Thursday, 28 September 2023

Sensual and Emotional Love - Pendular Characteristics - (4886)

One big characteristic of both sensual and emotional love is their pendular nature. Loved you yesterday, but not today and love you tomorrow again and the cycle repeats and repeats. This cycle leaves everyone worried, confused and asking the questions: Is there really love? Is this what real love is like? Why is it like this?

Question: Why are sensual and emotional love so pendular?

Answer: Two reasons. First reason is that one or more egos are present and those egos are about being pleased. They are dependent. 

In sensual and emotional love there is dependency. For there to be love felt in the sensual and emotional domains there must be felt the right sensations and the right emotions. If not the opposite of love appears: anger, resentment etc.

For the 'right sensations and emotions' to be felt the 'right impressions' must be given.

The right impressions can not always be there and in reality they are not and will never be.

The way out of any pendulum is always the consciousness. 

Basically we have to displace the egos that are always present. 

Bring more our consciousness. Our consciousness is not dependent. 

Give to ourselves from our consciousness that which we think we need until we one day see that we don't need it anymore, because we see that we are it. We will then give freely without needing some kind of return to continue giving. 

End (4886).

When an Ego Starts Something Transform it - (4885)

To be wise is key. 

If an ego starts something we know that later on down the track that ego will go, and we will give up what we started or that ego will somehow divert what we started, turning it into something else.

It is unwise to never start something if we feel that the ego is present. The wise thing to do is to just start and carefully redirect or transmute the directions and impulses of the ego into alignment with the correct way of things.

Alchemy, is a good example. In the beginning the impulse to practice may come from an ego of lust, however if we are attentive and aware, we can transmute that situation by redirecting the initiative of the ego inwards and upwards to our Inner Being. 

We may have lots of energy when an ego is present and no energy when the same ego is absent. So being wise, we can take advantage when that ego is present, by using that energy to do something such as a chore. 

For example, we may have lots of energy to talk about something, that is good, then we can talk and do chores. Instead of stop talking and do nothing or fall asleep.

End (4885).

Tuesday, 26 September 2023

Don't Ruin Your Discovery By Talking Fornication - (4887)

When we make a discovery about ourselves or about something esoteric or about something in life, to get the best out of that discovery - remain silent.

Use what we have discovered and work on it in silence until that work produces results. Continue to work in silence to establish ourselves in those results and really understand the discovery.

Once we are established we can then talk.

If we talk before we are established we break a kind of hermetic vase in which that discovery is growing inside of ourselves.

The Hermetic vase does not only apply to the Alchemy and the sexual energy but to all and anything that is created, that is anything that has a start (birth) and develops (grows).

When we talk before the due time we break the seal under which that discovery is to become effective in us. When we talk we expend some energy and focus that is vitally needed to establish it inside of ourselves. 

When we talk before hand we expose ourselves to impressions and excess pressure related to that discovery and that leads to us becoming confused and not possessing enough energy in our system to further pursue and establish that discovery 

Just try remain silent when you make a discovery and talk about it when you have established the results to see the difference between talking prematurely and then afterwards.

There are really many ways of fornication. Fornication means to burn something out. So when we talk straight away about our discoveries we burn out that discovery to nothing - that is to something is is regarded as if it were something trivial when it really is not. 

End (4887).

Thursday, 21 September 2023

Intense Emotion in Action is the Key - (4884)

Intense emotion combined with consistent action shifts things.

Intellect alone does not shift anything. 

Intellect with inconsistent action does not do much.

Intellect with consistent action leads to warming up and engaging the emotional centre.

Once the emotional centre is engaged and consistent action continues, things starting shifting...

As the emotional centre gathers more momentum and intensity the consciousness steps in and we are the shift. We become it.

Conclusion: we must engage our emotional centre. There is something interesting in everything and in everything we do!

End (4884).

Tuesday, 19 September 2023

Before Divine Law: the End does not Justify the Means - (4883)

It is said, that once a master of the Divine Law said: "before the Divine Law the end does not justify the means.". 

Meaning that whatever the goal or end result may be there is a correct or just way to achieve it. 

