Here is a post on the ray of love. It is a collection of notes organised into categories similar to previous posts.
Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli (1485-1486) |
Venus - The Goddess of Love and Beauty arriving on land, born of the sea.
In the Cosmic Sense
So much has gone wrong on the Earth because of human beings not knowing how to love - or rather forgetting how to love.
The ray of love is needed to keep creation harmoniously together and orientated towards the Common Cosmic Father.
From love, is derived all the values that are needed in creation. All these values are related to love and contain love.
Love is mostly all that we need. Love always presents the solution, it is the simplest solution, the most immediate and if there is conscious love all around, it is understood as the best. It is our minds and our lack of love that really complicate things and make things close to impossible.
It is the role of the Angels of Love to teach humanity once again about love and about how to love.
Love is what holds everything in the cosmos together. It is the love of the Absolute for Itself that holds all in its march. Love is a cosmic and ontological force beyond measure. It has been said by many to be the force of forces.
It has been said that love is the force which all the Gods kneel down before. We all feel in our hearts that it is the noblest of the noblest.
Love is ever present surging through everything and it is also created and renewed from instant to instant. The ray of love knows the mysteries of love, especially the mysteries of about how it is created!
Sexuality and love hold the greatest mysteries of our origins and that of the Absolute.
It has also been said that the love amongst humans is something that missing from within the Absolute - the world of the Gods, and it is their bodhisattvas in the physical world that teach them of this love.
Let's imagine love to be the fibres of the Absolute. Love is ontological, meaning it is directly of the Divinity and that is why love is present everywhere just as the Absolute is - divine omnipresence.
To be a foundation of all creation, love can only be a unifying, conscious and intelligent force. Perhaps we may even say a benevolent force as the following several points illustrate.
Love gives the solution to all.
Love gives the correct focus and application of the virtues of the soul.
Love is said to be the force of forces.
Love orients and sets all in the right direction.
Love is Law but conscious love (a phrase which requires meditation and reflection to comprehend).
Love cures all.
Love is the force behind sacrifice and it is what makes difficult sacrifices bearable and sustainable.
The whole cosmos is moved through sacrifice.
Love is like a multi-spectrum beam of light. It has so many facets and ways that our mind can't possibly understand. It is only our consciousness that can truly see all the facets of love.
God is the source of love.
Love is not so critically needed up there where God is, it is however needed down here on Earth. The Ray of Love in is charge of bringing the love of God down to Earth.
Love is fed with love. Above all we must not allow our love inside of ourselves to diminish. We must keep it flowing within us, because if we allow it to dry up, we will become miserable and internally impoverished. Love nourishes!
Love is the solution for all events. Love by itself or love combined with other qualities, love and wisdom, love and force, love and medicine, love and art, love and life, love and death, love and law solve everything.
Love is extraordinarily wise. Just as Master Samael says in relation to Angel Anael - angel of Love, that this angel is very wise, "that he posses an extraordinary wisdom".
It touches each one of us to learn about love and about how to love. It is something that we can't ignore in creation.
Love starts and moves while wisdom steers and justice proportions.
Love is at our core and is the easiest thing to release. Many have said that what we really are is: love.
Love as the focus, is the right balance in all situations small and great.
Love frees and unites. If we want to unite and want to be free we must love.
Conscious love resides in intelligence not in emotion. I will explain that later on.
The ray of Love streams from the planet Venus in our Solar System and is brought to living expression by the Angels of Love who work in harmony with the guidance of the great Being called Uriel - regent of the planet Venus.
It is interesting to note that Uriel was the rector of the Lemurian race, where the division of the sexes occurred and the sexual co-operation first begun. Thus the point in hisotry where love was most needed then ever before.
Unfortunately, some of the religions have served as an obstacle to bring love down and spread it among human beings.
The teaching of Gnosis have done much to help the Ray of Love to bring love down here to Earth. There are many in Gnosis who also belong to the ray of love.
In the Esoteric Sense
Love is what saved Beelzebub from his fate of annihilation in the depths of the abyss. Love is what saves us! Love is what the Divine Law respects and is what defends us against the hard hand of the Law, and it makes the Law change hands from the hand of rigour to the hand of mercy.
It is karma that hampers love and stops it from triumphing. We have seen it too many times in our planet, all the old conflicts, that despite all the efforts to love, there still is no end in sight, because the accumulated karma does not allow it.
Unfortunately, the Law of Karma temporarily sits above love, but give love time to work, and it will create equality and level all the imbalances paying the karma and thus triumphing.
