the week we go to our usual psychological gymnasium where fear appears, that fear will be doubly as strong.

Now let's see the point of about a high state of consciousness.

When we have a lot of consciousness and death of the ego, we have a lot of purity in our psyche and we elevate the vibratory level of our whole system quite high. Then anything negative as subtle as a negative thought becomes very noticeable, even catastrophic.  

Basically, we continue allowing the different egos in us to issue negative thoughts, because we don't know how harmful they really are.

The more we entertain negative thoughts now, the harder we will have to work to dissolve the egos that issue them, and heal the harm that they have caused.

Let's stop thinking negatively about ourselves and towards ourselves from now on! Not one more negative thought about ourselves!!!

End (4765).

Saturday, 13 May 2023

Gnosis Seems too Negative to People - (4763)

I have heard many people say that. 

In reality Gnosis is knowledge which is neither negative nor positive. So Gnosis is not negative. It is just the way that it is presented or the way it is perceived.

Knowledge does not harm or injure anybody. It is all how it is used does not benefit or injury arise.

The negative - that is 'bad ego' has been focused on a lot, because that is what is the cause of so many problems and so much suffering and there are so many people that focus on the light and forget the ego and still suffer and cause innumerable problems to themselves and others. So it is focused or empathised so that people get the message.

The work of dissolution is a large part of the work. However that does not have to be negative. The work of dissolving the "I" is about doing the opposite and giving the values which is really affirming the essence within us - which certainly is not negative.

It could well be that people present Gnosis in an unbalanced way, that is with too much of a negative tone - how so much is wrong with people and society, how corrupt it is and how taken over by sleeping consciousness it is. 

If we affirm the Inner Being in us Gnosis can be presented realistically as showing the problem and straight away showing the solution which immediately gives hope, light and faith in possibility instead of everything being doomed to failure.

End (4763).

Faith in Action - (4762)

Faith in action is to have faith in the triumph of your soul and to work empowered by that positive emotion. The Being in me will triumph, and I as soul will triumph.

May everyone work that way so that the soul and Inner Bing, which is everyone triumphs. Then we can really help everyone else to triumph also. 

End (4762).

Gnosis Info Session: Make Our Light Shine - (4761)


This post is an idea of how Gnosis can be presented in the Information Session format. That the focus of this particular information session will be: "Making Our Light Shine". 


A good general focus of any introduction to Gnosis talk can be formed using the law of three. 

General Approach


Each human being carries light within. Each human being is an essence derived from a soul and the soul is the unfolding of a Divine Monad. The Divine Monad of every human being is made up of spirit, light which is consciousness, will, energy, innumerable divine powers and qualities and is an authentic part of the Great Universal Spirtit of Life.


Obviously something is missing in our planet. If every person expressed their light how could things be  way that they are? Here then we explain the problem, that is present all that Gnosis teaches about what blocks our light from being expressed. The conditioned essence, the sleeping consciousness, the mind, the personality etc. 


Here the solution to the problem is explained. Which is how the various blocks to expressing the light are dissolved. 

In More Detail


The essence which is our real identity contains the consciousness. In the consciousness there is light which is awareness and cognition, and cognition is knowledge, which is Gnosis.

Gnosis is knowledge. It is self-knowledge to be exact. Self-knowledge is inner knowledge. Which is the knowledge of ourselves as essence, as consciousness, as spirit and beyond - within the infinite reaches of the absolute, which is what was before there was creation and what will always be (no matter what happens).

Gnosis is the light that shines on us showing us that we are an essence and that we are connected to a Spirit, and that both the essence and spirit are beyond suffering and know the mysteries of creation - which Gnosis teaches are the Laws and principles by which the Universe works. 

Gnosis teaches that the consciousness is creative intelligence and within it can be found the solutions to life's problems and what is unknown can be transformed into knowing.  

To know is direct apprehension of reality. It is not to believe nor is to be informed. It is the result of experience. To know does not hurt, knowledge does not harm or injure anyone. It is only ever how that knowledg is used. All knowledge in the right hands can be used to benefit others as well as the one that 'knows'.

The consciousness knows about cause and effect. It sees the effects tied to all actions. It knows what deeds, words, thoughts and feelings will bring suffering to us.

