Welcome! Whether you are already studying Gnosis or you have come across this blog by 'chance', I sincerely hope that what you find here will be of some use to you. (All that is posted here comes from the continued study of Gnosis, as taught by the Venerable Master Samael Aun Weor. To know more go to www.gnosistr.com.)
Friday, 31 January 2025
Seven Cosmoses - Each Cosmos A Replica - (5642)
Thursday, 30 January 2025
Joy in Gnosis Revolution - (5641)
I have been observing this coming for a year or two now.
People studying Gnosis feel that Gnosis is too focussed on the negative. Plus there are the many teachings on the end of times which is scary and gloomy.
It feels like people are wanting a revolution to feel the joy within themselves that resides in their Being.
This is true point, there is joy within our essence and Being and it is something that could well have been missing in the way Gnosis has been taught or in the way people have been applying Gnosis.
Gnosis after all is the our own knowledge of our own Inner Being. Whose pursuit is joyful, and yes it is not always easy and requires hard work. But a hard work that is supremely rewarding.
This revolution in Gnosis is currently being expressed in the way of embracing the affirmative psychology of the Being as well as developing the values of the Inner Being to pay our debts and dissolve the "I's" or conditionings that we have.
End (5641).
Wednesday, 29 January 2025
Fantasy Stops Action - (5624)
The Many One Minute Good Things We Can Do! - (5638)
Tuesday, 28 January 2025
How Egos Compensate, Gluttony as Example - (5640)
Monday, 27 January 2025
Notes on Values - (5634)
This post contains some notes about psychological and consequently spiritual values at an introductory level.
Values are something that are inside of us. They are our innate qualities, laws and principles.
They are universal and perennial when they belong to our Inner Being.
We can know that any value is of the Inner Being, that is, it is divine, meaning it is universal and perennial, when if that value were to be absent from the field of life, life would stop.
There are also values within the personality. Which is also our job to know. These values are typically human cultural and society values. There maybe some overlap with perennial spiritual values but this is not often the case.
What is of interest to us are the values of the Inner Being.
Our psychology is made from these values. The main purpose of our psychology is to give these values expression within us – that is inside the human being.
Our psychology is our inner space that we can find here and now.
Within that inner space is where the values are processed.
These values in our psychology are a way of thinking. That way of thinking can be transferred into action here in life. This is how we do the will of the Being.
The values within the Spirit are autonomous sparks of consciousness that form a unity of consciousness made from a multiplicity.
They are also sacredly individual in their importance of expression.
Values are also intimately linked to our identity. The identity that we have is made up of our values.
Values are what is important to us. They are what we are very willing to give our attention to. If we give our attention to something we give our time and energy to it as well as our consciousness and presence.
We can offend someone deeply because of offending one or more of their deepest and dearest values.
Relationships have a lot to do with values. Values that are in common strengthen the relationship and values that differ increase consciousness within the relationship and create other common values.
Each value becomes a way - that is a way to God and a book of teachings. The way of Love and the ways of love, the way of wisdom and it the ways of wisdom etc. etc.
Inner Being and Soul
Values are how we know our soul.
Values are at the core of our Being.
Values are the qualities of our Inner Being.
Values are also the functions of our Inner Being.
It is difficult to know our values until they are challenged.
There is a value in each ego that we have. Our work is to find these values at the core of the ego.
Values are present to fulfill a function.
The issue is that the values we all have, have been polarized. That is they have taken on expression in two polarities.
The polarisation of the value is always precisely in duality and relativity. The key is to reverse that conditioning in the right angle and we will have the the value working free within us for the benefit of ourselves and others.
Here are some examples of values inside the different egos. The value is strongly related to the function.
Within pride are the values of dignity, majesty and balance.
Within lust are the values of love, unity and transmutation.
Within laziness are the values of faith.
Within greed is the value of co-operation and sharing.
Within envy is the joy and happiness for others as well as learning.
Within jealousy is the trust in love and the freedom of love.
Within conditioned self-love is the value of love for oneself and one’s Inner Being.
Within self-pity is the value of compassion.
Within anger is force, serenity, meekness and patience.
Within gluttony is the value of completion and excellence.
Within fear is the value of trust and hope.
Within depression is the value of hope.