Love is the main force that can contend with karma. If we want to pay our karma pay it with love and it will be paid in acceleration.
Love has the power of ecstasy in it. It takes us into ecstasy. Divine Love is our goal. To be taught what Divine Love is, is the highest teaching.
No doubt Jesus taught us the virtue of love. See how strong love is! His example showed us the strength of love.
It is difficult to speak about love as those who listen hold one to account. Love is the virtue amongst all that people demand and expect from others the most.
Love is what lubricates things. It is what makes the different interests and forces outside and inside to work smoothly together.
Love is only real when it is accepted.
A multi-faceted love is the one we need to develop. One that goes inwards to ourselves, one that goes to the Being and one that goes out to others in the many different degrees and ways is the love we need in our hearts. As opposed to a love that only goes inwards wanting to receive...
Each ego has love within it. A love, however conditioned by relativity and duality to be love for ourselves through others.
There are many types of love. Sensual, emotional and conscious. Human and divine.
Those of the ray of love are strong, they are not kind and compassionate to the ego or personality. They are ardent flames for love of love.
We need the love of love not the love for the ego or the personality.
The knowledge of what diminishes love is one of their treasures as to what builds and sustains love.
Love is the force that gave rise to magic. As love itself is a magic force. The search for love and the desire to secure love is what gave rise to so many different magical spells, potions, rituals and practices of all sorts.
In the Sense of the Being
The best place to put love is in our Inner Being.
A self-less love as taught by the Inner Divinity is best. Disinterested love.
Humanity is best served with disinterested love.
Those of the ray of love have the role to teach love. To teach others how to love and to how radiate love is one of their roles. The best way to teach love is to give it - therefore teaching by example.
The angels of love work to uphold the forces of love wherever present in the cosmos.
The love for the work. Work for love of the Interior Divinity is something we can not do without. We have to one day love the work and love our interior Divinity. It is this love that moves us forward.
We need the love of love. Not the love of the self or the "I".
Freedom in love, the power of love, the unity of love are also infinite.
Obviously in these times the Ray of Love has its most intense work cut out for it. Love is so devoid in this world.
Love works according to its own time. It is not of time nor of space!
The Angels of Love are not to be seen as all sweetness and beauty, they are interested in us developing love and they know well, as does the Gnostic student who understands the doctrine, that love grows when we eliminate what is animal inside of us. To ask an angel of Love for help to love, may mean an intense experience in our own abyss to better know what we have inside that destroys love.
The angels of love are strong and wise. They love and in loving is their strength, as love has a tremendous power, and in the endeavour to love, it releases within us much wisdom about how to love better.
The angels of love can gift us the seeds or sparks of love upon which we must work to build up our own love. They kindly give us a start! Sometimes without that start we would never grow in love.
To love more and better is always our goal.
Love knows intimately about the transformation of impressions. Love can transform so many impressions effortlessly.
Love must be cultivated to dissolve many "I's" and to pay many karmic debts.
Alchemy is a place where a powerful love is made. As soon as the connection in man and woman in Alchemy is made, love between both is sparked into presence. As the creative energies of love build and expand with transmutation through the physical and vital bodies, a point arrives that the creative energies begin to expand and reach the inner bodies. With the rememberance of the Being the energies touch and envelope the two Divinities which then unites the same two Divinities with the creative energies, which then causes man and woman to be filled with love. Which after the practice of Alchemy, when man and woman disconnect, both man and woman are able to bring this love they created with their interior Divinty, to others in the world. Thus radiating love!
In the Human Sense

The greatest problems in the world are when love has gone astray or has been repolarised into hatred.
It is the lack of love that has brought human beings so much trouble. It is obvious that is what is needed now, more than ever.
We need to believe in love. The big problem now days is that we don't believe in love as a formidable force to set things right and solve our problems and the problems of others.
Wisdom does not make anyone happy but love certainly does. We need love in life to bring us happiness, contentment and joy.
We are scared of love because when it is blind it can forget others and its force can lead us to make many big mistakes.
We all want to feel love - even if our mind rejects that deep down, in our essence and Being, we want it and love is a part of the fibres of our Being and essence.
To create love we must be in the present. We can not create love being in the past. Love stands with intelligence, which is in the moment, the emotion is the past which is the self (the previous hurts), and as soon as we remember the past, love disappears.
We all want and appreciate love. It is love that we look for the most. We love love and others who love us. We are not too concerned about the wisdom of others, or their hope or their faith. But most of all about their love.
