Tuesday 2 August 2016

Q: Do we Accrue Karma in the Abyss? - (1005)

A: No.


Because when one is sent to the abyss of the Earth involuntarily one is sent without a physical body and with the purpose of liberating the parts of the essence trapped in the various “I’s”.

When one is sent to involve or devolve in the bowels of the Earth as Master Samael says, one is in a one way process of purification which includes the payment of karma. So in the abyss one only pays karma and via a long involuntary process liberates the essence.

One also in the abyss does not have a physical body and the others there do not have a physical body, meaning that those in the abyss can not hurt others.

If one could accumulate karma in the abyss one would never leave it and never would the purification of the essences who are in the abyss be achieved.

Malkuth – the Fundament or Gate

It is only I the physical world that there is the dual process of accruing karma and paying karma. The physical world is the middle ground between the heaven and hell. What we do here lays down the foundation for our journey upwards or downwards, that is why the physical world Malkuth is called the “fundament” or “the gate”, because here is where we pass through the gate leading upwards or downwards.

End (1005).

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