The Divine Law is saying to us therefore, that whatever we want, we must go about getting it with justice, which is to NOT go against the rights or well being of others.

If we go about getting something using a means that is wrong or unjust, we will inevitably incur karmic debts, even if the intended achievement or result is meant to be good and positive.

That is why, so often, we either don't get what we want, or it is so difficult to get what we want, or when we do get it we lose it, or we get it and it turns out to make things in our life worse - more complicated and difficult.

End (4883).

Monday, 18 September 2023

Art and Mastery - (4876)

Art and mastery are linked.

The following expressions indicate this:

"Mastered the art." 

"A master of the art of..."

"A masterpiece." 

When someone masters something they make it an art.

The mastery of something brings forth the knowledge that converts into an artform.

That is why art is a column of knowledge. It expresses the knowledge of mastery.

The highest art is the one which expresses the knowledge of the mastery of the soul and the spirit.

Art conveys knowledge. It's principle function is to convey the knowledge of mastery so that others can be learn and be inspired to arrive at the same.

Art that conveys the knowledge of mastery is objective as all you look upon it can gleam a lesson.

All art is beautiful and inspiring - the beauty of art is a direct product of mastery.

Imagine how beautiful it is then to master our own lives. How beautiful our life and the one living it (us) would be?

When we master our life we can make it into a work of art that others can be inspired by, marvel at, appreciate and be uplifted and benefitted by. 

There is subjective art which is that way because it does not convey knowledge. It only conveys the quality of the mental and emotional state of the artist - which is relative and will be understood by some but not by others.

David Lynch said: "I don't know why people expect art to make sense. They accept the fact that life doesn't make sense.”. With the mastery of self, life has meaning and makes sense. Of course when life does not make sense how can art that comes from such a state make sense.

End (4876). 

Sunday, 17 September 2023

The Work is a Chain - (4882)

The work on ourselves is a great chain. 

It is a great chain that comes from way back into the past and extends far into our future.

What we can do now and are doing now in our work and not doing now in our work is because of the previous links in that chain.

We can only do something now in our work because we have setup the conditions for it, that is because we have installed the links.

The work accumulates in us. When we are working well it is because we have accumulated consciousness and energy . 

When we are weak and confused that is because we have not accumulated energy and light. 

Each step of mystical death builds on the previous one. This applies to everything else in life too. 

End (4882).

Recognise and Accept then Responsibility - (4875)

To take responsibility for something there are two steps: Recognise and Accept.

To accept is deeper than to recognise. 

If we have made a mistake we will never take responsibility for it and make amends inside and outside, if we don't recognise it as a mistake.

We can recognise something but not accept it. For example, we may have a child and recognise that the child is ours but we may not fully accept that child and therefore never really love the child and fully look after it. To accept something is to embrace it and bring it into our inner and outer lives.

When acceptance has entered our consciousness we will automatically take responsibility and do all that is implied and understood by what 'taking responsibility' means. 

End (4875).

Thursday, 14 September 2023

Transfer Skills of Life into "Self" - (4880)

We have so many skills in life.

For the particular work on ourselves we need to transform those skills in to 'self'. For example the skill of organising into "self-organising".

I'll further explain. We may be very good at organising our day, that is where we will be and when we will be there and what we will do there. That is great in life, we get things done and it produces results in every area of common life. For the work on ourselves that skill is useful but very limited. It becomes much better than limited when we transform it into 'self-organising'. 

With 'self-organsing' we get to work organising our thoughts, our emotions and our psyche in general. where we have an organized structure within our psyche to respond to the events of life with instead of a mechanical out of touch set of reactions with random mental impulses tossing our thoughts arounds left right and centre.

The life skill of analysing can be become self-analysing. The life skill of fighting everything for justice can become fighting within for our own inner freedom or psychological freedom which comes when we restore justice within.

When any skill of life becomes 'self" it becomes grandiose within us and produces great changes within and outside of ourselves.

Make a list of your skills in life and see how they can become 'self' skills and what that would mean. 

When we make our life skills 'self-skills' we shift our centre of gravity to the work, path and the Being.

End (4880).

Masochism is a Passive Ego with a Pay Back - (4879)

Every ego has a reward or a payback. To know the payback is very helpful. 