Love is a big part of our lives and we need it to nourish ourselves.
It is more important to give love than to receive it. Give more than receive is the guide.
We need it to make our life enjoyable. Otherwise life becomes empty and dry.
We feel the best when we have love flowing through our heart.
We hold justice and account, to the love of others. We too often say "you don't love me." but we forget to think about how much we are actually loving.
Love makes us clairvoyant. With love we can see what is often hidden. with love we can see the good that is often not seen and with love we can see the solutions hiding outside the mind's reasoning.
The ill-will in anger destroys clairvoyance. If we are to dissolve anger we will easily become clairvoyant and free up a lot of love.
The love we need is the love that is strong. Tempered. A weak love is no good. It can't solve anything, it fails so quickly.
The love we want is precisely the love we need to give.
Love indeed is a virtue that when applied cures so many difficulties.
For example, difficulties in the Alchemy can be overcome a lot easier when one applies the virtue of love. Love for the practice, love for the Beings and love for the other and their energy.
The way of love is not to make/force ourselves to love another. It is to make love within us. There are true mysteries about how to make love. One of them, the greatest mystery, is that about how to make love with the other person with the sexual energy.
To love we have to forget our pre-conceptions and conceptions and be totally open to the new and the now!
Love Conquers all. Love is behind all wars and conflicts, it makes the worst of things to happen and the best of things to happen. It is the cause of the worst and the healer of all and the transformer of all.
The ray of love teaches us how to make love. In all the many ways. We can not give love if we have no love within us. We have to learn how to make love for ourselves. Of course, with the teachings and help of the Ray of Love.
Love can dissolve many aggregates and with love many virtues can be acquired. Love is the foundation of many virtues. Without love there is no courage, without love there is no gratitude, without love what is there?
Those of the ray of love may have had many spouses or relationships. Either to learn the many ways of love through different natures and to love more.
Love without order or consciousness turns to anger and or promiscuity.
Love can not be defined and as such to relate well to it is must not be defined. That is, its nature is to not be defined but when it is present it is known.
To define is for the mind and it is mind that kills love.
We can't always rely on the love of others but we must learn to make our love so strong that we can rely on it.
The paradox of love is that it is the most powerful thing in the Universe but yet it is so hard to find and locate within us, and we think we have it, yet often we do not.
There are those that dislike love as it has contributed to much injustice. Therefore, conscious love that is fair and balanced does not commit injustice.
Fall in love is not good, because that means to turn off your consciousness and shut your eyes. Be in love is better. Because it means to keep your consciousness awake.
If we stay being in love our love will never end. But for sure if we fall in love our love will end. To be in love and keep love alive requires a great effort of presence and alertness.
The way of love is gentle firmness, especially to be noted by the masculine.
Many times, anger is due to the absence of love. Both anger and love can reach the same result. It is the lack of love that invokes anger. Because we have forgotten the power of love and we have forgotten how to use love.
Love is more powerful than anger and pride, as well as much more erotic and arousing than lust.
Those of the ray of love can surprisingly have a strong anger and lust, as these defects serve as constant reminders of love and a means to further develop and conquer love. As those two defects are especially conquered with love.
Those of the ray of love can pass through many marriages as that is the way to learn the most about love and perfect love as well as to love more and to extend their love to many more others.
To those of the ray of love it is innate and natural for them to perceive love and they also possess the powerful inner sense to be love. For them the way back to the Inner Being is through love.
Those of the ray of love find love as the solution and end up in their lives - making it the go to point. In common life they speak a lot about it and develop a loving personality, and they sing and write about it. They have to promote it and express it. For those on the path, they work intensely with mystical death as they know that love is made with psychological death. To work in psychological death with love is the most powerful creator of love.
The fourteenth Dalai Lama said that "love is the absence of judgement.". Which is so true as soon as we judge with our mind love diminishes within us. The mind is always the one that diminishes (kills) love.
The amazing and intense miracle of love is that it transforms something hated into something loved. Each ray transforms its opposite into a living expression of itself. The angels of love work tirelessly to transform what is hated into love. There are various means to do this and remembering that the consciousness is not good or evil, various interesting unconventional methods can be used.
Sometimes it is confusing to find one's ray when it is indeed love because those of the ray of love can couple nicely with art and wisdom and have a great tendency to those other areas and think that that is their ray but it isn’t, it is just the complement that they need to better express their authentic ray which is the ray of love.
End (4783).