The essence possesses the qualities to respond to all the events of life. It has wisdom, love, strength,  hope, patience, knowledge, alertness, true sexuality, creativity, faith and the list goes on.  


What blocks our light is the essence that is conditioned to process itself in a conditioned way, that is not in accordance with its natural nature which is light. 

It is the conditioned or bottled essence that has fallen asleep in its conditioning to its true nature that suffers, cries and does all the things that we know in the world which cause so much suffering and problems. 


The solution is to affirm the light in us and to dissolve what conditions our essence and to make passive what clouds our light from shining which is the mind and the personality.



It is very important to know the following:

1.) We already have light.

2.) What blocks our light. Such as: busy mind, active personality, egos, karma, impressions, wrong use of the centres and the un-wise use of our energies.

3.) How to get our light back.

Pain and Suffering

It is also very important to know why we have pain and suffering. This is so that we can free ourselves from it and not create more.

1.) We have pain and suffering. 

2.) We have pain and suffering because we are ignorant of the cosmic laws of: 

        Cause and effect 

        Recurrence and return




3.) We have pain and suffering because we are ignorant of:



        Essence (our true nature) - our psychology, psyche= soul, essence, consciousness 

4.) We also have pain and suffering because we are ignorant of:

        Transformation of impressions

        Energy and how we use, store and transform it

        The human machine and its 5 centres: intellect, emotion, motor, instinctive and sexual.


GNOSIS is the opposite of IGNORANCE. Gnosis is the knowledge that saves us from ignorance.

End (4761).

When We Have Suffered We Become… - 4757)

When any person has suffered a lot:

They become understanding... All the small mistakes are nothing, there is so much worse that can happen to a person than a small mistake... 

They don't care for appearances nor possessions because they remember how no possession, no matter how valuable it was stopped them from suffering.

They remember how keeping appearances didn't heal them. It only hid the suffering from others, and later when they could no longer hold appearances, they remained the same and lived on, not losing much - except for so called friends, that because they disappeared they were not what we needed nor were we what they needed. A kind of shedding off old skin. 

They are not annoyed by a lack of intelligence nor impressed by intelligence because for all their intelligence they could not stop suffering and it was not their intelligence that got them through it was the grit, the humanity and the love of the human spirit. People with a sharp intellect don’t always have this... They are often easily annoyed when not understood...  

They are relaxed in the face of life as they know how to suffer and if life reserves new suffering they know how to take advantage of it and what it is for...

They look for the interior, for things that have heart, very little the exterior. No pretty face or body helps one to overcome suffering. In fact, maintiang a pretty face and good body is for the fickle a cause of suffering in itself. 

They become so easy to deal with as they don't to make people's lives more difficult. Because of having suffered it is a real joy to act so as to prevent others from suffering. 

They care for the suffering of others, not to increase it and to help others to liberate themselves from theirs. 

They are no longer a perfectionist nor a control freak.

They give others freedom as they are robust and can deal with what life throws them...

Such a person is mature it is said in Gnostic circles. And is ready to take off towards the path into the arms of their Intimate Spirit.

End (4757).

Faith is Developed - with a Leap of Faith - (4759)

We really strengthen our faith with 'leaps of faith".

I think we don't advance in faith without 'leaps of faith'.

It is the nature of faith, the we leap.  

Faith leaps in us when we are blinded. When we can't see the way ahead. When we can't see much inside and outside of ourselves.

Faith works that way, that when we can't see ahead of ourselves. It says trust in faith and jump.

All the leaps of faith are to jump forward inside of ourselves and that reflects outside of ourselves. 

All the steps forward, are of faith...

End (4759).

The Perculiar Struggle for Consciousness - (4760)

One thing that I am learning from the effort we all make to be conscious throughout the day, is that it is not really about maintaining the consciousness or maintaining presence, it is about regaining it.

The struggle or effort is always about being able to regain it. To get back to being conscious or to rescue our attention quickly and often, is what it is all about.

When we rescue our attention that is our consciousness working. 

When we realise we have lost consciousness and we re-take being present by dividing our attention between watching ourselves while being aware of the environment, and being aware of what we are doing, our consciousness is back.