To know it, is a breakthrough which signifies the coming decline of that ego.

There are passive and active egos. Anger and pride are active as they express outwards to produce effects in our outer environment. The passive egos do not express outwardly, they express inwardly. 

Both egos: active and passive natured egos have their reward or payback.

Masochism in its various forms is a passive ego. It has a payback of loving the suffering. Through the suffering we may have come to experience a sense of self that we know only too well and are very comfortable with. 

We have felt it so many times that with suffering it is almost like we find ourselves. We experience that all too well known flavour of ourselves. 

However we know in Gnosis that this flavour is not of our essence or our Real Inner Being.

It is the all well too known - that we have felt for centuries.

The Being in us is the open and free that we are afraid of feeling because we won't find ourselves there. In the Being there is not that all too well known flavour of suffering.

Masochism is an ego that we must dissolve. People stay in unhappy and abusive relationships, situations and circumstances in life because of this ego.

When we work on this ego that may change and things may change in our life.

End (4879).

Anger Protects a Weak Ego - (4878)

Many times we get angry because the anger is protecting a very weak ego.

Anger we believe does not need to protect the essence. It is strong enough by itself. 

If we observe carefully we will see that behind anger are some very weak feelings about ourselves that are principally not true. We in essence are not that weak. 

The essence and the Being (the spirit) is much stronger than the flesh.

We need to be more on the side of seeing ourselves as essence and Being to displace that weak image of ourselves.

End (4878).

Wednesday, 13 September 2023

Trust in Stopping and Lifting Up Straight After - (4877)

If we find ourselves hurt and getting angry then just hold off. Trust with all our heart that this is correct!


Remember when we did it before? Trust me that is is correct! For the work on oneself it is best!

Hold off against all our feelings and instincts of injustice and pain that we may feel.

When we are a little time and distance away. Begin to lift up within ourselves. Send acceptance, trust, love inwards to ourselves as essence and to our Inner Being. This balances the inner scales straight away.

It is imperative to drop the negative thinking and feeling!

Then we must work on dissolving the sense of self that was hurt. A sense that we should be loved and respected. 

We should not be loved and respected that is just a belief there is nowhere saying that this should be so. We should be treated as we were treated.

It is the law that others treat us that way because they can not do otherwise.

That sense of self is false. It is a fabricated facet of self that was fabricated with our wrong sentiments about ourselves.

The right sentiment is that we are to love our Inner Being beyond ourselves, that is beyond our person. Then it is no one's job to love us. Then we do not expect love and respect in a mechanical dependent way and therefore we do not get so upset. Instead we give respect and love.

End (4877).

To be Gnostic - Just Seek Truth Inside Ourselves - (4874)

To be Gnostic means to seek the truth of who and what we really are. That is all, that is the bare bones of what it means to be Gnostic - someone dedicated to knowing themselves, as Gnosis is knowledge.

We have that knowledge already within us. It is a matter of us rediscovering directly with our consciousness. 

Intro To Gnosis as Knowledge Notes - (4591)

End (4874).

Tuesday, 12 September 2023

Anger, Self-Love and Pride Lessons - (4873)

When we are angry we inflict harm on ourselves and others. The essence is the opposite to anger. The opposite to anger is to produce benefit to ourselves and others. Which means to send goodness/kindness to ourselves first then extend that others.

Please note we can't send kindness to others if it is not felt within us for a split second before.

The self-love of not to be corrected must be transmuted into the love for what is correct and in order and with gladness make our essence aligned with what is correct.

In general, the psychological truth and rule to be happy is to give to ourselves what we are wanting others to give us. Not to wait for others but just give to ourselves before. 

We get angry because we wanted others to be kind or respectful. When they don't in our perception then we need to give respect and kindness to ourselves, which  avoids anger which is not repsectful or kind to ourselves and others. 

We get hurt when corrected, because we wanted to be accepted with errors. So then we need to give to ourselves the love of correctness and then we will transform the corrections from others into appreciation.

End (4873).

Work, Path and Being First - Everything is Easy - (4872)

If we are able to put our work, our path and our Being first in our life, we will see how everything becomes so much easier and possible.

