Wednesday 25 September 2024

The Inner Being is All we Need and the Classic "Not Good Enough" Feeling - (3148)

This statement means that if we are not looking to our Inner Being for everything we need internally then we are missing something.

If we are missing something we have become dependent on something outside of ourselves, or we have come to depend on a feeling that we feel that is very much related to the outside.

We come to know we are not partaking from our Inner Being for the internal psychological or spiritual things we need, when the ground we are living on gets shaky.

There is no other way I feel than to look towards our Inner Being with all the love we can, so that we can fill the large gaps of lacking that we have, and may not know that we have, until the ground gets shaky again.

I find that it is because of a lack of love that we don't think the Being is good enough and that some other outside factor/s are more or better, and so we leave large deficiencies within ourselves. This is where the 'not good enough' feeling comes from. It is the result of us not having made our Being to be good enough for us.  

Doing this helps us to prepare for when another lacking is brought to our attention.

This is a true statement that we all need our Being and all we need is our Inner Being. 

End (3148).

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