If we are not skillful at getting it back, it doesn't really matter how long we can hold it for because we will lose it and if we are not good at getting it back it will take a while until we realise it and are able to get it back. It could take just as long to get it back as we were conscious.

Experience tells us that we will always lose it, so we really need to be highly trained at knowing when we have lost it and just as highly trained at getting it back.

So well trained that at a blink of an eye, we are working to get it back.

Normally in a fight to win, one must resist the blows from the opponent and one must strike, forcing the opponent into submission. But with the fight for consciousness it is a little different. To win one must resist all the blows from life by transforming the impressions, and make strikes which is done by being pro-active. 

How can we strike life? We can't really strike life. Life is stronger than us, it will not get knocked down. We can strike at the effects life as on us. 

What we can do is to act proactively to prevent problems from appearing, avoid difficult circumstances, not make mistakes, not get new karma and avoid strengthening the egos we have which weakens our consciousness and that makes things a lot more difficult for us in all areas...

End (4760).

Thursday, 11 May 2023

Bathing in Light - (4756)

A really wonderful things is light!

To look up at the sun and yearn for the light of the sun to enter us and fill our cells with light is wonderful. It is so nourishing and necessary.

I feel that we carry so many dimly lit cells in our brain. Especially in our third eye where the cells feel even more dimly lit - almost like 'lights out' dark.

All the anger has destroyed the imagination - the power to visualise and receive images.

To consciously allow light to enter and will the light to penetrate and saturate our cells so to activate them is what we need.

The light from the sun outside of ourselves and the light from inside of ourselves is what we need to direct so to open our imagination.

The light from inside comes from our sexual energy and from our Inner Being. 

Directing the sexual energy with transmutation and praying to our Inner Being to open our imagination  is a way. 

With lots of light inside of ourselves we are more lucid and more transparent to our own selves and of course then to others as well.

End (4756).

Everything Boils Down to Attention - (4755)

No matter what environment you are in and move through - it is all about being present and using our attention consciously.

We can go from a vehicle workshop to the boardroom of a city office and it is all the same - both environments require our attention to be productive.

We can adapt to what's going on in any environment if our attention is kept with us. We can answer correctly if our attention is present with us.

The essence of life is the flow of life and our attention is big part of it.

End (4755).

Wednesday, 10 May 2023

Knowing is through the 3 Brains! - (4754)

Knowing something is through the three brains!

Believing is not knowing as it stops short of all three brains.

Assuming is not knowing as it stops short of all three brains.

Projecting is not knowing as it stops short of all three brains.

End (4754).

Monday, 8 May 2023

A little Each Day - Amazing! - (4753)

So if we do a short practice each day it will pay much than if we don't because we think that a short practice won't do anything for us. Well I think that way of thinking is wrong.

1% is 14 minutes of a day.

Then we are doing something regularly give that little bit extra that extra 1% and see the results. Start give less and so soon what we have been doing will wither away.

That is why we need super efforts at times. Because we ought to be at a certain level and we have not being growing by giving a little extra and so a deficit accumulates and so we have to make a super effort.

Efforts are always needed to improve, the work is always about efforts. Actually it is really about small consistent conscious efforts. 

End (4753).

About Manners and Etiquette - (4751)

From the Gnostic point of view manners and etiquette can be surpassed and replaced by consciousness.

We understand that manners and etiquette are in place because of the absence of consciousness.

It seems that without manners and etiquette people would not behave appropriately...

Many of the values of the consciousness would direct us to act in a way that would be inline with manners and etiquette. Not exactly the same but inline with it. Not following the technical details as shown in  the diagram below but spirit of manners would be there which is usually, respect, moderation, consideration for others etc.

When manners and etiquette are taken by the ego and the personality, the consciousness becomes bottled.

When bottled manners and etiquette are then tied to the values of the consciousness that are bottles such as respect, honour, dignity etc.

Sometimes people can get quite upset when manners and etiquette are missing in relation to them or the event.

It is also consciousness to recognise that in a given event the people present adhere to certain protocols and manners etc. It is also consciousness to go along with that and not openly rebel against it if there is not a good reason to do so.

End (4751).

Law of the Pendulum Notes - (4741)


This is a marvelous topic. One that is so important for every student to study and know deeply. It is so practical and helpful in life. We can teach its wisdom to anyone. As everyone experiences it. It is also a wonderful experience to present talks on this topic to students.