Decisions are easier and in many instances they have already been made before the circumstances appear. 

Organizing our life is easier. Because that centre of gravity organises things around the work, path and our Being and gives the external things of life their appropriate amount of time and energy. Which may mean in many occasions little time and energy or none at all.

To have the external things of our life as first while studying Gnosis, makes everything very difficult. Our life instead of becoming easier becomes much more complicated, tedious and time consuming. Conflicts in interest arise everywhere and one feels tired and uncertain for how long one can handle the difficulties for.

With our work, our path and our Being first within us, we can do anything and not collapse. People may have children while doing the work and find it all too much after a while, and consequently give up. All because it just gets too hard. But if one is strong in their work being first they will manage and survive.

It all comes back to the truth that if we are defined to die to the "I's" that we have within ourselves, it does not matter how many egos we have and how big they are. We will end up dissolving them and passing through the other side where the light is.   

End (4872).

Monday, 11 September 2023

Search Search Inside - (4871)

I understand from the teachings that to be awakened is to know all that happens inside of oneself. This is different to know everything that is happening around us externally.

To know everything externally is very helpful and implies awakening of course, but for the awakening  knowing what is happening inside is crucial.

To that effect we have to know why we think and feel the things that we do. We have to know the origin of our thoughts and feelings. We have to understand their purpose for appearing in our interior like that.

We will see when we try to know and understand our thoughts and feelings our inner world will appear to be more mysterious and deeper that the outer world.

If we put that onus on ourselves to know everything that happens in our interior - we are not going to know everything just yet, but it will help us a lot to know more and that's what we want. 

The more we know the better we can understand and the better we can relate to our life.

The better we can relate to our life the less time we waste and the more we can take advantage of our life for the work that really matters in life - which is to make our essence grow.

It is more difficult to know the why of the circumstances of our life but knowing ourselves deeply in those circumstances helps tremendously and really allows us to do the right thing by those circumstances for our inner work!

End (4871).

Friday, 8 September 2023

The Soothing to the Seething Angry and Judgmental - (4870)

Anger is very judgmental. 

Master Samael said that anger dons the gown of a judge.

Each judgment increases anger as it gives anger a new reason to be angry and we get angrier.

Anger only increases as judging increases...

The mind judges terribly...

The soothing to the seething is to judge oneself more. To forget the other and to look inwardly. There is always more to find within ourselves to judge...

To accompany this important remedy is comprehension. Which is the effort to comprehend and to comprehend and to keep comprehending. 

When we try to comprehend we go inside. Once inside, to stay inside there is nothing else to do but to be honest with ourselves. Once we are honest we find that we end up evaluating  and scrutinising ourselves. 

With that evaluation and scrutiny the remedy begins to work and the seething begins to sooth.

End (4870).

Wednesday, 6 September 2023

Irresponsible Ramblings and Contradictions - (4868)

The different "I's" in us ramble and say their different things. If we put together all what these different "I's" say in us we end up with so many contradictions.

We see that no "I" can be responsible. In fact it can't be responsible. No "I" can make us responsible human beings. Unless one "I" is to become so powerful that it eclipses all the other "I's".

Any "I" can't be responsible because it is an island. It is not connected to the other "I's" that say something different to what it says. Each "I" sees only its immediate interests and it does not know what the other "I's" have said or are saying.

Only the essence or consciousness in us can be responsible. Because it sees the whole objective picture of our psychology and life. It is the only one that can see that one "I" said this and another "I" said the opposite. Only it can choose different to any "I", only it can keep a line of conduct and stick to fulfilling a promise. Because it remembers the promise and knows as well as remembers what each "I" has said.

In conclusion, the more essence we are the more we are responsible. A responsible person is one that is aware of any contradictions and works to dissolve them.

End (4868).

Tuesday, 5 September 2023

Why are We so Weak? - (4861)

Because of our psychology.

The condition of our mind makes us so weak. We are strong just like all the animals are.

The below quote tells us a lot. 

If we work on the negative compassion, consideration and pity we have for ourselves we can become a lot stronger.

End (4861).

Against Pessimism - (4869)

The following post is a set of notes taken during an online class given by m.m.m tonight: 5/9/23.