If we are stuck by any of these inferior emotions or “I’s” say to ourselves: “be the free value within this 'I' which is the remedy!".
End (5634).
Comprehend Others Instead - (5635)
The better thing to do in relation to other people, is to make the internal effort to comprehend them.
Internally we may find ourselves deep in criticism, protest and varying degrees of dislike...
Being stuck in the above things is truly no good for us and others...
To start to change that within ourselves for our benefit, the thing is to try to comprehend the person.
To comprehend a person is very different to criticise and dislike.
We don't need instructions on how to comprehend anyone, just the will to do it is sufficient.
Making the slightest effort to comprehend another person brings enough light to make us feel different and to know that that is the road to take - comprehension.
When we start to travel down the road of comprehension we start to leave behind internal criticism and dislike.
End (5635).
Saturday, 25 January 2025
Countering the Effects of Criticism - (5636)
Being analysed, critiqued and corrected can be difficult to deal with. Over a prolonged time it can create psychological complexes in people.
From the Gnostic point of view it is certainly a tough gymnasium, where a person can learn a few things.
Those things can be some of the following:
• To see ourselves always positively and to see our Inner Being as a legitimate reality that has the wisdom and strength to change. In many ways, the fact that we are present in that gymnasium is because of our Real Being wanting us to learn.
• Seeing ourselves as wrong provoke anger or self-pity. If we keep positive towards ourselves we don't bring anger. From within our essence we don't want to see ourselves as wrong and deeply from within our Being we are not. It is not wrong for the Being to be.
• To support ourselves while keeping open to useful advice will help us change for the better.
• To learn how to form our inner life to see that what is being proposed is good for us, will helps us to become more patient and not feel so uncomfortable during times of criticism.
• Those who criticise us believe that that is what we are doing internally - that is seeing the good in what is being said. The curious thing is that very few people do that while receiving criticism. That is the one special thing that criticism teaches us - to switch quickly to see the good in it and align with it.
• To discern between what is useful and unuseful criticism.
• To learn how to breakdown the pride and step outside of the 'myself'. We do this by letting go of the belief that we should not be corrected at all or corrected even a little, and to align with force that is going to help us change.
• The inner act of aligning our will with something outside of us (beneficial for us), in many ways catapults us outside of the confines of our personality and the 'myself'.
• To remain holding onto our values while transforming criticism into wisdom that enhances our values.
• To see what relatively new values we can develop.
End (5636).
Friday, 24 January 2025
Remember Will is Force and Choice - (5632)
Will is a tremendous force in everyone. It is the force that keeps us being what we are.
If we change the direction of our will we will be different...
True will is force that frees us and gives us the ability to chose.
The will that we freed from the ego gives us the freedom to choose the free qualities of our Being.
Those with trapped will find it difficult to understand those with true free will.
End (5632).
Wednesday, 22 January 2025
Divine Mother and the Consciousness - (5629)
It has been taught that the consciousness, that every human being and creature has, comes from the Cosmic Mother.
The Great Wheel of life also known as the Wheel of Samsara and the Great Tree of Life are also forms of the Great Cosmic Mother.
Through the Kundabuffer the serpentine fire of kundalini inverted, we are fascinated and lulled asleep into furthering the purposes of life and nature.
As She created our consciousness and makes our consciousness to sleep, she can also awaken and liberate us.
The Divine Mother, is the engenderer, enslaver and also the awakener and liberator.
As a conclusion, knowing this, it only makes sense to get closer to Her in any way we can. We have to start within ourselves, thinking about her and talking to her. Giving her time and attention - to Her within ourselves.
She won't answer straight away (she might), as She is black (obscure) to the neophyte, but in the silence of our interior - mind and heart, she will speak to us, through the silent feelings of the heart. Which is our heart and Her core chamber.
End (5629).
Forgiveness the Christic Reconciler and Advancer - (5631)
Tuesday, 21 January 2025
Forgiveness as a Needed Quality in Life - (5630)
Sunday, 19 January 2025
Accept Uncertainity - (5628)
Friday, 17 January 2025
Conscious Buffering of Impressions - (5627)
Normally, the Kundabuffer in us buffers reality from reaching our psyche.
The kundabuffer does this outside our awareness. We are not too aware of it, but we really can be.
