Sunday, 12 January 2025

Consciousness Activation Formula - (5620)


There are many formulas I believe to activate the consciousness.

Here is one that can be used to activate our consciousness for a specific task.


1.) Quieten the Mind.

2.) Set your intention.

3.) Focus attention on the task.

4.) Wait in relaxation, with a quiet mind and with alert attention.


Task: Remember our childhood.

1.) Quieten the mind for however long it takes. This is a mind that is mostly quiet, thoughts are easily noticed and let go of.

2.) Bring to mind and emotion the intention to remember our childhood.

3.) Focus our attention on chanting the mantra: MAMA PAPA.

4.) Gently bring to mind one scene from our childhood or some memories of our childhood and just stay there gently moving slowly from one scene to another if available and wait. Giving ourselves a decent amount of time.

End (5620).

1 comment:

  1. ✨ Molte grazie per il tempo prezioso che condividi divulgando le sacre conoscenze esoteriche. Auguro ai lettori di fare le più sincere esperienze e di vincere su stessi. La magia esiste e l'amore vincerà sempre e per sempre. Buon lavoro e buona grande opera a tutti. Pace a tutti gli esseri dellaTerra. Grazie 🙏 ✨🔥