The only way to survive all the tests and karma that we have is to put Gnosis in our consciousness and 'be' our soul.

What is related to pessimism is having a sluggish circulation. A pessimistic person is a person who is slow and has a lot of inertia. A person who is energetically heavy. 

A pessimistic person is one who is slow to decide, slow to move, slow to change, basically a person who is heavy and does not flow with the 'flow of life'. 

A pessimistic person tends to physiologically have thicker blood than normal.

Pessimism comes together with suffering and melancholy.  

An optimistic person is the opposite, full of life, excellent blood circulation, decisive, full of vitality and one that is light so as to be able to easily flow with the 'flow of life'.  

Melancholy, fear, skepticism, self-compassion, pessimism etc. all attract and gel together and produce a distinct heaviness that is like an immobilization of the soul.

It stems from pride and is a kind of rebellion against the Being. 

Every ego is a weapon of the sleeping consciousness.

A pessimistic person is one who has frustration and unfulfilled desires and fights outwardly against others secretly looking for compensation for not being able to fulfill those desires. Not being able to fulfill those desires makes a person pessimistic.

Optimism is a state of consciousness. The world can be falling down around us yet we are optimistic.

As soul we can do anything. We can transform anything.

When in a pessimistic state we think things are too hard and that things won't work out. Basically in pessimism there is a great lack of belief and trust in ourselves. It is really a lack of belief trust in our capacity and ability to lead ourselves and others out of a difficult situation.

The remedy is to start to believe in ourselves right here and now. Generate that belief and trust right now!

Change our outer and inner language to speak with optimism.

End (4869).

Monday, 4 September 2023

Instinctive Limit - (4867)

What is the instinctive limit?

We can see this from different angles. One angle is looking at it from the point of view of the instinctive centre and the psychological "I".

The heaviest side of any vice or psychological defect is the instinctive side. Anger has an instinctive side, greed does, as does gluttony and lust, not to mention fear, and it is this side that is very intense.

A strong defect pushes right to the limit of the instinctive centre. When that instinctive limit is reached something happens that the ego backs down. 

For example, we may drink or eat until we feel sick and then something happens within us, like a kind of an inner agreement or handshake and then the ego of gluttony calms down and goes and we don't feel like drinking or eating anymore.

This is either because the ego is programmed to be satisfied once this instinctive limit is reached or either the consciousness in the instinctive centre dispels the ego. Maybe it is both factors at work which work together to make the ego go.

Some people have slighter instinctive limits than others while others have a greater instinctive limit.

The instinctive limit that we have is in many ways due to our level of the Being and our history of training or 'mistraining' the instinctive centre.

There could also be other factors as well that contribute to making our instinctive limit the way that it is.  One such factor could be the amount of available energy that we have and the amount of cosmic vital values or bobbyn kandel nochs that we have in our human machine.

Karma does something mysterious with our instinctive limit. IT increases it so that we can stay paying our karma...

The practical conclusion to this post is: 1.) to know our instinctive limit, 2.) work to not approach it and 3.) work to understand why it is the way it is and then work to modify it by raising our level of the Being.

End (4867).

Merge the Urgency Lists - (4865)

A problem of practical life are the two (2) 'to do' lists that we have. One is an external list and the other is an internal list.

With the external list we need to wash and clean, sweep the driveway, go to a meeting, write a letter, update a spreadsheet etc. etc. With the internal list we have to work on the dissolution of anger, work on improving concentration in meditation, perform a prayer for illumination for a difficult situation, pray for others, work in self-remembering etc. etc.

Quite often the external list takes up the whole day and night...

If we just cross off items from the external list we don't get any time to cross off items from the internal list. 

We can't go on spending our days like that we have to do our internal work as well. Yet nor can we neglect our external work.

The only way to roll is to use the external list to work for us in crossing off items from the internal list. Perform the external in such a way that we also are working internally.

This way takes away mechanicity with the external list and life in general and helps us a lot to awaken and maintain an active consciousness which is highly beneficial to us.

It also means to keep our 'conscious work intelligence" functioning all the time to see opportunities for our inner work in the external tasks that we perform.

End (4865).