However, in certain cases when the impressions are intense or impactful we need to consciously buffer them.
What I mean by this is to receive the impressions and don't let them pass straight into our psyche.
Hold them off, see what they are about and then kindly pass the messages of the impressions onto our psyche, where it can be transformed.
The ego grabs the impressions because they are not presented nicely and perhaps too quickly. So it is our job and work to take the impressions and tactfully convert them into something kinder for ourselves and in an order or priority.
We always want to them to speak to us kindly even when they are under stress. It is truer that we need to be kind to ourselves rather controlling others to be nice or kind to us.
One way we can be kind to ourselves, which is what our system is really asking us to do. Is to buffer the impressions and relay them to our mind using our consciousness is a slower, calmer and more digested way.
End (5627).
Thursday, 16 January 2025
Aware of the Setbacks of Suffering - (5626)
Even though all of us suffer so much we are not really fully aware of the setbacks of suffering.
If we just meditate on the setbacks of suffering, we will find that the knowledge of the setbacks, does not easily surface.
What does come up is how we waste time, waste energy, waste money and waste the time and energy of others...
Those are really only physical things. Realising this we say suffering makes us to feel awful - which is obvious. Then it's difficult to extract more....
But really there is much to discover yet.
How about one setback of suffering to be the loss of light. When we suffer we lose light. When we lose light we lose sight of our Inner Being, the teachings, the values that have always served us, the well-being of others....
The loss of light is one setback of suffering, There are many more that we need to discover adn know to be able to have the light and strength to free ourselves from suffering.
Feelings of ill and contraction follow when we lose light.
End (5626).
Monday, 13 January 2025
Studying the "I" is of the Heart - (5625)
We have to study our "I's" from and with the heart.
Not with the mind!
It is a shift. A worthwhile shift to make. IF we study from the heart we will go deep and we will find joy in it.
We won't get bored, tired or stuck.
To study our "I's" is a work of the heart!
End (5625).
The Lunar Intellect - (5623)
Using the intellect for everything, one day makes us intellectual.
To be intellectual does not really make us intelligent or smart.
Becoming intellectual makes us, sooner or later, to become empty. The interesting thing is we don't think we are empty, but we feel empty.
There is a good reason behind the feeling of being empty.
The reason is that the intellect gathers, or better said, borrows concepts, information and reasons. It does not generate anything of its own. It simply borrows from others.
After a while of continuously borrowing information and reasons, we end up bankrupting the natural intelligence of our own consciousness. This happens because we stop using our natural intelligence, and our capacity to access our natural intelligence atrophies.
When we stop using our natural intelligence we end up being parrots, empty tin cans making all sorts of sounds that lack substance.
This is very much like the Moon. The intellectual is lunar is nature. With one side visible and the other invisible - unknown and unaware.
When we are intellectual, the borrowing of information turns against us and we don't know it. Using the information in our intellect, we critique and analyse others with the same information we have collected from others.
Being unaware of critiquing using borrowed knowledge us more unaware, and the next step is to critique while being the same.
The constant critiquing makes us to feel 'full' as it is constant. It is a simple compensation. However, by the law of entropy, the critiquing follows the tendency to become negative. Then we slowly start to fill ourselves up with negativity.
By the Law of cause and effect, that inner negativity spills out into our relationships and external life, and still not being aware it, we criticize-blame it on others.
Then one day the karma takes the form of inner bitterness, loneliness and sadness that is really difficult to shift. As the unawareness continues, we feel 'life owes me happiness' and of course life does not deliver, and so we become needy, while still criticising...
The remedy to all of this is to be quiet both outwardly and inwardly and begin to disassemble all that we have borrowed.
End (5623).
Sunday, 12 January 2025
Consciousness Activation Formula - (5620)
There are many formulas I believe to activate the consciousness.
Here is one that can be used to activate our consciousness for a specific task.
1.) Quieten the Mind.
2.) Set your intention.
3.) Focus attention on the task.
4.) Wait in relaxation, with a quiet mind and with alert attention.

Task: Remember our childhood.
1.) Quieten the mind for however long it takes. This is a mind that is mostly quiet, thoughts are easily noticed and let go of.