It is essential to study the talk that Master Samael gave on the "Law of the Pendulum".

Knowing about the Law of the Pendulum is extraordinarily beneficial for everyone. It is very practical and very easily verifiable. To know is to begin to be liberated... 

The Law of the Pendulum is directly related to the Law of Duality.

The Law of the Pendulum produces cycles. Therefore the Law of the Pendulum is related to the Laws of Return and Recurrence.

The Law of the Pendulum is the one that produces the return of all things to its point of departure and it is the one that governs the timing of the recurrences.

If the Law of the Pendulum is related to the Law of Recurrence, and the Law of Recurrence is related to the Law of Karma, then the Law of the Pendulum is related to the Law of Karma.

It maybe said that the degree of imbalance, in other words the degree of karma determines how far the pendulum swings.

To know the Law of the Pendulum well, we need to observe a pendulum in motion. Notice that there are three points. The middle resting balance point then the two extremes of the swing.

What we reject today we will accept tomorrow. What we rejected in the past we accept now. 

The Law of the Pendulum moves us from one extreme to the other. The Law of the Pendulum is the constant movement from one extreme to another.

The Law of the pendulum is transcended by stopping the movement from one extreme to another. In other words finding the centre, the balanced motionless centre point, where the pendulum rests.

When we have experienced both extremes we create consciousness and we find the intelligent central point.

The Law of the Pendulum teaches us both extremes in the areas of life so that we can find balance in that area.

So to quicker end the swings of the pendulum we need to learn quickly. We are generally slow learners. We have to swing several times before we learn. But we don't need to do that.

If we know about the pendulum we can know that after one swing it will be the same until we learn and decide to stay in the centre. If we commit to learn quickly from the pendulum we can save a lot of time.

We need a force to take us to the extremes, otherwise we would never find balance. Because it comes from the knowledge of the experience of both extremes and the happy conscious decision to rest at the centre without karma.

We can not stay at one extreme for long. The Law of the Pendulum will drive us to the other extreme and then to the centre.

To only see one side of life is to be swinging on the pendulum. To see both sides is to begin to transcend it, that is to begin to go to the centre.

We are all ruled by the Law of the Pendulum. 

When we push too far outside of balance we activate the Law of the pendulum.

We need some slight oscillation around the balance point to allow for give and take. Large swings are different they transgress nature, they are exaggerations that activate karma. 

We get karma when we do something very much out of balance. 

The Law of Karma uses the Law of the Pendulum to reinstate balance.

The Law of the Pendulum gives other nations the chance to rise up, and at the same time it causes others to decline. This law functions perpetually so that all can experience rising and declining.

As master Samael wrote, the Law of the Pendulum is the one that helps to write history. The Law of the Pendulum rose Rome and caused it processed its decline.

It distributes the learning of the extremes to all peoples without any distinction. It is a blind law, as all the laws are.

The manifestations of the ego always go to one extreme. They then stay there for a while then the swing back to the opposite begins and then the swing to the previous opposite begins. 

The extremes of the pendulum swings are deceiving. When the pendulum reaches the extreme it stops for an instant. In that instant we feel that we have reached balance that all is stable and wonderful. Yet the pendulum has to begin its descent and so a swing to the other side begins.

When karma or the ego is very heavy the pendulum is not easily stopped.

Karma is processed in waves, that is via the Law of the Pendulum.

The lunar forces and the lunar influence are also related tot eh law of the pendulum.

Physics of the Pendulum Applied to Human Beings

The above means that the time taken for a pendulum to go from one extreme to the other is proportional to the Length of the pendulum and inversely proportional to the force that moves it. Meaning the longer the pendulum the longer it takes to swing and the greater the force the quicker it swings.

So for us human beings this means that if the ego is big and applied a larger force that swings us to the opposite side the quicker we will swing back. 

The pivot or suspension point of the pendulum is where it is tied to something fixed. The pivot point is the perfect balance - no swinging. So the longer the pendulum the further it is away from the original natural balance of things and so then when that pendulum does swing it takes us further into very unbalanced extremes. Furthermore we spend a long time moving between those extremes - years perhaps.

End (4741).