This post presents some writing about the seven amigos (missionaries).
Each of the amigos has a distinguishing difference and octave to their nature and priorities.
Beginning Missionary
The missionary that after being a student decides to teach, completes an instruction course of some kind and begins teaching.
Such a missionary would have entered the path, and we infer, would be somewhere in the minor path, aspiring to enter the major path.
I write this because to be a missionary one has to love the work. To love the work, one has had to have worked on oneself, and one has had to have come to understand the Gnostic doctrine through direct experience.
It's not really possible to consider teaching Gnosis if one lacks love and real knowledge of what they are going to teach.
To be a missionary one has definition enough to change their life and lifestyle, to be able to devote themselves to teach. To teach Gnosis is not a hobby, it is a way to live life.
Considering all these points, missionaries who begin, have at least entered the path at some level.
This missionary though, still has many defects and "I's" alive, and makes many mistakes. Such a missionary still has some gaps in their life where they think, feel and act in a way that is not inline with the teachings. However, these gaps are of lesser consequence, they are not major contradictions that are in stark contrast to the spirit of the teachings. In other words, loose ends to tie up.
They do their best to teach by example and to be a living example of the teachings. They are not perfect and sometimes a closer look into their life reveals these gaps. It is all a matter of time and work. With both the latter, all these gaps close.
Initiate Missionary
This is the missionary that has awakened the fire and has arrived at the path. One who is walking the path and is able to help others to walk towards starting the path. One whose teachings have the seal of the fire. One who teaches with direct knowledge of the ways of the path and is unveiling its mysteries.
The initiate missionary may know that their Being is working within the initiations of fire, or they may not know. In any case, the inner urgency of advancing towards, and on the path is an ever present priority and he/she urges others to do the same.
Missionary with Intimate Christ
The missionary that has incarnated the intimate Christ. This makes a distinguishing difference. As the the Intimate Christ is present and actively working within, and inspiring the missionary.
The active presence of the Intimate Christ gives the missionary depth in the works of mystical death and makes the missionary more expanding in loving and giving to their students in their mission, and also those not in their immediate mission.
Almost Dead Missionary
The missionary in the second mountain whose main works are devoted to mystical death. A missionary that is fully capable to help others to profoundly die psychologically. One who is incarnating as their work advances, the different parts of the Being.
This missionary is very visibly refining their personality and is divesting him or herself of many egoic interests and desires. The death of the ego is very clearly visible in such a missionary. Such a missioanry vibrates unmistaklenely differently.
In this state, the profound degree of death liberates much energy making them capable of near super-human sacrifices.
Such a missionary receives a lot of light and has much direct experience of the path to teach from. Such a missionary never stops teaching about the need to die in oneself.
Free Missionary
The missionary who has finished the three mountains and has dissolved the ego and paid all human karma.
This missionary does not have to make such great efforts to help humanity anymore. But decides to still do so.
Such a missionary can teach fully if they want to in the name of their Being as their Being is incarnated and their Being is not going to contradict the doctrine with strange egoic interests. That is no longer possible.
Immortal Missionary
The missionary immortal, who has obligatorily left the scene of public human life, and appears and disappears when needed, in order to help humanity. The one who does not belong to any physical institution and works elusively and usually alone fulfilling missions and projects of the white lodge and those of his or her Being in order to help humanity. They usually work in obscurity and in silence and possess extraordinary powers and knowledge. They do not belong to any organised association as such.
Guardian Wall Missionary
The missionary with the consciousness and psychology at the galactic or infinite level, who is capable and ready to join a group of others of the same level, called the Guardian Wall.
The Guardian Wall are those who travel to other solar systems and worlds in order to help humanities far beyond the planet Earth.
End (5609).
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