2.) Bring to mind and emotion the intention to remember our childhood.
3.) Focus our attention on chanting the mantra: MAMA PAPA.
4.) Gently bring to mind one scene from our childhood or some memories of our childhood and just stay there gently moving slowly from one scene to another if available and wait. Giving ourselves a decent amount of time.
End (5620).
Finding a Way to Work During the Day - (5622)
A Good Start
To have a more conscious day is very important for our work! A conscious day is where we can do some inner work.
A good way to start is to start with: Passive Personality.
To do this be quiet. When we have to speak, speak with our personality passive.
We can have an active or a passively active personality. Whatever our personality, make it passive. Do this by saving words and speaking correctness in both content and tone.
Doing this saves lots of energy, makes our mind quiet and does not bring the ego so easily. Giving us vital time and space to work within ourselves.
Pay a Price
To have a conscious day there is always a price it seems. The price is to sacrifice the first few egoic reactions of the day.
It hurts to do that, but that is the price. When we want to react and say this or that, hold our tongue and feel the burn for a few minutes and then we will have entered our chance to have a conscious day.
It always better to sacrifice the egoic reactions. The two or three minutes suffering makes us feel that it is not better but it is better. We all know this.
Relax, Accept the Day and Attention Here and Now
The rest follows. Keep relaxing and bringing our attention to the moment. To help us do this, accept profoundly that this is our day, we have to do this and that and I am with this and that person and that's my day and the work on myself has to happen within the course of that day.
End (5622).
Friday, 10 January 2025
Death as Supreme Value - (5621)
To Help Us Change we Must Take Conscious Notice of the Setbacks - (5619)
Frankly, it is too difficult to change if are not properly aware of the setbacks and difficulties that our defects put us through and bring to our lives.
Suffering is a major setback. We must also be aware of the setbacks of suffering.
If we are not aware of suffering and its setbacks what motivation is there to change?
The benefits! But the benefits are only really another way of saying no more suffering or less suffering.
End (5619).
'To Have' Replaced by the 'Incarnating the Spirit Of' - (5618)
Wednesday, 8 January 2025
The Seven Amigos - (5609)
This post presents some writing about the seven amigos (missionaries).
Each of the amigos has a distinguishing difference and octave to their nature and priorities.
Beginning Missionary
The missionary that after being a student decides to teach, completes an instruction course of some kind and begins teaching.
Such a missionary would have entered the path, and we infer, would be somewhere in the minor path, aspiring to enter the major path.
I write this because to be a missionary one has to love the work. To love the work, one has had to have worked on oneself, and one has had to have come to understand the Gnostic doctrine through direct experience.
It's not really possible to consider teaching Gnosis if one lacks love and real knowledge of what they are going to teach.
To be a missionary one has definition enough to change their life and lifestyle, to be able to devote themselves to teach. To teach Gnosis is not a hobby, it is a way to live life.
Considering all these points, missionaries who begin, have at least entered the path at some level.
This missionary though, still has many defects and "I's" alive, and makes many mistakes. Such a missionary still has some gaps in their life where they think, feel and act in a way that is not inline with the teachings. However, these gaps are of lesser consequence, they are not major contradictions that are in stark contrast to the spirit of the teachings. In other words, loose ends to tie up.
They do their best to teach by example and to be a living example of the teachings. They are not perfect and sometimes a closer look into their life reveals these gaps. It is all a matter of time and work. With both the latter, all these gaps close.
Initiate Missionary
This is the missionary that has awakened the fire and has arrived at the path. One who is walking the path and is able to help others to walk towards starting the path. One whose teachings have the seal of the fire. One who teaches with direct knowledge of the ways of the path and is unveiling its mysteries.
The initiate missionary may know that their Being is working within the initiations of fire, or they may not know. In any case, the inner urgency of advancing towards, and on the path is an ever present priority and he/she urges others to do the same.
Missionary with Intimate Christ
The missionary that has incarnated the intimate Christ. This makes a distinguishing difference. As the the Intimate Christ is present and actively working within, and inspiring the missionary.
The active presence of the Intimate Christ gives the missionary depth in the works of mystical death and makes the missionary more expanding in loving and giving to their students in their mission, and also those not in their immediate mission.
Almost Dead Missionary
The missionary in the second mountain whose main works are devoted to mystical death. A missionary that is fully capable to help others to profoundly die psychologically. One who is incarnating as their work advances, the different parts of the Being.
This missionary is very visibly refining their personality and is divesting him or herself of many egoic interests and desires. The death of the ego is very clearly visible in such a missionary. Such a missioanry vibrates unmistaklenely differently.
In this state, the profound degree of death liberates much energy making them capable of near super-human sacrifices.
Such a missionary receives a lot of light and has much direct experience of the path to teach from. Such a missionary never stops teaching about the need to die in oneself.
Free Missionary
The missionary who has finished the three mountains and has dissolved the ego and paid all human karma.
This missionary does not have to make such great efforts to help humanity anymore. But decides to still do so.
Such a missionary can teach fully if they want to in the name of their Being as their Being is incarnated and their Being is not going to contradict the doctrine with strange egoic interests. That is no longer possible.
Immortal Missionary
The missionary immortal, who has obligatorily left the scene of public human life, and appears and disappears when needed, in order to help humanity. The one who does not belong to any physical institution and works elusively and usually alone fulfilling missions and projects of the white lodge and those of his or her Being in order to help humanity. They usually work in obscurity and in silence and possess extraordinary powers and knowledge. They do not belong to any organised association as such.
Guardian Wall Missionary
The missionary with the consciousness and psychology at the galactic or infinite level, who is capable and ready to join a group of others of the same level, called the Guardian Wall.
The Guardian Wall are those who travel to other solar systems and worlds in order to help humanities far beyond the planet Earth.
End (5609).
Tuesday, 7 January 2025
To Be or To Be Seen - (5617)
Sunday, 5 January 2025
Practice of Presence Solves Better than an "All Over It" Mind - (5616)
To be concentrated and present is always better. This allows our consciousness to be present so that it can expand and cover all the details in our life needing and waiting to be taken care of.
We usually have our mind actively roaming and scanning, trying to do this. Consequently making us unable to concentrate and of course hardly present.
We also feel 'scattered' and become more readily tired and overwhelmed.
To awaken, it is better to be present and use our consciousness to expand and reveal.
End (5616).
Friday, 3 January 2025
To be Present we Need to be Empty - (5615)
To be present here we have to empty of the inattentive and chattering part of ourselves.
To relax our subconscious is the key here.
To deeply accept that I am here in this place doing this is also another key.
Aligning our three brains with the place and the activity quietens the subconscious and brings our attention to the present.
When we are present our Being is in us. We are our true selves and can access our best.
End (5615).
Thursday, 2 January 2025
The Turtle - Contraction and Expansion - (5612)
What happens with us after certain 'learning' events is that there is either contraction or expansion.
We usually contract after we told somebody a secret and they told others. We say to ourselves we won't tell them anything anymore. That's contraction. After a while that contraction doesn't feel good and in many ways it goes against the nature of sincere friendship.
So then we realise the answer is in still sharing but with more awareness. This is expansion.
Expansion without awareness is not expansion it is exaggeration which produces imbalance.
It is selfish to overburden someone with so many things to be 'kept quiet'.
The turtle brings its head in when there is danger, but waits for the coast to be clear, then brings its head out again and continues walking.
End (5612).
Holding the Identity of the Essence - (5614)
There is a definite awakening to assume even for a minute or half a minute our true identity which is that we are an essence.
To assume our true identity as the essence requires transcendental learning and understanding.
There is another awakening and book of knowledge to be able to hold onto that identity.
Truly to be able to hold onto that identity is not easy and soon enough becomes extraordinarily difficult.
Why, because to hold onto it we need to have created something to hold onto. It must be something emotional and we have to create it.
Basically, it is created by the clear and acute knowledge of the serious drawbacks of us losing our true identity and becoming identified with an "I".
For example, a person may go into a negotiation with the clear mission of saving a person's life. With that mission in hand, that person can not allow themselves under any circumstances to forget their purpose and do anything that would jeopardise that mission. Because to jeopardise that mission would mean the death of a person and that would mean great grief for many.
Suffering is what generally makes us forget presence and our Inner Being. If we give a little bit of suffering we can start to empty ourselves and hold onto our true identity.
End (5614).